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Ludwig angina is a rapidly progressing submaxillary, submandibular, and sublingual necrotizing cellulitis of the floor of the mouth that can have lethal consequences due to airway obstruction. Various aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and less often fungi, have been implicated to cause Ludwig angina, including oral flora such as streptococci and staphylococci. Early recognition and the use of parenteral antibiotics can prevent mortality and morbidity. We report a case of a 25-year-old white man who was admitted to the hospital by his dentist after being diagnosed with Ludwig angina secondary to periodontal abscesses involving teeth #17 and #32. Although antibiotics were administered, while in the hospital, the decedent had difficulty swallowing and was drooling. He suddenly began to have seizure-like activity thought to be anoxic myoclonus. The decedent was aggressively resuscitated and taken to the operating room for neck exploration and a tracheostomy. Neck exploration revealed severe necrotizing acute inflammation of the deep soft tissues and musculature of the neck. He remained on life support for 7 days until he was declared brain dead. Ludwig angina is a progressive cellulitis that often results in death by asphyxia. Ludwig angina can be complicated by subsequent deep neck infection. The underlying etiologies and common scenarios are examined, and significant autopsy findings and dissecting procedures are discussed. The pathophysiology of Ludwig angina is studied with a review of the current literature.  相似文献   

Tumescent liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure that is performed as an outpatient service in physician's offices and is largely believed to be safe. The protuberant areas of the body containing the undesirable fat deposits are injected with normal saline containing lidocaine and epinephrine for pain control and hemostasis, and the waterlogged cells are suctioned out via cannula through a small incision. We recently encountered three cases in which deaths were attributed to this procedure. Two showed fat embolization in the lung and one died from fluid overload. The osmium tetroxide post-fixed lung sections showed fat emboli in the interstitial capillaries and arterioles. We reviewed the recent literature and found that pulmonary thromboemboli, fat embolization, fluid overload, and lidocaine and epinephrine intoxication are found at autopsy in many cases. Forensic pathologists responsible for determining the cause and manner of death should become familiar with the postmortem findings and risks of liposuction therapy and communicate them to their clinical colleagues and communities.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous injections of inert or quasi-inert plastic material designed to smooth out wrinkled skin or to create a more esthetically sought appearance have become very popular with the American public in general, and, in particular, with certain groups highly focused on their physical image. The case of the injection procedure has attracted into the field of plastic medicine a substantial number of illegal, incompetent, and unscrupulous operators. Their ignorance of involved medical risks and procedures not uncommonly results in severe complications, disfigurement, and death of patients. We report the typical pathological and chemical findings of a systemic fatal silicone embolism in a 53-year-old heterosexual woman following illegal chronic injections of silicone in her hips and buttocks. The injected subcutaneous silicone apparently migrated rapidly from the interstitial subcutaneous tissue into the general blood stream resulting in a fatal systemic silicone embolism. An analysis of the presented case in conjunction with a review of the pertinent medical literature, including a recent article, revealed a marked similarity in the clinicopathologic findings between silicone embolism and fat embolism.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

In forensic practice, decapitated bodies are predominantly associated with decapitation by wheels of trains or with postmortem dismemberment following homicide. In the suicidal context, decapitation accounts for less than 1% of total suicide. Apart from decapitation by trains, other encountered methods involve suicidal hanging and vehicle-assisted ligature suicide. Reported here is a unique case of suicidal decapitation in a 45-year-old man using a tractor loader at the foot of a silo, on his farm. The head was recovered in the loader and there were several impact spots from the loader as well as blood on the silo wall. The autopsy revealed a complete decapitation wound with the severance plane located between the third and fourth cervical vertebra. A 1.5 cm wide abrasion on the anterior part of the neck and abrasions under the chin were noted. This very unique case of intentional suicidal decapitation is the first reported case of a planned system intended to create decapitation outside the unique case of homemade guillotine and the more common decapitation by train.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare, potentially lethal disorder of skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis characterized by muscle contracture and life-threatening hypermetabolic crisis following exposure to halogenated anesthetics and depolarizing muscle relaxants. Susceptibility to MH results from mutations in calcium channel proteins that mediate excitation-contraction coupling, with the ryanodine receptor calcium release channel (RyR1) representing the major locus. The mode of inheritance appears to be autosomal dominant with variable penetrance. The authors report the death of a 60-year-old white male with a history of low back pain. He had undergone 2 back surgeries previously, the first occurring 10 years prior to his current presentation. Both previous procedures were done under generalized anesthetic with no complications. Recently, he developed stenosis and presented for fusion of vertebrae L3 and L4. The procedure was performed under general anesthetic including sevoflurane, with no intraoperative complications. The anesthesiologist noted that, near the end of the 2-hour procedure, the decedent's CO2 levels were slightly elevated. After the procedure, the decedent was extubated, the temperature probe which had been recording normal values was removed, and he was rolled from ventral to dorsal position. He immediately became hypotensive and bradycardic. Lifesaving interventions were begun. Subsequently, he went into cardiac arrest, at which time the temperature probe was reinserted into the trachea, where it read a body temperature of 109 degrees F. Malignant hyperthermia protocol was initiated, and interventions continued for over 2 hours, at which time they failed. At autopsy, the abdomen contained 1800 mL of blood, and bilateral hematomas were present in the psoas muscles. The authors present this case of clinically apparent malignant hyperthermia, discuss how to approach such a case, the gross and microscopic findings, ancillary studies, and a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Verapamil toxicity: an unusual case report and review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Verapamil blocks the rapid influx of calcium into the cardiac myocytes of the cardiac conduction system and smooth muscle of the vasculature, resulting in decreased myocardial contractility, prolonged conduction time, and vascular relaxation. A sustained-release form, verapamil SR (or ER), is available that contains higher levels of medication and requires only once-daily dosing. The majority of reported fatal cases of verapamil toxicity are due to massive, intentional overdoses. Herein, we present an unusual case of fatal verapamil SR toxicity in a 57-year-old female that resulted from accidental overdose of only 3 tablets (720 mg), as witnessed by the decedent's daughter. In spite of the low dose ingested, the postmortem cardiac blood verapamil level was clearly toxic (6000 ng/mL, or 6 mg/L). Her preexisting medical conditions included hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes mellitus, and associated mild chronic renal failure. Complicating factors, which likely include the decedent's preexisting renal and cardiac disease, and a review of the available literature will be discussed.  相似文献   

