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The current study is the first to implement and evaluate a group-based trauma-specific program for adolescents in a secure accommodation facility in Scotland. A randomized control and qualitative pilot study compared an intervention group (n = 10), who received Teaching Recovery Techniques, to a waitlist control group (n = 7). Measures included subjective units of disturbance (SUDs), standardized trauma symptom questionnaires, and analysis of behavior monitoring logs. Adolescent interviews (n = 10) and a presenter focus group (n = 4) assessed program experience and views on future development. Sessions were videoed and analyzed for program adherence. Analysis involved MANOVA, and a quasi-qualitative thematic approach for participant views. Adolescents reported high SUDs and a range of trauma symptoms. A large effect size was found for reduced SUDs (d = 1.10) and positive trends were identified for symptoms and behavior change in the intervention group. Program adaptations included smaller groups, the use of visual materials and liaison with care staff to facilitate generalization. Recommendations are made for program development and large scale evaluation.  相似文献   

This article examines the problems inherent in any endeavor to rank law schools on a qualitative basis. Analysis of possible ranking criteria forces the conclusion that attempting to assign specific rankings based on objective criteria is a futile task. However, objective tests are suggested which indicate, on application to available data, that about 40 of the approximately 165 ABA-AALS-accredited law schools are of superior quality and differ among themselves only as to an image of prestige.  相似文献   

要实现对个人的尊重需要每个人的努力,但是在日本这种责任意识还十分淡薄。教师应该充分认识到思想自由和表达自由的重要性并将之反映到教育实践中去。日本的社会构造具有连续性,因而在考察日本的立宪秩序时不宜把战前战后视为两个“断绝”的历史阶段。主张以市场为主导和规制缓和,不应只看到政府失灵的问题,也应当看到市场失灵的危险性,因此有必要建立符合日本国情的公共监控制度。  相似文献   

朱丁普 《河北法学》2007,25(10):158-164
在欧洲共同体的所有二级立法渊源中,指令的法律效力是一个颇具争议的问题,尤其是指令在各成员国中是否具有直接效力,更是引起了诸多纷争,而《欧洲共同体条约》和《欧洲原子能共同体条约》均未对此做出规定.以欧洲法院的相关案例法为主线,对其提出的指令的纵向直接效力、协调一致解释及附带横向直接效力原则逐一进行了评析,最后得出结论:为切实有效实现欧洲共同体指令所追求的目标,欧洲法院应当重新定义其提出的指令的直接效力原则;其中,最具有关键性意义的是,应当赋予指令在自然人和法人等私人之间的横向直接效力的职能.  相似文献   

马岭 《政法论丛》2010,(1):19-29
《共同纲领》在“序言”中规定了“一般纲领”(新中国的性质和政治基础),“总纲”和其它五章规定了“具体纲领”(军事、经济、国防、外交等制度),其中有大量政策性内容,对后来的几部宪法有重要影响。《共同纲领》的宪法性体现在宣告新政权的合法性、规定权利义务、构建国家政权体制三方面。纲领与宪法有着一定的相同性,但二者也有明显的不同,分析这些不同点,对我们进一步认识宪法的作用具有一定益处。  相似文献   

Since proceedings at the international criminal tribunals areessentially adversarial in nature they inevitably are party-led,rather than judge-led. The inherent challenges of conductinga large-scale war crimes trial are further exacerbated whenthe accused chooses to represent himself. However, the authorbelieves the bench has the opportunity, by robust applicationof a number of rules already available, to exert considerableinfluence over the course of events at all stages of proceedings,thereby ensuring fair and expeditious war crimes trials. Thereal benefits of the judicial process are to be found in thesuccessful prosecution of the guilty and exoneration of theinnocent: in view of the massive size of cases before the tribunals,that is only achievable by judicial control and focus on thereal issues in dispute, even if this implies that the tribunalscan no longer satisfy some of the original expectations withwhich they were set up. The author identifies a number of practicalissues, to which judges at tribunals should always be alert,and illustrates some by reference to events during the trialof Slobodan Miloevi, as well as current proceedings before theICTY.  相似文献   

JB-茚三酮雾化熏显血指印   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某年6月13日11时许,一家服装店店主李某被发现死在店内,身上多处刀伤。经现场勘查,在被翻动过的抽屉内,技术人员发现一只塑料文件自封袋上有微量血迹,经用JB-茚三酮雾化熏显成功显现出一枚潜血指印,经甄别确定为犯罪分子所留,  相似文献   

社区矫正评估体系的构建对于我国社区矫正工作的开展具有重要意义.评估对象内容和范围的确定是整个评估体系的基本组成部分.评估对象的确定是一个科学的过程,必须在一定的方法论指导下进行.现阶段我国社区矫正评估对象包括五个方面的内容,对这些内容进行细化,可以得出具体的评估对象.  相似文献   

