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《刑法修正案(八)》增设危险驾驶罪,把醉酒驾驶和在道路上驾车竞驶行为犯罪化,突破刑法规制交通违法行为只惩罚造成实害行为的窠臼,且《刑法修正案(九)》进一步把诸多没有造成实害的危险驾驶行为犯罪化。对于把危险驾驶行为犯罪化,从而进一步严密交通安全刑事法网的预防性立法措施,中国刑法学界并没有达成共识。同时,学界从风险社会理论角度对危险驾驶行为是否入罪的理论解析,亦存在很大盲区,导致理论争讼绕开了实质问题。违反道路安全法的、导致实害结果可能的危险驾驶行为,不是单纯的交通风险行为,而是属于英美刑法中的由危害原则派生的间接危害行为。属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为具有的客观危害和主观可责罚性,是其可被犯罪化的根据。把属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为犯罪化,不能违背公平正义原则,其犯罪化亦必然应受到限制。  相似文献   

The homeless population in the United States increased substantially since the 1980s. As a result, research into homelessness and its effects, as well as policies aimed at addressing this vital social problem, have also grown. While criminologists have examined state actions to control the homeless from a critical perspective, we are not aware of any research that addresses the issue of restricting homeless feeding. Because such state actions extend the criminal justice system by criminalizing benevolent acts, restrictions on feeding the homeless are ripe for critical examination. In this article, we examine such restrictions in American cities and argue that they can be conceptualized as a form of state harm. These government practices target homeless advocates engaged in charitable work by prohibiting feeding in particular locations and/or requiring expensive permits and licenses in order to provide food. Using the theoretical framework of state crime we argue that these policies are a recent evolution of laws that target the homeless, and suggest that these polices represent a disturbing trend of policies that attempt to regulate grassroots and community efforts to combat injustice and inequality. We finish by offering new directions for research and action in order to reduce the harm incurred by these policies.  相似文献   

Given that the Rome Statute does not provide jurisdiction totry corporations for breaches of international criminal law,it has been suggested that national jurisdictions might be usedto fill this impunity gap. The author presents several arguments.First, the international criminal law system, including theRome Statute — and particularly the principles of universaljurisdiction and complementarity — provides the theoreticalgrounding for states to assert jurisdiction over internationalcrimes wider than the International Criminal Court (ICC). Second,Canada, owing to interactions between its domestic legislationimplementing the ICC Statute and existing national criminallaw, is now able to prosecute corporations for breaches of internationalcriminal law. Finally, this increased jurisdiction of Canadiancourts is consistent with the current status of corporationsunder international criminal law. What is really interestingabout Canada's approach, however, is not so much that it hascreated a new legal principle, but rather that it is one ofthe first countries to establish jurisdiction over internationalcrimes committed by corporate entities which were previouslycommitted with impunity.
By stating that I could not guaranteethat the army is not using forced labour, I certainly implythat they might, (and they might) but I am saying that we donot have to monitor the army's behaviour: we have our responsibilities;they have their responsibilities; and we refuse to be pushedin to assuming more than what we can really guarantee. Aboutforced labour used by troops assigned to provide security onour pipeline project, let us admit between Unocal and Totalthat we might be in a grey zone.1

从《德国国际刑法典》看国际犯罪的国内追诉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范红旗 《法学杂志》2006,27(1):115-117
《德国国际刑法典》及相关立法是德国为实施《国际刑事法院规约》所做的重大努力,该法不仅完善了德国对于违反国际法之犯罪的国内追诉制度,也为世界各国提供了一个可资借鉴的法律模式。该法在立法模式和管辖权方面对于我国同类立法具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

侦查机关、侦查人员之工作效果,依赖其具有的犯罪侦控能力。在市场化、数字化、全球化之当今社会,全面提高犯罪侦控能力尤为重要与紧迫。本文从犯罪侦查能力、犯罪识别能力、犯罪讯问能力与犯罪控制能力等方面具体诠释犯罪侦控能力,分析其“为什么”、“是什么”、“怎么办”之问题。  相似文献   

Crimes against humanity are supposed to have a collective dimension with respect both to their victims and their perpetrators. According to the orthodox view, these crimes can be committed by individuals against individuals, but only in the context of a widespread or systematic attack against the group to which the victims belong. In this paper I offer a new conception of crimes against humanity and a new justification for their international prosecution. This conception has important implications as to which crimes can be justifiably prosecuted and punished by the international community. I contend that the scope of the area of international criminal justice that deals with basic human rights violations should be wider than is currently acknowledged, in that it should include some individual violations of human rights, rather than only violations that have a collective dimension.  相似文献   

网络赌博犯罪侦查初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王瑞山  朱华栋 《犯罪研究》2005,(3):52-54,70
网络赌博犯罪是一种新型赌博犯罪形式,是当前全国集中打击赌博违法犯罪专项行动的打击重点之一。网络赌博活动既有传统赌博犯罪专业化、组织化程度高、作案手法隐蔽、手段多样等特点,又利用了互联网跨地区、跨国界、便捷快速的技术条件,公安机关在打击网络赌博违法犯罪活动中存在着诸多难题,本文力求通过分析我国网络赌博的形态、特征,探索合理的侦查对策。  相似文献   

Crimes Against Businesses: The Way Forward for Future Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article presents recent trends in, and forecasts of, the need for sanction capacity in the Netherlands. Different types of crime show different trends at the moment. The need for prison capacity is still growing but at a smaller rate than before. The Jukebox-1 model, which is used for (a part of) the forecasts, is described. It relates the trends in the capacity needed for prisons and task-sanctions for adults to trends in crime and law enforcement activities. Trends in crime are in turn related to demographic and socio-economic factors and law enforcement performance indicators. Some policy simulations with the model are sketched.  相似文献   

