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家庭小说之家庭:幻象·性格集合·时空体   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<金瓶梅>、<醒世姻缘传>、<林兰香>、<红楼梦>和<歧路灯>等长篇小说以家庭生活为描写中心,并且在艺术上具有传承关系,在小说史上形成了新的类型,现代研究者因此将它们称为"家庭小说".但是,人们在认识家庭小说的"家庭"时,往往将它们直接等同于现实世界的家庭,看作是对现实生活的反映.这在很大程度上遮蔽了小说"家庭"形象的创造性.家庭小说的家庭本质上是一种"审美组织",家庭构成了作为特定小说类型的美学基础.家庭由宅院、日常生活等一系列时空体形式交织而成,主人公的形象,丰富的性格,复杂的人物关系正是通过这些时空体得以充分地建构.小说的家庭最终呈现的是生活世界的幻象.家庭小说的独立,关键是"家庭"在进入小说后获得了建构功能、具有形式意义.因此,从小说自身的家庭图式出发,家庭小说的文学性研究才可能会获得深入.  相似文献   

玛雅·黛润被誉为美国地下电影之母.她的电影三部曲<下午的罗网>、<梦中>与<变形时间中的仪式>从独特的女性视角出发,对于女性的"纳卡索斯"自我进行深层探索,抒发职业女性受到外界环境漠视的痛苦感受,寻找现代女性在当今社会中的生活与精神出路,不仅在题材与形式上为美国先锋派电影开辟了道路,而且还发出了女性主义的呼声.  相似文献   

<韩非子·说林>上下两篇本是韩非平时积累的原始资料汇编,内容多为传说故事,类似于后来之"故事集".它的文体学意义有二:一方面,它是我国最早的寓言专集,标志着我国寓言的独立;另一方面,它对后世笔记小说有很大的影响,可以将其称作"准笔记小说",这一点通过它与<说苑>的比较就可以看出来.  相似文献   

遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。这是何等潇洒的一种气势。克敌制胜,讲求的是巧,讲求的是智,讲求的是不费吹灰之力,讲求的是不战而屈人之兵。本栏目从本篇开始,将进入《官场智战篇》。  相似文献   

遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。这是何等潇洒的一种气势。克敌制胜,讲求的是巧,讲求的是智,讲求的是不费吹灰之力,讲求的是不战而屈人之兵。本栏目从本篇开始,将进入《官场智战篇》。  相似文献   

遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。这是何等潇洒的一种气势。克敌制胜,讲求的是巧,讲求的是智,讲求的是不费吹灰之力,讲求的是不战而屈人之兵。本栏目从本篇开始,将进入《官场智战篇》。  相似文献   

法律和规律的关系正在引起人们的注意。它关系到法律的本质,关系到社会主义法制能否建立在科学的基础上。要谈法律和规律的关系,必然碰到另一个问题,即法律和意志的关系。  相似文献   

目前对英国小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的双性同体理论的争议大多局限于科学归纳的方法,忽视了其中的交往与对话性。若以哈贝马斯的交往行为理论为参照系,则可以看出双性同体所体现的是一种交往行为,它作为一种具有不确定性及对话性等特点的"活"的主体,与其内部及其他主体之间存在着动态的交往关系。对于当前思维范式与批评方法来说,运用交往行为理论来研究双性同体,可以推动传统的批评模式走向重视各种话语交往的语境批评。  相似文献   

班固《汉书》创设“五行志”一目 ,集先秦两汉阴阳五行灾异学说之大成 ,对后出史书多有影响 ,而近现代学术界对之评价较低 ,重视不够。本文通过对中华书局标点本存在的标点、校勘问题和《汉语大词典》与《汉书·五行志》相关的立目释义和书证问题等的考查 ,认为对“五行志”一目的设立及其价值应当重估 ,在古籍整理和学术研究过程中 ,应重视“五行志”的文献价值  相似文献   

精神分析的客体关系理论家费尔贝恩在修正与发展弗洛伊德和克莱因思想的基础上,结合自己的临床经验,从客体关系角度出发,阐述了一种纯粹心理的人格发展理论.该理论指出,人格发展的实质是自我客体关系的成熟;母婴关系是影响人格发展的首要因素.费尔贝恩还综合了弗洛伊德的阶段理论与克莱因的心态概念,构想了一个全新的人格发展图式.费尔贝恩的人格发展理论以其革命性和独创性在精神分析学、人格心理学、发展心理学领域都占据了一席之地.  相似文献   

This paper is a response to John Barton's posthumous paper on the date and authorship of the English thirteenth-century legal treatise Bracton. That paper was an extended critique of sections of a much shorter paper I had published in 1996 on these and related topics. It responds to the main criticisms Barton makes of my paper. It accepts a few of these but not others, and does not accept his main arguments against assigning a date prior to 1240 for significant parts of the treatise nor his renewed assertion of the claims of Henry de Bracton to be the sole author of the treatise.  相似文献   

