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公司治理与会计信息密切相关.由于我国公司治理结构的不完善,导致近年来会计信息失真问题屡见不鲜,阻碍了我国资本市场的健康运行,因此,必须完善公司治理结构,提高会计信息质量.  相似文献   

我国的会计信息失真问题暴露的越来越多,会计信息失真已严重影响了我国正常的经济秩序和经济建设。本文从市场经济环境、企业、企业会计等不同层面分析了我国企业会计信息失真的深层次根源,并提出了提高会计信息质量的相应对策。  相似文献   

会计信息质量是会计工作的生命,而会计信息失真又是一个带有普遍性的问题,有着极其复杂的社会原因,是当前社会 "追逐利益"的普遍心态的表现,会计信息失真无论在宏观上还是微观上都造成了很大的危害.尽管会计信息失真的危害得到社会的广泛关注与重视,然而,我国会计工作中弄虚作假、隐瞒真相的现象越来越严重,会计信息失真问题已成为我国乃至世界经济生活中亟待克服和解决的问题.因此,我们必须认真了解企业会计信息失真的原因,认清它的危害性,并将对策时刻运用于会计工作中,只有这样,才能将会计信息正确运用于企业的决策过程,使企业在市场竞争的激流中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

上市公司会计信息失真的深层探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,会计理论界和各级政府都在致力于会计信息失真问题的研究与解决,努力探索防范会计信息失真的途径和方法。但从实际情况看,会计信息失真现象仍呈现出愈演愈烈之势。尤其上市公司,丑闻迭出,信用严重缺失,很多企业大量虚构财务报表数据,给广大投资者造成严重的心理伤害。本文通过对证券市场发展过程中的制度安排、政府信用供给、政府地方庇护、财务信息披露中的监管功能以及公司治理结构等方面的成因进行分析,力图从深层次来解释上市公司会计信息失真的现状及原因,以便为解决会计信息失真问题提供参考。  相似文献   

孙丽 《行政论坛》2003,(6):81-82
目前,会计信息的失真在我国众多企业中仍普遍存在,其危害极大。整治会计信息失真,可采取的对策有:一是有步骤地推行物价变动会计;二是充分应用稳健主义会计原则,提高会计信息质量;三是确立会计人员中立身份,提高会计人员的素质;四是完善立法,创造良好的法制环境;五是大力开展注册会计师业务,充分发挥社会审计的公正作用。  相似文献   

提高会计信息质量 完善公司治理结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司治理结构中内外监控机制的有效运作和作用发挥,主要取决于公司的会计信息系统;如果公司治理结构不完善,会计信息系统就缺乏良好的运行环境,就会影响会计信息质量,影响会计信息作用的发挥。要解决我国公司治理结构不完善、会计信息失真的问题,亟须提高会计信息质量,建立规范的、有效运作的公司治理结构。  相似文献   

规范的信息披露,是维护证券市场公开、公平、公正的根本保证,也是证券市场健康有序运行的前提。当前我国证券市场会计信息披露存在诸多问题,如信息披露不真实、不及时、不充分、不严肃等。导致这些问题的原因很多,既有上市公司和会计师本身的因素,也有法律法规不健全、监管不力等因素。规范我国证券市场会计信息披露需要采取多种措施,综合治理。主要是:完善企业会计准则;优化上市公司的治理结构;提高注册会计师队伍的素质;健全证券市场法律法规;加大政府监管和处罚的力度等。  相似文献   

会计信息在微观经济管理、宏观经济调控及促进现代经济发展等方面起着巨大作用.国家、企业及各有关方面要通过会计信息来了解企业的经营状况和财务成果,以做出正确的决策.然而,在我国,会计信息失真已成为普遍现象,要解决这个问题一是加强立法,理顺会计管理体制;二是实行会计人员委派制;三是提高会计人员素质;四是建立健全内部控制制度.  相似文献   

关于会计信息失真问题,历来就为国内外专家学者所广泛关注,也是改革开放30多年来我国会计领域的一大顽疾。会计信息失真的危害非常大,会计信息失真的表现是什么,只有分析这一现象存在的现状,找到了根源,才能对症下药,治好这一顽症。  相似文献   

对企业内部控制审计若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部控制是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是现代企业管理的重要手段。企业经营的失败、会计信息失真、违法经营等情况在很大程度上都可以归结为企业内部控制制度的缺失或失效。完善的企业内部控制,是会计信息披露质量的保证。企业内部控制是否完善并有效运行,不仅是企业管理层所关心的问题,更是投资者与潜在的投资者所关心的问题,因此强化内部控制审计势在必行。  相似文献   

