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Although commonplace in academic settings, performing arts centers are multifaceted and remain unexplored. Framed by resource dependency theory, this research sheds light on the motivations of higher education institutions in a resource-scarce environment. Specifically, why do these institutions—with limited resources—prioritize the co-curricular arts? This study employs process research to understand the origination, funding sources, and purposes of performing arts centers at higher education institutions in Virginia. Evidence suggests that these institutions invest in the co-curricular arts to not only fulfill their public service missions, but also to capitalize on and acquire resources.  相似文献   

This study is the first comprehensive curricular comparison of graduate arts management programs in the United States. Its principal finding is that there exists considerable curricular convergence among arts management programs and that their differences may be exploited strategically. Through extensive curricular analysis and in-depth conversations with faculty, this study makes both conceptual and methodological contributions to the field—conceptual because it provides an empirical basis for the definition of arts management as a formal academic discipline in its own right and methodological because it proposes a framework to effect a systematic comparison of arts management program curricula.  相似文献   

Using the theory of the commons and social obligation theory of inclusion, this article critically examines current art museum fundraising practices in the United States that rely too much on traditional White, wealthy patrons. This leads museums to emphasize the limited interests of traditional donors, neglecting the needs of and potential support from their broader communities. This results in the tragedy of the anticommons, where museums are underused by diverse publics. The article advocates for more inclusive relationship-based fundraising practices that build relationships with local community members and include their perspectives on fundraising practices through diversifying fundraising leadership, understanding diverse giving patterns, and utilizing innovative fundraising methods while remaining sensitive to cultural differences.  相似文献   

区域经济发展不平衡是全世界普遍存在的问题,也是各国政府宏观调控的一个重要目标。美国、日本是世界上最发达的资本主义国家,但仍然存在区域经济发展不平衡问题,为此,美国和日本政府采取了多项措施,制定区域经济政策,以缩小区域发展差距。借鉴美国、日本的成功经验,对促进我国区域经济协调发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses state support of artists in the United Kingdom, focusing on the Arts Council England. To understand the present—or the future—support of visual artists, one needs to understand the past. Accordingly, the article begins with a brief history of the Arts Council of Great Britain from 1946, discussing Thatcher's reforms after the 1979 election. Tony Blair's New Labour continued many of the same strategies instituted by the Conservatives. At the same time as fiscal constraints and "enterprise culture" were imposed, the mission of the Arts Council was broadened to include both geographical representation and a more populist agenda. A review of the contemporary arrangements for state support of artists in the United Kingdom shows that many of the tensions that exist within today's Arts Council were institutionalized in its early days. The article concludes with a comment on what the current situation may portend for the future.  相似文献   

国际经济格局的深刻变化引发了美欧印中等主要贸易体贸易政策的变化.这种变化主要体现为其外贸法、外资法和出口管制法的修改,而国际习惯法和国际经济条约对这种修改的约束有限.美欧印中的代表性国际经济法理论分别为"制度管理说"、"规范承诺说"、"贸易民主论"和"责任共担论",这些理论反映了各贸易体的国际经济法传统和理念.以这些理...  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国农村教育的发展与农村教育政策的调整与变革相联系。30年农村教育政策的演进与变迁大体经历了三个阶段,有其自身的演进路向和变迁途径。1978—1984年,农村教育的政策重心是:恢复教学秩序,普及小学教育,改善教育结构的单一化和发展农民教育;1985--2002年,农村教育以改革基础教育的管理体制,有步骤地实施九年制义务教育和加强改革农村教育结构为重要政策指向;2003年以来,在落实科学发展观和建设社会主义新农村的背景中,农村教育政策有着新的调整与变革。30年农村教育发展的实践,既彰显着教育政策的积极功能与成效,也留下了值得反思的政策问题。  相似文献   

高师文科生科学文化素质的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该调查报告,以国际公认的公众科学素养的标准,调查江苏高师文科生科学文化素质的现状,发现文科生科技知识贫乏,科学素养低下。高师对在文科生中开展科学文化教育不重视;已开设综合性科技知识课程的,又存在教学内容上的缺陷,忽略科学方法、科学思想、科学精神的教育。报告探讨了在高师文科生中开展科学文化教育的必要性,提出了选择科学文化教育内容的原则,以及开展科学文化教育的方式与关键  相似文献   

美国宪法的经济内容在美国历史发展的各个时期演绎出丰富的含义,表现出平等原则的不同价值取向。《独立宣言》强调美洲人民应当平等地享有与英国人同样的权利和自由,表达出平等地进入世界自由贸易和自由市场的迫切要求,以及有产者捍卫既得财产权的坚定决心。《邦联条例》强调各州主权平等之下各州的经济权利。《美国联邦宪法》则为了实现在全国范围内建立统一的经济区域,协调联邦和各州的关系免受狭隘地区主义的破坏,保障经济的平衡发展,进而维护国家安全,在联邦与各州的立法范围上作出分配,其中涉及多项经济财产制度。美国宪法在经济内容含义上的变化对美国的政治法律制度有重要影响。  相似文献   

