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在“考前一学期”和“考前一周”的调查中发现,应届考生的考前心理状况在绝大多数方面都处于较好水平,而且比较稳定。其中,男生普遍优于女生,理科学生普遍优于科学生,在应届考生中,心理紧张普遍存在;随着高考的邻近,考生的心理紧张也随之发生显变化,这不仅表现为紧张程度明显增强,还表现为紧张源排序的颠倒和紧张源性质的变化。  相似文献   

卢然  董能 《检察风云》2011,(19):76-78
“当时报考王铁崖先生的学生比较多,考国际关系这门课没有教材,王先生就把20世纪五十年代的油印稿分给各地的考生。每个人用十天,看完后通过挂号信寄给下一位,保证最后一位考生能在考前看完,我就这样跌跌撞撞地参加了研究生考试。”  相似文献   

现在正是全国统一司法考试的备考阶段,广大考生在紧张备考的同时,也希望能得到在命题方向、命题侧重点、分值分布,特别是主观题等方向上的比较准确的预测,以便在考试时有备而来,乘胜而归。吴景明老师凭多年对司法考试考前的辅导和研究,对上述问题作了一个简单的预测,供考生在备考时参考。  相似文献   

近年来,青少年犯罪问题越来越突出。今年1月17日,浙江省金华市发生了一名高中学生因忍受不了期中考试成绩下降以及母亲“期末考试要考前十名”的重压,在同母亲顶撞之后,绝望中用榔头将亲生母亲活活砸死。而这位学生一向被认为是“品学兼优”。安徽一名14岁学生张某伙同其他两名社会闲杂少年,劫持了自己同班同学马某。并将其推入机井中杀害,次日,他们又向被害人家打电话。  相似文献   

杨速炎 《政府法制》2009,(13):16-17
2009年4月初,重庆市招生办人士透露了这样一个消息:今年应届高中毕业生中,有上万名学生没有报名参加高考。单重庆一个地区竟然就有上万名考生放弃了高考的权利,那么放眼全国,又会有多少类似的弃考考生?在这其中,又是什么原因令这些高中毕业生们在“鱼跃龙门”的最后一刻放弃了机会?  相似文献   

晚唐五代到两宋这一历史时期,社会正处于重大的变革之中,人们所普遍怀有的社会心理也渐趋复杂。而作为一种新型诗体的词,则“曲尽人情”地表现了人们错综矛盾的恋情心理,忧患心理、享乐心理与出世心理。本文从“文学表现心理”的角度出发,研究了唐宋词的发展历程,展现了唐宋人的内心世界。  相似文献   

在日常案件调查中,经常会发生违纪嫌疑人翻供的现象,特别是在贿赂等违纪案件中,由于多为“一对一”形式,翻供现象较为普遍。一、违纪嫌疑人翻供的原因1.违纪嫌疑人具有逃避打击的侥幸心理贿赂违纪的主体是国家工作人员,有的甚至是高级领导干部,通常具有较高的知识水平和较丰富的社会经验。他们虽然在初期谈话过程中由于心理准备不足,被迫交代了收受贿赂的违纪事实,但随着时间的推移,其紧张心理逐渐消除,“趋利避害”的本能使其抗拒心理不断强化,他们认为自己的受贿行为诡秘,纪检监察机关并没有掌握足够的证据,受社会上“抗拒到底,回家过年”…  相似文献   

备战司考,通行的做法为:考前四个月进入培训阶段。但随着司考难度的增加,知识量的加大,理论性的加强,仅靠四个月的培训,时间上远远不够用,毕竟今天的司考,已远非昔日的律考可比。为稳妥起见,笔者认为,备战司考,还是分两步走为宜。即第一步系统复习阶段,使14门骨干课程在头脑中形成一个完整性、综合性的知识体系,力求掌握的知识点广而细;第二步是培训阶段,要抓大放小,重点复习,做到少而精,并在掌握解题技巧,提高抗干扰能力上狠下工夫。对法学功底深厚的应届考生,系统复习阶段的学习量可适当压缩,而把重点放在背法条,大量做题,掌握解题技巧,提…  相似文献   

