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It is generally assumed that the conjugal family—the family that lived independently from extended kin—came into existence in the Netherlands relatively early, and that a new attitude towards children, characterized by an emphasis on the individuality of the child, developed at more or less the same time. To test whether this more narrow range of kin and the stronger emphasis on the individuality of the child translated itself also in a deviation from the traditional practice of naming newborn children for kin, the article analyzes naming patterns in a rural area of the Netherlands during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The conclusion is that the rise of the conjugal family and the new attitude that recognized the child as an autonomous individual had no impact on the degree of naming for kin. In a more general sense, the findings raise doubts about the idea that changes in family structures and mentality directly express themselves in changes in naming practices.  相似文献   

The social history of coresidence arrangements in the Latvian region suggests that forms of cohabitation without marriage were present in the Latvian population since the eighteenth century when empirical evidence became available. Before the twentieth century, however, these forms remained marginal and seldom involved choice. The subject of severe criticism until the 1960s–1970s, such forms become more widespread thereafter as the Latvian population began to exhibit many key features of a second demographic revolution. Post-Soviet censuses now suggest that such coresidence patterns in the Latvian population approach the levels of those in most western European states, including the Scandinavian countries.  相似文献   

The British West Indies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries exhibit an extremely high proportion of non-marital unions as well as the highest rates of illegitimacy in the world. A large number of explanations have been proposed, including slavery, the West African heritage, the imbalance between sexes, and the low-wage economy. The present article introduces an additional factor: the degree of control exerted by the Christian churches on conjugal behavior. One consequence of the British West Indian variant of Christianization was a class-specific differentiation in how firmly orthodox forms of European Christianity came to be anchored in the indigenous populations. While the clergy of the Christian churches after 1838 exerted relatively strong control upon the white upper class and the colored and black middle class, their control was weaker over lower classes. This led to a class-specific differentiation in the institutionalization of the Christian European marriage model, which— after 1838—was fully adopted by the upper and middle classes, but only partially among the lower class.  相似文献   

Since the eighteenth century, increasing attention has focused on the physical and moral capabilities of young children. In defining the stages of life, childhood specialists used toilet training at variously determined ages as a sign of an infant's normality. As a social problem as well as a medical symptom, childhood enuresis (bed-wetting) often implied rejection phenomena within families and institutions and provided childhood specialists with a field of research and experimentation. The violence of certain interventions was a response to families' anxieties. Over time, however, intervention has become much less direct as a result of the influence of psychological interpretations of the problem and as interpretations of the symptoms have shifted away from various biological hypotheses.  相似文献   

We examine how parents have made decisions about the number of children they have, given their social status in accordance with residential location (either urban or rural areas) and time (either the pre-modern or modern periods). We use two sets of microdata – Jokbo and Jejeokbu – spanning the early nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries in Korea. Combining the two data-sets, we use multiple imputation to fill the missing entries of some observations and apply a Poisson regression model on the augmented data. Our empirical results reveal statistically significant evidence that higher socioeconomic status is related to having more children. Additionally, our findings indicate that: (1) all else being constant, among high-status people, rural residents had more children than urban families; (2) for people born between 1800 and 1945, those born closer to the 1940s tended to have fewer children; and (3) during modernization, there was still a significant trend for high-status families to have more children.  相似文献   

"To study the influence of the city on the demographic behavior of rural people, family genealogies extending back to the beginning of the eighteenth century were reconstructed for a community near the city of Geneva [Switzerland].... The article examines kinship relations and kin network in this community at different ages.... The findings reveal a small kinship group surrounding the stable family unit, with generations overlapping sufficiently to assure the transmission of landed property as well as social reproduction without discontinuity and without the need to appeal to collateral kin for help."  相似文献   

The perpetuation through time of social position is one of the aims of individuals, and in order to achieve this they makes use of the economic, social, and political mechanisms at their disposal. The institution of the family constitutes an important aspect of the life of a person and provides instruments (marriage, systems of property devolution, celibacy, etc.) that permit the creation of a strategy by which social reproduction is assured. Nonetheless, in any given society, there exist groups of individuals that gain access to economic resources in similar ways, thus constituting more or less homogeneous social groups. The way in which this is done is conditioned by the way in which they make use of the family and the instruments that are governed by it. This article analyzes the predominant family system in Catalonia (in Northeastern Spain) and its implicit contradictions. It also evaluates the strategies developed by well-to-do social groups to confront these contradictions and facilitate access to resources.  相似文献   

