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Information on costs of crime in any one country is difficult to compile and most efforts to present the costs of crime have had shortcomings flowing from the ambiguity of data and a lack of precise information on both costs and benefits. International information on the costs of crime is extremely rare; and, of course, comparative data is a task for the future when uniform data collection becomes possible. Even then the information is likely to reflect (as do official crime figures now) the cooperation or lack of cooperation of particular governments. This paper describes an unprecedented approach by the Australian Institute of Criminology to improve the present state of knowledge by working through diplomatic channels.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Criminology - This paper offers novel experimental evidence that violent crimes can be successfully reduced by changing the situational environment that potential victims...  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪的社区矫正研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,未成年人犯罪率高、性质严重、犯罪更加低龄化的趋势,使得未成年人犯罪的形势日趋严峻.因此,如何针对未成年人心理、生理及思维习惯等特点预防和惩治青少年犯罪,已成为各国研究的重要课题.本文就未成年人犯罪社区矫正立法的六个主要问题进行了探讨,并针对这些问题提出具体主张:制定<社区矫正法>,并设立<未成年人的社区矫正>专章;专门的未成年人社区矫正管理机构和人员配置;正规的社区矫正机构建设;扩大未成年人社区矫正的适用率和适用范围;设立符合未成年人心身特点的社区矫正项目;制定有针对性的矫正计划和实施方案.  相似文献   

The author, among others, has developed a system that empowers communities to organise themselves to engage in outcome focused prevention planning. This system for prevention planning using the tools of prevention science is Communities That Care (CTC). In a collaborative US project 22 reliable and valid archival indicators of 12 major risk factors that predict rates of adolescent drug use at the county level were found. This collaborative project has also developed a validated school survey that measures risk, protection, delinquency and drug use outcomes reliably across states and ethnic groups. It allows a diagnosis of risk and protection levels in any geographical area, from a state to a neighbourhood. With these tools, communities can organise themselves to engage in outcome focused prevention planning, objectively assess their own profiles of risk and protection, and choose and implement effective strategies to address their unique strengths and needs. In Europe CTC has been currently introduced in England and Wales, Scotland and in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

社区已日益成为犯罪防治的重要阵地,本文在概述社区犯罪及其研究必要性的基础上,拟从该犯罪的主要特征入手,对社区犯罪的防范提出若干相应的对策。  相似文献   

试论ATM案件的作案手段及侦查思路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近几年,银行卡和ATM在我国迅猛发展,但ATM案件也日益突出。由于ATM案件是一种新型的犯罪类型,作案手段具有隐蔽性、智能性、多样性,此类案件的破案率、打击率却比较低,侦查人员全面认识此类案件的作案伎俩,掌握特点规律,并采取切实可行的侦查对策是当务之急。作者在对浙江省已发的2107起ATM案件调查研究的基础上,详细分析了获取银行卡套得密码、窃取磁卡信息制作假卡、控制出钞和剪断传输带、假传信息实现转帐、存入变造币提取真币、强行破坏,直接窃款等六大类ATM案件的基本作案手法,论述了ATM案件的实地勘验、现场访问、案情分析、循线调查、并案侦查、现场布控等有针对性的侦查思路。  相似文献   

思想教育作为犯罪一般预防的重要内容,在职务犯罪预防中同样起着不可或缺的作用,然而当前的职务犯罪预防教育存在着诸多问题,影响并制约着教育的实效。为了满足当今预防职务犯罪的需要,应当着眼于以人为本,做到多策并举,从警示教育、忠诚教育、文化进补、加强调适等多个方面,力求提升教育在职务犯罪预防中的“贡献率”,从而使思想教育真正成为职务犯罪的一道坚实防线。  相似文献   

This article casts a critical eye over some of the (often ignored) assumptions which underlie recent appeals to community in crime prevention and control. The article considers the philosophical origins, ambiguities and tensions within such appeals. In so doing, it draws explicitly upon the growth of community safety and to a lesser extent restorative justice in Britain and considers some of the implications to which this shift may give rise. In particular, it focuses upon the manner in which appeals to community converge and collide with changing social relations which may undermine their progressive potential. Specific attention is given to the implications of: increasing social and spatial dislocation; the commodification of security; and policy debates about a growing underclass. It is argued that there is much confusion as to how, and to what extent, communities can contribute to the construction of social order. Within the dynamics of community safety and crime control practices there are dangers that security differentials may become increasingly significant characteristics of wealth and status with implications for social exclusion. This questions the extent to which crime is an appropriate vehicle around which to (re)construct open and tolerant communities.  相似文献   


