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我国司法实务对教师职务评审委员会所作之升等与否之决定,仍停留于内部管理行为及非具体行政行为之阶段;唯从我国之教育之立法管制政策、相关法令规定及对大学自主权之规范结构并无意将此评审行为视为特别权力关系之一部分,而拒绝司法审查。行政法学理论与实务之落差,不能不谓之为司法缺位。如果理论与实务之落差可以缩减,而消除行政法可以保护公民、法人或者其它组织合法权益但不可能得到行政诉讼法之全部保护之迷思,则我国迈入最高层之法治国境界不远矣。  相似文献   

向前  叶晓彬 《行政与法》2008,(5):106-110
由高校教育侵权引发的高校涉讼现象,是大学自治与司法审查“博弈”的结果:而大学法治精神的欠缺是高校教育侵权的诱因。目前,对“司法介入与大学自治”范围的确定已成为解决高校教育侵权问题的两种不同进路。以“司法介入”为中心的进路,虽能在功能上满足对学生权利提供司法救济的目的,但面临着理论体系的众多挑战。故而,应以“大学自治”为切入点,将高校管理事项分为大学自治事项与高校行政管理事项。  相似文献   

On the Autonomy of Legal Reasoning*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The paper argues that reasoning according to law is an instance of moral reasoning. Several ways of understanding this claim are distinguished. A number of arguments to the effect that because of the internal logic of the law, or the special skills it involves legal reasoning should be seen as immune to moral considerations are rejected. Nevertheless, the paper affirms the relative and limited autonomy of legal reasoning, and the sui generis role of doctrine in it which is manifested in the many cases in which the moral considerations pertaining to the case underdetermine its result.  相似文献   

In light of the need to start clearing the methodological confusion in the field of arts management, this article provides a critical overview of the teaching curricula in the field. Distinction is made between programs that copy directly from business management; programs that focus on the technological process of producing an artwork (usually run by practitioners); those that interlink cultural management and cultural policy (highlighting the role of public governance as a higher principle); and programs that focus on an entrepreneurial approach to arts management, connecting it to issues of creativity and innovation. The author calls for clear goals to educate administrators and arts or cultural managers. The suggestion is made to follow what I call the Janus syndrome: looking toward managerial and economic realities but primarily focusing on the arts—the aesthetic and the social aspects of the field. A question is raised about the position of art in arts management curricula, as well as the organization of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field.  相似文献   

论司法对行业自治的介入   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黎军 《中国法学》2006,7(4):69-78
着行业协会在我国的迅速发展,其所引发的法律问题也逐渐凸显,特别是如何建立合理的对行业自治的司法介入机制成为我们必须关注的重大课题。在处理好司法权与自治权关系的前提下,应当建立起有效的司法监督机制,以保障成员免受协会自治权力的侵害;在综合考虑协会事务的性质、组织的地位以及权力的属性等多方因素的基础上,应当在民事诉讼和行政诉讼之间选择合理的司法介入方式;在允许司法介入行业自治的同时,应要求法院保持相对谨慎的态度并遵循必要原则,以防止对社会自治的不当干预。  相似文献   

Despite the growing economic and cultural importance of artistic institutions, relatively little is known about how aesthetic concerns and the demands of artistic production influence administrative roles. In this article, we investigate the strategic decision-making process in a varied sample of Canadian arts organizations, concentrating on the issues that emerge as crucial for the organization and the individuals and groups that participate in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

This essay investigates the applicability of Grice’s theory of conversational implicatures to legal interpretation, in order to highlight some of its characteristics. After introducing the notions of language and discourse, and briefly explaining the most salient aspects of Grice’s theory, I will analyse the interpretation of two types of legal acts; authoritative legal acts and acts of private autonomy. Regarding the first class, exemplified by statutes, I will argue against the applicability of Gricean theory due to the conflictual behaviour of the addressees and, above all, to the insurmountable indeterminacy of the contextual elements. As far as acts of private autonomy are concerned, exemplified by contracts, I will argue that the cooperative principle is applicable, at least in those legal systems that include the principle of bona fides among the interpretative regulations of such acts.  相似文献   