警、检一体化模式的提出旨在提高刑事诉讼效率,其基本要求是检察对侦查的管理、领导、指挥和监督,与之相适应,应改革现行的公安管理体制,确立司法审查制度并强化犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼权利。警、检一体理论缺乏司法环境的现实基础,因而注定了其“空中楼阁”式的理论结局。针对当前警、检关系之间存在的冲突,可以从捕诉一体化改革、检察官提前介入“证据把关”、重设“预审员”等途径加强警、检之间的配合,从而提高诉讼效率;从建立立案、强制处分和撤案备案制度,以及畅通犯罪嫌疑人权利救济的途径促进侦查监督,以此确保侦查程序的公正。  相似文献   

Immersive virtual environments (IVEs), or virtual reality, could soon follow other visual technologies from the culture at large to the courtroom. The unprecedented realism of IVEs may be thought to pose peculiar risks of prejudice and confusion that would militate against their use as demonstrative evidence. In particular, some believe that jurors will be unable to distinguish IVEs from reality, and that IVEs are so involving that they will transform jurors from disinterested judges of, into witnesses to, or even participants in, litigated events, impairing their objectivity. This article analyzes these concerns and shows them to be overstated. The article also discusses other judgmental risks and benefits presented by the use of IVEs in court, and concludes that the admissibility of IVE evidence should be determined on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   

2009年11月5日至6日,由中国社会科学院法学研究所和河北省廊坊市中级人民法院联合主办的“协商性纠纷解决机制国际学术研讨会”在河北省廊坊市迎宾馆隆重举行。该会议系中国社会科学院法学研究所冀祥德教授主持的国际合作课题组成部分。来自美国、德国、澳大利亚以及最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部、团中央、中国社会科学院法学研究所、北京大学、中国人民大学、中国政法大学、中国人民公安大学、南京师范大学、中国青年政治学院、北京工商大学、中央财经大学、香港城市大学和北京、河北、山东、江西等单位的170多位国内外法学界学者和法律界专家参加了会议研讨。  相似文献   

试论无毒社区的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡卓萍 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):68-72
近年来,我国毒品蔓延严重,当前,逐步创建“无毒社区”,随之实现全省市乃至全国的禁毒目标是十分必要的。我们必须在党委、政府直接领导下,广泛发动人民群众共同抵制毒品,社会各界通力合作参与禁毒,才能实现禁毒目标。  相似文献   

In 1976, Lockheed Corporation was charged with making secret payments of at least $25 million to Japanese officials during the early 1970s. It was alleged that these payments were made in order to secure aircraft sales contracts with several Japanese airlines. At that time, Lockheed executives claimed that Japanese officials insisted that consideration of Lockheed as a contractor would require advance payments to several government officials. In spite of this claim, Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 1977 which treats these payments as bribery, rather than extortion, and prohibits them with the threat of criminal penalties. During the last 10 years, Japan has tried and convicted 15 former government officials of bribery and other crimes in the Lockheed affair. This paper assesses the effects of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in regulating business conduct, and the validity of the claims by Lockheed and the Japanese officials 10 years later, now that the trials are over.  相似文献   

During the entire postwar period, the term "interdependence" has figured repeatedly in statements by American governmental figures and in the writings of bourgeois political scientists. In the past two or three years, it has acquired a new ring. Whereas previously American expressions regarding "interdependence" applied to relationships within the framework of NATO, today they have to do with a considerably broader sphere of foreign policy relationships of the United States, including those involving the entire capitalist world and the developing countries. In a number of cases, American writers working on the "interdependence" problem have also included certain aspects of the relation between capitalist and socialist states. They undertake to analyze, from the standpoint of bourgeois political science, various aspects of "interdependence" — economic, physical-geographical (deriving from mankind's ever more intensive joint utilization of the atmosphere, the waters and floor of the world ocean, near outer space, solar and subsurface energy, etc.), military-political (having to do with the threat of destruction of world civilization should a nuclear war occur), cultural, and so on.  相似文献   

作为社会科学领域的一种认知活动,就其性质而言,证明首先属于人们主观对客观发生的社会事件的一种认识,因此必须遵循认识论的普遍规律。证据其实是承载案件事实信息的载体,证据的本质属性也只能是关联性,具体指关联性中体现出案件事实的信息性。证据的概念过于强调证据的客观真实。应将证据重新定义。证据的证明力在于其能形成相互关联的证明链条。证据可以承载事实的真实信息,也可以承载事实的虚假信息。  相似文献   

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