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Ota Weinberger 《Ratio juris》2001,14(1):130-141
The author outlines his views on the essence of philosophical logic. There are two means of philosophical argumentation: intuition and analysis of the problem situation under examination. Logical intuition can be replaced by improved intuition based on new intellectual constructions. Then the author explains—in opposition to von Wright—the main philosophical traits of his conception of norm logic. The structure of the information processing determining action justifies the application of dichotomous semantics in action theory and in practical philosophy. The theory of action and institutions is based on three anthropological features of man: our capacity of acting, our being a zoon politikon , and our capacity to form institutions. These features determine our ontology, our semantics and the logics of practical thinking. The action-theoretical approach leads to a formal and finalistic theory of action in which action is not only analysed as an element of the norm content, but as the essential basis of the whole field of practical philosophy. In the frame of this action theory a conception of freedom of will is provided which does not contrast with determinism. The formalism of action is applied in two different problem situations: in action deliberation and in motive interpretation. Jørgensen's dilemma is discussed and overcome by the introduction of a generalised notion of inference. Deontic logic is confronted with the idea of a genuine logic of norms. The main principles of norm logic are discussed and a normative conditional is introduced. Von Wright's conception of a genuine norm logic is confronted with the present author's conception. The author shows that norm-logical skepticism would be detrimental to analytical jurisprudence.  相似文献   

Abstract. One of the theses of the present work is that, at the strictly logical and methodological level, practical logic has neither made, nor can it make any contribution to the philosophy of law, since none of the three branches of practical logic that have been taken into account, namely, the logic of norms, deontic logic and legal logic, seems to be theoretically possible. The contribution of practical logic to the analysis of legal language is assessed in terms of both the instruments of analysis elaborated by practical logic, the artificial languages, and the results obtained in two capital subjects, the negations of norms and the permissions.  相似文献   

埃里克森和小波斯纳的共同点在于运用博弈论和信息经济学的理论工具研究民间法与国家法之间微妙复杂的关系,只不过一偏实证调研,一偏理论推演。通过在法律经济学的发展谱系中分析埃里克森和小波斯纳的学术贡献和理论推进,考察博弈论视野下民间法与国家法之间的冲突与合作并运用上述思路讨论了中国法治建设中的两个问题。  相似文献   

Schmill  Ulises 《Law and Philosophy》2000,19(2):283-310
`Authority', `competence' andother related concepts are determined on the basis ofthe concept of law as a dynamic order of norms. Thenorms which regulate the processes of norm creationestablish empowerments (Ermächtigungen). Thematerial domain of validity of the empowering norm iscalled `competence'. The concept of `person' inrelation to empowering norms yields the concepts of`organ' and `authority'. The spatial domain of thevalidity of these norms is the spatial or territorialjurisdiction. This paper analyses the basic norm andits legal functions; it considers the irregularity oflegal acts and norms, as well as the legalconsequences thereof, namely nullity and annulment.Additionally, the Kelsenian `Tacit AlternativeClause' is criticized and a possible solution to theproblem of irregular norms is offered through newdefinitions of the existence, validity and legitimacyof norms.  相似文献   

周赟 《河北法学》2006,24(11):9-11
对于黑格尔法哲学这样一个异常庞杂的体系,学界一般认为其大体属于理性主义范畴.然而,正如黑格尔自己所言,欲准确把握其法哲学,就必须将其放在黑格尔逻辑学的背景中进行;在这个前提下,从辨证逻辑角度讲,当我们认识到黑格尔法哲学中的理性主义成分时实际上就意味着其中也必定含有经验主义的成分.欲全面而深入地研究黑格尔法权哲学,就必须对相关的经验主义成分予以充分地关注.  相似文献   