Arts management has commonly been analyzed as a microcosm of the art field, in which struggles between artistic, economic, administrative, and societal considerations are constantly being fought. Using the field theory of Bourdieu, scholars have attempted to uncover levels of functional differentiation within arts organizations, and interpreted differentiation between artistic considerations and economic and administrative considerations as a core element in defining the artistic autonomy of such organizations. In this article, I present an alternative approach to the interpretation of artistic autonomy in arts management. Through the stories of three artistic directors and the way in which they run their theatres, I aim to show the theory of justification (developed by Boltanski and Thévenot) and shed new light on the interpretation of arts management, as well as on the understanding of artistic autonomy more generally.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the question whether and in which respect agreements of (regional) economic integration affect the choice of environmental policies by individual countries. We focus our interdisciplinary analysis on the agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). We find that these agreements primarily restrict a country's choice among possible instruments to achieve a certain environmental level or target, but do, in principle, not restrict its choice with regard to the environmental target or level itself. We also show that this type of restriction is likely to benefit the individual countries and the world as a whole because it tends to promote the implementation of more efficient environmental policy instruments. A brief analysis of the case of Switzerland illustrates this point.  相似文献   

政府的农业政策对农业资金形成有着决定性的影响作用。各级政府应明确农业政策体系目标,把握在改革和发展转轨过程中影响农业资金形成的主要因素,改革农业资金的形成方式,通过制度的方式来规范和保证政府农业资金的来源。应根据各级政府在农业发展中的责任、职能和作用,决定其农业资金投入的方向、内容和形式,从而保证农业资金形成机制的稳定运  相似文献   

The relationship between changes in the stability of the political environment and policy changes are examined through the case of the National Endowment for the Arts in the 1990s. The terminologies of Hall's first-, second-, and third-order policy change and Baumgartner and Jones’ punctuation equilibrium theory of policy change are employed to analyze the relationship evident in the policy history of the Arts Endowment. The case of the Arts Endowment in the 1990s suggests that first-order changes generally occur in a stable political environment (i.e., policy equilibrium) while great instability in a political environment (i.e., policy punctuation) allows the larger second- and the largest third-orders of policy change.  相似文献   

经济法的定位与经济法学体系之重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李正华 《河北法学》2003,21(6):37-40
回顾我国经济法的发展历史,可以看到经济法学体系是在计划经济向市场经济转变过程中逐渐建立和发展起来的。正确认识经济法的本质,界定经济法是政府管理和协调国民经济运行关系的法律,是正确构建经济法学体系的前提。面对知识经济的挑战,经济法学体系应根据现实发展而重构,有关经济法学研究的理念也应当更新。特别是要完善经济法学理论体系、注重知识经济社会对经济法发展的影响、加大对现实问题的研究、将比较法进一步引入经济法研究之中。  相似文献   

在现代法治社会,法律教育越来越受到重视。在推行依法治国的今天,中国的法律教育正 酝酿着一次巨变。但要达到完善并不是一朝一夕之事。本文通过对比国外几种法律教育模式,对我国 法律教育提出几点建议。  相似文献   

经济全球化与国际经济法的新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴珏 《时代法学》2004,2(4):80-84
本文揭示了经济全球化与国际经济法的内在联系 ,论述了经济全球化下国际经济法的新发展及其对国家主权的影响 ,并提出了我国的应对措施。  相似文献   

唐世月 《时代法学》2007,5(5):95-101
美国最高法院在1972年曾经宣布暂停死刑执行,但是在1976年又恢复了死刑的执行,目前美国是唯一仍然保留并适用死刑的所谓西方文明国家。美国联邦系统和38个州的刑法都规定了死刑,可以适用死刑的罪行还比较多,但是罪名相对比较集中;死刑诉讼程序严格且复杂;相对于美国庞大的犯罪数字,尤其是暴力犯罪而言,其死刑判决和实际执行死刑数量仍属较低;美国死刑执行方式呈现为以注射方式为主多种执行方法并存的特点。美国死刑程序复杂但是死刑错判率仍然较高。  相似文献   

聂资鲁 《河北法学》2004,22(3):6-11
历史留给后人许多经验和教训 ,也留给人们思考的空间。通过对中美两部宪法在立宪理念、宪法内容、行宪结果及其原因的比较、分析 ,认为契约精神在我国的推广 ,将有助于推动我国宪政的完善与发展。  相似文献   

价格调制制度是具有典型解剖意义的“微缩经济法”,具有突出的“经济性”特质和天然的中枢地位,对经济法的体系建构、规范论、运行论以及方法论的提炼,具有特别的注释和推动作用;而经济法的基本原理,尤其是横断层面的共通性原理,如主体的差异性、权责的不均衡性、经济法的体制构成和实现论、调制绩效原则和协调平衡的理念、经济法上体制分权原理等等,对于价格制度的发展和完善以及价格调制制度与整个经济法及其组成部门之间的整合协调,具有重要的指引和建设作用。两者双向互动,相辅相成。  相似文献   

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