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(一)简要案情被告人周锐,男,1983年1月7日出生,汉族,农民。被告人胡新华,男,1966年3月3日出生,汉族,农民。被告人李春雷,男,1982年2月10日出生,汉族,农民。被告人纪旭,男,1993年8月10日出生,汉族,无业。被告人刘鹏,男,1978年6月2日出生,汉族,无业。被告人王庆舫,男,1968年11月27日出生,汉族,农民。被告人罗翠华,女,1970年2月25日出生,汉族,农民。  相似文献   

图中之兵部令牌鸡心形,宽8.8厘米,长10.5厘米,厚约0.4厘米,重115.8克,顶部有一孔,可系绳,挂于腰间,正面作双龙戏珠纹,对称布局,龙头硕大,额头凸出,龙之须发、齿、舌、尾等刻画细致,龙身盘曲作直立状,龙鳞如鲤鱼鳞,诸龙爪均紧抓住一球状物,牌之中心部位有一凸起之纵向长方形上单刀阴刻楷书"兵部"二字,其余空隙部位,亦对称的布置了火焰纹和卷云纹,周边是(圆弧状)的灯芯包边,牌中除凸出的纹饰外,地子作细细的刀凿"芝麻地".背面亦然只 是牌的中心改成一个拱花的在斜置正方形(菱形)面上有一个双钩楷书"令"字,十分醒目.此牌金光灿烂,手感沉重,系用两块金片加工焊接而成,扣之声音"拍""拍"然.……  相似文献   

卫宣利 《江淮法治》2013,(16):58-59
每次看到他们,我就觉得,我们每个人,哪怕平凡普通犹如微尘,只要努力踏实上进,生活一定舍不得辜负你。从外面回来,到小区门口,阵阵香味袅袅娜娜地缠过来,脚步被嗅觉引诱着,一步步寻过去,果然还是那家粒粒香小吃店。店里清雅干净,整洁有序,老板娘幸福地挺着大肚子,笑眯眯地冲我打招呼:"还是扬州炒饭?多放葱花不要姜。"我笑,好久没来,她还记得我的口味。。大概两年前吧,他们在小区门口开了这家店,卖炒饭盖浇饭。店很小,连个店名也没有,只在门前竖一个牌子,写着饭菜的品种。店里只能放两张桌子,但收拾得十分干净,饭菜味道也好。尤其是扬州炒饭,洁白的饭粒被金黄的蛋液包裹着,火腿红润,青豆青翠,玉米鹅黄,虾仁鲜红,盛在青花细瓷碗里,一碗的姹紫嫣红,仿佛盛着一碗色彩绚丽的春天,让人不忍下箸。待一入口,粒粒生香,浓郁绵  相似文献   

钱汉东 《检察风云》2007,(13):78-79
去年6月,我在宝山北翼商业街一家玉器店,看到一款笔洗,笔洗雕工造型精致,是瑞猴献寿图案,两个小猴捧着一个寿桃,仰着头,形态生动,栩栩如生.店主是云南人,很熟.她希望我把这块"老东西"600元拿下,我犹豫再三,思忖:翡翠不分新老,料好上好都值钱,这一块东西谈不上好料,我决定放弃.……  相似文献   

5月12日,四川汶川县发生8级特大地震,给人民生命财产造成了巨大损失。陕西省律师协会积极响应党和政府的号召,按照省司法厅的统一安排部署,向各市律师协会、省直各律师事务所下发紧急通知,号召全省律师积极行动起来,伸出援手,奉献爱心,为地震灾区捐款捐物。通知下发后,陕西律师积极行动,踊跃捐款,可亲可  相似文献   

陈鲁民 《检察风云》2008,(16):32-32
回应舆论曝光批评,是各地政府和单位常遇到的事,《政府信息公开条例》实施后,多数回应都做到了实事求是,有一说一,有二说二,是误解就解释清楚,是过失就承认错误,获得公众好评。但也有的生怕影响政府和单位形象,于是,在回应舆论曝光批评时,绞尽脑汁,耍尽花招,巧舌如簧,极其"艺术",颇耐寻味。不妨总结一二,看看其中有哪些花花肠子。  相似文献   

何万盈,男,汉族,陕西彬县人,生于1950年10月,在读工商管理博士研究生,高级工程师,特级职业经理人.1968年2月参加工作,1984年加入中国共产党.  相似文献   

