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王哲 《时代法学》2014,(1):96-103
在当前国际经济秩序中,跨国公司凭借其强大的经济实力愈发扮演起重要的角色.跨国公司在经营活动中,侵犯东道国人权的问题已引起广泛关注.然而,现行法律框架不足以规制跨国公司在东道国侵犯人权的行为.在现行国际法规制模式下,跨国公司不是国际法主体,国际法无法直接规制跨国公司行为.在现行国内法规制模式下,东道国没有实力进行规制,甚至有些侵犯人权行为在东道国法律体系下根本不构成违法;母国没有意愿进行规制,唯一相关的母国立法,即美国ATCA存在诸多缺陷,实际效果有限.通过母国法律规制母公司的行为是一种解决途径,主要基于“企业理论”使母公司对子公司在东道国的侵犯人权行为承担责任,或者母国通过立法给母公司施加规制子公司行为的义务,但是该途径也在法律上及实践中存在障碍.根本的解决途径是促使发展中东道国积极签署并切实履行人权保护相关公约,来规制境内跨国公司侵犯人权的行为,提升本国法治环境.  相似文献   

随着跨国公司在国外设立子公司数量的增多,母公司为实现全球性战略目标而牺牲子公司利益进而损害东道国利益的行为成为了一个经常性的可能与事实。在这种情况发生的时候,若仅根据有限责任原则让子公司独立承担责任显然有违法律和社会的公平与正义。在母公司对子公司的经营管理进行了过度的控制而导致债务发生的时候,让跨国公司的母公司为子公司的债务承担责任具有充分的理由和现实意义。  相似文献   

随着跨国公司在国外设立子公司数量的增多,母公司为实现全球性战略目标而牺牲子公司利益进而损害东道国利益的行为成为了一个经常性的可能与事实。在这种情况发生的时候,若仅根据有限责任原则让子公司独立承担责任显然有违法律和社会的公平与正义。在母公司对子公司的经营管理进行了过度的控制而导致债务发生的时候,让跨国公司的母公司为子公司的债务承担责任具有充分的理由和现实意义。  相似文献   

在当前国际经济秩序中,跨国公司凭借其强大的经济实力愈发扮演起重要的角色。跨国公司在经营活动中,侵犯东道国人权的问题已引起广泛关注。然而,现行法律框架不足以规制跨国公司在东道国侵犯人权的行为。在现行国际法规制模式下,跨国公司不是国际法主体,国际法无法直接规制跨国公司行为。在现行国内法规制模式下,东道国没有实力进行规制,甚至有些侵犯人权行为在东道国法律体系下根本不构成违法;母国没有意愿进行规制,唯一相关的母国立法,即美国ATCA存在诸多缺陷,实际效果有限。通过母国法律规制母公司的行为是一种解决途径,主要基于"企业理论"使母公司对子公司在东道国的侵犯人权行为承担责任,或者母国通过立法给母公司施加规制子公司行为的义务,但是该途径也在法律上及实践中存在障碍。根本的解决途径是促使发展中东道国积极签署并切实履行人权保护相关公约,来规制境内跨国公司侵犯人权的行为,提升本国法治环境。  相似文献   

跨国公司在经济全球化潮流中的作用日益凸显,跨国公司以本国为基地,通过对外直接投资,在世界各地设立分支机构或子公司,从事国际化生产和经营活动,从而形成垄断。由于其自身强大的经济实力,且实行全球经营战略,其活动在有力推动经济全球化的同时,势必会给世界经济的发展带来一些消极影响,会在跨国公司子公司与东道国间、子公司与母国间、东道国与母国间,产生种种矛盾与冲突,尤其表现在对东道国的经济、政治、文化的影响上。针对这些问题,各国纷纷出台系列政策、制定相关法律法规,对外商投资活动进行规制。国际社会亦采取相应立法对跨国公司的活动加以规范。我国在面对全球化趋势时,也需要采取一系列措施予以应对,如修订相关法律,实施有关政策,来解决跨国公司来华投资的种种问题。  相似文献   

跨国公司的国际法管制之述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文追溯了各种管制的缘起及其近期发展,并对每种模式做了相应评析,结合现实状况分析在未来如何对跨国公司进行有效的管制,得出"全球管制治理模式"将是跨国公司国际管制的发展模式.  相似文献   

