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地方政府的信用失范与信用建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方政府信用,就是地方政府及其部门因信守规则、遵守诺言而取得的信任.当前,我国地方政府信用失范现象严重,如一些地方政府存在"寻租"现象,一些地方政府职能越位、缺位和错位现象严重,还有些地方政府决策随意性大.因此,应该通过提升地方政府工作人员的综合素质、加快地方政府职能转变、健全信用监督和约束机制、完善政府决策机制等途径,改变这一现状,加强地方政府信用建设.  相似文献   

地方政府大部制改革的组织结构设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
许淑萍 《行政论坛》2010,17(3):31-34
我们必须从优化政府职能结构入手,进行地方大部制政府部门结构设计,形成一个科学合理的部门结构:整合相同相近的细分职能,设置相应的大部门;加强宏观调控职能,放大宏观管理部门;突出公共服务职能,强化公共服务部门;重视特殊重要职能,特设重要事务管理部门。扁平化是当代政府组织层级结构发展的基本趋势:组织形态扁平化是信息社会或知识社会发展的要求;组织形态扁平化是管理对象或服务对象复杂化的要求。必须按照决策、执行与监督相对分离的原则进行政府权力结构设计,因为:政府管理是决策、执行与监督相辅相成的运作过程;社会经济发展要求政府决策、执行与监督相互分离相互协调地运作;政府大部制改革使决策、执行与监督相互分离的要求更加鲜明。  相似文献   

审视地方政府决策中出现的失误或低效现象,不难发现决策主体单一、决策系统不完善、决策制度不健全等各种因素都在不同程度地阻碍着地方政府决策优化和创新之路,而《湖南省行政程序规定》作为我国第一部系统规定行政程序的立法其围绕公开和参与两大核心主题所作出的一系列相关规定,对于优化地方政府决策具有里程碑的意义。由此可见,制度建设是优化地方政府决策的必由之路,也是破解地方政府决策创新难题的必然途径。  相似文献   

作为关乎国家长治久安的根本性议题,民生问题是中国政府必须高度重视和首要解决的重大课题。由于长期以来,民生问题主要由政府自己定自己办,特别是政府与群众在视角上的差异等因素,地方政府在解决民生问题时往往面临“政府决策与群众需求相脱节”“有限资源如何合理配置”“项目推行难”等难题。民生实事项目代表票决制是浙江省在新的历史时期,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,将民生项目的制定引入人大制度轨道,通过多主体参与来解决民生难题的实践创新机制。它通过民意聚合机制、民主决策机制和监督评估机制,分别实现了决策与民意、协商与票决、监督与助推的结合,并发挥了推进地方政府民主决策、确保公共资源合理配置、保障民生项目有效落实、发挥地方人大职能作用和构建地方新型治理格局等五种基本功能,成为当代中国地方人大破解民生难题、发挥代表职能和优化地方治理的一种制度创新。  相似文献   

大部制顺应了市场经济和服务型政府建设的要求,它是成熟市场经济国家与服务型政府职能相一致的政府组织体制,是与西方地方自治前提下的中央地方权力功能性分立相一致的。中国的国情决定我们在实行大部制改革过程中应深刻调整中央地方的关系,协调与党的机构、人大政协机构的关系,从决策、执行、监督相一致的高度设计,打破目前部门利益格局的权力运行框架。  相似文献   

当前,在我国地方政府公共决策中不仅存在着权力主导性的体制弊端,决策过程受到部门利益的影响,同时还存在着政府决策的专业化水平不高、民主化公开性不够、决策的监督和责任追究机制尚未健全等诸多突出问题和矛盾。究其根源,既有主观上的思想观念、素质能力缺失等原因,也有现实的体制机制障碍、制度不健全等客观因素的影响。为此,应着力构建政府主导下的多元主体参与决策模式,优化行政决策的规则、程序和环境,促进决策信息的公开与交流,健全决策的评估与责任制度。  相似文献   

力图在实地调研的基础上,参考德国相关的法律、法规和政策,以公共品供给为线索,描述德国乡村公共品供给的决策、实施与监督的全过程,着力分析公共品供给过程中的权力分配、责任结构和融资途径,以及公共品供给过程中的监督。认为,影响德国乡村公共品供给的因素主要是明确规定不同层级政府权力、责任的法律体系,乡村治理的结构,以及政府间的财政关系。其明显的特点可以归纳为:法治化、辅助性、市场化、公共利益取向、财政主导的融资渠道、健全的监督体制,以及良好的政府间关系。中国地方治理的转型则应该更多地从制度规定、公共财政体制和转移支付制度的建立、地方自主性的发挥、普遍的参与,以及有效的监督等几个方面来思考。  相似文献   

当前,在我国地方政府公共决策中不仅存在着权力主导性的体制弊端,决策过程受到部门利益的影响,同时还存在着政府决策的专业化水平不高、民主化公开性不够、决策的监督和责任追究机制尚未健全等诸多突出问题和矛盾。究其根源,既有主观上的思想观念、素质能力缺失等原因,也有现实的体制机制障碍、制度不健全等客观因素的影响。为此,应着力构建政府主导下的多元主体参与决策模式,优化行政决策的规则、程序和环境,促进决策信息的公开与交流,健全决策的评估与责任制度。  相似文献   