刘琴 《江淮法治》2013,(16):59-59
在那里,我找到了一个世界,一个让自己的心灵宁静无扰,快乐的、自由的世界。越学越觉得开心,觉得工作和生活都更有滋味。原来,梦想开始的地方,是幸福的天堂。小时候,父母常和我说故事,说起古代的女子,琴棋书画样样皆通。懂事后,看着古代仕女图中的女子抚琴的样子,听着古曲中古筝那美妙的声音,很是向往。学校毕业后,参加工作、结婚生子,这一愿望渐渐被生活的浪潮冲淡了。多年后,有一次,我和友人去外地游玩,在参观一文化景点时,看到一架古筝摆放在展厅,我走上前,手指不自觉地轻抚琴弦,声音很是好听。  相似文献   

这一日,早朝升殿后,宋仁宗问阅卷官,京城大考已毕,按惯例,每年榜首要选三人,不知今年所中的是什么人。阅卷官慌忙把前三名的试卷呈给皇帝。仁宗打开第一卷,阅罢,龙颜大悦,说,此卷做得极好,只可惜,中间有一个错字。  相似文献   

重要的是政才 帝王夺取天下好比摘人参果,你想吃,他想吃,大家都想吃,于是大家都想方设法捷足先登,争取优先权. 可古代帝王妻妾成群,儿孙也就多,而王位只有一个,到底传给谁,这一点不同帝王各有标准,但最要紧的,一是要传给自己最喜欢的、自己认为最可靠的人,二是要传给有能力保住帝王位子的人.  相似文献   

民决团仅仅负责事实审,决定事实问题;法官则负责法律审,决定法律问题。这个认识的错误在于:普通法中没有“事实审”、“法律审”的术语,这是国人杜撰出来的。普通法事实发展出来法律,法律是事实的积累。民决团事实上既决定法律又决定事实。它在美国,具有最高权力,大于总统、国会和最高法庭。另外民决团在美国7个州还决定量刑,在有死刑的州,还决定死刑。事实与法律的区分和混合,有助于法官将复杂问题交给民决团决定并在上诉中捍卫民决团的最高权力;也有助于法官对法律问题下命令、进行违宪性审查。总之,理解民决团的最高权力,是理解普通法的关键。  相似文献   

论和解合同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和解合同是当事人约定相互让步,以终止争执或排除法律关系不明确之状态的合同。构成和解合同,第一须有争执或法律关系不明确的状态的存在;第二须有终止争执或排除法律关系不明确状态的意思;第三须有相互让步。和解合同不必定为债权合同,而是有可能为物权合同或准物权合同;和解合同不必定为双务合同;和解合同为不要式合同。和解合同的典型内容为确定效力。  相似文献   

In many countries it is left to the discretion of the court to accept or reject conclusions based on sampling procedures as applied to the total drug exhibit. As an alternative to this subjective approach, a statistical basis is presented using binomial and hypergeometric distributions to determine a lower limit for the proportion of units in a population which contains a drug, at a given confidence level. A method for calculating the total weight of a drug present in a population within a given confidence interval is also presented. In the event of no failures (all units sampled contain a drug), a sample size of six or seven units is generally sufficient to state that a proportion of at least 0.70 of the population contains a drug at a confidence level of at least 90%. When failures do occur in the sample, point estimation is used as the basis for selecting the appropriate sample size.  相似文献   

腐败有掌权者腐败和机构腐败之分。掌权者腐败具有“行为的个别性”和“明显的不合理性”的特点。机构腐败也有两个显著特点:(1)它是机关行为或一定权力系统的行为,没有具体的责任人;(2)它的不合理性不十分明显,人们对它常常不能形成稳定一致的是非评价。由于腐败与执法的同源性、权力的不受惩罚性、反腐败的法令只能由不腐败的权力创制等原因,对腐败无法像对其他犯罪那样通过严格执法来实现治理目标。在民主政治下,根治腐败的根本出路是贯彻品德原则,建立对官员的品德评价系统。品德评价系统是依据品德标准对公职人员实施辞退、罢免、撤换的政治评价系统。这个系统由执法权自洁系统、监督系统和以公众为力量源泉的基础系统等构成。  相似文献   

Democracy,Subsidiarity, and Citizenship in the ‘European Commonwealth’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Is there a ‘constitutional moment’in contemporary Europe? What if anything is the constitution of theEuropean Union; what kind of polity is the Union? The suggestionoffered is that there is a legally constituted order, and that asuitable term to apply to it is a‘commonwealth’, comprising a commonwealthof ‘post-sovereign’ states. Is it a democraticcommonwealth, and can it be? Is there sufficiently ademos or ‘people’ for democracy to be possible?If not democratic, what is it? Monarchy, oligarchy, ordemocracy, or a ‘mixed constitution’? Argued: thereis a mixed constitution containing a reasonableelement of democratic rule. The value of democracy isthen explored in terms of individualistic versusholistic evaluation and instrumental versus intrinsicvalue. Subsidiarity can be considered in a similarlight, suggestively in terms of forms of democracyappropriate to different levels of self-government.The conclusion is that there is no absolute democraticdeficit in the European commonwealth.


