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教学过程中知识的社会建构—一种知识社会学的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识是一个不断生成着的概念。人的知识是在社会中不断建构起来的,它具体存在于人与人之间的活动和交往过程中。教学过程中的知识是由教师和学生共同建构起来的。知识的建构过程充满着矛盾和斗争,即作为合法化的教科书知识与建立在个人生活经验基础上的教师和学生的个人知识之间的矛盾和斗争,充斥着整个教育教学过程。在看似客观公正的知识传输背后隐藏着不同权力和利益之间的斗争。  相似文献   

思想政治教育学范畴是思想政治教育学的基本单元和骨架,个人与社会是思想政治教育学的基本范畴。应科学认识个人与社会范畴,从而在实践中能正确处理好个人与社会的关系。  相似文献   

数学是各科学习的基础,在幼儿阶段为幼儿打下良好的数学基础是十分重要的。笔者通过长时间的教学,掌握了幼儿的数学学习心理模式。本文从理论和实践两方面来探讨如何在日常生中让幼儿快乐自然地学习基本的数学知识,从而使其智力得以更好的开发。  相似文献   

培养学生创新精神和实践能力,是数学教学的一个重要任务,应该围绕培养学生创新情感、个性品质、质疑的思维习惯,联系实际解决问题的学习方式,在生活中应用数学的意识和能力,教学过程中提供学生创新机会等方面进行。  相似文献   

如果数学教育只停留在数学理论本身的学习上,甚至对数学理论的实质也没有深入探究,学生就不可能理解依托于数学知识体系之上的数学思想和信仰,贯穿于数学研究活动中的科学精神(包括科学的实证精神、理性精神、批判精神)和数学的美感及鉴赏能力,与数学的社会功能密切相关的伦理准则等数学文化的底蕴,更不会形成"才"与"识"。学习数学史是以"素质教育"为目标的数学教育的内在要求,它对于培养学生的人文主义精神以及数学观念、数学能力、数学整体意识有特殊意义。  相似文献   

传统的数学教师讲述数学概念时,死抠课本,缺乏灵活性,扼杀了学生的学习兴趣,并影响其对数学概念的本质理解。为了弥补这一教学缺陷,本文阐述了以下改进方法:在学生原有概念基础上以感性材料引入概念;正反例相结合,强化学生对概念本质属性的理解;强化运用概念分析和解决实际问题。  相似文献   

数学教学一定要贴近学生熟悉的现实生活,不断沟通生活中的数学与数学教科书的联系,使生活和数学融为一体.该文从用生活情境导入数学课堂、用生活原型注入数学课堂、用数学知识解释生活问题、用数学知识解决实际问题等方面说明.  相似文献   

主体性道德人格教育目标建构的依据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主体性道德人格教育作为道德教育的目标指向,表达的是一种价值理想。其目标建构有着哲学人道主义的思想基础,也有着广泛的社会基础,同时还有着人类学和人本主义心理学的基础。具体地说,主体性道德人格教育的目标建构的依据主要有三点:一是人类有关个人自由与尊严的思想的宝贵遗产,特别是个性教育、自由教育思想的宝贵遗产;二是现代教育,特别是我国目前道德教育所肩负的使命;三是主体性道德人格的结构与特征  相似文献   

所谓类比指的是借助类似的事物的特征刻画突出本体事物特征,更浅显形象地加深本体事物理解.根据类比的思想方法,探讨利用平面几何与立体几何之间的拓展和演变关系,借助类比的方法和技巧进行相关问题的立体几何教学,是本文的基本出发点.通过这种数学思想的灌输,不断强化学生的类比思维能力,不断增长学生的探索精神和创新意识.  相似文献   

审视美国财产法理念的变迁路径,可发现其演变规律是,从建立在近代科学革命对古代和中世纪有机论的批判中产生的机械—原子论主导思想模式基础上,向现代新的整体论思想模式发展。即在18、19世纪,美国财产法理念强调个人财产的绝对权利;进入20世纪后,则强调个人财产权的社会责任。但实际上,在财产法理念的发展史上,个人利益与社会利益是共存的,虽然对个人或社会利益的强调在每个时期各有所重,但其基本趋势是走向个人与社会的利益平衡,而最终目的是追求每个人的幸福。  相似文献   

