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自上世纪以来,随着我国改革开放和互联网等科技的迅猛发展,在社会转型时期,一些社会问题接踵而至,未成年人犯罪和未成年人权益的保护问题,亟待引起全社会的普遍关注。本篇笔者结合湖南内陆省份的实际情况,从实地调研入手,探讨未成年犯罪人存在的主要问题及产生原因,从而对如何防范未成年人犯罪,有效地保护未成年人的合法权益,促进未成年人一代的茁壮成长,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

就业歧视的成因分析及对策研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
就业歧视问题在我国的人才市场中较为突出。端正用人观念, 消除体制性障碍, 建立反就业歧视的法律法规, 保障就业者的平等权利势在必行。  相似文献   

未成年人是国家的未来和民族的希望。在针对四川省6-17岁的未成年人安全状况的调查发现,未成年人安全感总体比较高,获取安全信息的渠道多元化,对来自官方的信息具有较高的信任感,学校安全教育是未成年人安全信息获取的重要渠道。同时,调查还发现在未成年人生活中存在食品安全形势严峻,交通安全有待提升,用电安全需要加强,网络交友潜伏隐患,人际沟通不容乐观,救助常识相对缺乏,社会组织在未成年人安全保护中的活力不足等安全隐患。构建政府主导,家庭保护、学校保护、社会保护、未成年人自护"四位一体"的未成年人安全保护格局,从改进社会治理的角度激发社会组织参与未成年人安全服务的活力是改善未成年人安全状况的出路。  相似文献   

我国转型期企业道德责任的缺失及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国社会进入转型期以来,社会的方方面面都发生了巨大的变化。特别是由于经济体制和利益机制的改变为企业带来了前所未有的变化。其中最大的变化就是企业为了谋取经济利益而置道德责任于不顾。而由于企业道德责任的缺失,带来了一系列的经济、社会、法律问题,同时也导致了价值观念的混乱。  相似文献   

政治参与同政治稳定有着密切的关系,两者是统一的,从根本意义上讲,政治参与的实现可以促进社会政治稳定。政治参与通过公民参与政治生活愿望的满足,政治传导和反馈系统的增强,以及政治监督和政治安全阀门作用的发挥来巩固和促进社会政治稳定。但是,政治参与并非一定能带来政治稳定,两者之间存在着一些变数关系。政治参与的制度化水平,政治参与主体的组织化程度以及政治参与形式的运用都会影响到社会政治稳定。  相似文献   

当前我国劳动关系存在的几个突出问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
发展和谐劳动关系,各级党政必须要高度重视劳动关系问题,注意发挥工会组织在协调劳动关系方面的重要作用;不断建立完善公共服务体制建设,通过公共服务体制调节社会再分配,从宏观政策角度协调劳动关系;完善法律法规和加强执法的工作;建立有效机制,加大协调劳动关系力度。  相似文献   

本文以上海某高校2010-2011届毕业生的就业调查数据和历年访谈资料为基础,以就业不困难大学生群体为对照组,以就业困难大学生群体为实验组,从就业目标、就业准备和就业能力等方面分析就业困难大学生群体的特征,从劳动力市场机制、教育体制、家庭教育方式以及学生个体特征等方面分析其成因,进而提出相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

正确认识企业文化建设存在的问题,采取相应的措施,加强企业文化建设,可凝聚企业员工的思想,激发企业员工的生产积极性和创造性,营造有利于企业经营管理的内部环境和人际关系氛围,促进企业的改革与发展。  相似文献   

安全生产事关人民群众的生命财产安全和身心健康,体现着最广大人民群众的根本利益,也是全面建设小康社会的基本要求。党中央和国务院历来高度重视安全生产工作,特别是近几年来,采取了一系列重大举措,建立健全安全生产监管机构;出台了《安全生产法》、《职业病防治法》和《工伤保险条例》等法律法规;深入开展了重点行业、领域的安全生产专项整治;加强了安全生产宣传培训工作;严格了安全生产事故的责任追究等等。但是,目前我国的安全生产形势与小康社会的目标还存在较大的差距,形势依然严峻。去年全国共发生各类事故107万起,死亡近14万人,同比…  相似文献   

美国工会运动历史悠久,经历了曲折的历程。20世纪80年代,美国工会出现衰退,主要体现在入会率、罢工数量和影响力以及劳工政治力量等方面。美国工会衰退的成因,主要包括人口统计学因素、立法体系、全球化、工会自身因素;美国工会未来发展应采取三个对策。  相似文献   

