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权威主义政治文化与德国国家性格的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明芳 《欧洲研究》2005,23(6):32-40
个人的性格受制于其成长的背景,国家性格则来源于文化传统,而文化传统的形成是历史和地理两方面作用的结果。军国主义是德国历史上典型的国家性格,但是其文化根基却是权威主义。军国主义因为它激烈的外部性较为引人瞩目,但其文化的内敛性却常为人忽视。本文探讨了德国军国主义国家性格和权威主义政治文化之间的关系,认为普鲁士的军国主义孕育了德国权威主义政治文化,而文化的顽固性、渗透性和继承性,又使得权威主义政治文化极大地支撑了德国后来的军国主义。二战以后德国改变了军国主义的国家性格,但是彻底改变了的却是传统的权威主义政治文化。  相似文献   

发展政治学作为政治学研究的一大热点,已经形成一套较为完整的理论研究体系.本文结合既有的政治发展理论,以印尼和菲律宾为例,从政治发展的目标、发展道路的选择以及影响发展的因素三个方面,对东南亚国家的政治发展实践进行了理论剖析,并以此检验政治发展理论的一些分析概念和框架.从历史发展角度看,尽管东南亚国家在民主与威权发展道路上有过多次摇摆,但随着社会经济的发展,选择民主化发展道路在这些国家巴达成共识.而非政府组织(NGO)与公民社会的兴起是研究东南亚政治发展时需要特别注意的现象.  相似文献   

夏立平 《当代亚太》2005,20(6):17-24
东亚区域主义的发展经历了两个阶段.第一阶段是从20世纪60年代中期至90年代初,表现为东南亚次区域主义的发展.第二阶段是从90年代中期至今,其特点包括:区域主义由东南亚发展到整个东亚;经济合作与政治、安全合作同时发展;开放性与板块性并存;东盟发挥主导作用与中、日逐渐愿意承担更多义务同在;开始构建东亚认同的进程等.东亚区域主义发展将使中日两国可以更多地在区域合作框架内处理相互关系,以开放的区域主义处理与美国的关系,在东亚形成"反独促统"的区域框架.  相似文献   

本文从制度主义的视角,利用层次性行动舞台为核心分析概念,对1911~1948年英国与1963~2007年韩国的健康保险制度整合过程进行了比较,结论是尽管在个人层次以及国家层次上两国情况都很类似,但是其根本区别在社会层次内部以及社会层次与国家层次的互动方面的不同。韩国经办组织层次与政治层次之间形成了一个劳使政三方委员会,政府充分利用这个组织框架达成的协议实现了医疗保险体系整合,而英国的社会层次表现为相互钳制,缺乏跟政治层面的良性互动,故无法实现整合。  相似文献   

民主化的实践对于东南亚区域主义产生了深远影响。随着东南亚地区合作的不断推进,政治转型成为该地区当下所面临的重要议题。本文拟结合民主化与区域主义两者关系的分析,探索传统上以精英为主导的区域主义正在经历的深刻嬗变。研究表明,民主化对于东南亚区域主义发展范式的影响是复杂的,以公民社会为主要载体的参与式区域主义方兴未艾,两种类型的区域主义勾画了东盟地区治理的图景。  相似文献   

在关于后发现代化国家的政治发展研究中,政治民主化与经济现代化的相关性论争,政治激进主义与渐进主义的模式对立,权威主义与民主主义理论抗衡等诸多发展问题始终悬而难决。如何验证诸种理论的合法性与有效性?美国比较政治学结构——功能学派的创始人阿尔蒙德指出,比较分析不仅具有理论生产功能,而且具有“产品”检测功能。本文力图以韩国和俄罗斯的政治民主化范式为比较个案,对上述观点进行再探讨。  相似文献   

复杂多元、碎片化的政治亚文化使马来西亚的各种族、各政党、各团体之间存在着紧张关系,削弱了政治整合的效能,而自由民主制度的竞争性特征更加剧了这一趋势。然而,由于各种族、各阶层的政治文化存在着相近的或共融的内容,比如权威主义心理取向和集体主义价值观等,再加上政治运作过程中逐渐磨合出的政治妥协、合作和理性等精神,既构成了马来西亚主流政治文化的内在机理,也为马来西亚的政治整合提供了有效的政治文化资源。这种政治文化奠定了马来西亚软权威主义政治的重要基石,从而成为后发国家政治发展中的一道独特的政治景观。  相似文献   