在公共危机爆发之时,地方政府的行为决策与常规决策相比具有一些自身的特点,以政治学中的相关理论来研究地方政府决策者作为"经济人"的一种行为决策的特点,并研究其局限性,最终针对政府的理性行为决策提出公共危机中地方政府行为决策的优化途径。  相似文献   

近些年,地方官员渐渐出现了与以往"晋升锦标赛"建功作为不同的避责行为。行政决策领域中地方官员的决策避责呈现出隐蔽决策议程、偷换决策主体、空转决策程序、转变决策形态、自设决策责任等不同类型。从剩余控制权理论视角看其原因,主要体现在激励机制与目标替代、考核控制与任务冲突、职责同构与层层加码三个维度的内在矛盾性基于下级政府的剩余控制权而不断加剧。控制剩余控制权是治理地方官员决策避责的基本思路,具体包括准确界定剩余控制权的边界,完善决策程序和规范决策责任追究。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系具有无比优势,但制度优势还有待于转化为治理效能,治理能力还有待于进一步提高。实现现代化,当务之急是积极促进我国制度优势转化为治理效能。为此,应当加强和改善党对制度优势转化为治理效能的领导,各级党组织要充分认识和高度重视把制度优势转化为治理效能的重大意义,坚决贯彻党集中统一领导的各项制度,确保治理工作始终坚持正确的方向;应当充分发挥人民在制度优势转化为治理效能中的主体作用,完善人民代表大会组织制度和工作制度、立法和决定功能、监督功能,充分发挥共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、基层群众自治制度的作用;应当改革和创新治理的体制机制,优化行政决策体制机制,强化行政执行体制机制,加强责任追究制度,健全行政执法责任制;应当优化政府职责体系和行政监管督察体制机制,加强决策监督、执行监管督察、效能监管督察,实现监督督察的制度化、程序化;应当正确处理和理顺各种治理关系,特别是政府和市场的关系、中央和地方关系、各行政部门之间的关系;应当强化各级领导干部的制度意识,不断提高其治理能力。  相似文献   

The complex ways in which decentralization is practised in the field of government health services are examined. Organizationally, decentralization means a choice between different types of public institution, which vary in terms of: the areas over which they have jurisdiction, the functions delegated to local institutions; and the way decision-makers are recruited, so producing institutions. There is little agreement about the optimum size of areas, either in terms of population or territory. Areas cannot be delimited without consideration being given to the powers to be exercised at each level. The specification of functions always assumes certain things about who will exercise the delegated powers. The two issues cannot be separated. Five structures of decentralization are distinguished, each of which could in principle be created at regional, district and village/community level: the multi-purpose local authority, the single-purpose council, the hybrid council, the single purpose executive agency, the management board, field administration, health teams, and interdepartmental committees. Whatever the institutions used for decentralization, the choice of structures and the ensuing process of decision-making will be highly charged politically. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify institutional causes behind policy-specific retrenchments in the Swedish welfare state. During the austerity period of the 1980s and 1990s, the Swedish welfare state simultaneously experienced retrenchments in some fields and stability or expansion in others. Elderlycare is an example of tremendous retrenchment and childcare one of continuous expansion. A comparison of both fields suggests that the divergent trends might be related to different policy-specific levels of institutional fragmentation in the implementation process. In elderlycare, implementation was strongly fragmented between the central and local government level, with the central government providing only weak overarching regulation and the local governments enjoying considerable local implementation discretion. As a consequence, in this field, local governments had enough discretion to impose local retrenchment measures in order to adapt to the conditions of austerity. In childcare, a similar development did not take place because in this field the municipal implementation autonomy was severely circumscribed by strong central state regulations. It is probable that the different institutional preconditions in both fields have been shaped intentionally by means of governmental institutional engineering. The decentralized decision-making structure in elderlycare might have allowed the central government to induce blame-avoidant retrenchments on the local government level.  相似文献   

基于对我国食品安全监管现状的认识,本文提出了以政府为主导的食品安全控制体系向以企业为主导的食品安全保证体系的发展方向;以农产品批发市场为例,通过案例调研进一步阐述传统监管体系在实际运行中存在的问题及转变政府职能的必要性,如监管重复化、程式化和低效率,市场执行效果不好,抽检规范化、标准化和信息追溯可信度低等;并通过博弈模型分析政府和企业(市场)进行食品安全监管和控制的行为决策过程,找出通过政府职能的转变而促使企业从"反应型食品安全监管"向"自主型食品安全监管"转变的关键所在与有效路径,为提升我国食品安全监管效率、创新食品安全监管模式提供思路。  相似文献   