Bullet embolism is a well known but a relatively rare phenomenon in common medicolegal autopsy practice. We present a homicide case of a bullet embolism to the left popliteal artery with interesting trajectory of projectile through the chest wall and right heart ventricle into the aortic lumen. Since in our presented case obvious homicidal manner of death was in question, discovery of bullet was an obligatory part of investigation in order to positively identify the responsible firearm. Detection of the missile transported through the circulation requires very thorough autopsy examination, especially if X-ray equipment is not available. As in all other cases in which initial bullet trajectory is changed in the body, the very important part of the medicolegal autopsy in cases accompanied with missile embolism, is to determine direction of the first part of the bullet's trajectory, because this indicates the position of the axis of the weapon barrel in the moment of firing (if there was no external ricochet), taking into consideration the posture of the victim and the location of the shooting person in the same moment. A review of the tangible literature is given.  相似文献   

Childhood panhypopituitarism may be acquired or congenital. Children with panhypopituitarism can present clinically with diabetes, growth failure, decreased bone density, and morbid obesity. In the forensic setting without the proper history, it can be misdiagnosed as child abuse or neglect. We report a case of a 3-year-old black girl who was admitted to the emergency room with apnea and subsequently died. While at the emergency department, it was discovered that the child had a fractured left hip and was severely growth retarded for age. The coroner wanted to rule out child abuse and/or neglect and requested an autopsy based on the physical findings identified by hospital staff. Significant findings at autopsy included small for age (15th percentile for age), hypoplastic brain/pituitary gland/adrenal gland/thyroid gland, abnormally formed skull with an occipital protuberance, a fractured left hip with decreased bone density, and central adiposity. Subsequent to the autopsy, it was discovered that at 6 weeks of age the child suffered from group B streptococci meningitis that resulted in panhypopituitarism. The panhypopituitarism then resulted in seizure activity, diabetes insipidus, and growth retardation. The authors hope this case report and review of the literature will assist investigators, pathologists, and clinicians in making a distinction between neglect or inflicted injury of child abuse and panhypopituitarism that can present with similar signs and symptoms.  相似文献   

The incidence of amniotic fluid embolism during pregnancy is approximately 1/50,000 and has a mortality rate in excess of 80%. The postmortem diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism can be challenging for forensic investigators and pathologists. At autopsy, usually signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation suggest an amniotic fluid embolism. A definitive diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism cannot be made until ancillary studies are performed on the decedent's tissues. We report a case of a 37-year-old G3P2 white female who was 36 weeks gestation when her membranes spontaneously ruptured. She suddenly became breathless, went into cardiogenic shock, and died. The autopsy revealed gross and microscopic findings of amniotic fluid embolism, which was confirmed with ancillary studies consisting of special stains, immunohistochemistry, and a serum tryptase level. The authors hope this case report, including gross and microscopic autopsy findings with procedural and ancillary studies, and review of the literature will help investigators and pathologists in the diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism.  相似文献   

A typical case of suicidal strychnine poisoning by a rodenticide is presented. The forceful muscular convulsions were accompanied by a clear sensorium. Pathological findings consisted of an early onset of postmortem rigidity and microscopic hemorrhages with minimal degenerative neuronal changes in the spinal cord. The highest tissue concentrations of strychnine were found in the bile and liver. The pathophysiology and epidemiology of strychnine poisoning is reviewed and discussed in context.  相似文献   

