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江泽民同志的“七一”讲话,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,贯彻党的解放思想,实事求是的思想路线,系统总结了我们党80年的光辉历程和基本经验,全面阐述了“三个代表誓重要思想的科学内涵,深刻回答了新的历史条件下加强和改进党的建设需要解决的重大问题,进一步指出了党在新世纪的历史任务和奋斗目标。  相似文献   

江泽民总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上的重要讲话,全面回顾和系统总结了我们党80年来的奋斗业绩和基本经验,站在时代的高度着眼于国际国内形势,深刻阐述了“三个代表重要思想的科学内涵,系统地科学地回答了新的历史条件下加强和改进党的建设需要解决的重大问题,进一步阐明了党在新世纪的历史任务和奋斗目标,是马列主义的建党理论在当代中国的重大创新和发展,是全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程的思想武器和行动纲领。当前,  相似文献   

江总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上的重要讲话,立足中国,放眼世界,高瞻远瞩,统揽全局,以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,系统回顾了我们党80年的奋斗历程,总结了基本经验;全面地阐述了“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵,提出了按照“三个代表”的要求加强和改进党的建设的任务;指明了党在新世纪的伟大使命和奋斗目标。讲话通篇贯穿着解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,体现了继往开来、与时俱进的奋斗和创新精神,政治性、理论性和针对性都很强,是对马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的继承和发展,是指导我们党在…  相似文献   

段正坤 《中国司法》2001,(10):11-13
江总书记的“七一”重要《讲话》坚持以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,系统回顾了我们党80年的奋斗历程,总结了基本经验,全面深刻地阐述了“三个代表”的重要思想,提出了按照“三个代表”的要求加强和改进党的建设的任务,指明了党在新世纪的伟大使命和奋斗目标。《讲话》充分体现了时代精神,具有很强的理论性、实践性和指导性,对于全面加强党的建设,推进社会主义现代化建设、实现中华民族的伟大复兴,具有重大而深远的意义。全面实践“三个代表”的重要思想,广大律师肩负着重要责任。我们要以《讲话》精神为指导,紧密…  相似文献   

各省、市、自治区高级人民法院,司法厅、局:为了系统总结我国建国十年来的人民司法工作经验,广泛宣传十年来人民司法工作的成就,我们曾发了“关于总结建国十年来人民司法工作经验的意见”(见1959年第3期“人民司法”)。为了使总结经  相似文献   

把思想政治教育作为“中心环节”和“生命线”是我党党群关系的宝贵经验之一.思想政治教育的作用集中体现在人民群众观教育和马克思主义观教育.利益格局的新变化、社会结构深刻变化导致了党在一定程度存在脱离群众的危险,给新时期思想政治教育工作带来了严峻的挑战.文章立足于新形势下加强和改进思想政治教育,要以密切党群关系为落脚点,深入开展马克思主义信仰教育,进一步加强人民观教育和主旋律教育,牢牢把握意识形态工作主动权.  相似文献   

江泽民同志“七一”讲话,系统地总结了我们党80年的光辉历程和基本经验,全面阐述了“三个代表”重要思想的理论基础、科学内涵和现实意义,深刻地回答了在新的历史条件下,加强和改进党的建设需要解决的重大问题,进一步指明了党在新世纪的历史任务和奋斗目标,集中体现了我们党理论创新的最新成果,丰富和发展了马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,明确反映了我们党对建设有中国特色社会主义规律的新认识,是指导当前和今后一个时期我们党的思想和实践的纲领性文件。对于我们更好地适应新形势新任务的要求,进一步加强和改进党的建设,…  相似文献   

“走自己的路,建设有中国特色的社会主义”,这是我们党总结长期历史经验特别是建国60年来的历史经验得出的基本结论。事实证明,“在当代中国,坚持中国特色社会主义道路,就是真正坚持社会主义。”  相似文献   

党的十六大是我们党在新世纪召开的第一次代表大会,也是我们党在开始实施社会主义现代化建设第三步战略部署的新形势下召开的一次十分重要的代表大会。这次大会高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,深入贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想,动员全党全国各族人民努力开创社会主义现代化建设事业的新局面,是一次团结的大会,胜利的大会,奋进的大会。江泽民同志代表十五届中央委员会所作的报告,全面分析了新世纪党面临的新形势、新任务,科学地总结了十三届四中全会以来十三年的基本经验,全面阐述了“三个代表”重要思想的要求,明确提出了党在新世纪头二十年的奋斗目标,深刻地回答了关系党和国家长远发展的一系列重大理论和实际问题,对建设中国特色社会主义经济、政治、文化和加强党的建设等各项工作作了全面的部署。报告是我们党团结  相似文献   

党的十六大科学地总结了十三届四中全会以来的基本经验,深刻阐述了“三个代表”重要思想,明确提出了党在新世纪头二十年的奋斗目标,指明了我国法治建设和司法改革的任务和方向。认真学习贯彻十六大精神,对于实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,加快社会主义法治建设进程,推动人民法院完成以审判为中心的各项任务,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。我们一定要认真学习领会,自觉贯彻落实。  相似文献   

