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Minzu Hotel Launches Free Gym for Guests Going to the gym helps people break through the noise of the metropolis to find a quiet place within their soul and develop a healthy lifestyle. Minzu Hotel opened its gymnasium in a grand ceremony this spring,offering urbanites a place to relieve the pressure of modern life and pursue relaxation of the mind.The gym is located on the second floor in a quiet and  相似文献   

The topic of"dreams" reminds me of a text by the late Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng who was paralyzed when he was 21, in whichhe elaborated on his devotion to sports. He loved track and field the most, more than writing, and his favorite star was Carl Lewis whom, with a strong body and super speed, he regarded as the luckiest man on earth. Shi once thought that he would do anything to have Lewis' physique and vigor in another life, if there were one. But observ- ing the athlete's rise and fall after a doping scandal, he gained fresh understanding of success, happiness and life in general. He said his dream was to have a healthy body, a beautiful soul and life wisdom. While acknowledging that many think one should not be too greedy or ambitious, Shi's overriding belief was that everyone has the right to dream big, and to look forward to the best in the world.  相似文献   

In the bustle of modern life crammed with its mundane concerns, I have often wondered whether there is a pure, tranquil place to rest the soul. I had been dreaming of it for a long time, until someone informed me that Kanas was the remote, pure land I imagined.  相似文献   

正The tradition of ancestor worship and the perception that the soul still exists after death mean that the Yi people take funerals very seriously.Their grand funeral rites are a concrete manifestation of this ancestor worship.Southwest China is home to a large and widely distributed number of Yi sub-  相似文献   

WANG Guangmei and Liu Shaoqi set a good example of happy family life for the high-ranking political couples of the Chinese Communist Party. So that Liu Shaoqi could immerse himself totally in the affairs of the Party and the state, Wang took good care of every tiny detail of his daily life. Her tenderness and firmness gave Liu Shaoqi the most peaceful and happy family life he was ever to know.  相似文献   

正While visiting a part of western China last summer,I happened to hear a recording of the song"Silent Sky"sung beautifully in Mongolian and Chinese.Mesmerized by the soft,pure notes and the ethereal voice of lead singer Daiqing Tana,I suddenly felt I was in a trance,as if I were being washed clean,heart and soul.  相似文献   

Minzu Hotel's Free Gym for Guests Going to the gym helps people escape the madness of the metropolis and find a quiet place to develop a healthy lifestyle.Minzu Hotel opened its gym- nasium in a grand ceremony this spring,offering urbanites a place to relieve the pressures of modern life and pursue relaxation of the mind.The gym is located on the second floor in a quiet and elegant environment.Going to the gym regularly can help a person reduce fat and mold the perfect body.Minzu Hotel's gym will give you a new outlook on life and put a spring in your step.  相似文献   

TO be, or not to be, that is the question ..." to Hamlet and to the majority of people, who generally treasure life and fear death. In many cultures it is taboo to raise the topic of death in everyday discourse, but this is not the case with the Chinese people. To them life and death are a common conversational topic. Their matter of fact approach is illustrated in the sayings: "Human life is nothing but a stage over which the sun and the moon  相似文献   

<正>Wang Fumin locates his painting in western China, depicting the residents as his heroes and heroines.Such preference results in a unique quality of strength and spontaneity captured in his art,which fully interprets the soul of western China.  相似文献   

LIU Ye‘s paintings are a surrealistic blend of fantasy and reality. His canvases are a conglomeration of images of happy childhood and of catastrophic events unrelated to daily life. They combine to express a dread of reality. Liu beckons his viewers to join in the games of this visionary world,playing whatever roles they see fit. A girl and boy dressed in sailor suits look bemused, and two youths that magnetize the viewer‘s attention are in an obscure relationship. Spears, pistols, telescopes, pictures and books are all life‘s toys to Liu, the kind of life envisioned by postmodern artists and espoused by French philosopher Derrida.  相似文献   