MATT ANDREWS 《管理》2010,23(1):7-35
Work on good governance implies a one‐best‐way model of effective government. This has isomorphic influences on development, whereby governments are influenced to adopt a one‐size‐fits‐all approach to get things done. This article challenges whether such an approach exists, proposing that models actually do not hold even for the so‐called effective governments. Governments look different, even if they are similarly called models of good government. This proposition is examined through a study of public financial management practices in a set of Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) and non‐OECD countries. The study shows that effective governments are not more likely to exhibit better practice characteristics implied in one‐best‐way models. Good public financial management means different things in different countries. The article concludes by suggesting that good governance models give way to menus and the development community invest more time in examining why different countries select different menu items.  相似文献   

中国公共政策制定中的政府俘获主要有国有垄断企业有力影响政府的决策、地方支柱企业绑架地方政府的决策、向政府官员提供非法的个人所得三种表现形式。政府俘获产生的原因包括企业与政府形成利益共同体、以GDP增长为核心的政绩考核体系、政府反腐败不力及廉政建设滞后、各社会群体参与不均衡、政府权力缺乏制约,法治不健全等方面。解决这一问题应从以下几方面采取措施:减少政府对市场经济的干预、保障民众的结社权利,培育公民社会、实现政策制定的公开透明和广泛参与,严惩政府官员腐败行为、加强廉政制度建设,建立以科学发展观为指导的政绩考核体系。  相似文献   

Abstract: Queensland's population growth phenomenon has demanded responses from the state government for greater intervention in planning land use and resources utilisation. Planning, especially regional planning, represents an area of traditional policy neglect in Queensland, explained in part by the division of powers such that local authorities, rather than the state, have the major responsibility for land-use development and physical services. Local government jurisdiction in planning poses a challenge for the state government in how best to strategically manage regional growth, while at the same time respecting local authority autonomy in planning decision-making.
Over the last three years, the Goss government has undertaken both administrative reforms and a comprehensive and innovative planning exercise to shape urban development in south-east Queensland, the area of greatest population density and growth. In particular, it has adopted a model of corporate government as a framework for the planning process. The corporate model promotes a "whole of government" approach to strategic planning, emphasising efficient and effective outcomes for clients. The model's client orientation has elevated and formalised the role of community input in decision-making, and provided a process for negotiation between the players in planning policy development. In an intergovernmental environment, consultation with local authorities is important but the managerialist aspects of corporate government are likely to encourage central control of the planning policy agenda. Both are necessary for improved urban outcomes, yet it remains to be seen how these potentially conflicting processes can be reconciled in practice.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of public sector austerity on the budgetary process in local government. We initially propose that resource squeeze influences the criteria of resource allocation. More specifically, we suggest that austerity tends to generate a greater emphasis on performance-based criteria such as cost-benefit assessments, while arguments relating to production costs, previous commitments and relative standards of service supply tend to carry less weight. A regression model is developed to test these hypotheses. Response variables, drawn from a survey conducted among Norwegian local government officials, measure the success of a menu of arguments which justify increased appropriations, and we examine whether austerity affects the perceived success of these arguments. Consistent with previous studies, we find no impact of stress on decision-making behavior in local government. We do not believe that this result can be dismissed as merely a by-product of our research design. This conclusion leaves us with at least two possible interpretations. One suggests that austerity affects the criteria of resource allocation if, and only if, decision-makers perceive the squeeze to exert a persistent and inescapable pressure which requires a fundamental redefinition of managerial style. This has hardly been the case in Norwegian local government. The other interpretation suggests that the criteria for resource allocation in fact remain unchanged, even in situations when austerity is believed to be persistent. Inertia can be caused by (a) the disproportional disutility attributed to budgetary cut-backs compared to the benefits of appropriation increases, (b) the propensity to attribute austerity to "external" rather than "internal" causes, and (c), problems related to aggregating individual preferences and criteria into a coherent organizational policy of resource allocation.  相似文献   

Since participatory budgeting (PB) has been advocated by both theorists and practitioners of public administration, its adoption has become a global phenomenon. As of 2017, all local governments in South Korea are legally mandated to operate a PB system as a policy for inviting citizen participation in local budget decision-making. Using an impact assessment tool completed by PB managers in local governments, this research tested two sets of independent variables—citizens' participatory capacity and the diversification of communication in the PB process—that could be associated with the dependent variables “citizens' trust in government (CTG)” and “government officials' trust in citizens (GTC).” The paper presents the three major findings on the common drivers behind CTG and GTC: (1) citizen participants' knowledge on budget and budgeting process; (2) local government's efforts in gathering citizens' inputs for PB; and (3) the mutual efforts to understand the needs and limitations of both citizens and the local government. The paper concludes by exploring the implications for the design and delivery of effective PB implementation.  相似文献   

情感是人对客观事物是否符合自己需要的态度的体验。情感与决策同属于人的主观范围。情感的"两重性"特点,决定了它对决策过程影响具有"两重性"。稳定、健康的积极情感对决策主体的决策过程可以起增力作用,表现在对决策目标的抉择、对决策思维能力的提升、对决策过程的沟通、对决策创新能力的影响上。消极情感对决策过程的负面效应也是比较突出的,决策主体要克服消极情感,发挥情感在决策过程中的积极影响。  相似文献   

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