陈雅慧 《当代亚太》2006,(11):57-58
东南亚在战后初期效仿西方民主制失败之后,开始探索符合本地区实际的政治发展道路,这成为部分东南亚国家获得成功的一条重要经验.进入21世纪后,东南亚的政治体制在新形势下再次面临严峻考验.曾经带来经济高速增长的威权主义政治普遍遭受质疑,一些国家的政治开始向新的方向摸索前行.东南亚应当何去何从?这是李文教授主编的<东南亚:政治变革与社会转型>一书旨在解决的核心问题.该书全面系统地总结了战后东南亚国家在政治制度和社会形态方面所发生的历史巨变及其特点,深入地揭示了近年来东南亚政治变革和社会转型的历史原因和普遍规律,深入地挖掘了这一过程所蕴涵的深刻的历史、社会韵味,客观地评价了在东南亚政治社会转型中的经验、困难和问题及其调整与解决方式,在此基础上,理性地分析了未来东南亚国家政治与社会的发展前景.  相似文献   

现实主义是国际政治领域有典型代表意义的理论 ,是国际关系两大传统理论之一。其思想渊源可以上溯到 2 4 0 0多年之前 ,二战以后到 2 0世纪 6 0年代以前是传统现实主义的全盛期 ,被许多国家推崇为分析世界局势 ,制订外交政策的实践指导。 6 0年代以后 ,随着世界各国形势的发展变化及全球化趋势的不断加强 ,现实主义学派的学者试图从新的视角 ,新的方法来研究国际政治与国际关系领域的各种问题及内在联系 ,于是产生了与传统现实主义既相联又相区别的结构现实主义。本文将对新旧两种现实主义理论的产生背景 ,内容特点 ,研究方法作一比较分析。  相似文献   

本文以国际产业转移理论为基础,从东南亚国家产业转移的演变轨迹与路径选择两个维度出发,探讨东南亚国家产业转移的过程、特点和优势。在此基础上,进一步分析东南亚国家产业转移所造成的结果--产业结构优化与层次分化。最后,结合次贷危机后国际产业转移趋势出现的新变化,文章提出东南亚各国应当根据各自在区域内的产业发展层次进行战略设计,推动产业结构再升级。  相似文献   

庇护主义在东南亚由来已久,传统的庇护主义渗入到威权体制的资本政治形态中,资本政治形态则赋予了庇护主义以新的内涵与发展.一方面这是由威权体制本身的性质所决定的,另一方面则是基于资本政治的建设.不同威权体制下资本政治的庇护主义模式存在差异性,如泰国是一种兼具合作与掠夺的混合型模式,而菲律宾则是私利取向的掠夺型模式.威权体制与资本政治形态的变迁动摇了庇护主义的存在基础,庇护主义的发展直接影响到威权体制的民主转型.  相似文献   

Despite two decades of democratisation and some recent liberalisation in North Africa, dictatorships linger around the world. New research on comparative authoritarianism questions personal rule and studies a range of dependent variables, such as why dictators sometimes provide public goods. This ‘analytic authoritarian’ literature emphasises collective governance and explores the institutional basis of policy control. Nigeria's military regimes between 1966 and 1998 provide examples of how military factions and subnational actors can impose transaction costs on authoritarian policy processes. These alternative centres of policy control limited the ability of dictators to unilaterally advance their policy preferences on questions relating to federalism and transition plans. The article concludes by linking this analysis to Nigeria's lingering legacies of authoritarianism and the institutional basis of its 1999 transition.  相似文献   


Thailand’s politics from the mid-2000s has seen considerable conflict and contestation, with seven prime ministers, two military coups, and scores of deaths from political violence. This article, as well as introducing the eight articles in the Special Issue, examines various aspects of this tumultuous period and the authoritarian turn in Thai politics. It does this by examining some of the theoretical and conceptual analysis of Thailand's politics and critiquing the basic assumptions underlying the modernisation and hybrid regimes perspectives that have tended to dominate debates on democratisation. While the concepts of bureaucratic polity and network monarchy shed light on important political actors in Thailand, they have not grappled with the persistence of authoritarianism. In theoretical terms, the article suggests that it is necessary to understand historically specific capitalist development as well as the social underpinnings that establish authoritarian trajectories and reinforce the tenacity of authoritarianism.  相似文献   


This article draws on the authoritarian promotion literature to assess contending pressures for democratization and authoritarianism in Central Asia. Domestic actors ultimately determine receptivity to democracy promotion, but external pressures for democratic transformation or authoritarian persistence exist in Central Asia. A brief overview of authoritarian trends in Central Asia is followed by the theoretical arguments for authoritarian persistence, with special attention to the civil society dimension in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Western programmes supporting liberal democracy and civil society have encountered resistance from authoritarian leaders in Central Asia, though the evidence for direct influence from authoritarian external actors is limited. A process of indirect authoritarian diffusion, in combination with the region’s illiberal societies and Western democracy promotion fatigue, undermines the development of civil society and makes authoritarian persistence in Central Asia likely.  相似文献   


