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王艳  刘雅诚  唐晖 《证据科学》2002,9(2):101-103,66
人类细胞内存在两套基因组,一套是细胞核内的基因组,即核DNA(nuclear DNA,nDNA);另一套是位于细胞质线粒体内的基因组,即线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA).由于线粒体在生命活动中的重要作用及其基因组自身特点,使得mtDNA在细胞遗传学、分子遗传学、发育遗传学和法庭科学等领域受到了广泛重视.  相似文献   

左素娥  伍新尧 《证据科学》2001,8(4):225-227
一、人类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)序列分析和应用的历史沿革 1981年Anderson完成了人类线粒体基因组的全部核苷酸序列的测定,并提出人类mtDNA呈闭合环状,总长度为16 569bp[1].在此基础上,许多学者致力于分析这一环状小分子DNA,以揭示mtDNA的序列多态性程度.早期主要采用RFLP技术,如Greenberg等[2]、Horai等[3]用RFLP技术对人类mtDNA进行了序列分析,结果显示:人类mtDNA的序列多态性仅局限于长度约为1.1kb的非编码区,称之为D-Loop区,其中包含两个长度各为400bp的高度可变区-HV1和HV2;不同个体的mtDNA存在长度变异和序列变异,结果也提示人类线粒体DNA比核DNA有更高的突变率,为核DNA的5~10倍.甚至某些区域是核DNA的6~17倍.到了90年代,DNA自动测序技术在mtDNA研究上的普及应用,大大促进了研究的发展,不少学者提出人类mtDNA的序列分析可用于法医学个人识别.如Stonking等[4]用SSO杂交技术,Sulivan等[5]和Holland等[6]用直接测序法分别对时间久远(最长达24a)的尸体残骸的mtDNA进行序列分析,并与其可疑母系亲属进行比对,为尸源追踪提供了证据. 国内法医学者也于90年代中期开始了对我国汉族人群的mtDNA D-Loop区的序列进行分析[7,8],并陆续有将mtDNA的序列分析用于法医个人识别的报道,如公安部二所的刘冰等[9]将对脱落毛发的mtDNA嵌套式扩增的方法用于模板量很少的案例的个人识别,获得成功. 二、人类mtDNA序列分析的现状目前对mtDNA序列的分析方法多采用对其PCR产物的自动测序,所用检材包括血液、毛发、皮肤、指甲、骨骼、胎盘等多种组织,仍以Aderson所报道的序列为参考序列.  相似文献   

人类线粒体DNA非编码区的序列分析与法医学应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、人类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)序列分析和应用的历史沿革1 981年Anderson完成了人类线粒体基因组的全部核苷酸序列的测定 ,并提出人类mtDNA呈闭合环状 ,总长度为 1 6 5 6 9bp[1 ] 。在此基础上 ,许多学者致力于分析这一环状小分子DNA ,以揭示mtDNA的序列多态性程度。早期主要采用RFLP技术 ,如Greenberg等[2 ] 、Horai等[3] 用RFLP技术对人类mtDNA进行了序列分析 ,结果显示 :人类mtDNA的序列多态性仅局限于长度约为 1 .1kb的非编码区 ,称之为D -Loop区 ,其中包含两个长度…  相似文献   

1 概述 人类mtDNA 1981年在英国剑桥Sanger实验室首次完成全序列测定,这个最初测定的序列(基因库编码:M63933)作为对比的参考序列,通常被称为Anderson序列或剑桥序列[1].线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)为环状DNA,有16569碱基对,含37个编码氧化磷酸化过程相关物质的基因,还有一个复制控制区称为D-环区.该区在个体间呈现多态性,可用于人类个体识别和亲子鉴定.D-环区包括三个高变区(hypervariable region,HV)目前已有人提出高变区Ⅳ的概念,但文献报道较少.无血缘关系个体中mtDNA的HVⅠ和HVⅡ区域变化率大约在1%~3%[2].  相似文献   

目的 用ESI-TOF-MS分型技术检测线粒体DNA的D环高变区,通过碱基组成分析其多态性.方法 在PLEX-ID技术平台上,分别对mtDNA高变区1(HVⅠ,15924-16428nt)和mtDNA高变区Ⅱ(HVⅡ,31-576 nt)进行碱基组成分析,考察mtDNA在华东汉族人群的多态性,并将该技术应用于一例特殊的亲子鉴定案件.结果 用ESI-TOF-MS分型技术检测线粒体DNA,在高变区Ⅰ的8个区段检见碱基组成的多态性,在mtDNA高变区Ⅱ的10个区段检见多态性.在所应用的亲子鉴定案例中,线粒体DNA标记成了常染色体STR基因座的重要补充,经高变区Ⅰ和高变区Ⅱ的碱基组成检测,最后排除了非母.结论 ESI-TOF-MS检测mtDNA的技术具有良好的应用前景,在一些特殊的案件中,该法可为最终获得可靠鉴定结论提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

