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中国古代并没有现代法的权利的概念,甚至可以说对于老百姓来说,权利观念并没有真正形成,因此对于私人财产权的保护是十分有限的。在缺乏权利观念的法律传统下,中国古代土地立法制度也存在着对私人财产权保护不足的问题,旨在通过以现代财产权的角度,探讨中国古代土地制度的不足,总结出其对我国现行土地制度的启示。  相似文献   

Property rights necessarily generate violent, and oftentimes lethal, processes of dispossession. While liberal theorists from Locke to Hayek consider property rights as an essential and emancipatory component of human freedom, they fail to consider societal power asymmetries impeding the ability of property rights to protect the interests of the weak and marginalised. If property rights produce freedom and prosperity, they do so very selectively. More obvious is the ongoing historical process of already propertied classes making 'clever usurpation into an irrevocable right' by extending private property regimes along two key dimensions – type and space. Examining various uses of private property over time reveals processes whereby relatively basic notions of private property, enforced by a Weberian state at the local level in the early era of industrialisation, are extended to encompass new and sophisticated forms of property that are enforced globally via international institutions. Two contemporary empirical cases of using property rights are examined in this paper: land reform in Southern Africa (specifically Zimbabwe) and intellectual property rights. In this context of ongoing dispossession, further privatisation and commodification can only exacerbate contemporary problems of marginalisation and dispossession.  相似文献   

推进我国农村土地产权的制度创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类社会的经济活动中,产权制度起着基本游戏规则的作用,农村土地产权改革是我国产权制度改革的重要内容。以产权经济学的理论为依据,分析我国的农村土地产权制度的弊端,得出了深化我国农村土地产权制度改革的思路,即明晰农村土地产权关系,构建土地流转新机制。  相似文献   

私有财产权的宪法地位及其历史发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国 2 0 0 4年宪法修正案完善了对公民私有财产权的宪法保障 ,但仍存在若干不足之处。宪法意义上的公民财产权与民法意义上的公民财产权具有不同内涵。我们应通过与西方发展历程的比较 ,从历史的角度审视我国私有财产权宪法地位之变迁 ,并以建设社会主义法治国家为指向 ,探讨如何完善公民私有财产权的宪法保障。  相似文献   

私有财产权不仅是近代以来各国宪法的基本内容,更是各国制定宪法的目的之一.私有财产权的宪法保障完善与否,同宪政制度特别是人权保障制度的完善与否有着紧密关联.因此,深化私有财产合宪性,对于建立并完善我国的宪政制度、保护公民的合法权益意义重大.  相似文献   

本文通过对公有制和私有制的关系的深入研究,通过对所有制和社会制度、产权制度的关系、以及社会主义条件下公制经济和私有制经济的发展趋势等基本理论的研究,从中得出了当今的个体私营经济是社会主义性质的新型私有制经济.笔者认为,只有得出这样的结论,才能正确理解党的十六大提出的社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,才能正确理解十六届三中全会提出的"产权是所有制的核心和主要内容"的精髓,才能正确理解宪法所提出的"保护合法的私有财产权"的重大意义,才能理直气壮地大力发展非公有制经济.  相似文献   

强制拆迁中各方主体基于各自所站的立场的不同以及认识上的差别,关于强制拆迁中的私有财产的观念不尽相同,这些不同观念间还存在着严重的冲突,学界关于这些不同观念间冲突的论述汗牛充栋,但是关于这些观念间冲突产生的原因的研究还是极少,对强制拆迁中的私产观念冲突进行研究分析,是正确认识强制拆迁的前提,也是缓和当前紧张的拆迁矛盾的认识条件,基于此目的而写作本文。  相似文献   

Perri 《Political studies》2005,53(2):243-261
In many countries, there is a debate about whether compulsory identity card schemes are acceptable and justifiable. The UK government, for example, has now committed itself to introduce such a scheme. This case provides the main example in the article, although the argument is of general application. Justifying compulsion requires not only that there be a demonstrated and fundamental obligation upon residents in a country to identify themselves using a prescribed card, but that the duty should be so strong as to merit legal enforcement. The article considers, from first principles, various arguments for the existence of an obligation upon citizens to possess a standard state-issued form of identification and produce it when reasonably requested to do, and for the enforceability of such a duty. A distinctive argument is presented that there can be a valid but limited justification for such an obligation. However, this will not justify any compulsory identity card scheme. Many schemes will violate important additional side-constraints, and there are reasons to suspect that the British government's current proposals may do so. If the argument is accepted, then it would clarify exactly what the focus of debate about an identity card scheme should be. The argument also has wider implications for the scope of individual obligations.  相似文献   