As Funayama has shown, Dharmakīrti’s successors had an animated discussion on the nature and function of the initial statement (ādivākya) of scientific treatises in terms of its effectiveness and requisites. Arca?a (8th c.) in his comments on the initial statement of the Hetubindu considers that the initial statement, which contains the purpose (prayojana) of the treatise, is useless in prompting people to undertake the activity (prav?tti) of reading the treatise because judicious people are supposed to undertake action only due to certainty (ni?caya) which never arises from something that is not a pramā?a. For Arca?a, the initial statement is set forth only to dispel the objection of an opponent who criticizes the treatise for not having a purpose. Kamala?īla (8th c.) criticizes Arca?a on this point; for him the initial statement is effective to prompt people to undertake the reading of the treatise because people act also on the basis of doubt (sa??aya), which arises from the initial statement that is not a pramā?a but an abhyupāya for action. This paper attempts to consider how such doubt can cause reading by examining the debate in the Tattvasa?grahapañjikā and related texts. As Kamala?īla presupposes, when people act due to doubt, they may attain the desired purpose by chance but cannot escape the risks of not attaining an desired purpose and also of attaining an undesired purpose. Taking these risks into consideration, it is reasonable for Granoff to take up Kamala?īla’s position as an example of the maxim of kākatālīya in the introduction of her paper in the present volume. However, the probability for the readers of the Tattvasa?graha to achieve easy comprehension of tattva as a result of reading a full treatise, which they undertake due to doubt out of the initial statement, is higher than that for a crow being suddenly killed by a falling palm-fruit. According to Kamala?īla, the risk of not attaining the desired purpose does not prevent people from reading because such fear equally occurs in activities based on certainty. Furthermore, there is no risk of attaining an undesired purpose from the treatise because authors are supposed to undertake action only for the sake of others. Therefore, doubt which arises from an abhyupāya can make people undertake action.  相似文献   

This study shows the spatial juxtaposition and separation of topics regarding law in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa theologiae. These topics are his treatise on legal structures among morals in its part I-II, and his treatise on legal justice among virtues in its part II-II. This difference in the topics’ placements requires mediation by the virtuality of law, in order to grasp the distances and bridges between the two treatments of law.  相似文献   


Most of the published works of Petrus Gudelinus (1550–1619), professor at the Louvain Civil Law Faculty, concern the public law. In his ‘commentaries’ on the Novellae and the Libri feodorum, he did not limit himself to the learned law and classical examples but also discussed the laws and customs of his own days. The same is true of his little-known De jure pacis commentarius, which, though formally presented as a commentary on the Pax Constantiae from the Authenticum, is a treatise on issues from current peace-treaty practice. In the most interesting part, Gudelinus addresses the problem of private property and compensation for damages. On this point, his work is more concurrent with contemporary practices than Grotius’ De jure belli ac pacis libri tres (1625).  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Philosophy - In his celebrated treatise of Navya-nyāya, the Tattvacintāma?i, Ga?ge?a offers a detailed formulation of the inference of God’s...  相似文献   

陈家林 《法律科学》2006,24(1):79-84
共同正犯理论是刑法理论的一个重要组成部分。根据我国的立法实际,采用形式的客观说来界定共同正犯的概念更为可取。就共同正犯的性质而言,它是介于正犯与共犯之间的中间类型,既有正犯的属性也有共犯的属性。按照不同的标准,可以对共同正犯作不同的分类。其中相互的共同正犯与附加的共同正犯、累积的共同正犯与择一的共同正犯等共同正犯类型,我国学者研究较少,应予重视。  相似文献   

卢梭的《社会契约论》既是一部政治学著作,又是一部法学著作,是世界思想史上的重要古典文献之一。本文即从它的历史背景出发,对其"自由与平等"的目标、性质以及"主权在民"的重要思想进行了浅显的评析。  相似文献   

This essay considers the empirical foundations for some of the more important and controversial conclusions concerning guns, crime, and gun control advanced in Gary Kleck’s highly influential treatise,Point Blank. We reveal significant flaws in his original data analyses and identify problematic linkages between his evidence and his inferences. We suggest alternative interpretations for some of Kleck’s findings.  相似文献   

Throughout Dr. McCrone's active professional career of over 60 years, he worked on many cases involving the forensic analysis of art. This is an overview of a small portion of these cases. Included (exposed as fakes) are the Shroud of Turin, the Vinland Map, Mayan pottery illustrations and Larionov pastels. Also included, with strong support for authentication, are three paintings attributed to Manet, Giorgione, and Leonardo da Vinci.  相似文献   

Forensic psychiatry is a science closely associated with philosophy and the legal and medical disciplines. It is inseparable from general psychiatry, but has its own particular functions. Forensic psychiatry, conceived as a branch of Soviet public health, is at the service of Soviet justice and is a contributing factor in — and, indeed, has as one of its chief tasks — the consolidation of socialist legality. In evaluating the mental condition of the accused in a criminal case, forensic psychiatrists must not only diagnose mental illness and treat the patient: they must also determine the extent to which the existing medical disorders affect the individual's ability to account for and govern his actions. In an examination of a convicted person, his ability to serve out his sentence is weighed. In determining a person's competence in a civil action, his "capacity to conduct his affairs rationally" is ascertained.  相似文献   

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