This paper utilizes results of citywide surveys to examine trends in Chicago during the 1990s in the extent of crime, social disorder, and physical decay. These trends depict a tale of three cities, for trends in neighborhood problems differed dramatically for Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. All fared differently, and no group was “average.” By the beginning of the new century, Whites saw some improvement in neighborhood conditions, and Blacks experienced major improvements, but conditions for Latinos actually worsened. Analysis indicates that a combination of language and geographical concentration were among the factors associated with worsening conditions. The paper concludes with the recommendation that the city, the police department, and the community itself redouble their efforts to address the problems facing Latinos in Chicago.  相似文献   

Research Summary Crime reduction policy has focused almost exclusively on offenders. Recent studies and evaluations show that expanding our policy portfolio to include places may be highly productive. We show that there is considerable research showing that crime is concentrated at a relatively few locations, that high-crime places are stable, that changing places can reduce crime, that displacement is not only far from inevitable but also less likely than the diffusion of crime prevention benefits, and that owners of high-crime places can be held accountable for the criminogenic conditions of their locations. We link these findings to environmental policy, where environmental scientists, economists, and regulators have developed a broad set of regulatory options. The core of this article describes a portfolio of environmental policy instruments directly applicable to crime places. We also discuss major decisions local governments will need to make to implement various forms of regulation, and we list challenges that governments must anticipate in planning for such implementation. We argue that a regulatory approach to crime places has the potential to lower the cost to taxpayers of reducing crime by shifting costs from governments to the relatively few place owners whose actions create crime-facilitating conditions. Policy Implications Taking a regulatory approach to crime places substantially expands the crime policy options under consideration. Regulatory options may increase local governments’ effectiveness at reducing crime while reducing governments’ costs. This is because regulatory approaches have the potential to shift some portion of the financial burden for crime fighting to owners of criminogenic locations. Policy makers can select between means-based anticrime regulations that focus on how place owners manage their locations and ends-based regulations that focus on the number of crimes allowed at places. Both of these approaches contain several alternative regulatory instruments, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Experimenting with various regulatory instruments could lead to the development of a range of new crime reduction policies. In addition, a regulatory approach has implications for the funding of policy research. Means-based regulatory instruments require governments to develop evidence that the means they regulate have the desired impact on crime. Ends-based regulatory instruments shift this burden to the regulated places.  相似文献   

This paper asks what crime prevention looks like for residents in informal settlements in Khayelitsha, a black township on the outskirts of Cape Town. It engages with the idea of vigilantism and hybrid policing formations, analyzing the overlaps and intersections between legal community‐based crime prevention initiatives, and local ‘punitive practices’. The focus is not on the intensely violent spectacle of ‘mob justice’, where suspects are killed, but on the more ubiquitous, hybrid formations that also fall on the vigilantism continuum. These include coercive practices such as banishment, corporal punishment, retrieval of stolen goods by local policing formations and, trials conducted by street committees. The core argument I make is that, at times, particularly in poor areas where the state is absent and encourages citizens to take responsibility for their own crime prevention, the boundary between legality and coercive illegality collapses in on itself. Thus, the notion of voluntarism, that is so important to official discourse on crime, is particularly problematic when applied in poor communities with high rates of unemployment and high crime rates. As such, the state's encouraging of citizens to take responsibility for their own safety, alongside a punitive state discourse on crime and criminality, creates the space for illegal vigilante style actions to emerge in the shadow of legal crime prevention initiatives.  相似文献   

"犯罪所得投资收益"是行为人将经由犯罪取得的赃款赃物通过置业、理财或者创业等投资手段获取的经济利益,在本质上是一种资产增值。理论上,"犯罪所得投资收益"是否属于我国《刑法》第64条规定的"违法所得的一切财物"存在"违法所得说"与"合法财产说"的学说争议,二者虽各有道理,但却均属"片面的深刻"。事实上,"犯罪所得投资收益"是"非法与合法"耦合的结果,对其法律评价存在复杂的影响因素,需要全面分析并综合把控。司法机关在"犯罪所得投资收益"追缴的问题上,应综合考量以下三个因素:其一,"投资收益"的获取途径,对于纯粹资本主导的"资本投机"收益与"资本+生产要素"共同主导的"组合投资"收益应予以实质区分;其二,行为人先前获利的犯罪行为是否可以评价为"法益可恢复性犯罪",犯罪行为所侵害的法益及其属性的判断以及行为方式是否违背社会公众普遍认同的伦理禁忌;其三,坚持利益衡量原则,综合考量"犯罪所得投资收益"追缴与民营企业稳定发展的关系,坚持惩罚犯罪与人权(产权)保障以及经济社会稳定发展的有机平衡。  相似文献   

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