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目的研究油浸法和X射线荧光光谱法对汽车风挡玻璃的鉴别能力。方法应用油浸法对30个风挡玻璃样品进行折射率测试,并将所得数据进行t检验分析。对不能区分的样品再用X射线荧光光谱进行元素成分分析。结果30个样品共组成的435对中,折射率t检验在置信度959/5时区分427对,其余8对通过元素成分实现区分。结论折射率测试和元素分析相结合,可对常见汽车风挡玻璃进行有效区分。  相似文献   

目的建立油浸法测定玻璃折射率不确定度的评定方法。方法按照不确定度的A类和B类评定方法,对未知玻璃折射率测定过程中不确定度分量进行计算,最终确定扩展部不确定度。结果油浸法测定玻璃折射率的扩展不确定度约为4×10-5。结论根据不确定度计算出来的折射率的变化范围与实际分析中折射率的变化范围完全吻合。  相似文献   

玻璃折射率数据处理方法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨玻璃折射率数据处理方法。方法将案件中收集到的45个玻璃样品和同一个车灯不同部位的45块玻璃样品进行折射率测定。用独立样本Student’st检验、welch检验以及方差分析(ANOVA)对数据进行成对检验。结果方差分析法中Dunnett’s C法处理玻璃折射率数据,有效控制了第一类和第二类错误。当α=0.05时,犯第一类错误的概率约为4.44%,犯第二类错误的概率约为3.54%。  相似文献   

Advances in the technology employed for the manufacture of glass have resulted in a final glass product with little variability in terms of its physical and optical properties. For example, the refractive index of Australian float glass tends to lie between 1.5189 and 1.5194. It has therefore become necessary to complement physical and optical methods for forensic glass comparison with instrumental elemental analyses. In a previous study, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry has been shown to offer potential for the analysis of glass particles as small as a few tens of microns across. In this study, the three-dimensional homogeneity of a sheet of float glass is described, and consequences for forensic elemental analysis of glass particles of such size are explored. Variation in Si, Ca, Mg, and Na levels immediately under the nonfloat surface was observed, with the variance accompanied by a decrease in refractive index.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed to analyze the trace element concentrations in glass fragments using particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectrometry. This method involves using accelerated protons to excite inner-shell electronic transitions of target atoms and recording the resultant X-rays to characterize the trace element concentrations. The protocol was able to identify those glass fragments that originated from different sources based on their elemental analyses. The protocol includes specific approaches to calculating uncertainties and handling measurements below the level of detection. The results indicate that this approach has increased sensitivity for several elements with higher atomic number compared with X-ray fluorescence methods. While not as sensitive as laser-ablation or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry methods of dissolved samples, it is entirely nondestructive and entails a much simpler sample preparation process that may be used to presort glass fragments for more comprehensive elemental analysis. As such, the technique described may have a niche role in forensic glass analysis.  相似文献   

Refractive indices of seven double‐paned vehicle windshields were measured to assess the variation across the pane of glass and to evaluate collection techniques for known glass standards by comparing false negative rates. Measurements were made using a Foster and Freeman GRIM3 instrument, and a minimum of 240 measurements were made per pane. The mean SD of the windshields was 0.00004. It was further determined that collecting a known sample from two different sections of a shattered windshield gave the lowest rate of false negatives when using ± 2 standard deviations to estimate the RI variation of the known glass. Additionally, refractive indices often were highest in the center of the windshield and decreased toward the left and right edges; in approximately half the sample set, the two panes of a single windshield were differentiated by one or more properties.  相似文献   

