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应奥西波夫院长的邀请,我率领中国社会科学院代表团来到俄罗斯进行学术访问,我和我的同事们深感十分荣幸。俄罗斯科学院历史悠久,成就辉煌,是享誉全世界的科学殿堂。这里名人辈出,群星灿烂,俄  相似文献   

The Beijing Office of the Friendrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) was set up twenty years ago, which has not only created a platform for friendly dialogues and exchanges, but also served as a window for mutual understanding. Through this platform, the Chinese Ass…  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding,a 12-member African friendly people delegation visited China from March 21 to 30.The delegation was headed by Puso Gaborone,Chairman of the House of Chiefs of Botswana and composed of NGO leaders,traditional leaders,university presidents and media professionals from Botswana,Kenya  相似文献   

At the invitation of Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), a 5-member delegation of Bangladesh-China People's Friendship Association (BCPFA) headed by Mr. Farooq Sobhan paid a friendly visit to China from May 28 to June 5, 2006.Duri…  相似文献   

AttheinvitationofCAFIU,thedelegationoftheLoyalJirgaofAfghanistanheadedbyChairmanMo-jadedipaidavisittoChinaforthefirsttimefromMarch30toApril6.InBeijing,LiGuixian,Vice-ChairmanoftheNationalCommitteeoftheChinesePeople'sPoliticalConsultativeConferenceandPresidentofCAFIUmetandhaddinnerwiththedelegation.WangJiarui,MinisterofInternationalDepartmentofCPCCentralCommittee,LiChen-gren,ExecutiveVice-PresidentofCAFIUandWangYi,ViceForeignMinistermetandhelddis-cussionwiththedelegationre…  相似文献   

As early as in the beginning of the 1980's,the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) started exchanges with the Friendrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). Since FES set up its Beijing office in 1987,fruitful cooperation has been conducted between FES and CAFIU,and other relevant parties of the Chinese side. Over the years,FES has made positive efforts and great contributions for deepening and developing understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the German people,and for promoting the relations between the two countries and two parties,which we highly appreciate.  相似文献   

与沈刚桃仙国际机场咫尺相间的桃仙镇古台南屯,坐落着宽敞整洁的志英行鞋业工业园.园区内一栋白色小楼的4层有一间普通办公室,它的主人就是新加坡志英行集团的总裁及首席执行官黄汉湘先生.……  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a17-member delegation of friendly people from the political circle,NGOs,think tanks and media of Bangladesh,Nepal,Indonesia,the Philippines and Brunei visited China during July 19 and28.The members of the delegation were either old friends or new acquaintances of China,and therefore all boasted a lot of close links with  相似文献   

The interests, needs, and academic practices of conflict analysis scholars are often fundamentally at odds with those of conflict resolution scholar practitioners. In this essay, I make suggestions for new academic arrangements that could allow both groups to be productive and empowered in their theory building and teaching and also have positive impacts on the development of students and on global institutions and conflict environments.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that in the real world, as opposed to the lab, the norm is for people to experience friendly media that favor their political predispositions when political favoritism is perceived at all. For this reason, media are generally limited in their ability to create cross-cutting exposure. We test this hypothesis using representative survey data drawn from 11 different countries with varying media systems. We further hypothesize that television will contribute more to cross-cutting exposure than newspapers. Finally, and most importantly, we test the hypothesis that the more the structure of a country's media system parallels that of its political parties, the more that country's population will be dominated by exposure to like-minded views via mass media. We find confirmation for all 3 of these hypotheses and discuss their implications for the role of mass media in providing exposure to cross-cutting political perspectives.  相似文献   

明代,占城与中国在政治、经济、文化的交流较宋元时期有了较大的发展,政治上保持睦邻的宗藩关系,经贸关系活跃,文化交流频繁。虽然到明中后期,占城国家式微,与明朝的交往也日渐减少,但是,两国始终保持着睦邻友好的关系。一、睦邻的宗藩关系占城,又称占婆(Champa)。“周越裳地,秦为林邑,汉为象林县。后汉末,区连据其地,始称林邑王。自晋至隋仍之。唐时,或称占不劳,或称占婆,其王所居曰占城。至德后,改国号曰环。迄周、宋,遂以占城为号,朝贡不替。元世祖恶其阻命,大举兵击破之,亦不能定。”①明代初期,占城是印支半岛南部的一个强盛国家,其国…  相似文献   

明初中国政府为了发展与东南亚国家的友好关系,奉行了一系列和平外交政策,包括派遣郑和七下西洋,遍历东南亚各国。郑和作为一位和平外交使者;在下西洋期间,不仅为满剌加立国,制止了强国对弱国的欺凌,而且在旧港剿灭海寇,保证了航道的畅通,同时在苏门答腊为国王平定了叛乱,维持了当地的和平秩序。郑和及其随从的和平外交活动在东南亚民众中影响很大,至今仍到处流传着有关他们的传说。这些事实说明,郑和作为一位和平使者,的确为发展中国与东南亚的友好交往立下了功勋。  相似文献   

广西与东盟国家山水相连,与东盟国家民间交往具有许多优势,广西人民在中国与东盟国家民间交流中的作用无可替代。本文在分析广西民间外交资源优势的基础上,提出了广西与东盟国家开展民间友好交流的7点建议。  相似文献   

AttheinvitationoftheChineseAssociationForIn-ternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU),a7-memberdelegationoftheInternationalInitiativesofChangeAssociationofJapan(IICAJ)headedbyToruHashimoto,AdvisorofJapanMizuhoFinancialGroup,PresidentoftheJapaneseBranchoftheDeustchBankGroupandPresidentoftheIICAJvisitedChinafromOctober10to16,2004.DuringtheirstayinBeijing,thedelegationmetseparatelywithMr.WanGuoquan,formerVice-PresidentoftheChinesePeople'sPoliticalConsultativeConfer-enceandAdvisorofCAF…  相似文献   

鉴于各国的文化、历史及其在世界上的行事方式不同,每一个国家的文化交流形式各异、内容不一。英国文化协会采用"展示"而非"告诉"的方式促进了英国与世界人民之间的"友好认知与理解"。中国文化交流方式源自其文化和丰富的文化交流史也有其自身的特点。  相似文献   

正April 11th, 2019, in Vientiane(Translated version)Dear General Secretary Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China,We are teachers and students of China-Laos Friendly Nongping Primary School from Vientiane, the capital of Laos. In a few days, eight of us will go to Beijing, the great capital of China, to tell the story of our Nongping Primary  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations and the "Friendship Year of People-to-People Exchange" defined by leaders of both sides.On the occasion of this remarkable year,a review of the development of  相似文献   

The U.S.has encouraged regional countries to gang up against China in seas around China as part of its strategy of returning to Asia.This looks like a new kind of Cold War directed against China which threatens the nation’s sovereignty.How can we interpret this new international situation  相似文献   

我非常高兴主席先生给我提供这个讲坛来对一些问题发表看法.请允许我借此机会向中国广西壮族自治区人民政府表示最深切的谢意,感谢你们的盛情款待和举办这次重要的经济合作论坛.  相似文献   

正Japan and China are neighbors that cannot move away from each other.Thus,it’s quite natural that there are quarrels between them because we are so close to each other.There is no other option between Japan and China except peace and friendship.On the occasion of the 3rd Anniversary of the normalization of Japan-China diplomatic relations on September 29,1975,in order to solidify the  相似文献   

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