This research seeks to trace the transfer of wealth down the male line of a rural French family through the 19th and 20th centuries, and to decipher the logic of accumulating and transferring wealth. The subject will be approached from an angle different from that of Segalen [Ethnol. Fr. 8 (1978) 271], who followed which farmers had cultivated the same farm through two centuries. The itinerary of wealth passing through the six generations examined here was traced using the range of legal documents that mark a person's life: purchases, sales, exchanges, marriage contracts, gifts, and inheritances. Wealth behavioral patterns that are assumed to follow an economic logic are described using neoclassical economic models.  相似文献   

This study investigates how community characteristics influenced the timing of marriage of men and women in nineteenth and early twentieth century Netherlands on the basis of a large scale database consisting of marriage certificates covering five provinces of the Netherlands between 1840 and 1922. The results show the significance of religious context for understanding marriage timing in the nineteenth century. Living in a predominantly Catholic community resulted in a later marriage for both men and women, while living in a community that was dominated by Orthodox Protestants resulted in an earlier marriage, particularly for men. In addition, residence in a municipality with a high mobility, a large population size and a high birth rate speeded up marriage timing among both men and women. The results indicate that religious restraint and the urbanization and openness of places are, next to parental social class, of vast importance for understanding marriage timing. As our study only addressed those who married, future research will have to show whether the same mechanisms were at work for those that experienced permanent celibacy.  相似文献   

This study investigates how community characteristics influenced the timing of marriage of men and women in nineteenth and early twentieth century Netherlands on the basis of a large scale database consisting of marriage certificates covering five provinces of the Netherlands between 1840 and 1922. The results show the significance of religious context for understanding marriage timing in the nineteenth century. Living in a predominantly Catholic community resulted in a later marriage for both men and women, while living in a community that was dominated by Orthodox Protestants resulted in an earlier marriage, particularly for men. In addition, residence in a municipality with a high mobility, a large population size and a high birth rate speeded up marriage timing among both men and women. The results indicate that religious restraint and the urbanization and openness of places are, next to parental social class, of vast importance for understanding marriage timing. As our study only addressed those who married, future research will have to show whether the same mechanisms were at work for those that experienced permanent celibacy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of domestic service upon social practice and asks if domestic service led to self-affirmation and individualistic behavior in early modern Japan. It begins by describing various employees classified as domestic servants. Next the role of the servant as a member of the employer's family shows fluid kinship relations that resulted in changes in the family system and family practice. Contemporary theater is used to address some of the conflicting issues that these changes offered as challenges to patriarchal authority and how society reacted to these changes.  相似文献   

Modern demographers analyse regional and other infant mortality differentials as important factors behind the current life expectancy of Russian citizens. Historically, however, the Russian Empire is simply displayed as one block with high infant mortality rates. Also with respect to cultural background factors, Russia is often perceived as religiously homogeneous with the Orthodox Church dominating the country. In reality, Russia has a long history of coexisting religious traditions. This includes both provinces with a majority of Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists or shamanistic populations as well as territories characterized by religious diversity and significant minority religions. Our project studies minority religious groups in the Urals, a province by the Ural Mountains stretching into Asia. While no territory can claim to be truly representative of this mega-country, we believe that this centrally located province is well suited to show some of the Russian variety, including differential infant mortality among the followers of minority religions, which is the topic of this article. We employ church record microdata to study Catholics, Jews and Old Believers in the main metal-producing city of Ekaterinburg.  相似文献   


