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Theorists interested in intellectual development have increasingly focused their attention on the problem-solving strategies individuals develop to meet the demands they face in the changing social contexts of the life course. Direct assessments of the relationship between contextual demands and problem solving strategies, however, have been lacking. The orientation espoused here is that progress through the life course is, in part, determined by individuals' ability to solve problems posed by the development tasks confronting them. In a preliminary ethnographic investigation, the developmental tasks of first- and fourth-year medical students were assessed. A follow-up study revealed (a) the everyday problem solving of students in both years was oriented toward completing the tasks associated with their year in school, (b) the styles students developed to interpret contextually relevant problems were associated with their social environments and developmental tasks, and (c) developmental tasks accounted for more variance of everyday problem solving than in interpretive styles. The findings provide more direct support than was previously available for a relationship between practical intellectual development and life course contexts.Received Ph.D. from West Virginia University. Research interests include contextual influences on cognitive development, social cognition, goal-directed reasoning, and practical intelligence.  相似文献   

A test of two models of adolescent egocentrism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigated two predictors of adolescent egocentrism: formal operational ability and interpersonal understanding. Participants included 87 adolescents from four age groups. Two measures of adolescent egocentrism, two formal operations tasks, and an interview assessing level of interpersonal understanding were administered. Results showed that interpersonal understanding level predicted egocentrism as measured by the personal fable subscale of the Adolescent Egocentrism-Sociocentrism scale, whereas formal operations was not a predictor of any form of adolescent egocentrism. Implications for future research and the relationship between egocentrism and social cognitive development are discussed.This study is based on the master's thesis work of the first author, which was directed by the second author.Received Ph.D. from Wayne State University. Research interest in adult social-cognitive development. To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

This study compared the social adjustment and academic performance of 15 psychiatrically hospitalized children with depression to 14 children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 20 normal community children, ages 7–14. The relationship between children's interpersonal and academic competence and the quality of direct family interactions was also examined. Analyses revealed an association between children's adaptive functioning and both diagnostic status and family transactional processes, as assessed by two 10-minute conflict-solving tasks. Major findings were as follows: (a) depressed children and children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders received similarly low ratings of social competence in comparison to normal controls; (b) academic performance of depressed children was similar to normal controls and better than children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders; and (c) children with poorer social competence and more behavioral problems were more likely to have parents who showed negative affect during family problem-solving tasks. The implications of these results for understanding the relationship between psychiatric impairment and children's social and academic development were discussed.  相似文献   

Although a relatively high percentage of Australian adolescents experience mental health problems, many disturbed adolescents do not receive the help they require, and only a small proportion of adolescents seek professional psychological help. The present study examined adolescents' willingness to seek help and investigated factors that promote and prevent adolescents from seeking help for a mental illness from both formal and informal sources. Secondary school students (254 in number) from schools in Brisbane, Australia completed a questionnaire that examined the relationship between demographic and psychological variables, attitudes toward mental illness, and willingness to seek help for a mental illness. Results suggest that adolescents with greater adaptive functioning, fewer perceived barriers to help seeking, and higher psychological distress were more willing to seek help from formal and informal sources for a mental illness. Greater social support also predicted willingness to seek help from informal sources. Although attitudes toward mental illness did not influence willingness to seek help, less stigmatising attitudes were related to higher knowledge of mental illness, being female, and higher levels of social support. Implications for the present study focus on enhancing the ability of mental health interventions to increase adolescents' willingness to seek psychological help.Received PhD from The University of Queensland  相似文献   

This study tested associations between problems in parent-youth relationships and problems with alcohol use among college students (N = 1592) using structural equation modeling. Hypotheses were that relationships between both substance-specific parenting factors (parental drinking) and non-substance-specific parenting factors (parental intrusive control and lack of support) and college student drinking behaviors would be mediated by the developmental tasks of managing difficult emotions and establishing a mature psychosocial identity. Sex, ethnicity and age were entered as control variables in the analyses and were tested for moderating effects. Results showed that the unconstrained model for males and females differed significantly from a model in which the two groups were constrained to be similar. Among young women, emotion regulation and psychosocial maturity were partial mediators of the effects of parent problems on alcohol use problems. Among young men, parent problems were indirectly related to alcohol use problems through emotion regulation. Implications for alcohol use prevention activities on college campuses are discussed. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting, November, 2004, Orlando, Florida. Research interests in college student alcohol misuse. Research interests in adolescent psychosocial maturity. Research interests in young adult relationships.  相似文献   

