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The aggregate population of ethnic minorities has never accounted for more than 9 percent of China's total, currently approaching 1.3 billion. Yet their development and prosperity have always been high on the agenda of the leaders of the People's Republic. One of the first things Chinese leaders did after New China was founded in 1949 was to conduct large-scale studies to identify the country's ethnic groups and name them properly, based on scientific  相似文献   

AT the 7th National Games for Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports held last September in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, 34 delegations of various ethnic groups participated in contests and performances to celebrate and showcase their distinct ethnic heritage. The quadrennial event is one of China's efforts to promote development and preservation of ethnic sports and cultures.  相似文献   

To have some understanding about the culture and art of China's 56 ethnic groups, people don't have to travel around the country. Now they can go to the China Museum of Ethnic Culture, which is a showcase of traditional architecture, folk customs, songs and dances, handicrafts and delicacies from all over China. Located in the Asian Games Village in Beijing, the museum consists of a 10,000-sq-m exhibition hall, a 4,000-sq-m relics storehouse and 200 life-sized buildings of 40 ethnic group…  相似文献   

THE Central University for Nationalities Ethnic Museum houses over 20,000 cultural relics relating to China's 56 ethnic groups. The majority of these are traditional costumes and ornaments that examplify expertise on the part of ethnic minorities in weaving, dying, embroidery and tannage. Some are decades, and others centuries old. Exhibits such as the gifts to Chairman Mao Zedong and the central government in the early days of the People's Republic from the Panchen Lama, Dalai Lama, and ethnic minorities across China are of great political and historical significance.  相似文献   

Arecent trip to westernand northern Xinjianggave me the chance togauge the real situationas regards education inthe region. Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion covers one-sixth of China's totalterritory and its population encompasses47 of China's 56 ethnic groups. MuslimUygurs predominate, closely followedby Kazaks, also Muslim. Xinjiang'sfamily planning policy allows ethnicminorities in both rural and urban areasto have three children, but if all three areboys or girls, a couple may have a fo…  相似文献   

More about Ordinary People and TourismI have saved every copy of your magazine sinceI became a regular subscriber in 1986. As a memberof the China Stamp Society of San Francisco, I havecollected Chinese stamps for more than 4o years.I have noticed the changes in your publicationover the years. I preferred your style when the mag-azine was called China Reconstructs, as there weremore stories about various ethnic groups and theirlife-styles. It seems to me that nowadays you pub-lish more a…  相似文献   

WESTERN China's Gui-zhou Province is home to 49 of the country's ethnic groups, 17 of which are indigenous to the area. All have preserved their distinctive architecture, costumes, languages, customs and arts. During a recent visit to the province, secretary general of the World Tourism Organization Francesca Frangialli marveled at its  相似文献   

In celebration of the September 2003 Seventh National Games for Traditional Sports of Ethnic Minorities, the State Postal Bureau of China has issued a set of four special stamps picturing China's ethnic sports. They feature Mongolian wrestlers, Tibetan whistling archery, Uygur horse racing and Korean swinging.  相似文献   

The ethnic groups of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, including the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kirgiz and Mongol peozple, have created many colorful and interesting horseback sports. These have become an essential part of grassland culture.  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese government, to ensure equality and unity among ethnic groups and achieve their common development, has formulated a series of ethnic and religious policies on the basis of the actual situations of the various ethnic groups and religions, and these policies have been continuously enriched and improved in practice.  相似文献   

<正>Think of this event in Inner Mongolia as the cultural olympics of China's"minzu"or ethnic groups.Featuring traditional ethnic sports and games,dance,aerobics,ethnic music and singing,and other cultural competitions,the nine days drew thousands of top performers and athletes from all over China in delegations from the country's ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

I TS awesome landscape, ancient civilization and exotic culture of diverse ethnic groups make south- western China's Yunnan Province one of the country's most alluring tourist destinations. In the past decade, Shidian County in the Nushan Mountain Valley on the east bank of the Nujiang River has drawn large numbers of an- thropologists as well as tourists.Qidan Descendents Found in Shidian The Qidan ancient ethnic group of northern China was once bold and strong enough to establish its …  相似文献   

China's 7 million Hui Muslims make up us its third largest ethnic group, and the 1.5 million in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, one of the country's five ethnic minority autonomous regions, constitute its largest Muslim community. Over the past two decades, unremitting efforts to reduce poverty in Ningxia have transformed the lives of its impoverished population.The Ningxia Mode of Poverty Reduction…  相似文献   

The Great Western China Development Drive launched by China's Central Authorities at the turn of the century is not only a strategic move to narrow the development gap between the eastern and western parts of the country an harmonious development of the national economy but also a major move for narrowing the development gap among different ethnic groups and further improving human rights of the people, especially minorities.  相似文献   

To readers     
刘芃 《中国民族:英文版》2014,(1):F0002-F0002
正China's Ethnic Groups(English edition)is a major English magazine that presents a panoramic picture of the cultural traditions and social lives of China's56 ethnic groups.Since its establishment 10 years ago,this magazine has been a platform for communication on ethnic matters between China and other countries,and has built a new communication channel to disseminate Chinese ethnic theories and policies to a worldwide audience,thereby enabling China's voice  相似文献   

In March 2003, the State Postal Bureau issued a set of four special stamps celebrating China's historic bridges.Ancient bridges in China are noted and admired for their exquisite structures. They can be broadly divided into the four categories of beam, arch, cable and floating bridges. This set of stamps singles out four of China's most magnificent arch bridges.Maple Bridge in Suzhou is representative of bridge architecture in south China. The stamp's olive green background sets off perfectly this starkly beautiful single-arch bridge.  相似文献   

Although the 55 ethnic minorities with a total population of 106.43 million account for only 8.41% of China's nearly 1.3 billion people, the areas they inhabit claim about64% of the country's land territory. The large gross population and wide spread of habitats of China's ethnic minorities arerather unique in the world and one of themost important characteristics of China'sreality. Over the past 55 years, the Chinese government has attached great importance to safeguarding the rights and in…  相似文献   

<正>On the roof of the world reside Tibetans and people of 40 other ethnic groups.Together,they have promoted the social and economic development of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.At the Sixth Forum on Work of Tibet in Beijing on August 24-25,President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of strengthening the solidarity of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet and promoting understanding,help,appreciation and learning between them.  相似文献   

The people of all ethnic groups of Yunnan province, who are living among big mountains, ornament themselves with jewels of varied textures and styles, which embody the ingenuity, diligence and superb craftsmanship of the ethnic groups of Yunnan province. They spare no efforts to dress themselves up from head to toe, creating rich and colourful body ornaments in the process. These ornaments, regardless of size or price, are the most attractive and characteristic among the garments and accessories of the ethnic groups of Yunnan.  相似文献   

The new,well-off Nujiang is in full swing with social stability and national solidaiity fostered under the leadership of Yunnan’s provincial government.Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has made remarkable advances in its economy and social development in the past sixty years.Through common effort,hard work and the cooperations of all of the region’s ethnic groups,tremendous achievements have taken place.  相似文献   

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