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盘瓠神话,是原始氏族社会的产物,它广泛流传于东南亚地区。我国南方的有关兄弟民族,诸如瑶族、畲族和部分苗族等,民间也蕴藏着不少的盘瓠神话资料。汉文献对盘瓠神话也不乏记载,丰富的盘瓠神话传说资料,它在民族学,历史学、文化学、民俗学、宗教学和神话学等学科领域,都颇有研究的意义。本文仅就盘瓠神话的美学价值进行初探,试作论述。  相似文献   

在苗族社会历史的研究中,“盘瓠”是一个颇有争论,尚待正确解决的重要课题。据我们所知,从汉晋以迄近代的许多著述。都有关于“盘瓠”传说的记载,而在今属于苗瑶语族的瑶,畲以及部分苗族(主要是操苗语东部方言,居住在今湘西和黔东北的部分)中,直至解放前后,确实还保留有崇拜“盘瓠”的习俗。其影响所及,以今川黔湘鄂交接一带为中心,几乎遍及于浙闽粵赣桂川黔湘鄂滇各省,甚至东南亚的某些地区,也有“盘瓠”传说的传布。  相似文献   

盘瓠的神话传说,自汉以后的历代正史、志异小说、笔记、方志诸籍中多有涉及,而且一直广泛流行于南方的瑶、畲诸族中。盘瓠问题的探讨,有助于我国原始社会史与南方民族史的研究。但是,如何透过糅杂着兽与人、神与人的传说中,去发掘和探求历史的真实面目,历代著家却往往持有不同的解释,诸见解莫衷一是。为此,本文想就下列四个基本问题,提出一些个人的粗陋看法。盘瓠传说溯源  相似文献   

<正>庚子年春,蛰居家中,以读书为消遣,细读中国社会科学院少数民族文学研究所吴晓东研究员的大作《盘瓠神话漯流研究》,如嚼橄榄,意味隽永。此书不仅是对盘瓠神话研究这一领域的深化与拓展,还体现出作者对于中国神话学研究方法的独特思考,故撰写本文,向广大谈者推介该书,也提出自己的些微阅后心得,向吴晓东先生请教。  相似文献   

关于苗族的盘瓠崇拜问题,长期以来不管是苗族学者还是他族专家,对此均持不同看法,至使盘瓠问题变成一个长期争论不休而且难以定论的历史课题。笔者认为,对于盘瓠问题,应本着实事求是的原则,用历史唯物主义观点,以科学的态度来进行研究。方能使盘瓠研究沿着正确的方向深入下去。近几年来,我们对盘瓠问题进行了调查研究,从大量的史料和口碑资料以及现存的实物来看,苗族确实存在着盘瓠崇拜;盘瓠在民族学和民族史研究中占有重要的地位。现在,让我们从麻阳的实况来看看这一幅民俗信仰的历史画卷。  相似文献   

1952年冬,中央民族学院马学良教授率领一个调查组去贵州省台江县调查苗语并搜集苗族民间文学资料。亡友邰昌厚君(苗族)参与了该次调查,于11月26日在台江县城关区的台拱寨记录了一则《关于“吃鼓藏”的传说》。这份资料1954年曾由我译成汉文,虽经三十多年风风雨雨,幸喜没有散失。  相似文献   

正The annual Torch Festival,a Yi nationality tradition,has a long history among the linguistic branch of Yi such as Naxi,Hani,Lisu,Lahu and Jino.The festival has been celebrated since Han and Tang dynasties.Generally held during 24-26th days of the sixth lunar month,it features a night procession in the wilderness with lit torches.About a dozen Torch Festival legends exist,the most popular connected with the hero Zhaka,  相似文献   

正Bao Dong Zhai means"cleaning house"in the Miao language and refers to the village custom of asking Miao shamans to drive away evil spirits and pray for peace.When the villagers have encountered troubles or worries in real life or dreams,they want the Shaman master to exorcise the evil ones from their homes,in effect"clean house"so they can return to a smoother,more anxiety-free state.  相似文献   

正In Manchu tradition,there is a folk story behind the sacred pole for heaven worship,called the Solon Pole,that involves the legendary man who united the Manchu tribes to become their leader.Young Nurhaci was a servant of the Liaodong District Commander-inchief,Li Chengliang,a suspicious man who thought Nurhaci would revolt against the Ming Dynasty and decided to kill him.Alerted of the danger,Nurhaci fl ed  相似文献   

<正>Dong people still follow the tradition of Yuediwa in their village."Yuediwa"means"public land tilling"in the Dong language and refers to the interesting customs of courting by the Dong youth in agricultural areas.It is still practiced in the Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in Hunan Province where young people  相似文献   

围绕如何正确领会胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上发表的重要讲话精神(以下简称“七一讲话”),本刊记者专访了中共中央党校资深党建专家叶笃初教授和上海市委党校袁秉达教授。刊发于本刊第9期的《世界之问与长盛之道》是采访稿的上半部分;本期刊发采访稿的下半部分。  相似文献   

正Floating River Lanterns is a visually spectacular tradition conducted for mourning the deceased and blessing their relatives.In addition to Han areas,the custom flourishes in regions inhabited by several Chinese national minorities(minzu)including Mongolians,Daur,Yi,Bai,Naxi,Miao,Dong,Bouyei,Zhuang and Tujia.Buddhism and Taoism during the Northern and Southern dynasties were infl uential in the  相似文献   

近些年来,娱乐场所的大量出现,带来了不少的治安问题,加强娱乐场所管理,已成为警方一项“紧迫而重大”的课题。浙江省瑞安市“民间110”就在这样的形势下在去年底应运而生。然而,也有人质疑这种做法涉嫌公权私用,违反了国家法律的有关规定。社会各界关于“民间110”的争议日渐升温。  相似文献   

正Very much alive and vibrant in Hunan Province and other parts of China,Jielong is a longstanding tradition among China’s Miao nationality.This is the tradition of ushering in the Dragon and can include the Dragon Mother and Dragon Treasure.In China,the Dragon represents Yang-qi(aura)in traditional culture.Understanding astronomicalphenomena,the ancient people already knew that the  相似文献   

TO anyone in the know, Tong Ren Tang is a brand name synonymous with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). Since China joined the WTO, foreign pharmaceutical groups have poured into China, and the century-old Tong Ren Tang has set its sights on trans-regional, trans-national, trans-ownership expan-  相似文献   

This thesis is intended to interpret Jack London's The Call of the Wild from the per-spective of four western classical myths:the loss of happiness,initiation,the descent into hell and resurrection.This article is aimed at providing fans of The Call of the Wild with a new perspective in exploring the novel.  相似文献   

肖丽琼 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):418-419
Lesson preparation is the prerequisite for conducting a class.Whether conducting an English lesson well or not to a great extent depends on lesson preparation.It includes two parts:Steps of Lesson Preparation and Contents of Lesson Preparation  相似文献   

New Skyline CaféOpeningin Summer 2007The Hotel Kunlun's new Skyline Caféextends a warm welcome to patrons thissummer.Designed by the renownedBilkey Llinas Design(BLD),these open-air dining areas provide a bird's eye view  相似文献   

~~友好往来(英文)~~  相似文献   

A Review Of the 20 Years Development History of HNA Group Since its successful maiden flight on May 2,1993,HNA Group has been prospering into a giant conglomerate based on the core businesses of aviation,industry,finance,tourism and logistics.During this 20-plus years,the Group’s business landscape has expanded  相似文献   

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