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历史名镇朱仙镇,位于七朝古都开封城南22公里处,其木版年画,居全国五大年画之首,是我国传统艺术长河中耀眼夺目的一颗明珠,被国际友人誉为中国的国宝。朱仙镇木版年画历史悠久,源远流长。据可查史料记载,北宋京都东京(今开封)的宫廷,民间木版年画已有一定规模...  相似文献   

在我国灿如繁星的民间美术中,木版年画是最夺目的瑰宝。不仅由于它题材广博,手法斑斓,地域风格多彩多姿,其它任何民间美术都无法与之攀比;若论其人文蕴含之深厚,信息承载之密集,民族心理表现之鲜明与深切,更是别的民间美术难以企及的。虽然自上世纪初期,木版年画渐入式微,但它至今留下的遗存仍是农耕文明一宗巨型的财富。木版年画的源头可以上溯到汉代驱邪的神荼和郁垒;而狭义的用木版印刷的年画则是一种年俗艺术。木版年画的出现与雕版印刷密切相关。我国的雕版印刷兴于唐,盛于宋。在宋代,逢到岁时,以木版印刷的神灵乞求平安的习俗已出现。但是, 更完备的张贴年画的风俗真正形成应是明末清初。尤其是康乾之盛世,使得这五彩缤纷的风习以普及到九州广大的乡野。就其本质而言,木版年画不是单纯的艺术。在民间的生活中,它更是一种风俗的需要,是年俗的方式与载体。浓厚的人文精神与年心理便注入其间。年画自然也就不是一般意义的绘画了。  相似文献   

尹洪东 《半月谈》2004,(13):58-60
年画这种古老的民间艺术。在我国已有1000多年的历史。天津杨柳青、苏州桃花坞、潍坊杨家埠.被并称为中国木版年画三大产地。然而。到了上世纪80年代.三大产地的年画却日渐式微。濒临消亡。而进入21世纪。杨柳青和桃花坞年画已接近“名存实亡”.形不成批量生产。但杨家埠木版年画.不仅奇迹般地从衰亡中活了下来.而且正以一个大产业的形式展现于世人面前。仅300来户人家的杨家埠.现在家家户户都刻制年画.一年生产年画2000多万张.销往世界100多个国家和地区。杨家埠年画。近10年来演绎了自己的“再生缘”.  相似文献   

2008年6月,国务院公布了第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录,东昌府木版年画名列其中。风格独特的东昌府木版年画,几百年来,在民间广泛流行,深受喜爱,是我国传统艺术宝库中一支绮丽的花朵。她丰富的内涵、蓬勃的生命力,是我们民族文化的象征,她所表达的善美的理想,趋吉避凶的传统心态构造,是中国民俗之树的躯干。  相似文献   

提起年画,人们也许会想到「杨柳青」、「桃花岛」来。然而,在一九八七年的山东潍坊国际博览会上,湖南省隆回县的滩头民间木版年画《简称滩头年画》却受到国内外不少专家和大师们的青睐和称奇。滩头年画奇在哪里呢?我们认为,奇在一  相似文献   

"潍坊年画"与"潍县杨家埠年画"的名称之争1978年,党的十一届三中全会胜利召开,这标志着共和国历史上"以阶级斗争为纲"的旧时代的结束和"以四个现代化建设"为重点的新时期的开始。在万象更新的文艺春天里,迭遭摧残重创的杨家埠  相似文献   

TO anyone in the know, Tong Ren Tang is a brand name synonymous with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). Since China joined the WTO, foreign pharmaceutical groups have poured into China, and the century-old Tong Ren Tang has set its sights on trans-regional, trans-national, trans-ownership expan-  相似文献   

肖丽琼 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):418-419
Lesson preparation is the prerequisite for conducting a class.Whether conducting an English lesson well or not to a great extent depends on lesson preparation.It includes two parts:Steps of Lesson Preparation and Contents of Lesson Preparation  相似文献   

New Skyline CaféOpeningin Summer 2007The Hotel Kunlun's new Skyline Caféextends a warm welcome to patrons thissummer.Designed by the renownedBilkey Llinas Design(BLD),these open-air dining areas provide a bird's eye view  相似文献   

~~友好往来(英文)~~  相似文献   

A Review Of the 20 Years Development History of HNA Group Since its successful maiden flight on May 2,1993,HNA Group has been prospering into a giant conglomerate based on the core businesses of aviation,industry,finance,tourism and logistics.During this 20-plus years,the Group’s business landscape has expanded  相似文献   

正Lamb grabbing,a traditional sport played on horseback,is popular among in Xinjiang,particularly Kazak herdsman.Highly competitive among skilled horsemen,it also is a form of group entertainment at festivals or on important occasions.Players on each team try by every means to grab the lamb and take it away from the other team.The winning team is the one that pitches  相似文献   

<正>Located geographically on the Mongolian steppes originaly.but living today as a Russia-China cross-border group,the Kyrgyz are a nomadic nationality with a long history.Although their ancestors witnessed many changes in rulers,names and hierarchies,the Kyrgyz have regarded their ancient core as being at the upper Yenisei River,even rrom early  相似文献   

李江 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):470-471
Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience.Its basic concern is human existence.It advocates human freedom and individuality.It is of great significance to study existentialism from different perspectives.  相似文献   

<正>If there is a deity in a mountain,the ancients believed,jade is to be found there as well.The ideal location for this semiprecious stone will include the embrace of nearby fast-flowing rivers,for jade requires an environment of both rock and water as well as and the hastiness of people making their homes close by.All these are  相似文献   

<正>A cultural legacy thousands of years old,the Nuo Opera had its inception in an ancient ritual to drive away devils and disease.Among the oldest surviving cultural forms in China,the Nuo Opera involves both song and dance with performers wearing masks to depict their character.It was derived from"Nuo Driving Dance,"  相似文献   

正For three to five days each year,a traditional WaterSplashing Festival is celebrated by Dai,Achang,Deang,Blang and Va nationalities.It is generally held in midApril on the solar calendar,June on the Dai Calendar,which is not only auspicious but gives the weather a chance to warm up since the festivities involve people splashing,dumping,pouring and tossing massive quantities of water onto each other.Water is the symbol of the festival and also its means for bringing blessings  相似文献   

September 8-9 2007 Beijing Pop Music Festival—The largest outdoor pop music festival China has ever seen Venue:Chaoyang Park  相似文献   

正Muqam refers to an important category of traditional music among Muslim nationalities in China.There are several types of Muqam but,among them,the twelve compositions called The Twelve Muqam are special.In 2005,UNESCO designated The Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang as part of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity.Involving folk ballads,dance,poetry,drama,and music on numerous instruments,the entire twelve can take more than 20 hours,although seldom performed in full.Muqam is an embodiment of the  相似文献   

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