今年的司法考试大纲与去年的考纲相比(下称旧考纲),内容变化分为考试说明中的变化和各科目考试要点与范围上的变化两部分。考试说明中的变化体现在两个方面。一是,试卷四把旧考纲中的“分析简答题”拆分为“简析题”和“分析题”两种题型,并分别作了新的示例。二者的区别在于各自的答题要求不同,简析题要求应试人员按照试题提问回答问题,分析题则要求应试人员根据案情,做出全面分析,并说明理由。简析题因为案情后面有具体的“提问”,考生可以条分缕析,按图索骥,而分析题由于没有可供参照的“提问”提示,则要靠考生自己归纳总结,挖掘答题要点…  相似文献   

违反强制性法规行为之效力体现了私法自治与公法强制之间的紧张关系。基于对公益、交易安全、当事人间的信义与公平等价值衡量、取舍之不同,在日本强制性法规违反行为效力论之展开过程中,渐次出现了“法规渊源区别说”、“综合判断说”、“履行阶段说”、“经济公序说”、“基本权保护义务说”,并表现为从“公法优先到公法、私法功能分离再到公法、私法功能协调”的一波三折的变化过程。  相似文献   


THIS STUDY is about second‐year students’ self‐assessment in law. Its aims were to test how closely the assessment by the students of their own work matched that of their tutor, to give the students an insight into the “marking process” (which research has shown improves learning), to help the students excel in their examination, to find out whether the male students did better than the female students in their assignment and subsequent examination, and to see how far staff time could be saved. The following were found: there was a high level of agreement between the students’ own marks and those of the tutor, there was generally no significant over‐estimation of assignment marks by the students, the participants did better than the non‐participants in the subsequent examination, the female students did much better than the male students in the assignments as well as the examination (although the participants in general did not do better in their examination than they did in their assignment) and considerable staff time was saved. The findings are discussed in the light of previous research.  相似文献   

人格尊严早已入宪,成为中国宪法上的基本权利,但其对政府行为的规制功能远未显现出来。结合深圳"卖淫女示众事件",基于规范法学的立场,通过阐释我国《宪法》第38条的意旨与内涵——作为基本权利的人格尊严(一般人格权)所具有的规范功能,归纳出宪法上人格权保护体系之逻辑结构,即规定"人格尊严(一般人格权)+某些具体人格权"应成为宪法对人格权进行调整的模式,以期对学界在此问题上存在的一些歧见予以澄清。  相似文献   

J.M.还是J.D.?——中、日、美复合型法律人才培养制度比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统上,中、日两国法学教育属于综合法律素质养成型教育类型,并不与法律职业直接相联系。但自上个世纪九十年代以来,两国出现了借鉴美国法学院制度,探索建立法律实务教育模式的新动向。论文对法律硕士专业学位(J.M.)教育、日本的法科大学院(J.D.)、以及美国的法学院制度(J.D.)进行了比较观察。对中日两国新型法学教育制度形成与效果的关系作了分析,对法学院制度形成的路径、方式和评价机制问题作了探讨。作者认为,制度形成的关键不在于形而上的可行性讨论,根本性问题是对制度要素的观察、分析以及摄入,构成要素的摄取决定了制度的效果和命运。  相似文献   