The article assesses the post-authoritarian situation in Indonesia in the light of experiences of Thailand and the Philippines, two societies in which the unraveling of authoritarianism has been followed by the rise of formal electoral politics. The authors suggest that the demise of authoritarian regimes in all three cases, born of the cold war, has more fundamentally seen the reconfiguration of politics in which dispersed, predatory, and frequently antidemocratic forces have appropriated the institutions and discourses of democracy. They also suggest that the Indonesian case has been less conducive to the emergence of effective pro-democracy, civil society-based movements in the wake of authoritarianism. This, they explain, is largely the consequence of the 1965 anticommunist massacres in Indonesia, which has no equivalence in the other two countries, and the resultant highly centralized authoritarianism that was more successful in disorganizing social and political opposition for three decades.  相似文献   

William Case 《East Asia》2008,25(4):365-388
In recounting Hong Kong's chief executive election in 2007, this paper charts the unexpected appearance of an “unauthorized” candidate and the occurrence of vibrant campaigning. Further, as electoral competitiveness increased, the liberal form of authoritarian rule that has characterized politics in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) began to change in ways that parallel the electoral authoritarianism practiced in Singapore. This paper argues that such change, if regularized and enhanced, may bring greater stability to the HKSAR’s politics, yielding greater legitimacy, popular compliance, and hence, new efficiencies in control. Even so, analysis of the chief executive election shows that this competitiveness was strongly resisted by the central government in Beijing.
William CaseEmail:

William Case   joined City University of Hong Kong as Director of the Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) and Professor in the Department of Asian and International Studies in 2006. He was previously associate professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from the University of Texas at Austin and his B.A. degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He has held teaching or visiting research positions at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, the National University of Malaysia, the University (Institute) MARA in Shah Alam, Malaysia, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, and the Centre for Strategies and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta. He has published extensively on Southeast Asian politics and political economy in academic journals and media outlets. His most recent book is Politics in Southeast Asia: Democracy or Less. Working title of paper: ‘The 2007 Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong: Comparisons and Consequences’  相似文献   

中国东部曾是中国现代东南亚研究的发源地,知名东南亚学者的集中地,首批东南亚研究成果的产生地,有过一段辉煌的历史.在研究力量先后南下北移之后,东部的东南亚研究进入沉寂期.改革开放之后,东部经济的迅猛发展及与东南亚地区经济联系的日益紧密促成了东部东南亚研究的复苏,江苏省东南亚研究会的成立就是一个标志性事件.从此,东部东南亚研究进入了一个发展期并在发展中显现出诸多特点.  相似文献   

What role do formal institutions play in the consolidation of authoritarian regimes such as the Russian Federation? Oftentimes, it is assumed that autocrats, usually potent presidents, wield informal powers and control far-flung patron–client networks that undermine formal institutions and bolster their rule. After the institutional turn in authoritarianism studies, elections, parties, legislatures, or courts have taken center stage, yet presidencies and public law are still on the margins of this research paradigm. This paper proposes a method for measuring subconstitutional presidential power and its change by federal law, decrees, and Constitutional Court rulings as well as a theoretical framework for explaining when and under which conditions subconstitutional presidential power expands. It is argued that as a result of a gradual, small-scale, and slow-moving process of layering, presidential powers have been accumulated over time. This furthers the institutionalization of presidential advantage toward other federal and regional institutions, which in turn contributes to the consolidation of authoritarianism.  相似文献   

中国的东南亚研究兴起于后毛泽东时代。我们可以把在过去三十年间研究东南亚的中国学者划分为三代,在第二代学者时期,来自东南亚的“归国华侨”在东南亚研究领域里发挥了主要的作用,他们与中国本土出生的学者一起推动了该领域的发展;第三代东南亚研究学者则都是中国本土出身。尽管研究东南亚的中国学者已经取得了重要的成绩,但与他们的西方同行相比,中国的东南亚研究还存在许多不足,如学术质量不高、因合作不够而导致学术上的重复工作、基础研究与应用性研究同样薄弱等。但目前在中国,一些受过良好学术训练的研究东南亚的学者以及优秀的作品正在不断涌现。  相似文献   

20世纪50、60年代民主政体在东南亚国家的实行均以流产而告终,威权主义代替民主政体对东南亚国家的稳定和发展起到了巨大的作用.本文认为"民主"之树移植容易,但是开花结果却需要许多前提条件.本文从经济、文化和社会基础三个角度分析东南亚国家实行"民主"所需的相应条件.并对"民主"在东南亚的发展趋势作了简短预测.  相似文献   

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