1 案 例 1.1 简要案情 因申报户口需要,养父母携养女来本所,要求对养父母与养女之间是否存在亲生血缘关系进行鉴定.鉴于养父母各有一个姐姐,还要求对养父母与养女是否来源于同一母系进行鉴定.  相似文献   

目的用PCR和ESI-TOF-MS分型技术检测线粒体DNA(mtDNA)D环高变区,通过碱基组成分析mtDNA的异质性。方法从华东汉族群体选取12名无关个体,用PLEX-ID平台进行mtDNA分型。该平台使用12对引物,对mtDNA高变区1(HVⅠ,引物所跨区域为15893~16451)进行碱基组成分析;使用另外12对引物,对mtDNA高变区2(HVⅡ,引物所跨区域为5~603)进行碱基组成分析,考察mtDNA异质性频率。结果 mtDNA多态性区域的碱基组成信息反映出区段内有无异质性。在高变区Ⅰ的12个区段中,有3个区段表现出多聚C长度异质性:在mtDNA高变区Ⅱ(31~576)的12个区段中,有3个区段检见点异质性,另外5个区域检见Poly C长度异质性。结论群体调查表明,mtDNA的序列异质性多见于高变区Ⅱ的103~267区段,多聚C长度异质性多见于高变区Ⅰ的16124~16201、16157~16201、16182~16250区段和高变区Ⅱ的234~367、431~576区段。将mtDNA标记用于母系关系检验和(或)个体识别时,需要格外留意这些异质性信息,以免结论错误。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mtDNA)异质性的存在使其在法医学应用变得复杂。本文对mtDNA异质性形成的可能原因、异质性的分布和遗传特点、异质性的筛查和定量方法、异质性对法医学的影响以及异质性的研究和展望等方面进行综述,探讨异质性在法医学上的应用价值。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mtDNA)异质性在法医学鉴定中具有双重价值,当比对的检材中只有一份存在mtD-NA异质性时,给法医学鉴定增加了不确定性,但当比对的检材在相同的位置均出现相同的异质性时,其异质性可作为特殊的遗传标记增加证据的强度。本文就在实际案件检验中遇到的在相同位置均存在长度异质型作一报道。1案件简介2005年12月2日在北京市海淀区某河床发现尸块,同时在现场提取到枕巾上附着的毛发,毛发已无毛囊,失去STR检验条件。因此对其进行mtDNA高变区Ⅰnt16030-16481和高变区Ⅱnt15-484扩增测序,并与尸块血痕进行比对。结果发现毛发及尸块血…  相似文献   

用DNA技术从分子水平上推断年龄,已成为法医学和人类学研究领域的新热点。目前用于年龄推断研究的DNA标记主要是线粒体和端粒。本文从线粒体DNA和端粒的概念、线粒体DNA的缺失和突变、端粒长度变化与年龄的相关性等方面对该领域的研究进展进行了综述。旨在为法医实践及进一步的研究提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

Successful mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) forensic analysis depends on sufficient quantity and quality of mtDNA. A real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed to assess such characteristics in a DNA sample, which utilizes a duplex, synthetic DNA to ensure optimal quality assurance and quality control. The assay's 105-base pair target sequence facilitates amplification of degraded DNA and is minimally homologous to nonhuman mtDNA. The primers and probe hybridize to a region that has relatively few sequence polymorphisms. The assay can also identify the presence of PCR inhibitors and thus indicate the need for sample repurification. The results show that the assay provides information down to 10 copies and provides a dynamic range spanning seven orders of magnitude. Additional experiments demonstrated that as few as 300 mtDNA copies resulted in successful hypervariable region amplification, information that permits sample conservation and optimized downstream PCR testing. The assay described is rapid, reliable, and robust.  相似文献   

