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Chinese democracy is making progress along a way unique to itself, despite the fact that political modernization in the country often escapes the vision of many Western observers.This is what David Gosset, Director of Academia Sinica Europaea at Shanghai-based China Europe International Business School, told a forum on China, sponsored and organized by the oundation Marcelino Botin (Spain), late last year. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

The 21~(st) Century Business Herald,an economic newspaper,recently invited top Chinese economists to review the country's 30 years of economic reform from different aspects.Excerpts of their comments follow:  相似文献   

Burgeoning private car ownership has broadened China's scope of holiday travel. Tours in cross-country vehicles are increasingly popular, and make exploring remoter regions an exciting and viable vacationing proposition.  相似文献   

The global ecology is dangerously damaged; unless decisive mea-sures are taken, the earth's natural resources will soon be exhausted.As the world's largest developing country, China uses a disproportionatevolume of energy that puts its ecology at risk as the country continues toindustrialize. The central govern-ment's promotion of a recyclableeconomy offers a solution to thisissue.The February issue of ChinaToday examines the developmentof the country's recyclable econ-omy mode, focusing on …  相似文献   

WHERE the middle reaches of the Fenhe River cut through the eastern part of the Loess Plateau an agricultural civilization arose 5,000 years ago, and an urban civilization cropped up some 2,500 years ago. Now Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Province, carries that great legacy forward and makes its own history, and China's, again.  相似文献   

财政透明:政府财务报告的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李昊  迟国泰 《求索》2010,(10):52-53,147
财政透明度是公共财政的本质要求,发达国家以及一些国际性组织都在不断为推进财政透明度而做出努力。而政府财务报告的特点,决定了它能够在提升财政透明中起到关键作用,为此,应逐步建立和完善我国的政府财务报告制度。  相似文献   

李小雨 《桂海论丛》2003,19(4):83-85
我国已经加入了WTO ,必然会对传统体制下的政府产生有力的冲击。WTO规则客观上要求我国的政府必须由过去的无限政府转为有限政府 ,由神秘政府转向透明政府。同时 ,WTO规则还将推动我国改革行政审批制度 ,开放政府采购市场 ,打击地方保护主义。这些都将从制度的变革层面有力地遏制腐败  相似文献   

人大监督是层次最高、最具权威性的监督。舆论监督作为一种社会的、公开的监督,其开放性、群众参与性和时效性是最强的。如何巧妙地集二者的优势和力量于一体,实现人大监督和新闻舆论监督的有机结合,增强人大监督的透明度和力度,是一个值得认真研究和探讨的课题。  相似文献   

物理学上有裂变和聚变之分。以原子弹为例,在裂变过程中,由原子核分裂产生能量,由于它会产生危险的有害废物,需要严密的控制,因此裂变能量的释放一般与层层控制系统相关。原子能用于非军事目的,其巨大力量必须有严格的管理。  相似文献   

洪丰 《公民导刊》2009,(3):9-10
采取网上提交议案建议的方式可以提高效率、节约成本,不仅有助于议案、建议工作的规范化。也有利于增加透明度。让老百姓更好地了解代表的履职情况。  相似文献   

正A museum presents Chinese culture from an American lawyer's perspective Museum exhibits are usually protected by glass cases or windows. However, at the Six Arts Museum in Lili, an ancient town in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, visitors can approach and physically touch the exhibits.  相似文献   

<正>Generations of cultural appropriation make for fashion eye candy at a Met fashion show Bad though centuries of accumulated stereotypes about China may be,they have produced at least one benefit:great fashion.That seems to be the running theme in China:Through the Looking Glass,on exhibit now at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.Blending film,history and designer gowns,the Costume Institute’s Spring 2015 exhibition is a veritable feast for the senses—exotic and  相似文献   

乡(镇)村关系视阈中“村务公开”的困境及其破解路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“村务公开”面临着许多现实问题,这些问题的根源在于基层社会乡村(镇)关系的矛盾和冲突,表现在基层权力体制、基层民主和乡(镇)村财政体制以及传统的“乡土文化”对“村务公开”的影响。破解“村务公开”的困境在于扩大基层民主自治范围和层次,建立乡(镇)民委员会的自治组织,进行“乡镇社区”治理。  相似文献   

China has been moving toward"rule of law"for more than a decade.It has been an eventful period,during which common people are given increasing say in lawmaking. For years in China,administrative regulations issued by government agen- cies have constituted a major basis of the legal system and proven effective in the settlement of a large proportion of judicial proceedings due to their concrete and specific stipulations.However,since the regulations place more emphasis  相似文献   

王秀哲 《桂海论丛》2005,21(1):26-28
从经济学角度分析,政府具有自利性的属性,该属性决定了政府行为有寻机追求自身利益最大化的倾向和趋势。政府自利 性的属性必然和政府为公益服雾的目的性产生矛盾,为了解决这一矛盾,使政府的行为始终围绕公共利益进行,一种有效的对策是 公开政府行为:公开政府行为必须走法治化之路。  相似文献   

杨英 《社会主义研究》2013,(1):60-67,165
国家形成的军事视角强调国家形成过程中的军事作用,在此视角下的一些解释建立了军事作用和国家形成之间的因果链条并提出了因果作用机制。这些解释认为,战争、军事组织、军事技术等军事因素导致了国家形成,而这些因素在作用机制上的差异,则又导致了不同类型国家的产生。在这个视角下,一些学者认为,军事因素在国家形成中的作用具有一般性,另一些学者则具体地指出,军事要素在中国的现代国家形成中,也起到了关键作用。新生代的国家形成理论认为,老一代的国家形成理论有过时性,他们或者强调更复杂的现象,或者提出它在第三世界国家不适用。  相似文献   

Snowflakes were dancing in Beijing.Several women.dressed in colorful clothes,appeared overly jovial for the wintry weather.They were women deputies on their Wav to the Third Session of the llth National People's Congress(NPC) on the moming of March 8.2010.They had dressed up to celebrate the 100th anniver sary of the International Women's Day.  相似文献   

<正>China’s armed forces emphasize development and transformation,says national defense white paper China issued a white paper on national defense on March 31.The document,the seventh of its kind the Chinese Government has issued since 1998,says China will never seek hegemony or adopt the approach of military expansion  相似文献   

CHINAFRICA Short Video Competition enhances mutual understanding The winners of the Second CHINAFRICA Short Video Competition were announced on December 8, 2020, at award ceremonies held simultaneously in Beijing, Cape Town and Dakar. A short video based on the life and work of an African football coach in China won the grand prize.  相似文献   

正CHINA has been comprehensively deepening reforms since the convening last November of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.Tax reforms affect the interests of each citizen and every enterprise,and are inextricable from economic development and social stability.As one of the world’s main emerging economies,China operates a fiscal system under the principle of high fiscal revenues and high fiscal expenditure,thus ensuring  相似文献   

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