张柏英 《行政与法》2010,(12):29-31
本文围绕加快转变经济发展方式是我国当前经济工作的紧迫任务、科技进步促进经济发展方式转变的历史回顾、科技创新优化经济发展方式的现实比较、经济发展方式转变的数理逻辑与阶段特征和加快我国区域经济发展方式转变的路径选择等方面对转变经济发展方式问题进行了分析,并探讨了我国当前区域经济发展的阶段性特征及其发展规律。  相似文献   

现代社会通过科学和货币经济的影响,形成了现代生活风格的算计特征,即把世界设想成一个巨大的算术问题,把发生的事件和事物质的规定性当成一个数字系统。无论是现代人建构的知识学还是通过货币影响了的现代生活,都充斥着定量的、算计的特征。当现代的知识和生活都已数量化了,法律价值自然也会数量化。  相似文献   

Within any type of system, the actors in the system inevitably compete over resources. With competition comes the possibility of conflict. To minimize such effects, actors often will partition the system into geographic territories. It is against the larger ecological backdrop of competition and conflict that we examine territory formation among urban street gangs. Although previous studies have examined the social and built environment where gangs form, and how the presence of a gang influences local levels of violence, we know little about how competitive interactions are tied to the formation and maintenance of gang territories. We use formal spatial Lotka–Volterra competition models to derive hypotheses about competition‐driven territory formation. By using data on 563 between‐gang shootings, involving 13 rival street gangs in the Hollenbeck Policing Division of Los Angeles, we show that violence strongly clusters along the boundaries between gangs in a way that is quantitatively predicted by the theory. The results suggest that even weak competitive interactions between gangs are sufficient to drive gang territory formation without recourse to other processes or assumptions.  相似文献   

Wang YH  Zhu GY  Wang P  Fan LH  Zhang GZ  Ying CL  Lu X  Cheng YB 《法医学杂志》2008,24(2):110-113
目的建立推断中国汉族女性青少年活体骨龄的数学模型。方法摄取华中、华南及华东等地区的838名年龄介于11~20周岁正常女性青少年双侧锁骨胸骨端以及左侧肩、肘、腕、髋、膝、踝关节的X线片。依据青少年骨发育分级标准对24项骨骼发育指标进行阅片、分级,结合考虑身高、体质量及地区等影响因素.应用SAS8.1及SPSS11.0软件进行统计学处理,探索各指标与年龄的相关性。结果建立了我国汉族女性青少年利用锁骨胸骨端及6大关节骨骺闭合程度联合推断活体年龄的多元回归数学模型.推导出判定我国汉族女性青少年是否已满14、16和18周岁的Fisher’S两类判别分析方程。结论本研究所建立的判定活体年龄的数学模型丰富了活体年龄的法医学鉴定方法,有利于提高活体骨龄鉴定方法的科学性和结论的准确性。  相似文献   

Large geographic areas should host a greater diversity of crime compared with small geographic areas. This proposition is reasonable given that larger geographic areas should not only support more crime but also contain a greater diversity of criminogenic settings. This article uses a neutral model to characterize crime richness as a function of area. The model starts with two neutral assumptions: 1) that all environments are statistically equivalent and exert no influence on what types of crimes occur there; and 2) that different crime types occur independently of one another. The model produces rigorous predictions for the mean and variance in crime richness with increasing area. Tests of the model against a sample of 172,055 crimes occurring in Los Angeles during the year 2013 are qualitatively consistent with neutral expectations. The model is made quantitatively consistent by constant scaling. Resampling experiments show that at most 20 percent of the mean crime richness is attributable to nonrandom clustering and assortment of crime types. A modified neutral model allowing for variation crime concentration is consistent with observed variance in crime richness. The results suggest that very general and largely neutral laws may be driving crime diversity in space.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the correlation between volume rendering(VR) statistics of medial clavicular epiphysis and living age,and establish the mathematical models for living age evaluation using the CT image of medial clavicular epiphysis based on the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle.Methods The CT images of the medial clavicles from 795 teenagers aged 15-25,387 males and 408 females,were collected in East and South China.VR 3D images were reconstructed from 0.60 mm-thick slice CT images.The epiphyseal diameter,sternal end diameter,and their respective diameter ratio(the left: x 1;the right: x 3);epiphyseal area,sternal end area,and their respective area ratio(the left: x 2;the right: x 4),were measured and calculated.All these observations were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 statistical software.The statistical differences in gender and age were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test.The mathematical models were established using least square.Sixty trained subjects,30 males and 30 females,were tested to verify the accuracy of the established mathematical models.Results In the group of same age,x 1 showed significant difference in gender;the same results were observed in x 2,x 3,and x 4,which suggested that the growth rules of osteoepiphysis of medial clavicle were highly correlated with living age.The accuracy of these mathematical models were all above 67.6%(±1.0 year) and 78.5%(±1.5 year).Conclusion The mathematical models with reasonable accuracy could be manageable in practice to confirm the conclusion of the atlas method.The current study can contribute to the single skeletal age evaluation.  相似文献   