Liu YC  Hao JP  Yan JG  Tang H  Wang J  Ren H  Ren JC 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):45-47
目的研究线粒体DNA(mtDNA)编码区单核苷酸多态性,建立mtDNA编码区多态性在法庭科学中应用的理论基础。方法针对mtDNA编码区nt8162-8483以及nt13070-13299两段序列设计引物,应用直接测序技术研究其多态性。结果两对引物扩增片段长分别为322bp和230bp,共检测到21种变异,24种单倍型,基因多样性为0.7511,两个无关个体的偶合概率为0.2564。结论线粒体DNA编码区多态性位点作为线粒体DNA控制区多态性位点的补充,联合应用可以提高线粒体DNA在法医学应用中的个体识别能力。  相似文献   

Forensic mitochondrial DNA analysis of 691 casework hairs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A five year retrospective review of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis on 691 casework hairs was carried out. A full or partial mtDNA profile was obtained for > 92% of hairs. With increasing age of the hair, the likelihood of obtaining a full profile decreased, although "mini-primer sets" could often be used to capture a partial profile. With increasing color and diameter of the hair, the likelihood of obtaining a profile increased. Full or partial profiles were obtained on more than 80% of 114 hairs < or = 1.0 cm. Mixtures were observed in 8.7% of hairs tested; mixtures increased with the age of the hair and were presumed to be due to exterior surface contamination that could not be sufficiently cleaned prior to extraction, since the overall level of laboratory contamination was low. The frequency of sequence heteroplasmy was 11.4%, and both hot-spot and novel sites were observed. In about one-third of these observations, another sample in the case showed either the same heteroplasmic site or a nucleotide substitution at that site.  相似文献   

Expert opinions regarding the microscopic comparison of human hairs have been accepted routinely in courts for decades. However, with the advent of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing, an assessment can be made of the association by microscopic hair comparisons in casework between a questioned hair and reference hairs from an individual. While each method can be used separately, the two analytical methods can be complementary and together can provide additional information regarding source association. Human hairs submitted to the FBI Laboratory for analysis between 1996 and 2000 were reviewed. Of 170 hair examinations, there were 80 microscopic associations; of these, only nine were excluded by mtDNA. Importantly, 66 hairs that were considered either unsuitable for microscopic examinations or yielded inconclusive microscopic associations provided mtDNA results. Only six hairs did not provide sufficient mtDNA, and only three yielded inconclusive results. Consistency was observed in exculpatory results with the two procedures. This study demonstrates the utility of microscopic hair examinations and the strength of combining microscopic analysis with mtDNA sequencing.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA在年龄推断中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Lou DD  Yu CY  Yang QE 《法医学杂志》2004,20(4):253-255
线粒体是机体ATP产生的场所,近年来研究发现线粒体DNA(MitochondrialDNA)的损伤程度会随着年龄的增长而增加。深入研究并将mtDNA的损伤程度应用在法医学软组织的年龄推断中将有重要意义。  相似文献   

载脂蛋白J在脑损伤中发挥重要的神经保护功能,参与脑损伤修复,在损伤后不同时段,Apo J含量及定位均呈现规律性的波动,即时空动态性,因此,对脑损伤的治疗及法医病理学脑损伤时间推断具有重要意义,本文综述了近期Apo J相关研究进展。  相似文献   

Human and insect mitochondrial DNA analysis from maggots   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During the course of our forensic investigations, we have encountered situations where it would have been useful to have evidence, other than direct contact between the two, for concluding that a carrion-fly maggot developed on a particular human victim. If a maggot collected during a death investigation did not develop on the victim, then its age is not relevant to estimating the postmortem interval. In this study we demonstrate that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data can be obtained from the dissected gut of a maggot that had fed on human tissue. These data can be used to identify both the human corpse upon which the maggot had been feeding and the species of the maggot itself.  相似文献   

Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA quantification of various forensic materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the different types and quality of forensic evidence materials, their DNA content can vary substantially, and particularly low quantities can impact the results in an identification analysis. In this study, the quantity of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA was determined in a variety of materials using a previously described real-time PCR method. DNA quantification in the roots and distal sections of plucked and shed head hairs revealed large variations in DNA content particularly between the root and the shaft of plucked hairs. Also large intra- and inter-individual variations were found among hairs. In addition, DNA content was estimated in samples collected from fingerprints and accessories. The quantification of DNA on various items also displayed large variations, with some materials containing large amounts of nuclear DNA while no detectable nuclear DNA and only limited amounts of mitochondrial DNA were seen in others. Using this sensitive real-time PCR quantification assay, a better understanding was obtained regarding DNA content and variation in commonly analysed forensic evidence materials and this may guide the forensic scientist as to the best molecular biology approach for analysing various forensic evidence materials.  相似文献   

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