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中国大学生学习动机的因素结构研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本研究运用问卷法对七城市九所大学的千余名大学生的学习动机进行了因素分析和结构分析,研究结果表明:(1)我国大学生的学习动机由求知进取、集体取向、物质追求、害怕失败、个人成就、他人取向等六个因素构成。(2)学习动机在性别差异上表现为男生重视权力地位,女生关心人际关系。(3)四年级学生学习动机与其它年级差别较大;刑侦专业和军政院校学生的学习动机有着较鲜明的专业特点。  相似文献   

浅谈硕士研究生学习动机的激发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生的学习动机是影响研究生学习成绩和能力发展的主要变量之一,长期以来受到研究者的广泛关注。本文针对当前硕士研究生中普遍存在学习兴趣不高,学习动力减弱这一现象,总结出硕士研究生学习动机的特点,并对其成因进行了划分,在此基础上,归纳出影响硕士研究生学习动机的两大影响因素,即内部因素和外部因素。针对这些因素提出了激发硕士研究生学习动机的几点对策。  相似文献   

本研究比较三、五年级起点的学生英语语音语调的发展.研究采用准实验设计,样本包括198名中国小学三、五年级学生和15名美国小学生.学年结束时,对被试施行朗读测验、单人单盒磁带录音并将录音带匿名编号、随机混合,由3名英美人以随机顺序各自独立评分.结果表明:无论是按学校分类、按性别分类、还是按任课教师分类,五年级被试的平均分都显著地高于三年级被试,且处于最高分数段者也多是五年级被试.  相似文献   

英语学习动机可以通过教师采取适当的教学措施培养和激发,达到更佳的教学效果。针对工具性动机的英语学习的特点,可以采用帮助学生树立恰当的学习目标,提高学习成就感,营造良好的课堂氛围,改进教学内容和方法,引导正确归因和及时反馈学习效果等措施来激发学生的英语学习动机。  相似文献   

在刑法学中,由于法律制度不同,对犯罪动机的认识也存在差异。犯罪心理学对犯罪动机的研究更加广泛而深入,其研究成果对刑法学、犯罪学研究具有借鉴意义。在分析不同学科对犯罪动机的认识、解读犯罪动机内涵的基础上,尝试构建犯罪动机的理论模式,并着重对模式中的三个要素(内在起因,外在诱因,自我调控机制)及其相互关系加以分析。  相似文献   

犯罪动机的生物性是犯罪人在犯罪动机形成过程中生物因素的特征,是犯罪动机结构的有机组成部分之一。对于犯罪动机生物性研究包括其先天性、生理性因素、机制与成分三个方面。本文旨在探讨表现为犯罪人特异性神经介质、边缘系统、激素、气质、应激状态等生理因素对于犯罪动机的作用,它们通过高级神经系统及内分泌系统的自动机制体现于生存、性本能、竞争、勇敢等本能性成分之中。  相似文献   

以前有关“依法收贷案”的研究文章都认为这里的“法”就是“现行国家法”,但对此案细致分析发现并非如此,而是“王法”即中国传统法。中国国家法自古至今有一种严重的国家主义倾向(而今表现为一种现代化倾向),缺乏一种现代法律所需要的人本主义精神因素,因此,国家法只得到了国家外部力量的推动,缺乏内部力量的驱动,其社会化动力不足。其社会化程度远低于中国传统的“法”与“德”,最终被“王法”置换,为中国传统的“德”所打败。  相似文献   

北极争端及其解决模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了北极争端的四种主要类型及三种可能的争端解决模式。通过对“五国宣言”分析,可以看出各国目前更倾向于选择在现有国际法框架下,尤其是依据国际海洋法解决争端.  相似文献   

大学生创业对缓解目前我国严峻的就业形势及推动经济发展等方面都具有积极作用,大学生群体的创业意愿值得关注。本文基于对中国人民大学金融学本科三年级117名同学进行调查访问获得的资料,发现仅有36.75%的学生有创业意愿,女生中倾向创业者仅有31.71%,大学生创业热情不足。基于结论,我们提出了加强创业教育和政府支持等政策建议。  相似文献   