The paper reconstructs Luhmann’s conception of legal argumentation and justice especially focussing on the aspects of contingency and self-referring operative closure. The aim of his conception is to describe/explain in a disenchanted way—from an external, of “second order” point of view—the work on adjudication, which, rather idealistically, lawyers and judges present as being a matter of reason. As a consequence of some surface similarities with Derrida’s deconstructive philosophy of justice, Teubner proposes integrating the supposed reductive image of formal justice described by Luhmann with the ideal conception of justice presented by Derrida. Here this kind of attempt is rejected as epistemologically wrong. In addition, Luhmann’s theory is argued to have other shortcomings, namely: the failure to understand the pragmatic function of principles, and the incapacity to describe the current legal questions linked with cultures and legal pluralism, which characterise our society.  相似文献   

This article discusses the right to be forgotten. The landmark Google ruling of the European Court of Justice gave this ambiguous right new weight and raised several urgent questions. This article considers what kind of person is presupposed and constructed when somebody invokes their right to be forgotten. The aim is to engage in an experimental reading of the ruling in the framework of contemporary political theory, namely, the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. The analysis shows that even though the right to be forgotten is a new legal and rhetorical instrument, there are good grounds for being critical of its underlying logic and sceptical of the novelty thereof. The judgment can be understood as a reiteration and consolidation of the same impotent human rights thinking that law often seems forced to contend itself with, no matter how radical our intentions may be.  相似文献   

法治及其形式合理性有着先天的局限性,法律适用过程中不可避免地会遭遇到各种"困难案件".陪审团在审判过程中的职能包括在认定事实的基础上适用法律,在适用法律的过程中贯彻社会价值观念、修正法律规则.陪审团在困难案件的审理中具有维护、修改、补充和促进形式合理性的法的作用.在法治社会中,法官依照形式合理性的法断案是一条准则,但困难案件的审理作为一种例外,应当有陪审团参与审判.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the role of performative contradictions in legal discourse. First of all we identify the argumentative roles of performative contradictions and two possible interpretations of them. With this done, we show that one use of performative contradictions can be fruitfully applied in analysing normative speech acts implementing norm enactment, namely, those speech acts that are designed to produce new legal norms. We conclude the paper by showing that our analysis provides strong support for Robert Alexy's claim‐to‐correctness thesis, according to which speech acts of the norm‐enacting kind raise a claim to correctness.  相似文献   

何明升 《法学论坛》2012,(2):138-145
近年来,我国的司法社会工作相当活跃,不仅在青少年、禁毒和社区矫正这三个主要分支领域取得了令人瞩目的实践成果,而且也厘清了各分支学科的概念和边界。但是,作为总和概念的司法社会工作称谓,却仍然是混沌不清的。这种分支概念清晰与总和概念混沌并存的状态,反映了司法社会工作在不同实践领域的分立状态。理论上的滞后尤其是概念的缺失是需要尽快弥补的。为此,在梳理和对比国内外司法社会工作的实践逻辑、价值取向和工作理念基础上,提出了一个归纳性定义:司法社会工作是一个由特定价值理念与实践逻辑所决定的复合系统,社会工作机构及其从业人员与司法机构在其中相互依托,面向罪错者、受害人以及相关利益人中的受助者,通过充分发展其全部潜能而推动社会变革、改善人际关系和促进问题解决。  相似文献   

The article examines a fundamental problem in classical Jaina philosophy, namely, the ontological status of dead matter in the hylozoistic and at the same time dualistic Jaina worldview. This question is of particular interest in view of the widespread contemporary Jaina practice of venerating bone relics and stūpas of prominent saints. The main argument proposed in this article is, that, from a classical doctrinal point of view, bone relics of renowned ascetics are valuable for Jainas, if at all, because of their unique physical attributes, rather than the presumed presence of the deceased in the remains as posited in much of the extant literature on relic worship across cultures. The specific focus of the article are Jaina and non-Jaina explanations of the qualities of special matter in terms of karmic and natural processes of transformation.  相似文献   