A thorough study of the sources made it possible to conduct a retrospective analysis as well as outline normative and legal principles of the foster family in Poland as one of the main forms of child custody in the XX – early XXI centuries rooted in national traditions and social legacy. Foster family formation and early functioning indicate that its value depends on who is entrusted with a child to care for, what child is to be placed in foster care, what kind of support a foster family could expect, what control is exercised over it. The second half of the XX – the early XXI centuries mark the evolution of the legal and regulatory framework underlying foster care, one of the main institutional forms of child custody in Poland. It appears that the foster family provides a child with proper living conditions and a favourable environment for its education and socialisation, closest possible to those in a natural family. To this end, the state is to make sure that potential foster parents are properly trained. The development of foster care speeds up in the 1970’s and 1990’s. We have discovered that at the turn of the century, foster family functioning, provision of care and adequate conditions for a child’s development and upbringing etc. are defined by the social policy of the state. Of great significance for the international community is the Polish experience regarding the requirements for foster family candidates, children’s placement in such families, material assistance, foster parent salary calculations; the amount of money biological parents must pay for their child’s placement in a foster family. In modern Poland the foster family is an important social institution which promotes the development of a child deprived of parental care and is prioritized over other institutional forms of care.  相似文献   

Drawing data from the local population registers called “ninbetsu-aratame-cho," this study examines the patterns and covariates of reproduction and family building in two farming villages in northeastern Japan in 1716–1870. Marriages in these villages were very early and universal for both sexes, but reproduction within marriage was very low, due in part to curtailment of reproduction at relatively young ages, but also to long intervals between recorded births. Stopping and spacing of family building were achieved primarily by an extensive use of sex- and parity-specific infanticide, which enabled peasant couples to control the size and gender-sequence of their progeny. Women's positions within their household and in the village also influenced their family building processes. Peasant couples in these preindustrial Japanese farming villages were active planners of their reproductive life.  相似文献   

Drawing data from the local population registers called “ninbetsu-aratame-cho," this study examines the patterns and covariates of reproduction and family building in two farming villages in northeastern Japan in 1716–1870. Marriages in these villages were very early and universal for both sexes, but reproduction within marriage was very low, due in part to curtailment of reproduction at relatively young ages, but also to long intervals between recorded births. Stopping and spacing of family building were achieved primarily by an extensive use of sex- and parity-specific infanticide, which enabled peasant couples to control the size and gender-sequence of their progeny. Women's positions within their household and in the village also influenced their family building processes. Peasant couples in these preindustrial Japanese farming villages were active planners of their reproductive life.  相似文献   

Spouse abuse is viewed within the general framework of interpersonal relationships and is analyzed in terms of resource-exchange. Gelles' exchange/social control theory is expanded by incorporating Foa's interpersonal resource theory. This dynamic theoretical proposition classifies interpersonal resurces involved in interpersonal transactions. Based on Gelles' theory and Foa's classification of interpersonal resources, predictions are made with regard to situations in which violence, as a mode of exchange, is more likely to occur and suggestions regarding various modes of interventions are offered.  相似文献   

The article argues that parents in early nineteenth-century Iceland felt inclined to strengthen kinship ties by naming children for their grandparents. This was particularly the case with oldest children in the family. Moreover, naming traditions indicate that parents tried to preserve the patrilineage by naming their first-born sons for grandparents on the father's side. Parents felt much freer in the choice of names for their youngest children, often giving them rather unusual names. It was also rather common to name youngest daughters after their mothers. These practices conformed to the naming patterns in societies with patronymic naming systems: by naming children for grandparents or great-grandparents, parents are able to keep particular forenames within the family and thus preserve an important link to the past.  相似文献   

This article investigates spatiotemporal variation in non-marital fertility across Europe over the last 100 years. In the first 50 years of this period, non-marital fertility was generally declining, reaching very low levels in the mid-twentieth century. But starting in the 1960s, non-marital fertility increased strongly. The main aim of this paper is to investigate to what degree the persistence of the past might be relevant for understanding spatial aspects of the recent rise. A secondary aim is to explore how spatial non-marital fertility variation is likely to develop in the future, both between and within countries. The outcomes support the view that historical patterns are relevant for understanding current non-marital fertility variation in most parts of Europe. However, the persistence of the past varies spatially, and seems to fade over time. The analysis of current trends in spatial variation between countries suggests that an east–west dichotomy is currently emerging: i.e., countries that are not in the European Union and that have Orthodox Christian or Muslim traditions exhibit higher propensities to remain at or to revert to comparatively low levels of non-marital fertility. Within Northwestern Europe, suburban belts around big cities appear to be the last strongholds of marital fertility.  相似文献   

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