私法自治或意思自治并非民法追求的唯一目标。民法所关心的毋宁是多种价值的协调共存。同时,法律效果来源于法律规范这一事实与私法自治并没有必然的冲突,相反,法律规范往往是私法自治的保障。哲学诠释学有特定的理论预设和论证目标,它对民法学的意义在于其提供了一种思考问题的立场和反思能力,而不是方法论。因此,用游戏概念来阐述意思表示的解释过程并没有规范性的内容,也不能更好地促进私法自治。  相似文献   

Many philosophers, past and present, have attempted to eradicate the notion of sovereignty. The most interesting and most ambitious attempt to do so, comes from those philosophers who claim that sovereignty is in principle incompatible with the rule of law. The purpose of this paper is to repel this latter attack. In order to do so, I investigate the analogy between sovereignty and individual autonomy. The resulting conception of sovereignty, ‘sovereignty as autonomy’, shows that sovereignty and the rule of law are utterly compatible. At the same time, this conception conserves what I believe to be the normative core of our modern notion of sovereignty: when speaking of sovereignty, we invoke the perspective from which a political community can consciously understand itself as an autonomous agent.  相似文献   

经过二十多年的市场化改革 ,我国出现了如律协、足协、注册会计师协会等具有自治属性的社会组织 ;这些组织具有全体性、自治性和公权力性 ,承担着原由政府部门行使的管理职能 ,成为公共行政的主体。对这些组织既要予以法治监督 ,又要注意保护其行业自治权 ;在司法审查时 ,需要从设置诉前行政救济程序与合理限定司法审查范围等方面防止司法权过度介入其自治权。  相似文献   

This article takes a critical look at the classic couplet of theories on the justification of rights, namely, the choice theory and the interest or benefit theory, where the two are understood to be in conflict. The argument is made that this couplet is best replaced with a new one, namely, a sophisticated rendering of the benefit theory coupled with the autonomy theory, such that any conflict is resolved. The latter two theories take different cases in justifying the attribution of rights: The autonomy theory is concerned with justifying the attribution of rights to adult, rational, and competent subjects, arguing that this attribution requires a sufficiently autonomous claim by such subjects, while the benefit theory seeks to justify the attribution of rights to subjects who lack any of these three properties, meaning that they cannot be considered adult, rational, or competent.  相似文献   

熊琦 《法律科学》2013,31(1):142-149
在著作权集体管理制度中,保证权利人、集体管理组织与使用者的私人自治,是集体管理得以发挥其制度优势,并在交易成本问题上优于其他类似制度的前提.私人自治的贯彻,既能实现市场供求信息在权利人与集体管理组织之间及时传递,也能保证定价机制随利用方式的变化灵活调整.由于我国集体管理组织由政府主导构建,因而缺乏私人自治存在和适用的土壤,使集体管理组织在运作中引发诸多社会矛盾.只有改变公权力的干预,并通过立法将私人自治体现在集体管理制度中,才能真正实现许可效率与传播效率的协调发展.  相似文献   

The eruption of the "culture wars" in 1989 pushed U.S. arts policy to the forefront of the public agenda, leading to extreme political scrutiny of and controversy over the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and its funding activities. As the premier national-level public agency charged with supporting the arts in the United States, the NEA stood at the heart of debates on related arts policy. With an empirical focus on the NEA in the 1990s, we delineate and examine the broader effects and implications of the surrounding debates and related policy outcomes. In general, in keeping with the conservative political agenda of the 1990s in the United States, the result was the development of policies ostensibly aimed at promoting access to the arts that demoted concerns over artistic excellence, along with direct attacks on the NEA's overall administrative philosophy and decision-making practices. Employing insights from critical theory and reflexive sociology, we analyze the dramatic organizational shifts and programmatic restructuring initiated by the NEA in response to this situation and its ultimate effect on the relationships between art, artist, and audience in U.S. arts policy and society today.  相似文献   