当前我国经济社会正在进人一种新常态,稳增长、调结构、惠民生、防风险的任务十分繁重。工会作为 党的重要群团组织,作为劳动关系中劳动者一方合法权益的代表者、维护者,在推动构建和谐劳动关系过程中应积极 应对新挑战,展现新作为。工会作为党的群团组织,应更加注重推进和诣劳动关系建设,发挥社会稳定器的作用。在 国家大力推动供给侧改革的形势下,各级工会组织有必要行动起来,为经济转型和产业升级做出积极的贡献。经济社 会发展新常态下全面推进依法治国,构建和谐劳动关系要求工会工作必须加强法治化建设。面对新挑战,基层工会要 以独具特色的工作模式,主动寻求破解现实挑战的最佳途径。  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of cognitive development in the relationship between multiple types of racial discrimination and psychological well-being. A sample of 322 African American adolescents (53% female), aged 13–18, completed measures of cognitive development, racial discrimination, self-esteem and depressive symptoms. Based on the cognitive development measure, youth were categorized as having pre-formal or formal reasoning abilities. The results indicate no significant differences in perceptions of individual, cultural or collective/institutional racism between pre-formal reasoning and formal reasoning adolescents. However, the results do suggest that perceptions of collective/institutional racism were more harmful for the self-esteem of pre-formal reasoning youth than the self-esteem of formal reasoning youth. The implications for the racial discrimination literature among African American adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

Juvenile delinquency has been on the decline for a number of years, yet, juvenile courts continue to assess more than 1 million cases per year. Involvement with the juvenile justice system has been linked to a number of risk factors and consequences that may impact positive youth development; however, evidence-based correctional programs that divert juvenile offenders away from formal processing are limited. Teen Court is a specialized diversion intervention that offers an alternative to traditional court processing for juvenile offenders. Despite the rapid expansion of Teen Courts, there is little comprehensive and systematic evidence available to justify this expansion. This meta-analytic study examines the effects of Teen Court on the recidivism of juvenile offenders. The literature search resulted in the selection of 14 studies, which contributed 18 unique effect sizes with a total sample of 2125 treatment group and 979 comparison group youth. The findings suggest that Teen Court is no more effective at reducing recidivism than (a) formal processing or (b) other diversion programs. Implications of formal and informal court processing for low-risk, first-time young offenders are discussed. The authors draw on the Risk-Need-Responsivity model to provide recommendations for policies and practices.  相似文献   

The study examined whether transmission of gender role ideology is more prevalent among parents and children of the same sex (like-sex effect) than among parents and children of the opposite sex (opposite-sex effect). Gender role ideology was assessed on the basis of 2 factors: gender role stereotypes and occupational sex-typing. The research sample consisted of 134 fathers, 134 mothers, and 134 Israeli adolescents (equally divided among girls and boys). Moderate correlations (ranging from 0.22 to 0.58) were found between parents and children, which indicate a partial like-sex effect. Specifically, father–son correlations in gender-role attitudes were higher than father–daughter correlations. Regarding occupational sex-typing, the same pattern was found only for attitudes toward masculine occupations. As far as mothers were concerned, no like-sex effect was found for either aspect of gender role ideology. Mothers were found to have the most liberal gender role attitudes, while children expressed less liberal attitudes, and fathers expressed the most traditional attitudes. As far as occupational sex-typing is concerned, mothers expressed the most liberal attitudes, while no significant differences were found between fathers and children. All family members expressed more traditional attitudes toward in-home roles than toward outside roles, and maintained more stereotyped perceptions of masculine tasks than those of feminine tasks.  相似文献   

Cognitive development,epistemic doubt,and identity formation in adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was undertaken to evaluate the part that nascent skeptical doubt plays in shaping the course of adolescent social-cognitive development. It is argued that the intellectual changes that accompany the acquisition of formal operational competence set in motion a series of developments that seriously undermine the typical adolescent's previous sense of epistemic certainty. An epistemic model is proposed, leading to the hypothesis that, in response to such doubts, young persons adopt one of several contrasting interpretive strategies, each of which dictates much about their subsequent solutions to the problems of identity formation and commitment. To evaluate these hypotheses, 96 high school aged young people were classified as being either concrete or formal operational. Those subjects who were clearly classifiable (N=70) were administered Adams' Objective Measure of Ego identity Status and the Epistemic Doubt Interview, which permits identification of realistic, defendedly realistic, dogmatic/skeptical, and rational epistemic stances. A relationship between cognitive and epistemic development was found. Only formal operational subjects appreciated the generic nature of the doubt undermining their epistemic certainty. Predictions regarding the anticipated relation between epistemic stance and ego identity status were supported, revealing that only postrealist epistemic stances were routinely associated with membership in the moratorium or achieved identity statuses. The results are taken as strong support for the claim that epistemic doubt plays a central role in shaping the course of adolescent social-cognitive development.This research was partially supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship awarded to the first author.Obtained Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of British Columbia. Research interests are focused upon the areas of overlap among cognitive, epistemic, and moral development, and the identity formation process through the adolescent years.Obtained Ph.D. in psychology from The University of California at Berkeley. His research interests include epistemic and social-cognitive development in children and adolescents, and young children's developing theories of mind.  相似文献   