This paper proposes a semiotic theory of norms—what I term normative semiotics. The paper’s central contention is that social norms are a language. Moreover, it is a language that we instinctively learn to speak. Normative behaviour is a mode of communication, the intelligibility of which allows us to establish cooperative relationships with others. Normative behaviour communicates an actor’s potential as a cooperative partner. Compliance with a norm is an act of communication: compliance signals cooperativeness; noncompliance signals uncooperativeness. An evolutionary model is proposed to explain how this comes about: evolution has generated an instinctual proficiency in working with these signals much like a language—a proficiency that manifests in an emotional context. We see these social rules as possessing a certain ‘rightness’ in normative terms. This adaptive trait is what we call internalization. Internalization enhances the individual’s ability to speak this code. Because these signals communicate who is and who is not a reliable co-operator, sending and receiving cooperation signals is crucial to individual survival. Individuals who internalized the entire process and thus became more adept at speaking the language were at an advantage. Law seeks to shape the language of norms by maintaining the collective standards of society; as such, understanding how and why this normative language emerges is critical to understanding a core function of law.  相似文献   

Regan DH 《Michigan law review》1979,77(7):1569-1646
Presented in this essay are suggestions for rewriting Roe vs. Wade, the case that resulted in the establishment of a constitutional right to abortion. Essentially, the argument is 1 of equal protection. It is suggested that abortion be viewed as presenting a problem that might be termed "the law of samaritanism" -- the law regarding obligations imposed on certain individuals to provide assistance to others. In American law it is a deeply rooted principle that an individual is ordinarily not required to volunteer assistance to another individual who is in danger or in need of aid. The argument presented maintains that if a pregnant woman is required to carry the fetus to term and deliver it, then she is being compelled to be a Good Samaritan. It is argued further that if the generally limited scope of obligations of samaritanism under current law are considered, and the special nature of the burdens imposed on pregnant women by laws forbidding abortion are also considered, the obvious conclusion is that the equal protection clause forbids imposition of these burdens on pregnant women. The argument is developed in a lengthy form and calls for an extended discussion of the law of samaritanism. The uniqueness of the abortion case also creates problems as the equal protection argument is approached, and an approach to equal protection questions is sketched.  相似文献   

犯罪化的过程即犯罪范围的选择,事关刑事立法的正当性,而这首先与犯罪的本质特征相关。社会危害性和法益侵害性,分别属于立法层面和司法层面的犯罪概念的本质特征,各有其特征、作用。犯罪化的过程事实上是从社会危害性到法益侵害性的过程,将这一过程进行阶层化构建,有利于强化刑事立法的正当性:第一阶层检验某一行为是否具有社会危害性,即是否存在严重损害、深度冒犯和高度危险(风险)。第二阶层检验将该行为犯罪化是否具有公众认同基础。第三阶层检验将其犯罪化是否符合效益原则。  相似文献   

是否应对第三者课以民事责任成为这次婚姻法修改论争的焦点。笔者认为 ,追究第三者的法律责任缺乏理论支撑 ,又缺乏现实基础。目前理论上所提出的配偶权 ,以及由此生发出来的同居义务、贞操义务均无法诠释第三者的法律责任。从现实上来看 ,第三者问题广泛而且复杂 ,第三者概念模糊难以界定 ,其程序也具有不可操作性。因此 ,第三者问题由道德调整是较为现实的选择。  相似文献   

公知技术抗辩是专利侵权诉讼中被告保护自己利益的有效手段。用以抗辩的公知技术是指专利申请日之前已有的、处于公知状态的技术,但不必是可自由使用的技术。公知技术抗辩是否成立的判断应采用"二者比较创造说"。在既符合等同侵权又存在公知技术抗辩的情况下,应当优先适用公知技术抗辩。  相似文献   

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