Different diseases of and trauma to the central nervous system (CNS), as well as their consequences are common causes of death and therefore it is important to examine the CNS appropriately in forensic autopsy, bearing in mind that the site of the disease is often as crucial as its nature. The CNS is a complex organ and its examination requires special methods and knowledge and often consultation with a neuropathologist. The prerequisite for the proper examination is correct handling and processing of the CNS. Because of its soft consistency fixation of the CNS in toto before detailed macroscopic analysis is recommended but guidance for an expedited limited examination is also given. The key features to which attention should be paid during the removal and later macroscopic examination of the CNS are described. Processing CNS for microscopy also requires special techniques and in addition to the routine stains both special histological and selected immunohistochemical stainings are often needed to reach the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷的法律误区与建立医疗纠纷仲裁制度的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗纠纷是当今社会的热点问题之一,由于我国医疗纠纷在法律属性的界定上存在误区,致使医疗纠纷解决机制严重滞后,医患关系日趋紧张,卫生立法及配套改革显得刻不容缓。本文在分析医疗纠纷产生的原因及医患关系的法律属性的基础上,对建立我国医疗纠纷仲裁制度进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Three hundred and fifty-nine Chicago Police Department recruit candidates submitted urine specimens as part of a drug-screening program. Candidates were tested in two groups about a week apart. About 20% of the recruit candidates in each group evidenced drug, primarily marijuana use. As part of a psychological screening test battery all the candidates also took the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI). The IPI contains a self-report Drug Use Scale. Drug-Positive and Drug-Negative candidates' Drug Use Scale scores were matched by age, sex, and racial/ethnic group and compared to evaluate the accuracy of self-reported drug use when screening police recruit candidates. Results showed that Drug-Positive candidates' self-reported drug use was consistently higher than that of Drug-Negative candidates. Item-level analyses showed which drug use items best discriminate between Drug-Positive and Drug-Negative candidates. Implications are drawn for use of self-report as part of a police candidate screening process.  相似文献   

CIS原理与政府形象设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府形象设计是政府形象管理的重要环节。借鉴CIS原理将企业CIS的设计和运作导入政府形象设计中,以政府行政理念为指导,通过提升政府行为和完善政府外在特征来提高政府在公众心目中的评价,把政府的理念、行为与视觉形象统一起来,使政府形象系统化。  相似文献   

In undergraduate medical education, the training of post-mortem external examination on dead bodies might evoke strong emotional reactions in medical students that could counteract the intended learning goals. We evaluated student perception of a forensic medicine course, their perceived learning outcome (via self-assessment) and possible tutor-dependent influences on the overall evaluation of the course by a questionnaire-based survey among 150 medical students in Hamburg, Germany. The majority of students identified post-mortem external examination as an important learning objective in undergraduate medical education and did not feel that the dignity of the deceased was offended by the course procedures. After the course, more than 70% of the students felt able to perform an external examination and to fill in a death certificate. Respectful behavior of course tutors towards the deceased entailed better overall course ratings by students (p<0.001). Our findings highlight the importance of factors such as clearly defined learning goals and course standardization (formal curriculum) as well as tutor behavior (informal curriculum) in undergraduate education in forensic medicine. Furthermore, we suggest embedding teaching in forensic medicine in longitudinal curricula on death and dying and on the health consequences of interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

This article approaches a position of delving into the thoughts of those who commit murder serially. The information comes from a variety of sources which include research literature, theory examination and most importantly, serial murderers themselves. More than 400 cases of serial fatal violence as well as interviews with incarcerated serial killers were utilized. Important issues such as locus of motives, expected gains, victim selection processes, planning of the event, the murder event itself, and organization and disorganization of the kill are also discussed. While admitting that serial killers have never been rehabilitated, a call is directed toward a better understanding of the mind of the serial murderer.  相似文献   

樊惠平  卢文安 《河北法学》2005,23(10):89-92
民事诉讼中的审前程序是开庭审理前的一个重要诉讼阶段,我国《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(下称《民诉法》)及最高法院的相关司法解释都对审前程序的相关制度做了规定。但这些规定较零散,不成体系,相互之间缺乏协调,甚至相互矛盾;又由于在司法实践中,各地法院情况不一,法官的理解、认知能力不一,导致在实践中操作也不一致。现在各地法院摸索创新出的许多民事审前程序规则实际上带有程序规则与实体规则存在的双重困惑:既不能保持已有的审前程序的正当性与效率性,又难以体现我国现有审判方式改革后所要求达到的公正与效率的目标。规范、统一审前准备程序,改变诉讼拖延和民事诉讼程序过程中规定散乱、执行标准不一的状况,是民事诉讼制度从改革走向完善,从宏观到微观的必然。  相似文献   

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