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新闻和宣传是两个不同的范畴,它们有区别,又有联系,都是人类社会重要的传播活动,但有着同构不同质的区别. 首先,两者的传播目的不同,发挥的社会功能不同.作为新闻,传播的是新近发生的事实的信息,这是一种如实反映客观事物变化的陈述性信息,它的基本功能在于告知,让受众了解客观事物的真实状况.客观、真实是新闻的生命,至于新闻事实背后隐藏的观点,只能由受众判断和体悟;而宣传是凭借宣传方精心筛选的、具有明显针对性的客观事实来传播一定的观念、思想、倾向,从而说服受众接受,以达到影响受众行为的作用.它的基本功能是“说教”、“引导”和“劝服”.  相似文献   

付宇骄 《法制与社会》2010,(26):235-238
第二次世界大战期间,每个国家都进行了战时宣传,但总体而言,由于战火的影响,新闻传播业的发展普遍不明显,甚至在某些国家出现停滞和倒退状态。然而,这一时期的美国以传播效果的研究为突破口,不仅在传播学研究上有巨大突破,并且在战时新闻宣传方面打出了漂亮的"攻坚战"。从历史上来看,对于美国,从经济到政治到文化(包括新闻传播事业),二战都是一个难得的发展机遇;而对于中国,二战结束后中国的胜利虽然奠定了政治的独立,但经济和文化(同样包括新闻传播事业)都遭受到不小的打击。本文通过对中美两国在二战时期新闻传播事业的比较,探寻美国新闻事业在二战期间和之后产生巨大飞跃的原因,明确"新闻"与"传播学"的重要联系,强调媒介更新的作用,找到中国新闻传播事业可以从美国新闻界发展中提取的可借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

异化与反抗——试论新闻与宣传的紧张关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻和宣传作为两种信息传播活动,在公众视野内、乃至是某些信息传播者的理解中,是两个内涵外延没有差异的概念。新闻作为一种传播方式,被宣传作为一种工具加以利用,新闻之于宣传,存在着被异化的危险。要从"宣传"笼罩之下剥离"新闻",找到媒体于"工具性"和"独立性"之间的平衡点,促进媒体的正常发展。从这点意义上说,在二者的紧张关系中,新闻需要"反抗"宣传。  相似文献   

王晶晶 《法制与社会》2010,(14):238-238
新闻评论与新闻报道作为新闻体裁的两种形式,同时肩负着向受众传递消息与表达意见的任务。但新闻评论与新闻报道又有所不同,新闻报道以事实为主,新闻评论则以观点为主,它们各有所长与侧重,各自发挥着重要的作用。本文以中青报关于轮胎特保案的新闻报道与中青报的相关评论为例,对新闻报道与新闻评论的联系与区别进行分析。  相似文献   

玉朋 《法制与社会》2010,(6):223-223
编辑是组织、审读、挑选和加工作品的工作,是传播媒介工作的中心环节。广播是借助声音传播信息的媒介,就某一具体栏目而言,广播新闻编辑在从事编辑活动的时候,主要依据单篇新闻的重要程度或内容的组合形式来进行加工编排。编辑人员在对稿件的编排过程中既是该新闻产品的产生者之一,同时也是新闻传播中的把关者,对有组织、有计划、有规律、高质量地传播信息起到重要的作用。因而,其政治素质和业务素质的高低对广播新闻质量的优劣有着最直接的影响。本文根据实践,认为广播编辑应具备以下素质,才能适应当前高速发展的信息社会对媒体人的要求。  相似文献   

我国大陆与台湾地区在环境刑事立法方面存在着千丝万缕的联系,但由于经济、政治、社会背景的不同,两者在立法的政策、模式等方面也有很多差异,以两岸环境犯罪与环境立法的相关问题为中心进行比较研究,相互借鉴,找出各自的不足与缺陷,探讨其完善措施,对两岸预防、遏制环境犯罪有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国大陆与台湾地区在环境刑事立法方面存在着千丝万缕的联系,但由于经济、政治、社会背景的不同,两者在立法的政策、模式等方面也有很多差异,以两岸环境犯罪与环境立法的相关问题为中心进行比较研究,相互借鉴,找出各自的不足与缺陷,探讨其完善措施,对两岸预防、遏制环境犯罪有重要意义。  相似文献   