Victims of child abuse and neglect are at an increased risk of involvement with the juvenile justice and adult correctional systems. Yet, little is known about the continuation and trajectories of offending beyond initial contact with law enforcement. Neglect likely plays a critical role in continued offending as parental monitoring, parental rejection and family relationships are instrumental in explaining juvenile conduct problems. This study sought to determine whether neglect is associated with recidivism for moderate and high risk juvenile offenders in Washington State. Statewide risk assessments and administrative records for child welfare, juvenile justice, and adult corrections were analyzed. The sample was diverse (24 % female, 13 % African American, 8 % Hispanic, 5 % Native American) and included all moderate and high risk juvenile offenders screened by juvenile probation between 2004 and 2007 (n = 19,833). Official records from child protection were used to identify juvenile offenders with a history of child neglect and to identify juvenile offenders with an ongoing case of neglect. Event history models were developed to estimate the risk of subsequent offending. Adolescents with an ongoing case neglect were significantly more likely to continue offending as compared with youth with no official history of neglect. These findings remain even after controlling for a wide range of family, peer, academic, mental health, and substance abuse covariates. Interrupting trajectories of offending is a primary focus of juvenile justice. The findings of the current study indicate that ongoing dependency issues play a critical role in explaining the outcomes achieved for adolescents in juvenile justice settings. The implications for improved collaboration between child welfare and juvenile justice are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research investigated differences in levels of impulsivity among early-onset, late-onset, and non-offending adolescents. 129 adolescents (114 males, 15 females), of whom 86 were institutionalised (M age=15.52 years) and 43 were regular school students (M age=15.40 years) participated. Each participant completed the Adapted Self-Report Delinquency Scale, Stroop Colour and Word Test, Time Perception task, Accuracy Game, Risk-Taking Game, and the Eysenck Impulsiveness Questionnaire. Results suggest that adolescents who display rapid cognitive tempo, poor mental inhibitory control, and high impulsivity are more likely to be early-onset offenders. Offender and non-offender groups showed significant differences on several measures of impulsivity, which may suggest that late-onset offenders acquire or exacerbate impulse-related problems through social mimicry of early-onset offender peers. Potentially important implications for our understanding of delinquency and the design and provision of prevention programs are highlighted.Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology at the School of Education, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. She received her PhD in educational psychology from The University of Western Australia. Her major research interests include at-risk behaviours of children and adolescents, self-regulation and goal setting, and developmental trajectories of antisocial and aggressive behaviours School of Education, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Q 4072 AustraliaDoctor of Clinical Psychology student within the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Her research interests include at-risk children and adolescents, mental health in adolescents and adults, cognitive-behavioural interventions, and self-regulationMaster of Philosophy student within the School of Education, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Her research interests include self-regulation, youth at-risk, Indigenous youth issues, and prevention and intervention approachesProfessor of Education and Head of the School of Education, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He received his PhD in educational psychology from the University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests include cognitive educational psychology, classroom-based instruction, strategy training, problem solving, and at-risk youthProfessor of Education and Director, Centre for Attention and Related Disorders at the Graduate School of Education, The University of Western Australia. He received his PhD in educational psychology from the University of Birmingham, UK. His research interests include attentional disorders, severe antisociality in children and adolescents, emotion regulation, complex information processing and cognitive processes of at-risk adolescents Graduate School of Education, The University of Western, AustraliaProfessor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. He received his PhD in developmental psychology, specialising in cognitive and communicative development in childhood and adolescence from Cambridge University, UK. His research interests include developmental psychology, at-risk children and adolescents, and the impact of media on children’s behaviour  相似文献   

当前我国面临着失业问题的严重局面,已采取的措施并未从根本上解决问题。失业治理的方向应当是压缩供给、扩大需求,即采取多种措施,有效压缩劳动力供给;国际国内并重,积极拓宽劳动力需求。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪记录有条件消灭制度是我国少年司法的重要组成部分,在中国司法体制下出现了从无到有的试点改革.目前,随着刑法修正案八(草案)的出台,我国立法的摩擦正在消除,契合国际少年司法的发展趋势.通过上海地区对罪错未成年人的抽样研究和各地实践改革的成果对比,论证建立该制度的必要性和可行性,通过对启动、审查、考察、回转、制度...  相似文献   

改革开放为我国民间组织的发展带来了新的机遇。经过30多年的发展,我国民间组织的发展取得了很大的成就,但是仍存在一些问题,如数量偏少、法律法规不健全、自治性与民间性不足等。  相似文献   

本文提出了正确认识中国当前失业问题必须注意的几个问题 ,提出了失业并不是资本主义独有的经济现象 ;分析了中国产生失业问题的原因  相似文献   

对于国有企业资产重组过程中的障碍 ,必须采取有效对策 ,以推动国有企业改革的深化。其主要对策是 :一要真正实现政企分开 ,政资分离 ;二要建立资产负责制 ,防止国有资产流失 ;三要培育发展资本市场 ,建立健全为企业资产重组的各种中介机构 ;四要坚持效益优先原则 ;五要减轻国企债务、退休养老和社会三大负担过重难题  相似文献   

1926年,中华全国总工会在广州创建劳动学院,其在办学理念、办学宗旨、办学目标、办学主体、课程设置、学员管理等方面与中国劳动关系学院及其前身有着明显的校史关联。加之刘少奇在劳动学院、延安工人学校以及全总干部学校之间的传承因素,劳动学院可以被视为中国劳动关系学院办学历史的最早发端,也是全总举办工人干部高等教育的开端。本研究探讨劳动学院与中国劳动关系学院的校史渊源,有助于推动中国劳动关系学院当前的学校建设,推进学校课程思政“立德树人”的建设,呈现出中华全国总工会干部培训事业的发展历程,增进理解中国共产党领导下劳动教育的历史传承,具有强烈的现实意义。  相似文献   

Investigations of Kaplan's self-derogation theory of delinquency are numerous, but results have been mixed. Progress in this domain of research may be hampered by the use of statistical methods that do not optimally test hypotheses derived from the theory. In this study, the relationship between self-esteem and delinquency is examined using latent growth curve modeling (LGM). Analyses of panel data from the Youth In Transition study supported Kaplan's theory by showing that delinquency was positively associated with growth in self-esteem among adolescent boys who initially reported having low self-regard. It was also found that self-esteem had a moderate, but significant, negative relationship with subsequent delinquency, net of prior delinquent behavior. It is concluded that future investigations of the relationship between self-esteem and delinquency would benefit from the use of LGM.  相似文献   

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