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论中国民族民间色彩与现代艺术的结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王飚 《理论月刊》2006,(9):124-126
本文通过对中国传统文化中民族民间美术色彩的研究,系统解析了中国民间美术色彩的形成、发展及基本特征,并以民间色彩“五色观”为切入点,研究民间色彩元素与现代设计的内在关联和设计应用方法,探索中国现代设计的民族化道路。  相似文献   

FOLK art has a vitality that lasts through centuries,and the aesthetic pleasure aroused by the art can be felt for generations.The book Chinese Folk Art presents readers with magnificent pictures depicting the folk art of Chinas Han people accompanied by a concise introduction.The book,of great artistic and cultural value,provides comprehensive,systematic,and authentic information about Han folk customs and culture,some of which are currently in decline.  相似文献   

邱宏光 《理论月刊》2007,3(3):51-53
本文选择分析的几部近期小说作品——贾平凹的《艺术家韩起祥》、蒋韵的《想象一位歌手》和韩少功的《山歌天上来》要叙述民间艺人的命运浮沉,表现民间文艺在现代中国的特殊历史遭遇。通过反思个体自身及其与社会、政治之间的复杂纠葛,它们重申了民间文化自由独立的艺术创造精神,对它在中国新文化建设中的特殊使命展开文化想象,同时,也为全球化冲击下民间、民族文化的前景感到忧虑。  相似文献   

论民俗文化旅游产品的艺术真实性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了民俗文化与民俗文化旅游产品概念的根本区别,阐述了民俗文化是生活的真实.它是不能被商品化的,它将随着时代的进步而进步;而民俗文化旅游产品要追求的是艺术的真实,它是商品,这一商品的开发必须以反映生活的真实为基础,离开生活的真实就没有艺术的真实.  相似文献   

A few years ago, Beijing's Summer Palace put together a unique exhibition that featured neither the precious antiques and works of art collected by successive imperial families, nor the sumptuous knick-knacks and everyday utensils used by the emperors and their empresses. On display, rather, were clay figurines usually identified as "folk art" -- that is, art made by and for the lower classes. However, these particular clay artifacts were unique in that their collector was none other than Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908),  相似文献   

中国民间舞蹈中的动物仿生学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民间舞蹈中动物仿生类舞蹈是中国民族民间舞蹈中的一个重要内容,具有独特的艺术表现形式和深刻的文化内涵。本文分析了动物仿生舞蹈的形成原因、特点及社会功能。  相似文献   

IN the 1980s, Yang Lizhou and his wife Wang Yingchun made their names among Chinese art circles by winning top prize at the China Fine Arts Exhibition with their co-production, The Iron Wall of the Taihang Mountains and The Roaring Yellow River.Yang Lizhou and Wang Yingchun have many coincidental similarities in their lives. They were born in the same month, of the same year (1942), and in the same province (Shanxi). They went to the same schools: the middle school attached to the Xi…  相似文献   

At the central square of Disneyland in Los Angeles during the Chinese Spring Festival,a group of Chinese children wearing horn-shaped braids or white towel kerchiefs on their heads performed the waist-drum dance to the rhythm of typical northern Shaanxi folk music.The wonderful performance given by the Shaanxi Youth Folk Art Troupe at Disneyland was part of a cultural exchange with the United States  相似文献   

IN recent years,traditional Chinese art forms have caught the attention of more and more young Chinese,due to their innovative nature.One of the most popular among young people right now is Suzhou pingtan,a folk ballad about the art of story-telling.Born in Suzhou,in east China's Jiangsu Province,and thriving in Shanghai,Suzhou pingtan has a history of more than 200 years with many practicing schools.The place for pingtan performance is very simple.A table and a chair (or two chairs) set up in alleys,teahouses or wine shops are all that's need-ed to start a show.  相似文献   

AT the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China showed the world four national treasures projected on a spectacular scroll, one of which was the eggshell black pottery goblet.  相似文献   