张傲雪 《学理论》2012,(19):79-80
描述了当前我国在引进证券市场的过程中,由于历史形成的社会经济基础和体制很难立即与全新的证券市场相匹配,造成现阶段我国证券市场虽然具备了现代证券市场的基本要素和发挥着基本的功能,但仍然存在一定的缺陷。作者从利益的牵引与驱动、公司内部治理结构失衡、信息不对称和信息披露指定媒体的弊端四个方面进行原因的探究并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Sustainability reporting requires consistency and interdependency of financial accounting and managerial accounting. Accounting is closely entangled with the eco control (EC) in organisations. The quality of (sustainability) reporting and the disclosures is only as good as the quality and consistency of accounting data captured. Therefore, accounting choices and practises have an important role to play in sustainability reporting. This study explores the mechanism through which accounting informs EC. Through the independent and serial use of two levers, first ‘interdependency’ between financial accounting and management accounting and second, though the use of ‘digitalized information’ as a moderating variable, it is probed as to how EC are shaped. An empirical investigation is undertaken by carefully curating primary data, analysed through partial least squares structural equation modelling technique to inform broader debates in the ‘sustainability reporting’ literature concerning the mechanisms through which EC, are influenced by accounting mechanics, choices and disclosures. Sound EC contributes to sustainability accounting and governance to meet needs of the firms direct and indirect stakeholders without comprising the firm's ability to meet the needs of future stakeholders. The study established that the interdependency between the financial accountants and the management accountants output, mediates the effect of a consistent financial language on EC practises and this effect is independent of the firm size or the industry category. This article brings to the fore, the interplay of FA and MA in informing the environmental controls. The under researched perspective addressed by this study is that EC are highly interdependent with the consistency and comprehensiveness of accounting that informs it which in turn is effected by the cooperation and coordination (interdependency) between FA and MA information providers.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that the adoption of quality public sector accounting practices can assist in reducing corruption. In theory, accounting reform, especially the shift from cash-to accrual-based methods, leads to the production of much improved financial information, which ultimately can be used by citizens to hold government more accountable and limit corruption. Empirical evidence from cross-country analyses appears to support the theoretical predictions. We investigate the impact of accounting practices on corruption among districts in Indonesia. We use external financial audits to measure the adoption of reforms and the number of corruption case court convictions as our proxy for corruption. We estimate Poisson regression models using instrumental variable techniques to identify the causal effects of adopting accrual-based accounting procedures on corruption. We show that the employment of improved accounting methods is strongly associated with declining corruption. However, after accommodating the endogeneity of accounting practices, we determine that reform adoption has no effect on corruption.  相似文献   

The purpose of this analysis is to investigate the influence of economic and sociological institutional constraints in determining the legitimacy of firms. This study specifically looks at the importance of regulatory and transnational institutional constraints for firms traded on the Warsaw, Budapest, and Prague stock exchanges. The results indicate that a well-regulated securities environment has a direct impact on the ability of firms to establish organizational legitimacy. We also find that, lacking local regulation, firms can increase their legitimacy by adopting international accounting standards. Thus, we find support for the assertion that both economic and sociological solutions to the problem of legitimacy are appropriate for firms operating in an emerging market.  相似文献   

现行以GDP为主要指标的国民经济核算体系没有反映自然资源对经济发展的贡献和生态资源的巨大经济价值;没有反映生态环境恶化带来的经济损失;没有反映自然资源的耗减与折旧;没有反映环境保护费用支出等等,因而有很严重的弊端,必须要改革。本从国民经济核算和自然力、国民经济核算与三种资本观(物质资本观、人力资本观与生态资本观)、国民经济核算与发展观三个方面对现行国民经济核算体系的改革作了理论探讨。  相似文献   

This article identifies a number of critical factors that have contributed to the successful implementation of a public financial management information system in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The information system, funded by USAID and implemented by Emerging Markets Group from 1999 to 2004, has revolutionised accounting practices and has contributed to a more transparent and effective public sector. This article describes the project's context and purpose, its main features, challenges and obstacles. It continues by outlining the critical success factors that have contributed to the success of the project in a challenging environment. The project was implemented in a rather unique environment since it was initiated not long after the end of the civil war and the creation of the Republic of BiH. The Republic of BiH inherited the former socialist Yugoslavian payment systems. There were no adequate public financial management systems in place, and the project team could essentially start from scratch. The project team designed and implemented an accrual accounting system, and unlike the situation in many countries, relieved the government from having to transform their financial management system from cash‐based accounting to accrual accounting. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the light of neoinstitutional theory and by adopting case study research methodology, this article explains the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards for modernizing public sector accounting in Estonia. This article reveals that the smooth—yet gradual—adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards‐compliant accounting systems was enabled by the involvement of powerful actors (i.e., institutional entrepreneurs) with foreign and/or business backgrounds. In addition, the change in public sector accounting in Estonia was facilitated by the developments in its international positioning, characterized by the transition from a Soviet communist to a market economy and subsequent European Union membership and by the absence of past accounting practices, which could potentially hinder the change.  相似文献   

The Securities and Exchange Commission, established in 1934, has achieved a uniquely high reputation for effective regulation. The SEC succeeded in large measure because of the initial strategy developed by its founders. Led by Joseph P. Kennedy, James M. Landis, and William O. Douglas, the SEC sought to restore public confidence in the capital markets and induce regulated interests to help enforce public policy. These interests included the accounting profession, the organized securities exchanges, and the brokers and dealers operating in the over-the-counter market. In each case, the SEC encouraged the strengthening of regulatory structures within the private sector, using its power and influence to promote what later came to be called the “public use of private interest”.  相似文献   

Multibillion–dollar accounting scandals have brought down Enron and WorldCom, while other corporations continue to revise and restate earnings. The gradual stock market tumble has played havoc with investment portfolios of retirees, parents saving for education, small business owners, and corporate America. All eyes are on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a small, independent regulator of the securities markets with a gargantuan challenge. On the one hand, it faces great public expectations for rigorous reform of Wall Street. Politicians have mandated rules and sanctions for cleaning up the practice of outside audits and for improving the veracity of financial disclosures. Yet the public's expectations for a vigorous market recovery are even greater. If sanctions and rules are too severe, though, reform efforts could slow capital accumulation. This special report examines the SEC's regulatory past in order to understand the task it faces today. Management challenges posed by recent legislation are discussed, and recommendations for strengthening the SEC are presented.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the genesis of certificates of participation (COP) in the municipal securities market. We document the trend in the use of COPs and illustrate problems in the market through case studies of the Richmond Unified School District default and the Brevard County referendum crisis. The valuable fiscal administration lessons drawn from the growing pains of a maturing sector of the municipal securities market can help municipal governments and investors avoid the tragic consequences that seem to inevitably accompany the circumvention of legal debt restrictions and public accountability.  相似文献   

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