考试成败结果的复合原因、情感反应和行为决定试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用问卷法探查小学生对考试成败结果的复合原因评定、情感反应和奖励、惩罚的行为决定。结果表明:1.韦纳的原因归因,情感、行动归因模式适用我国小学生;2.小学生能够理解复合原因在考试结果上的作用,并能依照所负的责任不同而表达情感和行为决定;3.三年级的学生开始具有辨别不同复合原因功能的认知水平,但还只是处于初级的萌发阶段,四年级以上的学生才能够比较全面地理解复合原因的内在含义,比较准确地分析复合原因的归因后果  相似文献   

Offender programmes do not fully consider how psychosocial factors influence individual engagement within interventions. While factors associated with offending behaviour are well-known, their influence on motivational engagement is not clear. The present study of 109 adolescent offenders in a non-custodial community intervention explored the influence of aggression, antisocial behaviour in the community, problematic and disruptive behaviour in school, and parental bonding and self-esteem on reported motivation to engage with a non-custodial intervention. Regression and correlational analysis revealed relationships between these variables and four subtypes of motivation (i.e. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, identified regulation and amotivation), although results in respect of self-esteem were mixed. The findings highlight the multidimensional and complex nature of motivation, and support the need to internalise extrinsic motivations through the promotion of self-autonomy and competence within intervention programmes in order to maximise engagement.  相似文献   

法律制度激励功能的理论解说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
激励功能是现代法律制度的主要功能之一。对于该主题的探索有助于深入研究并建立激发活力和创造力的法律机制,实现科学立法。在探索法律制度激励功能的过程中,以多学科的激励概念为基础,产生了管理学与经济学两条论证思路与理论模型。然而,现有的研究成果在论证方式及解释力上尚有不足,为此,我们有必要综合了解激励理论的多学科资源,并从中提炼出构造法律制度激励功能完整理论体系的统一框架。  相似文献   

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) is one of the most widely studied and used methods to interview witnesses. However, ECI research has mainly focused on increasing report size and somewhat overlooked how to improve and evaluate report accuracy. No study evaluated if witnesses’ spontaneous expressions of uncertainty are accurate metacognitive judgments, nor if witnesses’ motivation during the interview affects report accuracy. This study examined how witnesses’ judgments of recall ‘uncertainty’ and their motivation perception could relate to report accuracy. Forty-four psychology students watched a mock robbery video recording and were interviewed 48 hours later with either the Portuguese version of the ECI or a Structured Interview (SI). Afterward, participants’ motivation was assessed and items of information were classified as ‘certainties’ or ‘uncertainties’. Results suggest that our ECI protocol was effective, since participants interviewed with the ECI produced more information without compromising accuracy. ‘Uncertainties’ were less accurate than ‘certainties’, and their exclusion raised overall, ECI, and SI, accuracy. More motivated participants had better recall accuracy. Accounting for witnesses’ motivation and spontaneous verbal expressions of uncertainty may be effective and time-saving procedures to increase accuracy. These are key points that professionals and researchers should consider.  相似文献   

Drawing on learning and social psychological research, we identify the processes by which positive incentives induce compliance with regulatory laws, using tax as a specific example. We evaluate the likely effects of various positive incentives on four different dimensions of compliance decisions: instrumental consequences, normative considerations, internalized motivation, and allegiance to authority. Linking incentives specifically to compliant behavior invokes a cost/benefit analysis, lowers intrinsic motivation and allegiance to authority, and requires authorities to monitor citizens and to distinguish between compliant and noncompliant behaviors. The alternative is to present the incentives as an attempt by the enforcement authorities to cooperate with the citizens. This method is less likely to invoke cost/benefit calculations; requires less intervention by authorities; and increases intrinsic motivation, consideration of normative issues, and allegiance to authorities. Prior research suggests that respectful treatment and praise may be more effective incentives for inducing long-lasting compliance than are materialistic incentives because people have a strong tendency to reciprocate actions they receive from authorities. Our analysis leads to proposals for program implementation and evaluation and raises some theoretical questions that need additional research.  相似文献   

