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中国与中东欧国家关系经历了曲折的发展道路:从受制于对苏关系的起伏变化,到因制度和意识形态差异导致的分歧和疏离,再到新时期的机制化合作,不仅反映出国际格局与时代主题的巨变,更显示出中国与该地区国家外交理念和发展战略的转型。当前,中国与中东欧国家关系在中国—中东欧国家合作机制的框架下既迎来了机遇,又面临着挑战。来自欧盟及西方主要大国的疑虑、中东欧国家内部政局的多变、追求经济合作速效的压力以及历史遗留的负面舆论等,是中国与中东欧国家关系面临的主要挑战。只有将中国—中东欧国家合作机制放在中国总体外交战略的全盘布局之下,重视中东欧国家的特殊性,提升经济合作"早期收获"的示范效应,加大对次区域组织的研究和参与,才能实现这一机制的持久发展。  相似文献   

徐刚 《现代国际关系》2015,(2):39-45,63,64
在新中国的对外关系史上,中东欧国家是一个较为特殊的群体。中国与中东欧国家关系经历60多年的曲曲折折之后,当前已经进入网状式全面发展阶段。中东欧16国是不同国家类别的组合体,处理与发展好同中东欧国家的关系是建构新型国家间关系的一种创举,具有重要的示范价值。中国发展与中东欧国家关系必须加强顶层设计和战略规划,积极探索互信合作、机制建设、平台搭建、软实力建设以及加强智库研究等方面的新思路。  相似文献   

当代中国和剧变以后的中东欧国家同为转型国家,在政治发展的历史进程中背倚着共同的出发点,即苏联社会主义的政治模式,但是二者在政治发展的启动背景上面临的国内外环境,摆脱传统政治模式的方式,政治发展的路径选择和目标模式设定上截然不同,因此两种政治发展的实践效果差异也比较大,分别构成当今世界转型国家比较有代表性的政治发展的不同图景。  相似文献   

苏东剧变后,俄罗斯与中东欧国家之间的关系先一度紧张,后有所改善。此后,中东欧国家先后加入了北约和欧盟。在此过程中和过程结束后,俄罗斯与中东欧国家之间在一定程度上仍然相互敌视,它们之间依然存在着一些矛盾,但是,如较少考虑外部因素的影响,仅从相互关系现实的各个方面来看,双方的关系正不断地加强。这既体现出俄罗斯外交越来越务实的特点,也折射出俄罗斯对外交战略层次的考虑。  相似文献   

<正>On 24 December 2014,Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the opening ceremony of the Symposium on the International Development and China’s Diplomacy in 2014 co-hosted by China Institute of International Studies and China Foundation for International Studies and delivered an address titled 2014 in Review:A Successful Year for China’s Diplomacy.The following is the full text of the address:  相似文献   

在新中国的对外关系史上,中东欧国家是一个较为特殊的群体。中国与中东欧国家关系经历60多年的曲曲折折之后,当前已经进入网状式全面发展阶段。中东欧16国是不同国家类别的组合体,处理与发展好同中东欧国家的关系是建构新型国家间关系的一种创举,具有重要的示范价值。中国发展与中东欧国家关系必须加强"顶层设计"和"战略规划",积极探索互信合作、机制建设、平台搭建、软实力建设以及加强智库研究等方面的新思路。  相似文献   

Central and Eastern Europe links the European and Asian markets and helps promote cooperation between the EU and China. The author helps author explores the feasibility and pathway choice of CEE countries' involvement in the construction of the Silk Road economic belt, the role CEE countries would play in it and the challenges they would confront. The author would author concludes by putting forth some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Having had many ups and downs throughout the past fifty years,China and France have forged a comprehensive strategic partnership with a solid foundation,featuring extensive cooperation,mutual benefits and winwin results.After changes in their respective domestic situations,the two countries are now turning a new page in their bilateral relations and facing a historic opportunity.Together,they will build a new type of international relationship that features the characteristics of the current era.  相似文献   

近年来,中国—中东欧国家合作以机制建设为基础,双方关系不断深化拓展,呈现出越来越旺盛的生命力和强大的吸引力。主体上,形成了政府主导、民间参与的模式;渠道上,形成了从中央到地方、从官方到民间、涵盖诸多领域的多元沟通交流方式;内容上,覆盖贸易、投资、基础设施建设、金融、教育、文化等多个领域。未来中国—中东欧国家合作机制建设面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。基于促进经济发展和社会进步、推动世界和平稳定的共识,双方建立对话和合作机制应从共同利益出发进行总体设计,分领域打造16+1利益共同体,最终实现互利共赢、共同发展。  相似文献   

