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<正>China adopts security review system for foreign mergers and acquisitions of domestic companies China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recently gave Nestle the nod of approval for the international food giant’s acquisition of Yinlu Food Group. A signing ceremony  相似文献   

有人称林权改革为第二次土地革命,其重要性及其深远意义不言而喻。而改革就有成功,也可能有失败,或者兼而有之。把林权改革纳入法制化轨道,是改革成功的最有力保障。  相似文献   

韶华 《北京观察》2005,(8):60-61
我把行贿分为两种:"硬贿赂"、"软贿赂".所谓"硬贿赂",指向长官送金钱、贵重物品、美色等等;所谓"软贿赂"指对长官吹、捧、溜、拍、抬.  相似文献   

正China is still the most attractive destination for foreign investment The international media is once again drawing attention to China's capital flight.In an October 22 article,The Wall Street Journal,using figures on trade and foreign exchange reserves issued by the National Bureau of Statistics,  相似文献   

正While several decades of rapid economic growth has made China a preeminent participant in global commodities trade,the fast-growing overseas merger and acquisition(MA)activity of companies from China is laying the foundation for the country to become a major source of outbound investment.Figures from the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)show that in the first quarter of this  相似文献   

PEI Yuanshun,now 70,taught in a vocational secondary school in Kaifeng,Henan Province before she retired in 1996. Two years later her husband Wu Yingfan retired too.As their grandson was enrolled in an elite high school in Beijing's suburb and far from his downtown home,the couple bought a home close to his campus and moved to Beijing in 2001 to house him while he studied.Two years ago,the boy continued his education abroad and the old couple became empty-nesters.  相似文献   

The Regulations on the Management of Human Genetic Resources, which will come into force on July 1, will strengthen the management of human genetic resources and encourage their rational use.The document issued by the Chinese Govemment, stipulates the management of Chinese human genetic resources, including their collection, preservation, utilization, as well as the provision of such resources in China to overseas parties.  相似文献   

正How can one assess China’s economic new normal in the midst of the global economy’s mediocre performance?The market is torn on the issue,and the conclusions one might arrive to when considering these factors may clash with other people’s perspectives.Following Moody’s revised outlook of China’s government credit ratings from stable to negative on March 2,the inter-  相似文献   

At the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010 held by the World Economic Forum, also known as the Summer Davos, Chinese economists and officials held heated discussions on whether China  相似文献   

恽来 《北京观察》2007,(8):18-18
政治协商是人民政协的首要职能,直接体现着人民政协的性质和地位。提高政治协商的水平和质量,是推进政协工作的一项重要内容。《中共中央关于加强人民政协工作的意见》指出:"把政治协商纳入决策程序,就国家和地方的重要问题在  相似文献   

Iwas in Thailand during the Lunar New Year holiday when the news of the spread of the novel coronavirus in China really started heating up.I still had another week of travel before heading home to Beiing on February 1,and the rising number of text messages and calls from family and friends was really starting to make me nervous.  相似文献   

今年七月初,冯小刚执导的电影<唐山大地震>在全国公映,其独特的思想视角,新鲜的艺术手法,震撼人心的亲情演绎,获得广大观众的赞誉,也赢得了众多青少年观众的关注和认可.青少年观众们从影片中感受到了血浓于水的家庭亲情和人间温暖.当今社会,物质生活日益丰富,金钱的作用无所不能地渗透到各个方面,致使少数青少年见钱忘情.但<唐山大地震>告诉人们,人间最为宝贵的是亲情.影片弘扬的传统美德与精神留给人们深深的思考.  相似文献   

CHINESE Communist Par-ty cadre training bases,such as the Party Schoolof the CPC Central Com-mittee and the National  相似文献   

本文就限制出境措施的性质、实施的理据以及存在的现实问题进行了全面分析,认为在该措施的具体执行过程中公民的出境自由没有得到应有的保护、公安行政管理与服务关系错位、中央事权被分散,进而提出应该把公民的出境权写入宪法、正确处理好管理与服务的关系、强化出入境管理的中央事权性质。  相似文献   

As the world’s second busiest airport, Beijing Capital International Airport had an average of 1,400 domestic and international flights daily and transported more than 65 million travelers in 2009.  相似文献   

马克思的所有制理论是马克思历史唯物主义哲学的重要组成部分。在《德意志意识形态》之中,马克思以分工与所有制发展状况的不同将整个人类历史分为五种所有制时期,揭示出人类社会发展的一般规律。在此之后,随着对资本主义社会研究的深入和对东方社会探讨,马克思又提出了资本主义之前的三种所有制形式,对其早期提出的所有制理论进行了丰富和发展。前后两种资本主义之前的所有制形式所指的具体时期略有不同,但都是马克思对生产关系研究的具体的体现,是马克思对人类历史发展规律的探索。两种所有制理论与马克思的社会形态理论交相呼应,共同成为马克思历史唯物主义的核心内容。  相似文献   

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