王文华 《法治研究》2013,75(3):87-96
我国当前面临的跨国公司犯罪包括来华的跨国公司犯罪和"走出去"的公司犯罪。然而,查处这两种跨国公司犯罪皆遭遇了种种困境。有效抗制跨国公司犯罪的主要措施,在刑法方面是准确适用法律,严格区分跨国公司母公司、子公司、分公司及其成员等不同主体的刑事责任,在刑事政策方面,应当平等保护,对来华投资经营的跨国公司进行有效的管理,对于我国"走出去"的企业,应当促使其守法经营。通过对跨国公司犯罪的类型化研究,有效抗制跨国公司犯罪,促进经济国际化进程中跨国公司的"合规"经营、健康发展。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,越来越多的跨国公司涌入中国,国内企业与国外企业之间的竞争日趋激烈.本文指出在以人为本的现代化企业竞争中,传统的命令加控制模式对确保企业取得成功已显得苍白无力.因为最关键的资源存在于员工的头脑中,惟有切实了解了员工的期望和要求,致力于发展新型的员工与企业的关系,巩固并提升员工对企业的忠诚度,把员工的潜能释放出来,才能使企业兴旺发达具有可靠的保证.因此,员工的忠诚度就成为了企业求得生存和发展的关键.  相似文献   

跨国公司的经济活动,一方面使世界经济曰益国际化,另一方面却使其贸易越来越跨国公司内部化,即母公司与子公司间,子公司与子公司间的贸易。随之而来的,产生了划拨价格的问题。划拨价格,又称为“公司内价格”、“公司间价格”、“法人内价格”、“部门间价格”或者“内部  相似文献   

母公司对子公司的过度控制行为导致了母公司与了公司及利益相关者利益的冲突,其对子公司享有控制表现在对子公司公司机关的控制上.母子公司之间的控制关系的存在的合法性在于股权基础.母公司对于公司的控制行为必须限制在合法行为的限度内,如果母公司对子公司的实施了过度控制行为并导致子公司及利益相关者合法利益受到侵害,则应承担赔偿责任.  相似文献   

Abstract At first glance, wide‐ranging presidential decree authority suggests executive branch domination of legislatures. However, decree power may also be a rational delegation of authority by legislators, in accord with their political objectives. Seen in this light, the key issue for legislators is not halting decree authority but reducing the agency losses that result from delegation. This paper shows how decree authority, as practiced in Brazil, constitutes an example of rational delegation by a legislature in which seniority and policy specialization are relatively undervalued. Brazilian legislators prefer to endow presidents with broad decree power and then monitor presidents on an issue‐by‐issue basis by amending executive decrees. This method of “oversight after delegation” lowers the transaction costs of delegation and speaks to the influence of Brazilian legislators over what is typically seen as an important source of presidential power.  相似文献   

Conclusion In light of the historical context in which the visit of the United States delegation took place, the emphasis was on the political abuse of psychiatry. It should be clear, however, that the repression of dissidents is only the most visible manifestation of a system of psychiatric control that has been, and continues to be, profoundly insensitive to human rights. Although some tentative steps have been taken to subject coercive psychiatry to the rule of law, these limited initiatives have not yet become operational. Implementation of the legal reforms recommended by the delegation would help to reduce the likelihood that the pattern of psychiatric repression will reemerge. But the proposed reforms have a larger purpose—to assure that the practice of psychiatry in the Soviet Union is properly respectful of fundamental human rights, whether or not the patients have engaged in political or religious dissent.This is a revised and expanded version of the Fifth Samuel and Kathryn Yochelson Lecture, delivered at Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., September 28, 1989, and of a paper presented to the Second International Conference on Health Law and Ethics, London, England, July 21, 1989, which paper was reprinted in 18Law, Medicine, and Health Care 123 (1990).B.A., Johns Hopkins University 1966; LL.B., University of Virginia 1969. The author was one of two lawyers who served on an official United States Department of State delegation that visited the Soviet Union (February 26–March 12, 1989) at the request of the Soviet government to assess recent changes in psychiatry there. The U.S. delegation was led by Loren H. Roth, M.D., M.P.H. (psychiatric team leader) and Daniel A. Regier, M.D., M.P.H. (scientific director).This article summarizes the delegation's findings and, in so doing, draws heavily on its report, which was drafted by the delegation as a whole. However, the opinions expressed in this article are the author's and should not be attributed to the delegation.  相似文献   