张子礼  杨春然 《河北法学》2011,29(4):118-126
宪法或者国际条约没有提供过多的显性规定约束刑事立法权,以立法道德的方式存在的隐性立法理性是:伤害原则或者法益保护原则为制约犯罪化的政治原则,其不仅担负着刑罚法规正当化的正面解释功能,而且还应当构成入罪的最低门槛;效用原则、自由主义原则和刑法价值原则,应当作为伦理原则制约着犯罪化。  相似文献   

杨延超 《法学论坛》2007,22(5):97-104
知识产权犯罪已成为时下社会热点问题.我国刑法也设专节保护知识产权,但相关规定调整范围过于狭窄,很多重要的知识产权都被排除在刑法保护范围;即便被列入刑法保护范围的知识产权,由于相关规定所列举的犯罪行为种类过于简单、罪状的规定不合理等原因,这些知识产权也无法最终获得刑法的周延保护.唯有对知识产权犯罪进行系统检讨,才能为完善相关立法不足提出切实可行的方案,这对于进一步建全和完善知识产权法律体系,维护权利人合法权益都将大有裨益!  相似文献   

重庆位于长江与嘉陵江交汇之处,历史上是川、藏、滇、黔等西南各省区的水陆交通枢纽。解放前是烟毒的主要集散地。解放后,党和政府采取了一系列果断有效的措施,创造了人类文明史上短短几年彻底禁绝毒品的奇迹,以“无毒国”的光辉形象享誉世界30年。20世纪50年代之后,世界毒品犯罪的格局发生了巨大变化,国际毒品从种植、生产、加工、贩运、销售形成一体化、组织化、集团化、网络化的格局,形成了“供、销两旺”的世界大趋势。重庆面临毒品多头渗入,新型毒品猛增,吸毒人群中的亚文化现象侵蚀青少年的精神意志等严重现状,鉴于此提出一系列的对策及建议。  相似文献   

This article begins with the widespread expectation that ‘followingthe money trail’ would be an effective means of hamperingterrorist activity. So far, however, that effectiveness hasbeen less than certain, and financial services providers arguethat, at most, they would be able to check names against lists(they are adamant that the risk-based approach does not applyhere). Legal difficulties deepen the factual problems: boldstatements in international Conventions that terrorist activitiesare not political crimes, do not really solve the fundamentaldilemma that a distinction needs to be made between freedomfighters and terrorists if combatants are merely aiming at therestoration of the democratic order. On a more practical level,international organizations (namely the United Nations and theFinancial Action Task Force on Money Laundering) have createda system of mechanisms to freeze suspected funds of terrorism.So far, the procedures for freezing and de-freezing do not meetthe generally accepted standards of a fair hearing (as definedby the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsor the European Convention on Human Rights). The author concludesthat the current way of dealing with the issue of financingof terrorism is far from convincing.  相似文献   

论生态犯罪立法的必要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态危机是人类破坏生态安全的佐证 ,生态安全是一切安全的“底座安全”。人类要想生存与发展下去 ,就要与自然和谐相处 ,保护生态安全。生态犯罪的立法缘由、立法依据和立法意义揭示出刑法保护生态安全所特有的功效 ;生态犯罪取代传统环境犯罪既是保护生态安全的必要举措 ,又是刑法回应生态文明、实现刑法生态化的标志。  相似文献   

70年前反法西斯战争胜利,催生了纽伦堡与东京国际审判。取缔战争是这两个国际军事法庭的重要使命;用法律来清算国际罪行,在人类历史上则是第一次。国家是否具有发动战争的权利?侵略行为是否应受到法律的惩治?这在科技先进且摧毁力巨大的现代社会,其实是关乎人类文明能否继续存在的关键问题。东京国际法庭经过审理,最后郑重宣布:侵略战争属于国际罪行;惩治侵略行为已成为一条国际法准则。东京审判为维护世界和平做出了贡献,它是中国、日本乃至全人类的一份宝贵遗产。  相似文献   

论模糊技术在反职务犯罪中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模糊技术在反职务犯罪中 ,能够发挥其特有的功效 ,如对案件管辖、作案手段、犯罪性质等进行模糊聚类分析 ;对涉案物质和其它因素进行模糊模式识别 ;对侦查方案根据现有线索进行模糊决策等等。因而这是一个亟待开发并具有广阔前景的领域。  相似文献   

金融诈骗罪立法定位与价值取向探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高艳东 《现代法学》2003,25(3):144-150
金融诈骗罪刑事立法因其领域之特殊性而有其特定的价值定位与思维取向。就立法前提而言 ,实现在效益与安全价值之间的衡平与恪守后盾法性质是其立法定位。就保护法益而言 ,传统的以保护金融机构利益与静态所有权为重心的价值取向值得反思 ,此种法益保护观已落后于现代金融观念。就行为方式而言 ,金融诈骗行为的构造要素与传统诈骗罪行为有着很大差异性。而且 ,金融诈骗罪的立法技术也有值得探讨之处  相似文献   

赵星 《法学论坛》2012,(5):50-55
近年来,环境犯罪作为一种相对独立的、新晋的犯罪类型正日益引起社会公众的高度关注。环境犯罪由于其自身的特点,对自然生态环境和人类生存安全具有极大的威胁,国家必须动用全新、特殊的手段强化对此类犯罪的防控和打击。特殊侦查以区别于传统侦查的隐密、高效、强制的特性使其成为遏制环境犯罪的重要之选,特殊侦查制度的构建也是促进刑事司法,进一步深化改革、推进社会主义法治国家又好又快发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

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