农村土地权属管理中存在的问题及解决对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李军 《学理论》2009,(4):87-89
农村土地权属管理是明确农村土地所有权、使用权归属,化解农村土地权属争议的一项重要管理工作。目前,我国农村土地权属管理中还存在着土地权属争议复杂、处理难度大,立法模糊、适用法律不统一,以及基层土地权属管理制度不够完善等一系列问题。为此,必须进一步完善土地立法,明确土地确权原则,加强依法行政,加大对土地权属争议的调处力度,重视有关土地政策法律的宣传工作,同时注重借鉴其他国家和地区的土地管理经验,从而扎实推进农村土地权属管理工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

一般认为,我国现行宪法在私有财产保护方面存在着两方面的缺陷,即形式缺陷和实质缺陷.对此有三种补救途径:修改宪法的途径,宪法解释的途径,立法法确立的立法监督的途径.本文认为,在强化对私有财产的法律保护方面,立法法所确立的立法监督途径能够发挥比修改宪法或解释宪法更为实际的作用;在宪法监督机制得不到改善的提前下,增补修正有关私有财产保护的宪法条款,对于强化私有财产保护,并无太大的实际意义.  相似文献   

It is shown in this article how theories justifying local government in Britain are largely based on the expedience of providing administrative efficiency or stable democracy for the central state rather than ethical grounds that justify local government as an independent entity in its own right. The article critically reviews the development of theories justifying local government within Britain and argues that it is possible on the basis of Mill's arguments within On Liberty to establish a strong ethical justification for local government. It is shown how Mill did not develop this line of thought but established substantive arguments concerning the value of local government for securing a stable liberal democracy and how successive mainstream theorists have modified but not substantially departed from this approach.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate the impact of the Spanish personal income tax, and other variables, on the decision to marry, with the study covering the period 1979 to 2001. There are three aspects that characterize this article: first, it is the first time this topic has been examined in Spain; second, we take into account the whole duration of the marriage when constructing the tax variables, not only the year of marriage; and third, we include the cost of housing among the explanatory variables, because this can play an important and statistically significant role in the marriage decision in Spain.  相似文献   

当前,各界对家电下乡政策多有质疑,主要观点有:一是认为家电下乡政策补富不补贫,显失公平;二是认为现行的"谁购买,补贴谁"的补贴方式不如家电消费券好;三是认为下乡产品质量低劣,农民的满意度和积极性均较低。基于江西省314户农民的调查,有效回应了这些质疑,调查结果显示:多数已经购买和打算购买下乡家电产品的农户分别为中等及中等偏低收入农户而不是相对富裕农户;确实有更多的农民偏爱家电消费券,但并不认为现行的补贴方式很麻烦;农民的满意度较高,少数农户缺乏积极性是因为缺钱,而不是担心下乡家电有瑕疵。这表明,现有的对家电下乡政策的质疑大部分并不成立,但扩大农村家电消费根本上还要依靠农民收入的增长。  相似文献   

A review of the literature shows that stadiums and arenas are insignificant in terms of creating employment, engendering aggregate increases in local spending, and increasing per capita income levels. Public subsidies, then, may be better justified with reference to the nonpecuniary, public good externalities of professional athletic venues. This research examines whether the public good externalities of Baltimore's Oriole Park and Cleveland's Jacobs Field justify the use of taxpayer resources to finance such projects. This research finds that the public good externalities of Oriole Park and Jacobs Field are determinants of willingness to support the use of taxpayer resources to finance stadium projects.  相似文献   

论股田制--对农村土地产权制度改革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王延生 《理论导刊》2003,(12):33-34
现行农村土地制度产权存在着缺陷.在坚持土地农民集体所有,完善家庭承包经营的前提下,实行股田制,可以达到使土地制度适应农业市场化变革的目标,进而促进农业的增长,农民的增收,农村的发展.  相似文献   

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