The enthusiasm for artificial intelligence (AI) as a source of solutions to problems is not new. In law, from the early 1980s until at least the early 2000s, considerable work was done on developing ‘legal expert systems.’ As the DataLex project, we participated in those developments, through research and publications, commercial and non-commercial systems, and teaching students application development. This paper commences with a brief account of that work to situate our perspective.The main aim of this paper is an assessment of what might be of value from the experience of the DataLex Project to contemporary use of ‘AI and law’ by free legal advice services, who must necessarily work within funding and other constraints in developing and sustaining such systems. We draw fifteen conclusions from this experience, which we consider are relevant to development of systems for free legal advice services. The desired result, we argue, is the development of integrated legal decision-support systems, not ‘expert systems’ or ‘robot lawyers’. We compare our insights with the approach of the leading recent text in the field, and with a critical review of the field over twenty-five years. We conclude that the approach taken by the DataLex Project, and now applied to free legal advice services, remains consistent with leading work in field of AI and law.The paper concludes with brief suggestions of what are the most desirable improvements to tools and platforms to enable development of free legal advice systems. The objectives of free access to legal information services have much in common with those of free legal advice services. The information resources that free access to law providers (including LIIs) can provide will often be those that free legal advice services will need to use to develop and sustain free legal advisory systems. There is therefore strong potential for valuable collaborations between these two types of services providers.  相似文献   

Copyright law, for most of its history, has been exempt from the requirements of the First Amendment free speech and press clauses. As copyright law has expanded in scope and duration, scholars have begun to raise questions about its First Amendment immunity. This essay examines the fundamental conflict between copyright doctrine and the First Amendment. Although courts have been quick to dismiss the application of free speech standards to copyright disputes, the proper relationship between these two areas of the law is less than clear. The essay explores the current understanding of the intersection of free speech and copyright, largely derived from the work of Professor Melville Nimmer. It analyzes the difficulties with two specific doctrines by which the Supreme Court of the United States has justified copyright's free speech immunity – the idea/expression dichotomy and the fair use doctrine – then concludes by offering a new approach to applying the First Amendment to copyright law in a more robust manner.  相似文献   

This essay reviews the debate over what constitutes hate speech and whether or not such speech is protected by the American First Amendment. First, the concept of white racialism and white supremacy is defined and illustrated. Then after a brief discussion of the legal debate, the nature and problematic definition(s) of hate speech is presented. The unique speech environment of the internet is reviewed alongside attempts to limit and censor topics available on the internet. The arguments for and against restricting first amendment protection are discussed, with a focus on Michael Israel's five criteria for withdrawing first amendment protections. The work concludes with a discussion of the difficulty in constraining discourse on the internet.  相似文献   

What roles do prior expertise and accumulated experience play in shaping ideologically consistent voting on a specialized court? Using a dataset of obviousness patent cases from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit spanning 1997–2007, we show that prior expertise enhances the influence of ideology on judicial decisionmaking, but that accumulated experience does not. In addition, we build on previous work and show that ideology is a factor in decisionmaking in technical areas of law, contrary to the received wisdom on patent cases.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the need to move past First Amendment concerns to foster a meaningful debate about the licensing of public relations practitioners. Whether, and to what extent, public relations should be licensed is not the subject of this discussion. Instead, this article uses Aristotelian logic to dispute the spurious conclusion that any licensing scheme for public relations work and / or the individuals who perform it is unconstitutional on its face. Relying on First Amendment jurisprudence, the article demonstrates that some restraints on speech in the form of licensing are allowed, that not all public relations work involves protected speech or press, that there is a similarity to the constitutionally permitted licensing of certain speech‐related professions and that a hypothetical case can be constructed regarding those who could qualify as licensed public relations counsel. The article concludes that the First Amendment does not necessarily prevent licensing certain public relations practitioners.  相似文献   

吕晶 《行政与法》2004,(9):75-76
国家公务员是国家的主要服务人员,一言一行都代表着国家的形象。在目前的形势下,发挥国家公务员在思想政治工作中的创新精神是非常必要的,为此,要充分利用网络传播正确思想,坚持与时俱进、开拓进取的精神,创新出国家公务员思想政治工作的新方法、新途径。  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of subject matter expertise, opinion specialization, and judicial experience on the role of ideology in decision making in the courts of appeals in a generalized, as opposed to specialized, setting. We find that subject matter experts and opinion specialists are significantly more likely to engage in ideological decision making than their nonspecialist counterparts and that opinion specialization is a particularly potent factor in ideological decision making. Further, increased judicial experience has no effect on the conditional use of ideology. We discuss the potentially wide‐ranging implications of our findings for both theory and policy.  相似文献   

岳光辉 《河北法学》2003,21(6):66-71
行政听证制度是我国立法引进的一项新制度,是行政程序法的核心内容。公安机关在进行治安行政听证工作中,应当认真借鉴国外相关的立法,健全和完善公开原则、言词原则、职能分离原则、事先告知原则、记录排他性原则。  相似文献   

Recent innovations in American child custody law have affected both the substantive law and the procedures by which custody decisions are reached. Professor Bruch describes these developments, analyses their underpinnings in psychology and ideology, and identifies both intended and unrecognized effects of the dispute resolution process on the custody decision. She concludes that many new doctrines and procedures that have been widely assumed to benefit children, including joint custody and mediation, often disserve children's interests.  相似文献   

Since the 1969 case Watts v. United States, courts have consistently held that politically motivated speech about or directed to public figures may be punished if it qualifies as a “true threat” rather than protected political hyperbole. Criticism of public officials lies at the core of First Amendment protection, even when that criticism is caustic or crude. Such caustic speech appears on Twitter with increasing frequency, often pushing the boundaries of the constitutional guarantees of free speech. Through an analysis of the political speech-true threat cases that apply Watts, this study identifies and assesses three distinct modes of analysis that lower courts use to distinguish political speech from true threats. They are: (1) criteria-based analysis; (2) ad hoc balancing; and (3) a form of balancing referred to herein as “line-crossing analysis.” This study concludes that criteria-based analysis is the most prominent mode used by lower courts. As applied to new media and political participation, criteria-based analysis risks unduly restricting valuable political speech.  相似文献   

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