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Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Environmental Liability, Patricia Thomas (Ed.)
Manual of European Environmental Law, A. Kiss and D. Shelton (Eds.)
World Forests For the Future: Their Use And Conservation, Kilaparti Ramakrishna & George M. Woodwell (Eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Laws, Vol. I and Vol. II, Prof. Dr. R. Blanpain (Ed.)
International Environmental Law and Regulation, Schlickman, McMahon van Riel (Eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The treatment and rehabilitation of offenders By Iain Crow Handbook of offender assessment and treatment By Clive R. Hollin Punishment and purpose: From moral theory to punishment in action By Jan W. de Keijser Crime and criminology: An introduction By Rob White and Fiona Haines Mental illness and violence: The importance of a neighborhood context By Eric Silver  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Participation and Litigation Rights of Environmental Associations In Europe, Studies of the Environmental Law Network International Vol. 1
Frontiers of Environmental Law, Owen Lomas and John McEldowney (Eds.) Chancery Law Publishing Ltd.
Fisheries After Factortame, A.E. Munir
Manual of Environmental Policy: the EEC and Britain, Nigel Haigh  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Principles of International Environmental Law, Phillipe Sands
Green Plans: Greenprint for Sustainability, Huey D Johnson
Sustainable Development and International Law, Win-fried Lang (ed)
Joint Implementation to Curb Climate Change: Legal and Economic Aspects, Onno Kuik, Paul Peters and Nico Schrijver (Eds.)
The Feasibility of Joint Implementation, Catrinus Jepma (Ed.)
The Law of the Sea in the Asian Pacific Region: Development and Prospects, James Crawford and Donald R Rothwell (Eds)
Green Globe Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development 1995, Helge Ole Bergesen and Georg Parmann (Eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Integrated Pollution Control - The First Three Years
Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment, N. Hanley and C. Spash
Environmental Economies, C. Tisdell
The International Law Commission's Draft Articles on State Responsibility. Part 1, Articles 1–35, Shabtai Rosenne (Ed.)
Environmental Condition of the Mediterranean Sea - European Community Countries, de Walle, Nikolopoulou-Tamvakli and Heinen (Eds.)
Environmental Law, 2nd edn., Simon Ball and Stuart Bell
Transboundary Movements and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes in International Law, Basic Documents, Barbara Kwaitkowska and Alfred H.A. Soons , (Eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Punishment, communication, and community By R. A. Duff The culture of control: Crime and social order in contemporary society By David Garland  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth Dealing in Virtue: International Commercial Arbitration and the Construction of a Transnational Legal Order Oliver E. Williamson The Mechanisms of Governance Margaret Thornton Dissonance and Distrust: Women in the Legal Profession Philip A. Thomas (ed.) Socio-Legal Studies Michael King A Better World for Children? Explorations in Morality and Authority Judith Allsop and Linda Mulcahy Regulating Medical Work: Formal and Informal Controls Philip Pettit Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government Richard L. Abel Politics by Other Means. Law in the Struggle against Apartheid, 1980–1994  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Handicapped Newborns: Humanistic Insights and Hard Choices
Which Babies Shall Live? Humanistic Dimensions of the Care of Imperiled Newborns . Ed. by Thomas H. Murray and Arthur L. Caplan
Should the Baby Live? The Problems of Handicapped Infants . By Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse
The Physician and the Hopelessly Ill Patient: Legal, Medical and Ethical Guidelines . By the Society for the Right to Die
Decisions in Hospice: Guidelines for Making Decisions about the Place or Mode of Treatment When There Is Conflict or Uncertainty among the Patient, Primary Care-Giver, Family Members, Primary Physician, and Hospice Staff . By the Ethics Committee of the National Hospice Organization  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Hazel Genn, Paths to Justice: What People do and Think About Going to Law Hazel Genn, The Community Legal Service: Access for All? Susan Marks, The Riddle of All Constitutions: International Law, Democracy, and the Critique of Ideology  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Regulation for Chemical Safety in Europe: Analysis, Comment and Criticism , Veerle Heyvaert
The Biosphere , Maxwell Bruce
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices with Asian Examples , Thomas Mosedale
Smart Regulation. Designing Environmental Policy , Eva KruzÏíková
Listening to the Sea: The Politics of Improving Environmental Protection , Mohammed A. Bekhechi  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this article:
Health and Human Values: A Guide to Making Your Own Decisions. By Frank Harron, John Burnside, and Tom Beauchamp (Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.) (1983) 194 pp., $24.95 (cloth), $6.95 (paper).
