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曹鸿鸣 《中国发展》2007,7(3):15-18
草原是中国重要的自然资源和生态屏障。由于对草原的生态服务功能缺乏全面认识,当前在草原生态治理中存在一些误区。全面认识草原的生态服务功能,有助于走出草原生态治理的误区。该文分析了草原的生产、支持、调节和人文信息等多方面的服务功能,并对解决草原生态治理存在的问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

民族凝聚力时和谐社会的构建具有不可取代的作用.当前我国社会中存在着影响民族凝聚力提升的阻滞力因素,对和谐社会的构建带来消极的负面影响.正视这些因素,认识其危害,追溯其成因,进而积极的探索提升中华民族凝聚力的对策,对社会主义和谐社会的构建具有重大的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

该文在对新疆草原自然保护区进行典型调查的基础上,结合当前自然保护区的情况,讨论了草原自然保护区的重大意义,分析了新疆自然保护区的成绩与问题,并就全国草原自然保护区的建设与管理问题提出建议。  相似文献   

Grassland Tours     
FORTY percent of China's territory,about 400million bectares,is grassland,mostly found in the western part of Heilongjing,Jilin and Liaoning provinces,across Inner Mongolia,in the hilly area of Northwest China and on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The most famous and iconic of these regions are Hulun Buir and Xilin Gol in Inner Mongolia ,the alpine pastures of western Sichuan,the Ili Grasslands of Xinjiang and Tibet's Nagqu Grasslands.  相似文献   

Home Smart Home   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>Is intelligent technology really ready for our homes?Huang Xingwen,a 60-year-old Beijing resident, finally agreed to buy a floorsweeping robot after weeks of persistent persuasion by her daughter."My daughter said that the intelligent machine could go under the bed,clean every corner in the house,and we wouldn’t even need to charge it as it can automatically find where the outlet is and charge itself," Huang  相似文献   

THE stretch of steppe on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau known as Zhaxika-Tibetan for tribe at the headstream of Yalong River, straddles Sichuan and Qinghai provinces as well as Tibet Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

Home Swish Home     
LIN Chi-Jung likes to tell a comely story he once got from a veteran devel- oper. “He said that he felt so touched when seeing houses with their light lit up at night, it touched his heart to know that there are so many families living happily in those houses that he built.” Now the chairman of Sunrise Real Estate, Lin says see- ing “laughter and happiness” in family hearth is the reason he’s in business. It helps that Sunrise makes plenty of money doing so. Headquartered at hold- ing…  相似文献   

Home, Sweet Home     
THE Englishman’s home is his castle, or so they say. It’s a safe haven, a place where strangers may enter only if invited. It’s a private place where each of us can have a different persona from the one that we portray in our hours at work. Instead of being smart, cultured, controlled, authoritative, we are allowed to be untidy and lazy.  相似文献   

本文在梳理政府间主义理论基本观点的基础上,总结了政府间主义对欧盟司法与内务合作的解释,分析了政府间主义对欧盟司法与内务合作理论解释的局限性。  相似文献   

House and Home     
正Local governments intensify control over real estate speculation To curb speculation in the housing market aroused by the recent decision taken by the Central Government to build Hainan Island into a free trade port,the province announced an island-wide quota policy on housing purchases on the night of April 22.  相似文献   

正Spring Festival,or the Chinese Lunar New Year,falls on February 16 this year.Hundreds of millions of people across China will return to their hometowns for family reunions or travel around the country in what has become the largest human migration in the world.  相似文献   

薄茹 《北京观察》2007,(10):48-52
无论是庄重古朴的智化寺京音乐,还是寓娱乐健身于一体的抖空竹、天桥中幡,或是精雕细刻、巧夺天工的象牙雕刻,几年前都还是深藏于北京古老寺庙或民间陋巷的鲜为人知的艺术与技艺。2006年6月10日,中国第一个文化遗产日前夕,这些古老技艺  相似文献   

Many visitors acquire Expo-related souvenirs to remind them of the Expo experience For a large number of visitors, shopping at the World Expo’s many souvenir shops in Shanghai has become an integral part of the Expo experience. The  相似文献   

和谐社会建设中的"社会"概念和"社会建设理念"   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会主义建设的总体布局从“三位一体”到“四位一体”,其中的“社会”概念发生了重大变化。这一变化要求确立新的社会建设理念:整体性理念、结构性理念、功能性理念和人本理念。这些理念又要求必须正确处理初级和谐社会和高级和谐社会的关系,提高各级领导干部和一切社会管理者认识和处理社会矛盾的能力。  相似文献   

维护社会和谐稳定,应当更新理念,科学统筹和谐稳定工作;应当以人为本,充分发挥源头制衡作用;应当综合施策,切实增强整体安全效能;应当强基固本,着力夯实和谐稳定根基;应当完善机制,努力提高领导保障水平。  相似文献   

张淑梅 《前沿》2010,(19):134-139
在市场经济时代,考察草原文化核心理念的作用,打造文化品牌时,要遵循的两个重要原则:一是,当今时代空前强调文化的经济功能,这是草原文化发展的一个重要契机。要充分认识民族精神与经济利益之间的关系,充分开掘草原文化核心理念的经济功能。二是,不能陷入纯粹外在功利化的生存轨道。面对以物质消费为主、实用功能为导向的快餐文化时代,我们归根到底是要通过温柔敦厚的人文意识实现强中固本,重塑精神之魂的长远利益。所以还要充分开掘它的认识功能,教化功能和审美功能。通过经济功能和教化功能的开掘,实现文化商品性和文化本真性的协调统一。实现草原文化的科学发展。  相似文献   

消防机器人 JZX-GL/A防侦察机器人由上海强师消防装备有限公司、公安部上海消防研究所和上海交通大学共同研制的我国首台无线防暴型JZX-GL/A消防侦察机器人,在机械结构上首次使 用关节链条轮式移动结构,减轻了系统重量、提高了系统稳定性,使移动载体结构更紧凑、合理。  相似文献   

高利芳  修长柏 《前沿》2010,(23):146-150
保护草原生态是内蒙古构建生态文明的重要基础。当前在草原生态保护的实际施行中,由于存在着牧民生产方式落后造成对草原使用不当和生产关系不适导致保护无力两大顽疾,结果草原生态日渐退化。实践证明,保护草原生态急需变革牧民的生产组织形式,而牧民合作社不乏为一种有效的载体。  相似文献   

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