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In order to investigate the connection between the cardiac volume and the cardiac shadow plane, 385 anterior-posterior radiographs of the thorax have been selected comparing their cardiac shadow plane with the corresponding cardiac volumes determined by the autopsy of the cadavers. The comparison showed a connection of both magnitudes by means of the formula Hvol = 0.49 x Fa x square root of Fa (Hvol = cardiac volume in cm3, Fa = cardiac shadow plane of the anterior-posterior radiograph in cm2, corrections were made from the radiation divergence). A verification of the formula showed a very high correlation (r = 0.984) in 25 cadavers to be dissected. The comparing volume of the cardiac shadow plane has been investigated by means of the water displacement method, in which the cardiac vessels were ligated and the heart taken out of the cadaver. The cardiac volume, evaluated from the cardiac shadow plane showed a significant correlation at the cardiac death by internal natural cause. The comparison of the mathematical evaluated cardiac blood volumes of the symptoms causing death showed that the cardiac blood volumes in the group of poisonings and the group of drowning, suffocations and hanging with 231 ml and 211 ml in the men collective were at the same level as the cardiac death (246 ml). About the same applied to the women collective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Blood and blood clots should be removed from the heart chambers before being weighed. The actual method in removing blood and blood clots may vary and can include manual removal with subsequent rinsing the heart in water. It is unclear whether drying the rinsed heart affects the heart weight. The objective of this article was to investigate the effects drying the rinsed dissected heart (residual rinsing water) on postmortem heart weight. The prospective study compared 44 dissected heart weights after being rinsed and after being pat dried. An average 18–20 g of residual rinsing water (4% of heart weight) was present in the dissected heart. The amount of residual rinsing water correlates positively with heart weight. The effects of drying the rinsed dissected heart were considered clinically insignificant. Although being clinically insignificant, this study highlights the lack of standardized approach in weighing the heart and the potential implications in interpreting heart weights.  相似文献   

不同社会对于好法官的认识和塑造方式不完全相同。中国人心目中的好法官,主要是青天的形象,中国社会对于好法官的形象塑造,总体上没有超越"神话—超人—英雄化"这一传统路数。而西方人心目中的好法官则是职业法官形象,西方社会对于好法官的形象塑造,走的是"世俗—常人—规范化"的塑造路径。好法官形象塑造受制于不同的社会制度、法治观念和政治目的。法治社会无青天,在法治建设中,我们既要淡化司法体制内青天好法官的形象塑造,又要强化法官群体的职业化建设,更应杜绝司法体制外的权力青天向司法发号施令、施加影响。  相似文献   

The doctrine of the margin of appreciation that the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights has developed in its case law has givenrise to considerable criticism. In this article I draw a distinctionbetween two different ways in which the Court has used the doctrine.The first one is in cases where the Court has to decide whethera particular interference with a Convention freedom is justified.In answering that question, the Court often uses the label ‘marginof appreciation’ without drawing on a substantive theoryof rights that can justify the conclusion reached. The seconduse appears in cases where the Court refrains explicitly fromemploying a substantive test of human rights review on the basisthat there is no consensus among Contracting States on the legalissue before it. My aim is to highlight the principles thatcan be used to justify each use of the doctrine, by locatinghuman rights within broader issues in moral and political philosophy.Particular emphasis is placed on the distinction between reason-blockingand interest-based theories of rights as well as on the natureof the duties of the European Court, as a matter of internationalhuman rights law.  相似文献   

This article identifies two mistakes commonly made about the concept of punishment. First, confusion exists about when an analysis of punishment counts as retributive, and when as justificatorily neutral. In particular, a fair number of legal scholars claim to analyze punishment in a neutral way, but closer inspection shows that many of these definitions are not justificatorily neutral. Second, legal scholars tend to analyze the concept of punishment very restrictively, with a focus on the intention of the legislator. While there may be good reasons to restrict the scope of the concept of punishment in the legal arena, from a philosophical point of view, restrictive analysis is not fruitful. It is a bad starting point for critical evaluation, because it is perfectly possible for impositions generally experienced as punitive not to be classified as such. This is all the more troublesome given that these impositions often contain fewer safeguards than are offered in criminal law and that there is sometimes a taboo on the language game related to punishment. I argue that these problems can be overcome by embracing an inclusive, justificatorily neutral concept of punishment that takes the outward appearance of the harm inflicted as its starting point.  相似文献   

政党执政后给国家"输送干部"是其首要任务,一个党成为执政党的标志之一就是"人事"上的变化,"党的干部"需要向"国家干部"作身份转变。给国家政权"输送政策"是政党执政后的另一项重要任务,建党时确立的党纲、政策成为党执政后的依据,但需要将它们由党的文件"转化"为国家文件,即法律化。实现政党的纲领和政策是政党执政后的目标,任命党的干部到国家机关中任职则是实现这一目标的手段,二者相辅相成。  相似文献   

After suture closure of an intraarterial septal defect an atrioventricular block occurred in a 6 years old child. Therefore, the suture was removed and the defect closed by a Dacron patch. The sinus rhythm returned. After the operation convulsions occurred, the patient died after 16h which was considered to be due to cerebral air embolism. Autopsy confirmed a correct operation, but the right middle cerebral artery has been found to be completely occluded by heart muscle and pericardial fat tissue.  相似文献   

The present literature review is focused on the contribution of various pathological changes in the heart conducting system to the tanatogenesis of sudden death from alcoholic cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease viewed from the perspective of a forensic medical expert. The currently available data on the disorders in the heart conducting system in the subjects with these diseases are presented. Various aspects of pathology of the heart conducting system are considered in the modern and historical contexts. The prospects for the further investigations into the tanatogenic mechanisms of sudden death by reason of alcoholic cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease are outlined.  相似文献   

案例资料【案例1】赵某,男,13岁。某医院病历记载:某年8月3日被他人揪住头发厮打,顿感头皮胀痛,继而头部发胀,急去当地诊所就诊,未见明显好转,于8月9日到我院就诊。体检:前额双侧眉弓上缘经耳朵上缘至后枕部,头顶大面积可触及波动感的血肿,深压痛,双侧血肿达后枕部粗隆。CT示:头皮下血肿。根据症状、体征及临床所见,诊断为帽状腱膜下血肿(见图1,2)。入院第二天,经耳朵上缘粗针头穿刺,抽出红色血液约160ml,并加压包扎。8月8日本室对其进行了法医学检查,检见其左额部至左颞顶部可触及15cm×5cm波动感皮下血肿,额部发际下正中至右颞顶部可触及…  相似文献   

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