我国经济体制与社会管理体制影响了高校与学生关系的性质及表现。计划经济体制下,国家实行高度集中的行政化社会管理体制,高校与学生的关系是在国家行政权作用下的行政关系。市场经济体制下,社会组织主体地位得到确立,高校与学生的关系是建立在行政分权基础上的行政关系,其特征及外在表现应符合现代行政的要求。高校与学生的行政关系应是大陆法系国家的特别权力关系理论最终发展方向。  相似文献   

Drawing from in-depth qualitative research of poetry communities in New York City and Toronto, Canada, and grounded in theories of gift relations and Bourdieu's conception of fields of literary production (1996), this article argues that the sustainability of the arts must include visions of sustainability that extend beyond the economic if they are to be true to the internal experience and definitions of fields of artistic production. This article argues that relations among poets can be understood as exemplars of a gift economy and that these gift relations among poets contribute to the sustainability of this artistic field and career. A model of how gift relations are patterned among poetry communities is proposed to more clearly articulate the patterns of this process.  相似文献   

How can we understand the delegation of power and authority – for example, from a polity to an administrator - in a world of fragmented governance? In this paper, I introduce the practices of contemporary ‘rule of law’ and ‘governance’ reform, which reframe this question in politically powerful ways. These practices are increasingly important in development contexts, and beyond. Practitioners begin with the assumption that some sort of administration occurs in the development contexts in which they work. They then focus on how to convene a political community in which to embed – and potentially legitimate - that administration. They thereby reconfigure the question of delegation into one of autonomy – or managing the extent to and ways in which the administrative legal system self-produces. In doing so, I argue that contemporary rule of law practitioners wield constitutional power under the rubric of workaday administrative reform. At the same time, they efface their political accountability.  相似文献   

仲裁机构管理权的过度扩张会引起仲裁程序中当事人意思自治边界的冲突,主要表现为仲裁规则规定与仲裁协议约定之间的不兼容。维护当事人利益离不开对其意思自治的尊重,仲裁机构管理权的扩张应当适度,并尊重当事人的意思自治。当事人选定的仲裁规则与当事人约定的仲裁协议均为意思自治的成果,两者在地位上是平等的,不存在优劣之分与高低之别。追求仲裁机构管理权与当事人意思自治之间的协调平衡,不能简单地将当事人意愿与仲裁规则进行粗暴的拼接结合,而应当通过在仲裁规则中构建"冲突指引"来提升当事人对于仲裁程序的合理预期,从而有效解决仲裁机构管理权扩张与当事人意思自治边界间的紧张冲突。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper I am concerned with the belief that the moral value of the rule of law is based upon some kind of connection between the rule of law and the respect and promotion of personal autonomy. I identify and analyse two possible connections: the rule of law as a sufficient condition for the respect and promotion of personal autonomy, and the rule of law as a necessary condition for personal autonomy. My conclusion is that neither of these two connections grants the moral value of the rule of law.  相似文献   

论村民自治权的法律救济   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
何泽中 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):85-88
村民自治权在实现过程中常常受到来自多方面的侵害,其表现形式主要有:国家行政权对村民自治权的侵害,司法权对村民自治权的侵害,其他社会主体对村民自治权的侵害等。当权利保障预防失效,法律救济便显得十分重要,其主要救济方法有诉讼救济、行政救济、调解救济、法律援助等。  相似文献   

经济学的理论为当事人意思自治的适用限制提供了新的研究思路。在经济学看来,承认当事人的选法效力能够培育出法律选择权利市场的"市场机制"。然而,外部性、"垄断"、信息不对称等问题都会导致"市场机制"失灵。在个人选择"失灵"时,由法院确定争议解决的准据法可以说是国家对选择失灵的一种规制。正是这些个人选择"失灵"、国家进行规制的场合确定了对当事人意思自治进行限制的内容。  相似文献   

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