The development of paired-associate (PA) learning and formal thinking during adolescence was investigated with 78 sixth and tenth grade students. Group-administered tests of formal and divergent thinking were given in the tracked, classroom setting. The augmented PA treatment provided, and the minimal PA treatment did not provide, verbal and pictorial prompts. The percentages of children showing formal thinking increased and converged to the 40% mark for both high and average achievers. While the augmented treatment scores were significantly better than the minimal treatment ones, the evidence was ambiguous concerning whether there was a developmental improvement in spontaneous elaboration skills for high achievers. The hypothesis predicting PA learning to be positively related to divergent thinking, and negatively related to formal thinking, was not supported.Received his Ph.D. in educational psychology from Mississippi State University. Research and writing interests are in cognitive development, mental retardation, and behavior therapy.  相似文献   

Two theoretical perspectives have been advanced to account for heightened egocentrism during early adolescence. One perspective assumes that formal operational thought is associated with increased self-consciousness. The second perspective proposes that parental support and affection diminish egocentrism, while parental rejection enhances self-conscious reactions by young adolescents. Data analysis using responses from 251 early adolescents (131 males, 120 females) on measures of cognitive development and perceived parental support revealed that (a) formal operations diminished adolescent egocentrism, while (b) perceived parental relations were predictive of self-consciousness. Contrary to posttheoretical assumptions, seventh graders functioning at the level of concrete operations were higher in self-conscious egocentrism than were formal-operations youths. Further, perceived parental support was associated with diminished egocentrism, while perceived parental rejection was predictive of heightened self-consciousness.Her research interests focus on early adolescent development.His research interests focus on personality and social development during adolescence.His research interests focus on clinical and counseling psychology and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

A study of the introduction and adoption of gender quotas that does not examine both the interpretation of the problem and the process of implementation is insufficient. A gender quota regime may be promising in its formal features, without guaranteeing the intended results in more informal practices. Six criteria form the basis for a strong gender quota regime: (1) unambiguous and concrete goals, (2) rank order of candidates, (3) evaluations and adjustments of the regime, (4) information from superior authorities, (5) satisfactory implementation by the actors involved, and (6) control and sanctions. An evaluation of these six criteria presupposes the use of a variety of methodological approaches. The development of specific criteria for strong versus weak quota regimes makes it possible to identify both the weak points of the legislation and the failures of implementation. In addition, these criteria will contribute to comparative studies on gender quota regimes and supplement the work of cumulative research. This study applies the six criteria in order to evaluate the Norwegian gender quota regime in local politics and shows that even if four criteria are fulfilled the result is still not satisfactory. The practices of implementation among politicians at the local level as well as among the supervising bodies (county governors) vary. Different discourses create various practices that force or obstruct the implementation of gender balance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we follow the premise that delinquency in adolescence is a by-product of struggles with developmental tasks. In an empirical analysis of a survey of 1717 West German adolescents aged between 12 and 16, we found evidence that delinquency was associated with adolescents' conformity to society's standards of prestige and success. Data are presented that show a relationship between delinquency and inability to succeed at school, on the one hand, and failure to achieve full recognition of status and prestige in the peer group, on the other hand. The findings provide evidence that difficulties and problems connected with the integration into the network of academic performance, as well as difficulties and problems connected with recognition within the peer group, are associated with delinquency.This research was supported by the Center for Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence at the University of Bielefeld, funded by grants from the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft).Received Ph.D. in social psychology, from University of Münster, Federal Republic of Germany. Research interests: developmental problems in adolescence and prevention of problem behavior.Received Ph.D. in sociology from University of Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany. Research interests: research methods and problem behavior in adolescence.  相似文献   

The joint role of self-esteem and unstable self-perceptions for eating problems was investigated in a representative Norwegian population sample of girls in 3 age groups (N = 5287; aged 12–19 years). Three scales from the 12-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-12) measured eating problems: Restriction, Bulimia-food preoccupation, and Diet. Girls low on all EAT scales were most often characterized by high self-esteem combined with stable self-perceptions, whereas girls high on all EAT-scales were characterized by having low self-esteem and unstable self-perceptions. Bulimic tendencies and dieting were more common in older groups, whereas high scores on all EAT-scales simultaneously were equally common in all ages. The findings gave initial support to the continuity hypothesis in indicating that the age trends for eating problems, except for restrictive tendencies, followed those of eating disorders and in that the risk factors found for eating problems parallel those reported for eating disorders.  相似文献   