古代中国为了减少隐案,提高侦破工作效能,一方面通过制定政策法律,鼓励、引导甚至强迫民众协助、参与侦查活动,同时,办案官员因案施策,充分调动民众参与侦查破案的积极性,以实现侦查效能的最大化。这种民众意识的形成,一是由于民众自身的利益需求给司法官员的启示;二是由于历史条件的制约及侦查资源匮乏的客观需求;三是由于后人对前人成功经验的学习和继承。  相似文献   

Invited by Villa Musica of Germany, a folk mu-sic group, consisting of musicians from theTianjin Song and Dance Theatre and organized andsent by the CPAFFC, made a performance tour ofGermany from June 17 to 27. It gave 6 concertsduring the tour. The visit was a full success. The folk music group toured 5 major cities inthe State of Rhein Pfalz. The performers, withsuperb skills and artistic attainment, offered to the  相似文献   

There is an old Chinese saying, "people take food as heaven." It is an expression of people's love of food. A well prepared dish should have pleasing colour, aroma and flavour. Cooking has occupied a lofty position in Chinese culture throughout history. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Zi once said, "Governing a great nation is much like cooking a small fish."  相似文献   

Chinese 书法 (shu fa), calligraphy, is the ancient art of Chinese handwriting. No publication on Chinese culture could ever omit mention of Chinese characters and calligraphy. For foreigners, 汉字 (han zi), Chinese characters, are hard to master, and calligraphy is even more difficult.  相似文献   

IN mid-March 2011 the British Art Market Federation announced that China had overtaken the U.K. to become the world’s second-largest art market. Only a week later,Francebased Artprice,which maintains the world’s largest data bank of fine art auction records,disclosed in its 2010 report that China had climbed past the U.S. to become the top ranking country in terms of annual fine art revenues.  相似文献   

乡民艺术知识并不具有结构的永久稳固性,而是因为与乡土社会生活关联密切而相应地具有形式转换的多样性和意蕴阐释的多元性。在乡土社会急剧转型、乡民艺术受到重视的当今社会背景下,学者应透过乡民艺术活动的表层现象认知其深层的交流结构,借助区域社会文化整体的概念,突破民族志书写中凝固幻象之窠臼,以充满流动感的书写模式,实现对乡民艺术活动及其内在文化结构的深刻认知。  相似文献   

就表象而言,受工具理性左右,改革开放以来的民间文艺市场出现了前所未有的兴旺之势.新世纪以来的非物质文化遗产运动使衍生于农耕文明的民间文艺受到主流意识形态前所未有的重视.顺势而生的民间文艺的权威--媒介学者与为政者、开发商一道主动担负了传统民间文艺重建的重任.民间文艺的传承传播呈现出从官媒精英到民众、社区的反哺状态,民间文艺市场一贯有的供需关系发生了变化.民间文艺的反哺实则割裂了被工业文明以及信息文明主宰并追寻着都市生活方式的民众的日常生活世界,关注当下现代性浸染的公民的日常生活也就成为中国民俗学前进的方向.  相似文献   

IN 2007, Chinese artists heed a number of retrospective exhibitions, such as the Retrospective Exhibition of the No Name Group (1979), the Exhibition of 1985 Avant-garde Fine Art, the Retrospective Exhibition of the Star Art Group of 30 Years Ago, and the Exhibition of the Qingdao Dream of Modern Artists in the 1980s. Thirty years ago, however, many of the works now openly displayed were exhibited unofficially, and some were even banned by the government. Conventional wisdom holds that China's contemporary art can be divided into four periods - the first being the post-"cultural revolution" period of 1976-1984, the second lasting from 1985 to 1989, the third from 1990 to 1999, and the fourth from 1999 to the present.  相似文献   

.June 15, 1979: The magazine World Art is founded in Beijing, the first periodical in the People's Republic to cover contemporary Western art.  相似文献   

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