Medical Risk Management: Preventive Legal Strategies for Health Care Providers. By Edward P. Richards, III, J.D., and Katherine C. Rathbun, M.D. (Aspen Systems Corp., Rockville, Md.) (1983) 311 pp., $29.95
Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration. By George D. Pozgar (Aspen Systems Corp., Rockville, Md.) (2d ed. 1983) 265 pp., $25.00.
Notice to Members of the Ameri. can Society of Law & Medicine  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
E mergency C are and the L aw
L aw and E mergency C are . By James E. George
B ad B lood . By James H. Jones
T he R ights of D octors , N urses and A llied H ealth P ro . F essionals . By George J. Annas, Leonard H. Glantz, and Barbara F. Katz  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A Physician and an Attorney Look at Healing the Wounds
Healing the Wounds: A Physician Looks at His Work By David Hilfiker, M.D.
Legal Issues in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2d ed . By Angela Roddey Holder, LL.M.
The Law and the Public's Health, 2d ed . By Kenneth R. Wing
Health Care Consent Manual: Policies, Laws, and Procedures . By Karen M. Engstrom, A.R.T.
Geriatric Psychiatry: Ethical and Legal Issues . By Barbara Stanley, Ph.D.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
ig, D.A. and Kingsley, J. (2002). Neither Bad Nor Mad: the Competing Discourses of Psychiatry, Law and Politics. London: 288 pp., ISBN 84310 006 1 (Flexicover), £18.95, Forensic Focus 20.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Felix Dodds, Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal
Catherine Redgwell, Intergenerational Trusts and Environmental Protection
Ellen Hey, Reflections on an International Environmental Court
Carsten Schmidt, Designing International Environmental Agreements: Incentive Compatible Strategies for Cost-Effective Cooperation
Steinar Anderson, Tora Skodvin, Arild Underdal and Jorgen Wettstad, Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes: Between Integrity and Involvement
Alan Russel and John Vogler, The International Politics of Biotechnology: Investigating Global Futures
Han Somsen, The Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Volume I, 2000
Petr Pavlinek and John Pickles, Environmental Transition: Transformation and Ecological Defence in Central and Eastern Europe
A. Abramson and D. Thoedossopoulos, Land, Law and Environment: Mythical Land, Legal Boundaries  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Vlas  P. 《荷兰国际法评论》2013,60(2):322-327
Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
John Eekelaar, Mavis Maclean, and Sarah Beinart, Family Lawyers: The Divorce Work of Solicitors
Thomas M. Franck, The Empowered Self: Law and Society in the Age of Individualism
Ian Leigh, Law, Politics and Local Democracy
Stanley Fish, The Trouble With Principle
Christine Bell, Peace Agreements and Human Rights
Lawrence Rosen, The Justice of Islam: Comparative Perspectives in Islamic Law and Society
Fiona Donson, Legal Intimidation
Bridget M. Hutter, Regulation and Risk: Occupational Health and Safety on the Railways; Garry Slapper: Blood in the Bank: Social and Legal Aspects of Death at Work  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The past decade has seen many developments in anti‐discrimination law in Great Britain, from the implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Treaty of Amsterdam 1997, to the EU framework directive for equal treatment in employment introducing three new protected grounds between 2003 and 2006 (and the subsequent extension beyond employment, in national law, of two of those grounds). All of these, and myriad implementing regulations, build on the national foundations set by the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976. With formal equality remaining the dominant model, this article looks at the scope for positive measures within British anti‐discrimination law.  相似文献   

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