“Taking care”: Maintaining the self and the home in early adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores young adolescents' experience of basic daily tasks: personal maintenance (e.g., grooming and eating) and household maintenance (e.g., chores and errands). Quantity of time, companionship, and subjective states in these activities were examined during one week in the lives of 401 5th–9th graders with the Experience Sampling Method (Csikszentmihalyi and Larson, 1987). Our findings show that these tasks are particularly subject to sex typing. Girls engaged in grooming more often than boys, and this time increased in the higher grades, while boys showed no age effects. Boys did more outside chores while girls did more indoor chores. Girls were also more likely to carry out household tasks with family while boys did more chores alone. An examination of subjective states during household maintenance revealed that older girls reported a greater sense of motivation and choice than younger girls, but boys' experience did not differ. Experience of maintenance as socialization for adult activities is discussed.This research was supported by NIMH grant number MH38324, Stress in Daily Life During Early Adolescence, awarded to Reed Larson.Current research interests are the effects of maternal employment on children and adolescents, and the study of day care.Current research interests are family relationships in early adolescence, interpersonal conflict and the study of daily psychological experience.Current research interests are pubertal development, precursors of eating disorders, and the effects of maternal employment on young adolescents.  相似文献   

国有企业内部各不同职工群体的行为取向具有差异性。工人工作状态的“饱满性”特征高于管理人员和技术人员 ,其原因主要是前者受制度和岗位规章的刚性约束较多 ,而后者的工作弹性化特征较为明显。管理人员工作状态的饱满性则随职务的提高而提高。在以正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,工人选择更多的是“找领导”或“依靠企业工会” ,管理人员和技术人员到企业之外寻求解决问题的多于工人。在以非正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,选择“忍耐、接受现实”的 ,在各层级人员中均占首位 ,相比之下 ,管理人员善于“找领导恳谈” ,技术人员则惯于“另谋高就”。  相似文献   

The present study attempts to understand the problems of working mothers with pre-school children. A sample of mothers who use the day care system run by the Colombian state is studied. Though this sample is not statistically representative of the female population with pre-school children, it presents similar characteristics to those of the women in the large urban centres.It was found that: (a) The living conditions of the families in the low and middle-low socio-economic positions are more limited than those observed in the families in the middle-high socio-economic position. (b) The intensity and the composition of domestic tasks also vary, not only by virtue of the different economic resources available to the family, but also by virtue of differential access to public services such as electricity, running water, public transportation and so on. (c) The very organization of the family appears to be affected by their socio-economic conditions. This is particularly evident for the single parent (mother) families which are more frequent in the middle-low and lower social positions.Although the mothers take the children to these centres looking for a service for the children and not for themselves, the centres become a very important promotion space also for the mothers. In fact, for the majority of them, this experience means a link allowing them to partly overcome the isolation that characterizes their daily life.It is concluded that the conditions of social reproduction can be substantially improved for the families from the lowest social strata, if there is an adequate state participation in this process. There is no doubt that it would be a fundamental factor advancing the circumstances of the working mothers of young children and especially those from the lower income sectors.  相似文献   

The literature consistently shows an association between pubertal maturation and internalizing problems in girls. The association for boys is less clear. The present study examines genetic and environmental influences on the association between pubertal maturation and internalizing problems for boys and girls in two primarily Caucasian adolescent twin/sibling studies: The Swedish Twin study of CHild and Adolescent Development (706 same-sex twin pairs aged 13-14, M = 13.7 years, 50 % female), and the Nonshared Environment in Adolescent Development sample (US-based, 687 same-sex twin/sibling pairs aged 10-18, M = 13.6 years, 47 % female). For girls, more advanced pubertal maturation was associated modestly with more internalizing problems, and that association was entirely explained by shared environmental influences. For boys, the association between pubertal maturation and internalizing problems was weak and inconsistent. Results for girls were remarkably consistent across samples. Findings suggest that nongenetic mechanisms mediate the association between pubertal maturation and internalizing problems. Findings have implications for intervention such that environmental influences shared by twins/siblings may provide the best targets for intervention strategies designed to minimize the potential negative effects of pubertal maturation on internalizing symptoms in girls.  相似文献   


This paper examines changes in the position of Hungarian women in the labor market since 1989, arguing that women are disadvantaged in a competitive market because of specific features in their social position and their lack of means of defending their interests. Drawing on surveys and other government statistics, women are compared with men in terms of unemployment, their opportunity to do wage work, returns to schooling (which are low, and women are more likely to possess formal educational qualifications), mobility, wage and income differences, and the consequences of sex segregation of jobs. In response to unfavorable economic conditions, households have increased domestic work and decreased consumption. Financial problems are damaging family relations, according to recent surveys.  相似文献   

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