论三峡库区移民弱势群体及其法律保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘勇 《河北法学》2004,22(5):69-72
随着三峡库区二期移民工程的结束和三、四期移民工程的有序开展 ,移民弱势群体及其问题日益凸现 ,基于社会公正和三峡库区可持续发展的价值理念 ,国家和社会应对移民弱势群体给予高度的关注和保护。文章在法律的视野内集中论述了移民弱势群体的界定及其构成 ,着力于分析保护移民弱势群体的法理依据 ,并以此寻求保护移民弱势群体的法律路径和措施。  相似文献   

杨显滨 《法学论坛》2012,(1):148-153
随着中药单方专利侵权案件的日益增多,如何认定一个新中药单方是否构成对现有中药单方专利的侵权,显得尤为重要。按照我国《专利法》的规定,必须经过"三性"认定,而新中药单方"三性"认定的关键在于其与现有的中药单方专利相比是否具有创造性。因此,尽快制定中药单方专利的创造性认定标准迫在眉睫。当新中药单方与现有的中药单方专利相比使用了不同的药用部分、不同的剂型导致给药途径改变、不同的炮制方法导致归经改变、不同生产方法、工艺及增加或使用不同的引药、改变现有中药单方专利的混合物组分或组成混合物组分的剂量等时,如果其能在作用同一病症的不同类型、减少毒副作用、显著提高疗效、适应新的病症、作用新的部位等任何一方面有所突破,就应当认定该新中药单方对中药领域的普通技术人员来说具有"非显而易见性",有突出的实质性特点和显著的进步,具有创造性。  相似文献   

This article examines whether crimes motivated by, or which demonstrate, gender ‘hostility’ should be included within the current framework of hate crime legislation in England and Wales. The article uses the example of rape to explore the parallels (both conceptual and evidential) between gender‐motivated violence and other ‘archetypal’ forms of hate crime. It is asserted that where there is clear evidence of gender hostility during the commission of an offence, a defendant should be pursued in law additionally as a hate crime offender. In particular it is argued that by focusing on the hate‐motivation of many sexual violence offenders, the criminal justice system can begin to move away from its current focus on the ‘sexual’ motivations of offenders and begin to more effectively challenge the gendered prejudices that are frequently causal to such crimes.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):691-695
Flipped learning with the incorporation of certain elements of gamification aims to improve student engagement, motivation and attainment. In this study we present an analysis of two approaches used in consecutive years on two modules. A traditional flipped learning approach “standard learning” where material is released weekly online and there are supporting tutorials and an end of term assessment; and a “structured active learning” strategy where a more scaffolded approach is applied, requiring participation to progress. In this approach students’ work on the virtual learning environment and in tutorials could be used to contribute towards their end of term assessment (no more than 10% of the module credit), connected to a learning outcome on the breadth or range of topics. Students received feedback in rubric form throughout the topic, to see their progression. It was found that for module 1, over 90% of the students had accessed the pre-released material by week 2 in the structured active learning approach while this level of engagement was only reached in week 5 using the standard approach. Participation in learning events was far better using the structured active learning approach when compared to the standard approach, for example rising from 40% to 78% in week 2. The second module, with a different cohort of students, followed similar trends with the active learning approach attracting higher levels of engagement and participation far earlier in the term. Following the increased engagement, the structured active learning approach was beneficial in assessment with improved grade profiles.  相似文献   

With data from respondents in Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, we address the generality of self-control theory. We also assess two hypotheses. The first focuses on the attractiveness of criminal acts, that is, motivation toward crime. The second concerns the contention that the mediating link between self-control and criminal conduct is the failure of those with less self-control to anticipate the long-term costs of misbehavior. Although the magnitude of associations between self-control and indicators of criminal behavior is about the same in this study as it is in others, which suggests that the theory is not culturally bound, those associations are largely overshadowed by criminal attraction. Consistent with that, failure to anticipate costly long-term consequences does not appear to be the mediating link between self-control and criminal behavior: the evidence shows no tendency for sanction fear to be greater among those with greater self-control. In fact, sanction fear is modestly and significantly related to the crime measures independent of self-control, though sanction fear also appears to be influenced by criminal attraction. The results suggest that in the production of criminal behavior, motivation may be more important than controls inhibiting criminal impulses.  相似文献   

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