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正"Bobo"is the general Manchu term for bread or cake made from grain flour.Manchu bobo can be steamed or boiled,but seldom is it baked.Grain,especially wheat,or soybeans are mashed,ground to powder and made into various flour rolls,small dry cakes,steamed buns,pancakes,pastries flavored with perilla seed,and"sachima"or fried strips of dough.Here in Xiuyan,you  相似文献   

正An important branch of Chinese artistry,Xiuyan Manchu folk paper cutting was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2008.This folk paper cutting in Manchu style embodies the local character of Northeast China and can be regarded as one"wonderful flower"in the garden of Chinese folk paper cutting.  相似文献   

正"Mystic Water,"has at least 500 years of human history but over 700 million years of geological history.Flowing through layers of rock,absorbing minerals and ions as it made its way upward from over 3,000m deep,the underground water contains the warmth of the center of the earth and elements thought to be helpful  相似文献   

正A few bamboo poles erected on a brick platform,a piece of white cloth hanging in front,and a bright light behind are all that is needed for the stage.When puppeteers take out the flat,jointed figures and play music,the magic of the shadow play begins.Xiuyan shadow puppetry was included in 2012 in  相似文献   

应日中友好会馆邀请,由我会组织的新画种“中国农民画展”于1月24日至2月20日在日本东京日中友好会馆展出,受到日本文化艺术界、新闻界和广大观众的一致好评。 “中国农民画”首次在日本展出就立即得到广大观众的  相似文献   

正At 2:40 in the afternoon,rumbling and clouds of dirt occurred and in mere seconds,the Jade Emperor broke away.He now took on a newly dignified independence.People gathering to see him were glad that his sudden appearance happened on a day that,after the heavy rain the night before,was clear and blue.The forces  相似文献   

<正>The first and only Chinese fashion designer to have appeared three times at Paris Haute Couture Week.With designs worn by stars on the red carpet at international film events.Designer of Fan Bingbing’s unforgettable imperial robe at Cannes,Zhang Jingchu’s"peacock"dress at the Venice film festival,and Zhou Yun’s"Cloud  相似文献   

形式主义——知行不一、不求实效,文山会海、花拳绣腿.贪图虚名、弄虚作假。 官僚主义——脱离实际、脱离群众,高高在上、漠视现实.唯我独尊、自我膨胀。 享乐主义——精神懈怠、不思进取,追名逐利、贪图享受.讲究排场、玩风盛行。 奢靡之风——铺张浪费、挥霍无度,大兴土木、节庆泛滥,生活奢华、骄奢淫逸,甚至以权谋私、腐化堕落。  相似文献   

<正>Taiji ball?What’s that?In Beijing,it’s played by many of the locals.This year China officially included this sport in the National Games of the People’s Republic of China.Taiji Ball incorporates the Taiji movement into a ballgame.Called"taiji rouliqiu(softball),"it is a traditional Chinese sport that received attention in2008 when the Beijing Association for Traditional  相似文献   

正From Yan’an until today a model of the Party’s success in developing education for nationalities,Minzu University of China has always taken on its responsibility to serve ethnic unity and progress of the Party and the country,and to support development for ethnic groups and ethnic areas.Minzu  相似文献   

正Not every flower can blossom between north and south Tianshan Mountain, but ice follies can; not every tree can grow in the Gobi desert, but the poplar tree does. Not everyone can sacrifice their family to serve their country, but cadres aiding Xinjiang's development did. In Turpan, a group of comrades showed true  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the natureh,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes the early results achieved through BR cooperation.  相似文献   

正You could make an argument that music defines a culture because it defines human beings.It separates us from other species.Certainly humans are the preeminent musicians.Even while other species have found ways to communicate with each other through sounds,gestures,and even the color of their  相似文献   

正Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made several keynote speeches and given important instructions on the significant issues of ethnic work.These speeches and instructions,especially the keynote on the Central Working Conference  相似文献   

<正>Work,business,marriage.More than 90,000 residents from 53 nationalities reside in Suzhou.Some are here to work,some are starting a business,and some arrive here to begin married life.Suzhou welcomes newcomers from different minorities,using government programs to help New Suzhounese acclimate to their surroundings in Jiangsu  相似文献   

正The Nine-color Shambhala Tourism and Art Festival officially opened on the Dangzhou Prairie of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Gansu Province,on July 17,2016.This,17~(th)time the occasion has been conducted in Gannan featured a series of activities including the Shambhala International Photography  相似文献   

王中江  陈建华  陈赟  刘大先  吕存凯 《探索与争鸣》2024,(4):122-143+179-180+2
在近现代中国纷繁复杂的历史进程中,来自西方的各类思想观念经历了“理解”与“消化”,“改装”与“重组”,乃至“创造”与“再生”。伴随中西交汇,思想的种子在中华大地生根发芽,直至成长为参天大树,深刻影响并塑造了20世纪中国的现代转型之路。其中,“进化”可归为这样一个能够长成参天大树的种子。柯林武德指出:“19世纪的后期,进步的观念几乎成了一个信条。”毫不夸张地说,这一观念也几乎主宰了整个20世纪的历史进程。这一原本出自自然科学的理论话语,随着近现代西学东渐和救亡图存浪潮而成为强有力的精神符号,进而构成一种普遍的宇宙观、世界观、价值观。翻开20世纪的历史,几乎所有中国现代思想和理论建构中都可以看到其或隐或现的身影,正如严复笔下的“以天演为体”。“进化”在中国形成的“次生形态”,既是思想和世界观意义上的,也是整个社会革新意义上的。在20世纪的很长一段时间中,“进化”与革命、现代化、社会发展等激动人心的概念紧密联系,在历史语境中相互呼应、相互影响、相互转化,共同绘制了这幅波澜壮阔的历史长卷,构成了社会持续演变的思想动力。一方面,“优胜劣败”的危机感被植入国人认知深处,认为中国“必须”且“应该”变...  相似文献   

正The Quanli crater in Xiuyan is the only meteorite crater found in China so far.Its discovery in July 2011triggered intense study worldwide.After the meteorite banged into the ground some 50,000 ago,a U-shape began forming.Looking from the crater lip,it is like a huge beautiful bowl.  相似文献   

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