持有型犯罪争点探微   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
持有型犯罪中争论较大的两个问题就是持有的构成与持有的性质。持有是主客观的统一 ,只要行为人主观上认识到所持物的存在、客观上控制特定物品就可构成持有 ,无需认识所持物品的性质 ,控制并不受时空限制。刑法中的行为不同于自然意义的行为 ,它是具有社会意义的人的举止 ,因此否认持有的行为性是没有根据的。作为与不作为的界限在于所违反规范的类型 ,持有作为第三种行为类型无论在形式逻辑上还是事实上都不能成立。持有的性质只能视具体情况而定 ,通常情形是不作为 ,在仅有获取持有行为时才是作为  相似文献   

我国行政法不具有规范私人承担行政任务的功能。德国和法国都将私人承担行政任务纳入了行政法的规范,但两国基于不同的法哲学立场采取了不同的规范模式。比较德国主观主义模式和法国客观主义模式,综合考虑两种模式的功能完善程度和对我国的适应程度,我国应选择在安定性和合目的性之间予以调和的相对主义模式。  相似文献   

王晓 《北方法学》2010,4(2):17-28
法律论证要证成结论的合法性和合理性,重要的是对前提的考量。法律论证往往重视对大前提即法律规范的论证,而忽视了事实命题。事实命题恰恰是整个法律论证的基石,而因果关系又是事实命题的核心部分。在法律论证中,不仅需要厘清事件与结果之间的某种联系,而且需要得到法律命题与事实命题结合得出法律结论所蕴涵的逻辑关系之确信。在事件与结果的关联中,行为作为法律因果关系的异常条件是其中的关键所在,但是法律中由行为作为核心构成的事件与结果的因果关系只是基础关系,另外还存在责任成立逻辑关系和责任范围逻辑关系。故在进行法律论证时,建立一种基础融贯和类型的方法来论证法律因果关系是极为必要的。同时,在法律论证中对因果关系和逻辑关系予以区分,形成一种基于因果关系和逻辑关系的因果观,是保证结论可接受的基本要求之一。  相似文献   

为推进对《民法典》的规范阐释,促使其与医事法的衔接、互补,应对"医疗损害责任"的规制逻辑与适用路径进行明晰。"医疗损害责任"整体延续了《侵权责任法》的概念体系和框架结构,在说明义务、责任主体以及责任构成等方面加以创新。其作为《民法典》的具体规范,对总则编之规定予以遵从,是侵权责任编一般规定的特别法;其作为医事法的基本范畴,处于上位效力层级之中,与其他规范条文形成条件关系和并列关系。鉴于此,应遵循"从民法典到医事法"的适用路径,藉由内外在规范的自足与互助,明确规范条文之间的内在关联,实现规范概念的阐明和规范内涵的拓补,以推动《民法典》相关规则的贯彻实施,促进我国医事法学的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

试论凯尔森基础规范理论的合理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁晓俭 《现代法学》2002,24(1):134-138
本文认为 ,基础规范的设定对凯尔森理论体系的成立、确立 ,对法理学知识体系的维护是不可或缺的 ,对既保证实在法律秩序的有效性又保障其合理性、可接受性也是必要的 ;同时 ,基础规范的理论还为我们讨论确立法学、政治学领域的真理观或正义论提供了新的视角。在给法学划定界限的同时 ,基础规范理论承认、推崇其他社会学科学理论 (政治学、伦理学、社会心理学及人类学等 )对法学的支撑作用 ,为这些学科留下了广阔的研究领域。在当今我国的法制建设中 ,我们应认真研究凯尔森的纯粹法学理论并给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

行政判决有三种形态第一种表现为正式的法源,是一种正式的法律规范,称之为“行政判例法”;第二种虽非正式的法源,却具有实质意义上的约束力,在现实中发挥着和法律规范相同的作用,可称之为“行政判例”;第三种行政判决,既非正式的法源也不具备实质意义上的约束力,可称之为“行政案例”。中国需要建构具有自身特色的行政判例制度,这种建构应该借鉴大陆法系的经验,以行政判例模式为蓝本,走一条介于行政案例和行政判例法之间的中间路线。  相似文献   

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