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凌子越 《政府法制》2013,(11):19-19
露天的健康“饮水机” 据《汉书·郊祀志》记载,汉武帝于建章宫中修建高达20丈的承露盘采集天地之甘露,再和玉屑饮之。露水解决了水的安全、清洁的问题,添加玉屑解决了补充微量元素的问题,将安全的水变成了健康的水.  相似文献   

“法自然”现贯穿于《汉书·刑法志》全篇,是班固的法律现的核心。“法自然”观认为,法律秩序是普遍自然秩序的一个组成部分,理想的法律应效法自然而创制。对于在固“法自然”观的表现、思想基础、理论价值等问题应进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

对《汉书》的校勘,前人做了大量的工作,清代学者王先谦汇集诸家之说,撰成《汉书补注》,在《汉书》的训诂、校勘诸方面,创获颇多。解放后,中华书局以《汉书补注》为底本,广取景祐、汲本、殿本、局本以资参证,并吸收了近人的一些研究成果,又一次对《汉书》进行了全面的校勘整理,使标点本《汉书》成为目前最通行的本子。前人对《汉书》的校勘,纠正了书中的不少谬误,大大方便了读者,但其中似乎仍有校  相似文献   

唐许嵩所撰《建康实录》一书,共二十卷,记载了吴、东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈六朝事迹,具有一定的史学价值和文献价值。中华书局1986年出版了《建康实录》的新式标点本,给阅读和研究带来了方便,但其中有一部分标点值得商榷。本文从标点误例中择取一二,试析于下,谨供参考。 1、颜介曰:“南方水土柔和,……天下之能言,唯金陵与洛下耳。”(卷一,第1页)  相似文献   

(一) “精彩”本义。“目光”《文选》宋玉《神女赋》:“……似逝未行,中若相首,目略微眄,精彩相授,志态横出,不可胜记”。李善注“目略微眄,精彩相授”八字曰:“目略轻看,精神光彩相授与也。”案,李注“精彩”为“精神光彩”,一千多年来皆因之而未闻异议,如新《辞源》即引例条释“精彩”为“神采”。今质之以医籍辞例,则知李注实误。如隋《诸病源候论》中用“精彩”四例(其中一例作“精采”),兹举两例于下:  相似文献   

《隋书地理志》(以下简称《隋志》)三卷,因种种原因,唐初成书时,便多乖舛。后世传抄翻刻,又增讹脱衍倒不知几许。及至清末,杨守敬三复是书,见其枝梧丛生,文义抒格,遂作《隋书地理志考证》九卷(以下简称《杨考》)。其“稿凡五易,时阅卅年”(《隋书地理志考证》跋),对《隋志》详加考订,所获甚多。一九七三年中华书局出标点本《隋书》时,《地理志》之校勘,得力于《杨考》处就有不少。然智者千虑,亦难免有失。今细检《杨考》,或引文有误,或所断不当,九卷之中,间或有之,或资料欠缺,或思虑不周,  相似文献   

关于赣榆的初县,自《宋书州邵志》以降,均云汉代始置,今查《汉书地理志》所载,确有赣榆之名,乃琅邪郡属县。然《汉志》明言琅邪郡为秦代所置,则其所属五十一县是否均为汉县,就大有可疑之处。1979年秦始皇陵西侧发现的秦刑徒墓中出土了一批瓦片,其中有两件分别刻有“赣揄得”和“赣揄炬”字样。众所周知,秦刑徒  相似文献   

《史记》,是司马谈、司马迁父子两代人毕生心血的结晶。这一点,前人早已指出。《隋书·经籍志二》:“至汉武帝时,始置太史公,命司马谈为之,以掌其职。……谈乃据《左氏》、《国语》、《世本》、《战国策》、《楚汉春秋》,接其后事,成一家之言。”《旧唐书·经籍志上》:“昔马谈作《史记》,班彪作《汉书》,皆两叶而仅成。”晁公武  相似文献   

曩读陈寿《三国志》及裴松之注文,颇拾其古义时语之费解者,就管见所及,为之疏证。兹删存十余事,皆于前修时贤之说,有所订补。末学肤受,不敢自信,达人方家,幸垂教焉。(一) 所在《魏书·董卓传》“(李)肃等格卓。卓惊呼:‘布所在?’布曰:‘有诏!’遂杀卓,夷三族。”(引文据卢弼《<三国志>集解》本,标点为笔者所加。下同。) 按:“所在”,即“何在”,魏晋口语。《后汉书·董卓传》作“吕布何在?”可以参证。“布所在”一句,语气急促,活现董卓窘迫惶遽之状。中华书局点校本《三国志》(1975年  相似文献   

据考证,我国早在秦始皇时就设有博士,但不是学位,而是官名。《汉书·百官志》里说:“博士、秦官、掌通古今。”“律博士”是博士的一种,也是官名,清末著名法学家沈家本在《法学盛衰说》中写道:“自魏置律博士一官,下及唐宋,或隶大理,或隶国学,虽员额多寡不同,而国家既设此一途,士之讲求法律者,亦视为当学之务,传授不绝于世,迨元废此官,而法学自  相似文献   

侵权连带责任可分为"一般类型"和"特殊类型"。《侵权责任法》上的一般侵权连带责任以共同侵权为中心,而特殊侵权连带责任的适用范围则变动不羁。全面考察侵权连带责任的现实类型,可以发现:一般侵权连带责任不限于共同侵权,还可基于合同或"侵害行为直接结合"而生;特殊侵权连带责任是政策衡量的产物,可广泛适用于控制危险致害、提供场所者责任、惩治挂靠经营、提升信用者责任以及独立责任之衡平等场合。  相似文献   