The substantial increase in the delegation of legislative powers from the parliament to the executive has been singled out as one of the most prominent changes in the Italian political system of the last three decades. It has given traditionally weak executives the opportunity to adopt significant reforms while bypassing the notorious fetters of the ordinary legislative process. While the literature has to date focused on the motivations to delegate, there is still a research gap on what the executive does with the delegated authority. Based on a newly collected data set covering all delegation provisions adopted from 1987 to 2013, this article analyses why, in a remarkable number of cases, the cabinet did not use the delegations. Results show that the existence of an agreement on the policy in question (as captured by the precision of delegating criteria), as well as the complexity and timing of the delegation have a significant impact on the likelihood a delegation is used.  相似文献   

The status of delegation as a strictly institutionalized source of law is controversial. In this article, we examine some instances of delegation, in order to explore their claim to be independent and strictly institutionalized sources of law. We consider primarily the instances of labour arbitration and of mediation. Our conclusion is that there is no straightforward answer in either instance to the question whether they constitute sources of law, although the claim of arbitration is strong and that of mediation is weak. We argue that the controversial character of delegation as a source of law is therefore to be expected, given its ambivalent character, and that in exploring the reasons for this ambivalence much can be learnt about the concept of a strictly institutionalized source of law.  相似文献   

Two opposing theories explain the European Central Bank's (ECB) far‐reaching powers: principal‐agent and trusteeship. This article situates both theories on a sliding scale of delegation, with agents on one end of the spectrum, and trustees on the other. Applying this new perspective to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) allows us to understand how the ECB, positioned on the agent side of the scale by the ESM Treaty, slides towards the trustee side in practice. This way, the article identifies two problems. Firstly, the ECB assumes a ‘zone of discretion’ that is not captured by the control mechanisms, thereby disregarding an essential feature of delegation. Secondly, the rationale of the Meroni doctrine, judicial review, is disregarded given the insufficient protection against the ECB's actions. These findings become increasingly important with the long‐term aim to incorporate the ESM in the EU legal order.  相似文献   

目前,国际环境法对跨国公司的控制都偏“软”,不能起到有效作用。不过,现已出现了一些有希望的原则,包括公布有关有毒排放物数据的义务、在行为开始之前进行环境影响评估研究以及母公司对其子公司环境危害行为应负责任等。为了确保外国投资与东道国的可持续发展目标不相背离,应进一步完善国际环境法,使其更好地控制外国投资,以便促进东道国的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article addresses problems of accountability in relation to two specific kinds of administrative actors in the EU system of multilevel governance, namely comitology committees and EU-level agencies. With regard to both sets of actors, the accountability issue is often framed in terms of delegation from a principal to an agent. This article explores the delegation of powers discourse and the question whether this framing adequately covers accountability forums and mechanisms that are emerging as a matter of legal and institutional practice. The latter sub-constitutional level is particularly relevant given the high degree of institutionalisation of both categories of administrative actors. Using these two categories of administrative actors as case studies, this article suggests that a delegation model of accountability in a democratic sense is not adequate and only captures part of emerging practice. A looser conceptual framing, understanding public accountability as a process in which power is checked and balanced by various actors, fits better within a more constitutional perspective on holding EU executive power to account.  相似文献   

Now that more and more legal transactions are being performed online, it is increasingly necessary to enable integration of legal mandates within identity and information management systems. The purpose of this article is to outline the legal framework surrounding delegation and to identify basic requirements for any technical application which seeks to provide recognition to legal mandates and delegation processes. Special consideration is also given to the legal implications in situations where a (presumed) mandate holder acts without or outside his authority. Based on these considerations, this article attempts to outline an approach which can significantly reduce the potential risks for both mandate issuers and relying service providers.  相似文献   

刘松珍 《行政与法》2007,(2):104-105
现代社会,税收授权立法被各国广泛采用,尤其我国的税收授权立法在税收立法中居于垄断地位,因而纳税人权利保护状况与税收授权立法关系极为密切。本文主要从保护纳税人权利的角度对税收授权立法的根本属性进行了探讨,提出税收授权立法只有具备从属性、限制性以及灵活性,税收法定主义的基本理念才能在立法中得以贯彻,纳税人权利保护的价值追求才能最终得以实现。  相似文献   

Does a strong committee system reduce the ability of political parties to dominate a parliament? This article seeks to answer this question in the case of the European Parliament (EP). Specifically, the article assesses the extent to which party leaders control their committee members in the EP. On the basis of interviews with Members of the European Parliament, the article analyses: (1) the extent to which EP party group leaders control committee assignment and (2) how much influence they have over the direction of committee activities, specifically through group co-ordinators. The results show that national delegation leaderships are increasingly involved in directing the committee assignment process and that group co-ordinators, in some cases, are able to control committee business in the EP.  相似文献   

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