目的利用我国青少年锁骨胸骨端骨骺发育变化规律,探讨CT容积再现(volume rendering,VR)数据与生物学年龄的相关性,并建立推断骨龄的数学模型。方法通过对我国华东、华南地区684名15~25周岁青少年双侧锁骨胸骨端进行CT薄层扫描并VR三维图像重组,测量并计算双侧锁骨胸骨端骨骺最长径、干骺端最长径及其长度比、骨骺面积、干骺端面积及其面积比等数据,并建立骨龄推断的数学模型。再将50例训练样本代入数学模型,检验模型的准确性。结果左、右两侧骨骺与干骺端长度比、面积比在同一年龄组男女性间差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。建立的数学模型表明锁骨胸骨端骨骼的发育规律与生物学年龄具有高度的相关性,所有模型的准确率都高于70.5%(±1.0岁)和82.5%(±1.5岁)。结论建立的骨龄数学模型的可操作性强、准确性较高。这不仅可与图谱法相互印证和支持,提高骨龄推断的准确性;同时,该方法对未来研究其他单一部位骨龄推断具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In the 1830s Siméon-Denis Poisson developed the distribution that bears his name, basing it on the binomial distribution. He used it to show how the inherent variance in jury decisions affected the inferences that could be made about the probability of conviction in French courts. In recent years there have been a number of examples where researchers have either ignored or forgotten this inherent variance, and how operations research, in particular mathematical modeling, can be used to incorporate this variance in analyses. These are described in this paper, as well as other contributions made by operations research to the study of crime and criminal justice.  相似文献   

目的探索饮酒后人体内血醇浓度(BAC)变化及其影响因素,建立BAC代谢的数学模型。方法采用顶空气相色谱氢火焰离子化检测器和内标曲线法测量酒后人体内的BAC,利用SPSS20.0和R软件对数据进行相关性分析并建立数学模型。结果女性的平均BAC消除速率为9.54mg/100m L/h,男性的平均BAC消除速率为12.19mg/100m L/h,女性消除速率小于男性,并且BAC消除速率与性别中等相关,与体重强相关,与年龄无关。通过构建混合效应模型可以准确的预测BAC,该模型的平均绝对误差(MAE)为1.60mg/100m L,其次利用决策树分析数据,其MAE为9.99mg/100m L。结论饮酒后人体内BAC消除速率与性别、体重有关,通过时间、饮酒量、性别、体重建立混合效应模型可以准确推断BAC。  相似文献   

The horizontal displacement of the human body resulting from fatal fall from a height is an important variable commonly used to inversely determine the cause or identify other forensic aspects of the fall. When examining the horizontal displacement, the wind effect is generally ignored. This technical note reports analytical modeling of the falling process, utilizing previous measurements of wind force acting on the human body, for determining the functional relationship between the wind speed and the horizontal displacement in the falling process. The result reveals that it does not take extremely rare wind conditions to cause a considerable shift of the human body, highlighting the importance to consider wind as a factor in investigations of fatal falls.  相似文献   

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