Palatal rugae have been related with specific racial groups and are said to be useful in sex discrimination. This work aimed to characterize the palatal rugae patterns in a Portuguese population. Fifty plaster casts were examined for first and third rugae shape evaluation; shape, frequency, and association with sex were studied. In females, the most prevalent first rugae were the straight type on the right and the curve type on the left; in males, the straight type was the most prevalent on both sides. The most frequent third rugae type was sinuous on both sides, in both sexes. No significant sexual dimorphism in rugae shape was found (p > 0.05). When comparing these results with those from other investigations, it was clear that a particular rugae pattern could be established for different ethnic groups. However, the small sample size justifies further work in larger samples to validate these findings.  相似文献   

类型化与民法解释   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
类型化思维是民法解释的基本思考方式,是民法漏洞补充的理论基础。在坚持马克思主义法学基本原理的同时,应对西方马克斯·韦伯的理想类型论、亚图·考夫曼的事物本质类型论及卡尔·拉伦茨的类型分类理论有所借鉴。类型化思维适用于民事立法和司法,其中司法不仅以立法的类型规范为依据,更须以规范对应于个案寻找出的详尽法规则为依据。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to find out whether the quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of collagen can be useful in the determination of the age of healing skin wounds in various body regions of patients of different ages and sex. The quantitative measurement of total wound collagen revealed no clear time-dependent changes. Immunohistochemical staining for collagen types I and III demonstrated the presence of type III as early as 2 days after injury. Procollagen type I was found in wounds beginning from 4 days on, while type I collagen was not present before 6 days after the injury. Immunohistochemical analysis of specific basement membrane proteins, collagen type IV and laminin, showed a reconstruction of the epithelial basement membrane beginning from on day 5, while a completely rebuilt basement membrane was found in most cases after more than 14 days, depending on the dimension of the wound and its treatment.  相似文献   

目的研究脑受力后在颅腔内滑动挫伤的类型与受力机制、受力部位的关系。方法按颅骨解剖部位划定受力部位,根据案情确定受力方式后,对132例滑动性脑挫伤的脑标本,经福尔马林固定后作冠状、矢状或连续切面,肉眼、镜下观察。结果滑动性脑挫伤按发生部位不同分3型:脑顶型,65例(49.24%);脑底型,38例(28.78%);混合型,29例(21.96%)。脑顶型多见于额顶部的加速性受力,脑底型多见于枕部的减速性受力,混合型多见于顶枕部的减速性受力。结论3种类型与头部的受力机制、受力部位有相应关系。  相似文献   

The extant research on rapists repeatedly indicates that particular offender types can be specified. These include the power, anger, and sadistic assailants. Despite such classifications, limited empirical or anecdotal efforts have undertaken the task of exploring the personality features of each rapist type. This article endeavors to fill this gap in the literature. Using the heuristic analytical lens and the case study method, the high-profile crimes of Gilbert Escobedo (power type), Paul Bernardo (anger type), and Jeffrey Dahmer (sadistic type) are reviewed. As the article discloses, unique personality features were exhibited. Moreover, each rapist type displayed a number of convergent as well as divergent character traits. Given these findings, the article concludes with a series of summary observations relevant for future research on rape and personality as well as prospects for clinical diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

Previous studies have focused on type of counsel and case outcome at trial court, but only a few have done so at the appellate level. The purpose of this research note is to provide some insight into the influence of type of counsel on the out-come of criminal appeals. Results indicate that in criminal appeals from two Florida trial courts to an intermediate appellate court type of counsel was non-significant in predicting the court’s decision. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

姚明斌 《法学研究》2015,(4):147-163
违约金规则以任意性规范为主,其中既包含一个法定模范类型,也允许当事人另作约定形成意定类型.这一规范逻辑决定了违约金类型构造的必要性.当前主流学说的构造方案符合该规范逻辑,理论出发点亦卓具贡献,但囿于标准单一且未重视类型要素在利益衡量上的强度差异,在司法实践中仍不乏疑义.考察德国法上区分违约金和损害赔偿概括计算条款的判例、学说与立法演进,可提炼更为丰富的类型要素并作强度分析,形成违约金的类型谱系.以之为背景定位中国法的法定模范类型和各种意定类型,就能全面厘清各类型的规范适用问题.不同类型承载了不同的自治意思,通过类型构造把握各种类型,可以确保规范适用时尽可能地尊重私法自治.  相似文献   

A female fetus which had been immersed in formalin for more than 50 years was found in Japan. Because no liquid blood could be obtained, we tried to use immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods to tissue samples obtained at autopsy to identify both the fetal and mother's blood type. We detected B antigens on endothelial cells in paraffin sections of the fetal organs. Furthermore, we observed both anti‐A‐ and anti‐B‐positive red blood cells in the intervillous space, which is indicative of the mother's blood type. To our knowledge, this is the first case report on determining the blood type of both the fetus and the mother from tissue immersed in formalin for such a long time. The results suggest that IHC is valuable for the determination of ABO blood type in circumstances of long postmortem duration and unfavorable storage conditions.  相似文献   

The current study investigated whether differences in loneliness scores between individuals with a distressed personality type (type D personality) and subjects without such a personality varied by domestic violence victimization. Participants (N = 625) were recruited by random sampling from the Municipal Basic Administration of the Dutch city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and were invited to fill out a set of questionnaires on health status. For this study, only ratings for domestic violence victimization, type D personality, feelings of loneliness, and demographics were used. Statistical analyses yielded main effects on loneliness for both type D personality and history of domestic violence victimization. Above and beyond these main effects, their interaction was significantly associated with loneliness as well. However, this result seemed to apply to emotional loneliness in particular. Findings were discussed in light of previous research and study limitations.  相似文献   

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