新闻舆论与思想政治教育有着天然的密切的联系。在日常生活中,新闻传播中的思想政治教育功能日益凸显。本文主要探讨新闻传播具有的导向功能、育人功能和保证功能等三个功能,为我们把握新闻传播中的思想政治教育功能提供了一种借鉴和指导作用,从而增强我们对新闻传播行业的高度重视。  相似文献   

打造具有中国特色和普遍意义的新闻学学科体系,应把握理论、历史与实践的三者统一。首先,当代中国新闻传播学的理论基础根植于中国共产党新闻事业的产生与发展实践,其研究范围理应从传统新闻业扩展至更广阔的人类社会传播现象;其次,新闻传播学学科的理论构建,应接续20世纪中国革命所开创的马克思主义中国化理论与实践,并在马克思、恩格斯创建的历史唯物主义传统中守正创新、融通中外;最后,从中国革命在地实践出发,可以让中国新闻传播学科在“落地”乡土中国的过程中,统筹好中国革命和建设过程中的新闻传播史研究,对缙云革命宣传史的挖掘正是一个例证。  相似文献   

论私法上人格平等与身份差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人格平等与身份差异共同构成人身法制的基础,两者均不具有无条件的合理性,只在特定条件下符合自由、效率、公平等价值取向.两者在各自的固有领域中发挥功能,彼此兼容、互补,从不同方面满足个人生活与社会秩序需要.人格平等为身份差异设置了限制,实现了特定领域身份差异的均衡化,导致特定身份差异的功能特定化,改变了固有身份关系的内容,并对身份差异在制度上进行弥补.身份差异对于人格平等进行了完善,只有在身份差异基础上才能解读人格平等,身份差异限定了人格平等的内容与实现状况.  相似文献   

司法独立和新闻自由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法独立与新闻自由是民主社会最弥足珍贵的两大价值。尽管在应然层面,这两大价值是相互促进与统一的,但在现实中,不同的主体依据不同的价值取向在两者之间的选择导致了冲突。本文以促进司法独立与新闻自由的良性互动的应然关系为主旨,首先,界定了新闻自由的内涵并从多个角度探究了新闻自由存在的理论基础;其次,总结了新闻自由在司法领域内行使的法律及理论依据,再次主要以美国的相关司法实践为基础,研究了新闻自由与司法独立之间冲突的表现及发展;最后,本文立足于中国的国情和现状,提供了认定新闻自由不当行使的标准及司法对策。  相似文献   


This article bridges the growing, but controversial, public journalism movement with First Amendment jurisprudence and libel law. It examines whether the movement finds support in laws that affect the press and, in particular, in court‐created defenses and privileges that protect journalists in modern defamation law. Do defenses that safeguard journalists in their traditional routines as fact gatherers and reporters also protect them in the kinds of roles and duties envisioned by public journalism advocates? Furthermore, has the United States Supreme Court, in non‐defamation cases involving the First Amendment, expressed concern for protecting what might be called the “public journalism functions” of the press? Does the Court create a different image for the press than the one envisioned by public journalism advocates? This article addresses these questions. It ultimately concludes that public journalists and courts have two very different conceptions about the role that journalists play in a democracy.  相似文献   

Does law influence the legitimation of news? I examine legitimations offered during ethics debates about news stories in which private people are thrust into the media spotlight. When navigating the space between what can be published lawfully and what should be published, journalism organizations offer legitimations that vary in ways that reflect the hierarchy of legal frameworks for decision. According to field theory, the cultural capital of the juridical field is constitutive of status hierarchies in the journalism field, even though the First Amendment leaves journalism to structure itself. This structuring leads to two paradoxes. First, in the performance of negative legitimation, news organizations justify ethics violations by converting the minimum standard of lawful speech into claimsmaking about laudable speech. Second, in acts of displacing legitimation, reporters suggest that more publicity is the remedy for invading privacy, translating the valorization of speech rights over privacy rights into a puzzling norm.  相似文献   

