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Trade War Debate     
正Trade friction between China and the U.S.has been in the spotlight for around three months since U.S.President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum on March 22 authorizing the United States Trade Representative(USTR)to impose tariffs on$50 billion worth of imports from China.The two sides decided to halt a potential trade war after Chinese Vice Premier Liu He’s visit to the U.S.for trade  相似文献   

ON September 11,2009, the U.S. announced a three-year punitive tariffon imports of Chinese tires. Two days later the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC) responded by launching antidumping and anti-subsidy investigations on some American auto and chicken products. On October 30 the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) reached affirmative threat determinations on China-made seamless steel pipes, giving the Department of Commerce the go ahead to continue its antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on these imports.  相似文献   

古往今来的贸易战都没有给当事各方带来好结果。随着中国加速转向依赖消费主导与自主创新,美国因国内储蓄长期不足而将继续加剧贸易赤字、预算赤字,使相互依存的中美关系产生冲突。美国政界鹰派人士无视美国经济增长的深层次问题而挑起贸易战,结果只能是中国在美的多边贸易逆差中的份额转移到美国其他101个赤字贸易伙伴头上,相当于变相对美国经济消费者征税。在一体化和贸易自由化的世界秩序中,中美只有联手,解决各自的经济平衡与结构性改革问题,才能避免新经济冷战,走向建设性的相互依存。  相似文献   

Students in many parts of the world are heading back to school for a new semester. In the same vain, it is also time for trade trade hawks in Washington to start learning at least four lessons from their futile trade war with China.  相似文献   

The British newspaper The Times published a signed article by Liu Xiaoming,the Chinese Ambassador to Britain, on May 4 entitled "Stop Meddling in the South China Sea." The ful text is as folows:  相似文献   

<正>China battles the illegal wildlife trade Raw tusks and carved ivory pieces as well as other ivory products went into a crusher and were ground into rubble and ash in a massive public display that destroyed662 kg of the illegal items.  相似文献   

正Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening of the 74 th session of the World Health Assembly(WHA) took place via video link on May 24. The assembly highlighted such issues as pandemic responses, the World Health Organization(WHO) reforms and budgets, among other topics.  相似文献   

<正>As the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has been released,China is bound to witness a surge of outbound investment.Nonetheless,if not thoroughly prepared and planned,these overseas investments are liable to risks,including complete failure,which is not new to Chinese enterprises.There are numerous examples.China Investment Corp.,the country’s sovereign  相似文献   

正The European Central Bank(ECB)has recently issued a package of measures to ease its monetary policy.These actions include cutting main interest rates in the eurozone to zero,reducing the deposit rate further from minus 0.3 percent to minus 0.4 percent,expanding quantitative easing(QE)to 80 billion euros a month from 60 billion euros,and purchasing more assets by expanding its money printing program.  相似文献   

信息时代的战争在战争认知领域的争夺达到前所未有的激烈程度。决定战争胜负的因素不再仅是外在军事实力的对比,而是越来越多地表现为战争主体心态和意志的较量。在影响战争认知的主要因素中,战争主体意识和利益取向因素从根本上决定了主体的战争认知,而舆论环境、网络传媒和意识形态则从外在深深地影响着战争主体的认知程度。  相似文献   

War on the Virus     
A new round of COVID-19 infections has swept across China beginning on October 17. As of November 12, 1,499 cases had been reported across the country in this round, 279 of which were imported cases. And as of November 13, the virus had spread to 21 provinces.The situation is becoming more stable as the clusters of cases in multiple provinces have been brought under control, Wu Liangyou, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control with the National Health Commission (NHC), said at a press conference on November 13. The case clusters in Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan and Sichuan provinces have been brought under control while those in Liaoning, Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces, as well as in Beijing, require additional efforts.  相似文献   

Faces of the War     
正WAR may shatter humanity,but it also brings out our best qualities.During WWII many people in occupied Europe and Asia risked their lives to help war victims.Among them are John H.D.Rabe of Germany,Jean Augustin Bussiere of France,Grigori Akimovich Kulishenko of Ukraine and He Fengshan and Nie Rongzhen of China.  相似文献   

科索沃战争作为美国推行其全球战略的一个重大步骤,从一个侧面反映了冷战后美国军事战略的内容与实质。这场战争初步暴露了冷战后美国“塑造、反应、准备”新军事战略的主要矛盾。“新干涉主义”则已成为推行其全球战略的一种新形式。  相似文献   

正Ukraine’s new president faces big challenges in managing both domestic affairs and relations with Russia Ukrainian candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko’s presidential election victory was unsurpris-ing.What did come as a surprise,however,was that it happened in  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Bhattarai Choodamani, deputy editor-in-chief of Jana Aastha of Nepal, visited Tibet from May 28 through June 4,2005. After he went back home, Mr. Choodamani wrote a story for his weekly. Following is his story.  相似文献   

中国人民抗日战争是中国人民伟大的民族解放战争,也是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。在中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60年后的今天,我们有可能从更加广阔、更加全面的视角,评价中国人民抗日战争在世界反法西斯战争中的地位和作用。从世界反法西斯战争的全局来看,中国人民抗日战争有四个鲜明特点,对世界反法西斯战争作出了四个方面的重要贡献;在提高中国的国际地位上,发挥了重大作用。  相似文献   

57年前,13位即将奔赴抗美援朝前线的女兵,拍下了一幅照片,57年后,已入耄耋之年的她苦寻失散多年的战友,踏遍青山,终于找到了其中的9名女兵……  相似文献   

正Who can press the reset button in U.S.-Russia relations?The Obama administration’s eight years in office have failed to reset U.S.-Russia relations.Instead,they have moved toward a provocative and volatile new Cold War scenario,thereby increasing world tensions.With President Barack Obama now a lame duck and the U.S.presidential election imminent,  相似文献   

正The Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock link creates new trade opportunities Two years after the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program,China introduced another stock trading link between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.This move serves to further push forward the yuan’s internationalization and cements Hong Kong’s status as an offshore yuan  相似文献   

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