39 Goes Italian With its modern and contemporary style,the 39 Restaurant and Lounge is leaving its past identity as being just another fusion restaurant behind. 39 is bringing the true art of Italian cook- ing to Beijing and features a menu that reflects Italy's gastronomic soul.In cooperation with the recognized Alberto and his talented Italian chefs, we have created a variety of authentic and uncon- ventional dishes,featuring a multitude of Italian products and ingredients.Our Italian chef de Cuisine Alberto,who has spent many years study- ing and preparing food in the finest kitchens of  相似文献   

正If you are going on a long journey tomorrow,my friend,wherever you are,please remember Khotan in Southern Xinjiang sends its heartfelt invitation.Lacking the femininity of the south with its Yangtze River,there is only the masculinity of desert here.Without the affluence and prosperity of a modern city,there is merely simplicity and quietude of soul.Dancing a piece of Maxrap can bring you joy.Roaring the word"harmony"can resound through the sky.In this,you'll experience how the journey of aiding Xinjiang develops a lifetime connection to Snow Mountain.  相似文献   

<正>The ancient town Phoenix Town in Hunan province, famous as the childhood home of two cultural icons of Chinese painting and writing, is being invigorated by a town son devoted to safeguarding its soul and immortalizing it through a picturesque museum.  相似文献   

Art and design use warm colors to represent fire,light,hot landscapes,passion...And the Paralympic soul.On March 4,a mishmash of reds,oranges,yellows,violets,and so the list continues,danced through the night skies of China’s capital.The cauldron was lit,signaling the start of the Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.Zhang Yimou,also known as the master of visual bravura,once again lived up to his reputation and orchestrated a striking opening ceremony inside the Bird’s Nest.  相似文献   

YANG Weiguang, former president of CCTV, died on September 20 at the age of 79. Although Yang asked thatmourning and memorial services be abbreviated, voluntary celebrations of his life continued for almost a month. This prompted many inquiries about the man who retired from the CCTV presidency 15 years ago. As posthumous reports described him, Yang was a trailblazer and trendsetter for Chinese television. For insiders, his life was a symbol of the daring period of reforms.  相似文献   

THE modern metropolis is full of noise, and hustling bustling people who know neither where they come from nor where they are going, Blinkeredness may be a suitable way of describing the lives of urban residents. Even the city sky has a depressive color. But the colors in a painting can in some way bring an element of vitality to the monotony of urban life. Zhang Li creates his tranquil, and secluded world from amidst the noisy urban life,  相似文献   

MONEY and a career are two means to a better life; money secures the approval of one's peers, and as a result, one becomes part of the elite. Making the acquaintance of and working together with such people is an exchange of intelligence, and also an inte…  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2010,(1):10-13
Poverty generally refers to material destitution, namely, conditions under which a person's or a family's life is not up to the lowest socially acceptable standard. Lacking some necessary means of livelihood and services, they live in great difficulty. Poverty deprives a person of his or her naturally endowed value and of life's basic necessities. Poverty is a deprivation of the most basic human right and an insult to human dignity.  相似文献   

正The Miao continue a special tradition of inhumation,or burial in the ground.After the tombsite and date are chosen by the local geomancer,several steps must be taken to release the soul of the dead.The host of the ceremony burns talisman paper in the grave and draws talismans in the tomb with white stone sand.He draws eight diagrams.Then,he brings a rooster to eat rice sprinkled in the tomb,after which the coffin is placed in the grave.The core philosophy of this funeral rite is the  相似文献   

What, you might ask, could Miss China, runner-up to Miss Universe 2002 and Sade, blues and soul singer, possibly have in common? Among the usual facets of femininity, both of these women have added to the allure of the cheongsam on the global stage. Hard on the heels of a successful APEC summit in 2001 in Shanghai, where the nations' male leaders were outfitted in colourful brocade Tang jackets that jump-started a revival in traditional Chinese dress, the female cheongsam is likewise making a strong comeback. In a recent concert tour, televised version and CD cover of Lovers Rock, Sade glamorized the  相似文献   

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