21世纪中国与中东欧国家经贸合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入21世纪以来,中国同中东欧国家经贸合作不断取得新进展.仅在贸易方面,2005年,中国与中东欧国家的进出口总额就已由2000年的30.9亿美元增至125.4亿美元;2006年1~7月,中国与中东欧国家的进出口总额几乎接近2005年全年的水平.由于中国与中东欧国家经济有很强的互补性,拓展经贸合作已成共识.21世纪将成为中国与中东欧国家经贸合作的快速发展期.  相似文献   

中国对中东欧政策追求“务实性”,双方在合作机制上具有不对称性,中国对中东欧政策采取“欧洲视角”与“中东欧地区方式”结合的办法,双方合作面临“窗口期”.中国推进与中东欧务实合作存在诸多问题和挑战,主要有中东欧是非同质化区域而难以形成战略整体;中东欧诸国对华诉求多元化;欧盟因中国和中东欧合作而不断对我施压等.在推进与中东欧务实合作时,中国应局部修正中国和中东欧合作机制的不对称性问题,细致挖掘同中东欧某些国家的合作潜力,注意欧盟的核心关切,并重视软实力的推广.  相似文献   

The national security core concepts, such as power, leadership and security, are under change and will define the debates and choices of grand strategy in the decades ahead. It is necessary to unveil and underline the new in new characteristics in the global affairs to stimulate the policy makers from characteristics from both the United States and China to transform their mindsets accordingly and increase their awareness of the revolutionary mega-context where the bilateral relationship lies.  相似文献   

China has achieved a unique feat in economic growth, maintaining an China an average annual growth rate of nearly 10 percent for more than three average three decades since reform and opening-up. As a neighboring country joined by common mountains and rivers, China's prosperous economy is the best driving force for the development of South Asia and SAARC integration. The economic relations between China and SAARC have developed The developed rapidly over the past ten years, although there exist hurdles that impede Sino-SAARC cooperation. The Chinese leadership has put forward quite a few cooperative initiatives to further enhance Sino-SAARC cooperation.  相似文献   

2011年9月22~23日,中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所举办的第一届"中国—中东欧论坛"在北京举行。此时,中国同多数中东欧国家建交已历62年。62年来,中国与中东欧国家的关系几经风雨,走上了健康发展的轨道。双方的政治互信日益增强,各级别对话逐渐增多,地方和民间交往不断扩大,各领域合作富有成果。但双边关系中仍存在价值观念差异、经贸关系不平衡、相互了解缺乏等不利因素。此时,  相似文献   

China's proposal to build a 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road is aimed at exploring the unique values and concepts of the ancient road, enriching it with new meaning for the present era and actively developing economic partnerships with countries situated along the route. Specifically, the partnerships the proposal seeks to further integrate current cooperation in order to achieve positive effects.  相似文献   

2011年9月22~23日,中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所举办的第一届"中国—中东欧论坛"在北京举行。此时,中国同多数中东欧国家建交已历62年。62年来,中国与中东欧国家的关系几经风雨,走上了健康发展的轨道。双方的政治互信日益增强,各级别对话逐渐增多,地方和民间交往不断扩大,各领域合作富有成果。但双边关系中仍存在价值观念差异、经贸关系不平衡、相互了解缺乏等不利因素。此时,  相似文献   

China's external environment primarily includes two components: its China's its development environment and security environment. With an emphasis on overall national security, the following essay will evaluate China's on China's external security environment from the perspective of Socialism with external with Chinese Characteristics.  相似文献   

The overall world economy was weaker in 2013 than in previous years.Given the United States,Europe and Japan’s strong promotion of trade liberalization,and various competing frameworks for cooperation in the Asia Pacific,regional cooperation has entered a new phase of vigorous and accelerated development.China’s external economic environment is thus becoming more complex.  相似文献   

Cooperation between China and CEE countries has made tremendous progress since its inception and has distinctive features. However, there are also obstacles that need be addressed to maintain the momentum of cooperation and facilitate the successful implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative in a wider scope.  相似文献   

The effective cooperation between China and the other Asia-Pacific The Asia-Pacific economies has brought about a booming regional economy and turned the Asia-Pacific region into an engine of global economic growth. In this address, Mr. Chen Yuan also introduces China's new round of reform and calls for a regional partnership that needs top-level designing, continued commitment to open regionalism, and financial cooperation.  相似文献   

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