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龚莉 《知识产权》2001,11(5):8-11
知识经济,作为20世纪末的一个新术语,在中国的科技界、经济界,乃至政治和宣传舆论界颇为流行。与此同时,知识产权也成为法学界和经济学界的一个热门话题。知识经济和知识产权成为一个需要探讨的课题。  相似文献   

近年来知识经济和创新发展日益成为经济发展的主要动力,世博会更是助力推动了知识产权经济的繁荣:一方面直接带来货物进出口额度增长,同时随之而来的文化传播与经济发展必然会长远地加强中国与世界的物质与文化交流。因此中国加强知识产权保护势在必行,而海关在遏制国际贸易中的知识产权侵权行为上发挥重要作用,因此尤其要加强海关知识产权保护这一环节的制度建设。  相似文献   

人类文明已进入21世纪,迎来了知识经济时代,不断涌动的知识经济大潮对党员干部素质,尤其是领导干部素质提出了更高的要求,而领导干部素质的高低又直接影响到新世纪我国社会主义市场经济的发展进程,因此,应找到切实提高领导干部素质的具体途径。  相似文献   

We conduct a regression analysis of the effects of knowledge on aggregate economic performance using data from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank for four groups of countries during 1995–2001. Our results indicate that knowledge is a key driver of economic growth for each group of countries. More importantly, we find that variation in economic performance among these groups may be related to the timing of investment in education, R&D, and information technology, as well as economic policies that affect trade and foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

知识产权法的制度创新本质与知识创新目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴汉东 《法学研究》2014,36(3):95-108
创新是知识产权法的历史过程与时代使命。知识产权法的创新意义,表现在其本身的制度创新与所追求的知识创新两个方面。知识产权法产生、变革和发展的历史,即为科技、文化创新与法律制度创新相互作用、相互促进的历史。理想的知识产权制度应是持续激励创新的制度,也是自身不断创新的制度。现代知识产权法存在可能发生的"制度风险",影响或制约着创新发展目标的实现。国家与社会事务的管理者具有"政治企业家"的角色担当,作为创新制度的最大供给者,应在知识产权法的主体意识层面、制度设计层面以及社会运行层面作出理性反思和积极应对。  相似文献   

近代代议制民主的产生依赖于市场经济体制的确立。社会主义国家在建国之初都选择了走代议制民主———我国称为人民代表大会制度的道路 ,但计划经济体制限制了社会主义代议制民主的发展。我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立 ,对人民代表大会制度产生了重大影响 ,也提出了更高的要求  相似文献   

从经济规制的国际协调的含义、历史以及最近被广泛利用的背景、国际协调的分类(对象、程度与方法)、除国际协调以外可供选择的方法、为实现经济规制的国际协调而进行的多边谈判中出现的主要论点等有关经济规制的国际协调的基本理论问题来看,在对跨越国境的经济活动维持传统的规制(边境措施的缓和、承认国内措施的多样性等)已变得日益困难的情况下,对于规制主体的国家来讲,经济规制的“国际协调”将是一个与经济全球化相适应的有效尝试。  相似文献   

本文阐述了社会主义初级阶段存在非公有制经济的合理性 ,分析了允许和适度发展非公有制经济 ,不会动摇公有制的主体地位的原因 ,以便在实践中更好地发展非公有制经济。  相似文献   

This paper examines the case of a Complex Product System (CoPS)—a new satellite—and the combination of international firms and agencies that contributed to its development. Despite many political, organisational and interpersonal tensions, divergent objectives and strategic misjudgements, the satellite was successfully launched in 2002. It was found that a number of factors contributed to the successful conclusion of the project, including the evolution of organisational structures between different actors as the project progressed, the use of a range of innovation management tools accompanied by personnel with significant discretion and judgement, and a unifying methodology for satellite production called the Small Satellite Philosophy (SSP), which helped provide an approach for its effective integration. The paper describes the satellite project and the problems of technology transfer it confronted, then examines whether the solutions adopted could be appropriate for other complex innovative projects, particularly those involving joint public–private investments. It also describes the interaction between development time, mission cost, risk and return in reduced resource CoPS. Although the satellite itself was a technical success, government policy objectives for the project were not realised and the paper considers mismatches between policy objectives and mechanisms in complex projects.  相似文献   

In order to advance the understanding of which types of regional innovation system represent effective innovation support for what kinds of industry in different regions analyses must be contextualized by reference to the actual knowledge base of various industries as well as to the regional and national institutional framework, which strongly shape the innovation processes of firms. Of special importance is the linkage between the larger institutional frameworks of the national innovation and business systems, and the character of regional innovation systems. In making the arguments about a general correspondence between the macro-institutional characteristics of the economy and the dominant form and character of its regional innovation systems a link is provided to the literature on ‘varieties of capitalism’ and national business systems.  相似文献   

新中国成立初期,我国提出了优先发展重工业的“赶超战略”,相应地形成了高度集中的计划经济体制。由于计划经济缺乏市场经济那种优越的信息机制和强大的动力机制,使得经济系统效率低下,整个社会缺乏活力,于是在20世纪70年代末80年代初,我国发起了市场取向的改革。从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的过程,其实也是政府职能转变的过程。政府能否实现从过去的无限、低效政府向有限、高效政府转变是改革能不能取得成功,“好的市场经济”能不能最终确立的关键。为此,政府要科学设计改革方案,增强自身改革的动力;尤为重要的是要积极推进“新的法律秩序”的形成。  相似文献   

中国市场经济法律:进展与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国建立社会主义市场经济是在计划经济的基础上进行的,由此决定了市场经济法律体系的特殊性。目前中国的市场经济法律体系已初步形成,但仍存在不足:如观念尚待更新;企业受到过多的行政管制;市场经济法律体系有待完备,须及早颁行反垄断法、国有资产法、国民经济稳定增长法、计划法等;法律可操作性不够。今后,更重要的将是提高执法水平、严格执法程序、惩治司法腐败。  相似文献   

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