本文在21世纪新闻传播事业大发展的背景下,论述了新闻教育机构培养高素质的新闻传播人才的几个重要问题。文章认为,改变新闻教育观念是培养高素质新闻传播人才的前提。新闻教育必须实施通才教育,从单学科教育转向多学科综合教育;必须实施素质教育,从单技能教育转向素质技能综合教育;必须实施高科技教育,从廉价教育转向高投入教育。文章指出,加强政治素质和业务素质教育,是培养高素质新闻传播人才的基础。政治强、业务精是社会主义新闻传播教育的目标;多学科交叉“信息模式”是新闻传播教育的理想模式。文章强调,政治与业务相结合,理论与实践相结合,是培养高素质新闻传播人才的关键。新闻传播教育必须改变目前“重理论,弱实践”的状况,才能适应新闻传播事业的发展。  相似文献   

会计责任与审计责任之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱景忠 《河北法学》2005,23(3):147-149
审计责任和会计责任是注册会计师市计业务中常用的两个概念,在注册会计师事业迅速发展的今天,进一步分清 两者的区别和联系,合理界定各自的责任范围,对于发挥审计在现代经济管理中的积极作用有重要的现实意义。 从两者的内涵、区别以及实际工作中应注意的问题等方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship capital has frequently been characterized as an important determinant of regional economic growth. Yet, we have limited knowledge about what explains why certain regions are more successful in creating entrepreneurship capital in general and in particular in technology- and knowledge-intensive sectors. In this paper, we shed light on the skill base of a region in terms of its endowment with human capital and the composition, i.e. specialization or diversity, of skills. Moreover, we look at the context in which entrepreneurship capital formation takes place by focusing on differences in the institutional infrastructures for entrepreneurship in two European countries: Germany and Portugal. Based on harmonized datasets, our results indicate important differences between the countries. Specifically, our results suggest that both specialization and diversity theories hold, and that the effects are thus contingent on regional factors.  相似文献   

The competence of the practicing bar has been subjected to substantial criticism in recent years. Since law schools have a virtual monopoly over access to the bar and licensure is granted without further training, legal education has been a particular focus of attack and reform efforts. Yet there has been little systematic study of what skills and knowledge are important in the actual practice of law or the relevant contributions of legal education. This study of practicing lawyers in Chicago examines the nature of the competencies important to the practice of law and the sources lawyers credit for contributing to their development.
Practitioners cite a broad range of skills, many of them not unique to the practice of law, with their importance varying by the predominant legal specialty practiced. The data further indicate that law schools play but a part in the development of skills and knowledge important to the practice of law and that experience, both prior and subsequent to graduation, plays a significant role. The evaluation of law schools' contributions is related to opportunities for further training, particularly in the context of law firm practice. There is, however, a strong general view that law schools rather uniformly concentrate on some skills to the exclusion of others and that the former are not necessarily those that lawyers think are most important to the practice of law.  相似文献   

宣传思想工作作为一种为统治阶级服务的思想传播性活动具有鲜明的阶级性和导向性。宣传思想工作过程中宣传者与受传者的相互运行状况和效果是一关键性环节,因此分析这二者在宣传思想工作中存在的矛盾及其根源,并有效地进行调节尤其重要,这种调节方式不仅包括自动调节,也包括社会调节。  相似文献   

本文从价值哲学和逻辑学的角度,对“事实”理论作了全面系统的考查和分析,强调指出“事实”是主体对客体进行价值评价的过程,是主体能动性的表现,从而为“真实是新闻生命”这一基本观点提供了理论基础;本文还联系法新闻实际,指出法新闻工作者要在尊重法律“事实”的基础上,充分发挥新闻舆论监督的作用,做到尊重法律“事实”与发挥主体能动性的统一。  相似文献   

Venue surveys can be criticized because they do not attempt to control for response biases, such as the tendency to report having read about any story that seems plausible. Bogus items (fabricated publicity items) are a common way to control for this bias. In two studies we examined whether controlling for this bias changes the relation between exposure to media and prejudice. Based on two actual crimes with quite different media exposure rates, communities were surveyed about their exposure to media surrounding the case and their prejudice toward the defendants. A bogus item was included on each survey. In both studies the correlations between exposure to media and prejudice were significant and remained unchanged when data from respondents who indicated having read about the bogus item were excluded. These findings suggest that, in parallel to the social desirability literature, the response tendency to report awareness of media events does not threaten the validity of venue surveys.  相似文献   

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