A case of sudden death due to recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism is described. The fatality took place three and a half weeks following blunt trauma to the left popliteal region. The patient died unexpectedly. Autopsy revealed the source of the emboli as a sacciform venous aneurysm of the popliteal vein, an entity seldom described, but important to consider in cases of soft tissue popliteal masses or unexplained pulmonary embolism, especially in otherwise healthy individuals.  相似文献   

The Authors describe a rare case of suicide in a 31-year-old woman, due to oral ingestion of lidocaine; the histological and toxicological findings are discussed to provide useful information to the present experience with this particular modality of death. Histological examination revealed generalized stasis. In the myocardium we observed segmentation of the myocardial cells and/or widening of intercalated discs and associated group of hypercontracted myocardial cells with "square" nuclei in line with hyperdistended ones. Non-eosinophilic bands of hypercontracted sarcomeres alternating with stretched, often apparently separated sarcomeres, small foci of paradiscal contraction band necrosis, and perivascular fibrosis were observed too. Lidocaine was detected in the subject's urine through immunoenzymatic screening. Toxicological analysis by solid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, was carried out to identify and quantify the individual substances present in the biological fluids and organs. Lidocaine concentrations were as follows: blood 31 microg/mL, gastric content 2.5 g, liver 10 microg/g, kidney 12 microg/g, brain 9 microg/g, spleen 24 microg/g, lung 84 microg/g, heart 9 microg/g, urine 9 microg/mL, and bile 6 microg/mL. No other drugs or alcohol were detected. When blood lidocaine reaches toxic levels, serious toxic symptoms associated with the central nervous system and cardiac system are noted. The overdose of lidocaine produces death from ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. In this case, according to macroscopic and microscopic findings, the cause of death was most likely cardiac and possibly related to ventricular fibrillation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the toxic gas associated with the smell of "rotten eggs," is an important cause of work-related sudden death. The gas is particularly insidious due to the unpredictability of its presence and concentration and its neurotoxicity at relatively low concentrations, causing olfactory nerve paralysis and loss of the warning odor. We report a double fatality involving 2 surveyors working near a man-hole, who fell into the sewer and died due to sudden exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. Key historical, physical, and toxicologic findings are described. Additionally, we present a discussion of the clinical presentations and differential diagnosis, mechanism of injury, metabolism and toxicology, incidence, and scene and safety concerns in fatal hydrogen sulfide exposures.  相似文献   

Suicides without apparent antecedent causes present great difficulties for medical examiners and families alike. A case is presented of a young male suicide victim whose antemortem course did not demonstrate apparent psychopathology to either his family or fellow students. A journal written by the decedent was found, however, which revealed extensive ruminations on death, depressive symptomatology, and evidence of possible delusions, and hallucinations. We opine that this represents the prodrome of a psychotic process, possibly schizophrenia, and the decedent's suicide was a response to his awareness of his deteriorating mental status. The prodrome of schizophrenia is a well-described entity that manifests as a decline in social and occupational functioning, along with increasingly bizarre behavior. Prodromal psychosis could represent an explanation for some cases of suicide seemingly without causation.  相似文献   

Maternal hepatic rupture is a rare complication of pregnancy that can be fatal to both mother and child. This phenomenon is most often associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome, which is defined by a collection of clinical features including hemolysis (H), elevated liver enzymes (EL), and a low platelet count (LP). These disease processes are typically identified and treated during pregnancy, often in the last trimester. The described case is unusual in that the decedent had no known history of preeclampsia/eclampsia or HELLP syndrome during this pregnancy, and she died suddenly several days postpartum of liver rupture with massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage following a routine cesarean section delivery and an uneventful hospital course. Similar cases are infrequent in the literature, which is reviewed in this report.  相似文献   

Multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head are rare and usually present a challenge to the pathologist and to the police in determining the manner of death. We report a case of two suicidal gunshot wounds to the head. The literature is reviewed, and the pertinent findings, including location of the wounds, location of the brain injuries, types of weapons used, and criteria important to determine the manner of death, are discussed.  相似文献   

The case is presented of a 19-year-old man who was assaulted and died shortly afterward from a large traumatic basal subarachnoid hemorrhage (TBSAH) that arose from rupture of the left vertebral artery, proximal to the point at which the artery penetrated the dura. The literature regarding TBSAH and vertebral artery rupture is reviewed, and a number of points are highlighted: patients with TBSAH may remain conscious for a period of hours after injury, subcutaneous or muscular bruising may be contralateral to the ruptured vessel, fractures of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and significant pathology of the vertebral artery are not typically associated with TBSAH, and rupture of the vertebral artery may be intracranial, junctional, or extracranial.  相似文献   

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