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一、凤凰民居 凤凰县位于湖南省吉首市与怀化市之间偏西的地方,沈从文所写《边城》便是此地。城区傍沱江而建,沿江建有吊角楼,至今保存完好。出城见天星山。进山上山顶,有一方池为“天池”,溪流汩汩。下山去奇梁洞,洞内有云雾山、天堂、龙宫、阴阳河等景。出洞入江,可看湘西最大的瀑布大龙洞和黄丝桥古城。  相似文献   

屹立在福州市闽江北岸的大庙山,是一座蕴含着丰厚文化积淀的历史名山。这座山不但是台江区最重要的文化发祥地,而且对福州市甚至整个八闽大地来说,都具有重要的文物价值。至今山上仍然保存着一座巨大的石碑,在石碑上刻着宋代著名书法家米芾所写的“全闽第一江山”六个大字。这是对大庙山整个自然景观和人文景观最有代表性的概括。  相似文献   

DAZZLING sunshine radiates from a cloudless sky; gilded temples with dim butter lamps flickering inside day and night sprawl along rolling snow-capped mountains; pilgrims, whirling prayer-wheels in hand, throw themselves flat on the ground with every step they take towards shrines asprayer-banners flutter overhead. These are the kinds of sights that distinguish Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region, from any other city in the world.  相似文献   

THE Yellow River, the second longest in China, billows through the Shanxi-Shaanxi canyons. On its west bank in Shaanxi is an historical city - Hancheng, birthplace of Sima Qian, author of the Records of the Historian and inaugurator of Chinese biography. Within the city limits is a village with a 670-year history - Dangjia.  相似文献   

范道桂 《创造》2004,(7):4-6
近两年来,在省委省政府的高度重视下,云南的文化业发展势头迅猛.全省上下,大会小会不断,各种媒体竞相报道,你追我赶,炒得沸沸扬扬,可谓热闹至极.从省里到地州市县,乃至乡镇,都在大抓文化产业,各种节日,此起彼伏,盛况空前.文化简直受宠若惊,一下子变成了摇钱树.作为一个文化工作者,我既感到高兴,又能不无担心.高兴的是,文化的地位提高了,丑小鸭一下子变成了白天鹅;担心的是,文化的压力太大了,它能使那么多穷困的人一下子富起来吗?在文化产业炒得如此热闹的时候,我们是否需要稍稍冷静地思考一下:云南文化产业的现状到底如何?它应该怎样发展?  相似文献   

旅游资源是旅游的客体,是自然与人文景观中最具表征意义的景观价值的部分,就阿里而言,主要表现在高原风光为主的自然景观和以藏传佛教文明与民族文化为主要内涵的人文景观,以野生动物为主的大草原自然景观三方面。且类型齐全景点星罗棋布。  相似文献   

沈东子 《当代广西》2005,(17):56-57
在桂林市中心的闹市区,有一家不很起眼的小酒馆,取名叫“玲珑小碟”,里面摆卖的各种小吃品种多,分量少,都用小碟盛放。每每从门口走过,我都会注意到“玲珑”二字,因为这两个字恰好说明了桂林市民生活的特性。  相似文献   

I'm a graphic designer from San Francisco. I'd never been to Tibet before and had only seen a handful of pictures of it. I have a friend who's been here a couple of times, and whenever he talks about it, he gets a dreamy, faraway, happy look. Based on that, I was pretty sure I was in for a really special experience. The little I knew about the Tibetan political situation before the trip was that it seemed to be a mess: that China  相似文献   

红叶 《天津人大》2006,(6):44-44
漫步在古老的滨海湾桥,游历于著名的圣淘沙岛,最夺目的是新加坡标志性的象征物“鱼尾狮”.在旅游品商店中“鱼尾狮”标志的纪念品琳琅满目,千姿百态,让人目不暇接,爱不释手.这一著名的岛国,因其形状象狮子,又称之为“狮子城”,十几天的学习考察使我感悟到它的喻意和内涵.  相似文献   

WEIHAI'S aqua green sea, lush forests and rugged mountainside shrouded in shrubbery make it little wonder that it is so often likened to a seaside wonderland. Located at the easternmost point of the Shandong Peninsula, Weihai is just one hour's flight from either Beijing or Shanghai. Setting out from Shandong's provincial capital of Jinan, it takes four or five hours by train or by car to Wei-  相似文献   

去年在加拿大8个多月的时间里,我们深切地感到这是一个多元文化和开放型的国家,也是.个年轻的移民国家。我们住在第二大城市蒙特利尔较僻静的街区,这里住有黑人和亚洲的菲律宾人、越南人、印度人等;漫步街头或乘地铁和公交车,经常会看到身披长袍的阿拉伯人、头缠大帕的印度人、斯里兰卡人等;而和华人十分相像的日本人、韩国人也不少。  相似文献   

QINGDAO is situated on the Yellow Sea coast against a picturesque background of green mountains in southeast Shandong Province. It is a popular seaside tourist destination for people living on China's east coast. Qingdao has abundant cultural relics and famous historical sites, and is best known for its stunning seaside scenery and German architecture, built by colonizers during the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).  相似文献   

典型的喀斯特地形地貌、亚热带气候和深厚的骆越文化积淀,造就了崇左丰富而多元的旅游资源。在这片神奇的土地上,分布着500多处山水风光、人文古迹、珍稀动物、名贵古树、原始生态等各种类型的旅游景点:代表壮族先祖文化——宁明花山崖壁画群,中国最美的瀑布之一——大新德天跨国大瀑布,中国九大名关中唯一边关——凭祥友谊关,中国近代史上抵抗外国侵略的遗址——大小连城、镇关古炮台、大清万人坟,全国爱国主义教育基地——中国工农红八军龙州指挥部旧址、龙州起义纪念馆,世界濒危珍稀动物白头叶猴的家园——崇左弄官自然保护区,中生代白垩…  相似文献   

Early one January morning I sat in a modern Daewoo coach of Yunnan Express as it pulled out of Kunming‘s Long Distance Bus Station. I was heading to the warmth of southern Yunnan, to Gejiu, capital of Honghe Prefecture.  相似文献   

我市是历史文化名城,又必须大规模改造陋房旧街进行城市建设,二者在如何统一中常常出现具体而复杂的矛盾。例如,刚刚在大直沽建成全国首座博展与考古互动的元明清天妃博物馆,但一墙之隔的两座不应再建并已停工的商用楼,在产权变更后要搞成高层民宅。这样一方面影响了文保单位的人文景观和津门马祖文化在全国的地位,另一方面又说明我市的城建缺少全局观和前瞻性,同时又是对规划的权威性的削弱。  相似文献   

The many oracle bones of Anyang vividly relay countless records and because of them, researchers are now able to reconstruct odds and ends of historical data into a clear account of China's early past.  相似文献   

AN old Chinese fable tells us about ayoung traveling man who found himself one day walking in the streets of Handan. He was out of money and since everyone viewed him as a stranger, he was unable to find work. He studied the habits of the Handan people day after day and found that they had a particular way of walking that seemed very highly cultured. He was determined to learn to walk like a Handan person,  相似文献   

哎/月亮出来亮汪汪,亮汪汪,想起我的阿哥在深山,哥像月亮天上走天上走/哥啊,哥啊,山下小河淌水清悠悠。哎/月亮出来照半坡,照半坡,望见月亮想起我尼郎,一阵清风吹上坡吹上坡/哥啊,哥啊,你可听见阿妹叫阿哥。说起优美动听的云南民歌《小河淌水》可能无人不知,无人不晓。可是说到  相似文献   

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