平板玻璃受热后折射率的变化规律初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探索平板玻璃受热后折射率的变化规律。方法首先采用差示扫描量热仪测定玻璃样品的转变温度Tg,将样品加热至不同的温度(温度范围从室温到Tg以上),自然冷却至室温后再用GRIM3测量折射率。结果加热温度在Tg以下时,玻璃的折射率基本不变,加热温度在Tg以上时,折射率有明显变化。结论对于从火灾和爆炸现场提取的玻璃,在进行折射率比对时应当考虑现场高温对测量值的影响,并进行必要的修正。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):345-355
Glass is a common type of physical evidence in forensic science. Broken glass recovered from a suspect may have similar physical characteristics to glass collected at a crime scene and therefore can be used as evidence. Statistical treatment of this evidence involves computing a measure of the weight of evidence. This may be done in a Bayesian framework that incorporates information from the circumstances of the crime. One of the most crucial quantities in this calculation is the assessment of the relative rarity of the characteristics of the glass, essentially the probability distribution used to model the physical characteristics of recovered glass. Typical characteristics used in casework are the elemental composition of glass and the refractive index measurement. There is a considerable body of scientific literature devoted to the modelling of this information. For example a kernel density estimation has been used to model the background population of glass based on the refractive index measurement and a multivariate Gaussian finite mixture model has been used to model the elemental composition of glass. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, to model the glass refractive index measurement in a Bayesian methodology. A key advantage is that using this method allows us to model the probability density distribution of refractive index measurements in a more flexible way.  相似文献   

目的建立混合硅油测定单纯用B油和C油无法测定的玻璃折射率的方法。方法将B油和C油分别按1:2和2:3的体积比配成两种混合硅油,用此两种混合硅油测定同一块玻璃的折射率。结果用此两种硅油测得的玻璃的折射率结果无显著性差异。该方法克服了玻璃折射率仪温度范围窄(25℃~125℃)的缺点。  相似文献   

Here we examine the current state of palynology in the field of forensic science. Forensic palynology is discussed with reference to other forensic disciplines to help understand what is required for its progress. Emerging developments are also discussed. Palynomorphs potentially deliver excellent trace evidence, fulfilling the requirements relating to the transfer, persistence, and detection of such evidence. Palynological evidence can provide very powerful investigative and associative evidence. Despite this, the application of palynology to forensic science has had mixed success. There are many anecdotal stories where pollen evidence has had spectacular successes. But it is extremely underutilized in most countries because it is labor-intensive and requires considerable expertise and experience, there is a lack of control over sample collection and inadequate resourcing and funding, and its crime-solving power is not well known. Palynology has been applied to forensic problems in an unstructured way, resulting in a lack of formalized discussion of the underlying principles. As there is renewed questioning of the acceptability of most evidence types in the current legal environment, there is a need for the establishment of palynological evidence through validation-type studies and experimentation, and the implementation of independent proficiency testing.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The comparison and identification of bullets from the striations that appear on their surfaces, after they have been fired from a gun, have been practiced since the 1920s. Although the significance of the correspondences of these impression marks has been empirically justified, there is a conspicuous absence of any theoretical foundation for the likelihood. What is presented here is the derivation of the formulae for calculating the probability for the correspondence of the impression marks on a subject bullet to a random distribution of a similar number of impression marks on a suspect bullet of the same type. The approach to the calculation entails subdividing the impression marks into a series of individual lines having widths equal to the separation distance at which a misalignment of striations between the two bullets cannot be distinguished. This distance depends upon the resolution limit imposed by the microscope as well as by the visual acuity of the examiner. A calculation of the probabilities for finding pairs and triplets of consecutively matching lines on nonmatching bullets, by an examiner with normal perception using a microscope at 40× magnification, produces values that agree well with the empirical probabilities determined by Biasotti in the 1950s and when determined for larger consecutive sequences suggest that they are extremely unlikely to occur. The formulae can be used to determine the probabilities for the random occurrence of any sequence of striae and provide a straightforward way to quantitatively justify the significance of a specific match between any two bullets.  相似文献   

A rapid method for evaluating suspect testimony is valuable at any stage in an inquiry and can result in a change of direction in an investigation. Rape cases, in particular, can present problems where a defendant renders DNA analysis redundant by claiming that the claimant consented to have sexual relations. Forensic palynology is valuable in confirming or eliminating locations as being crime scenes, thus checking the testimony of both parties. In contrast to some forensic disciplines, forensic palynology can provide critical information without time-consuming full analysis. Two cases are described where the palynological assemblages from comparator samples of pertinent places were compared with those obtained from clothing of claimants and defendants. The results of rapid microscopical scanning of relevant preparations led to early confessions, thus obviating the need for costly analyses and protracted court proceedings. A third case demonstrates the unbiased nature of this technique where a man, although innocent of any offense, lied about having visited the crime scene for fear of prosecution. This highlights the need for sensitive policing in claims of rape.  相似文献   

环境扫描电镜(ESEM)在法庭科学的研究和实践工作中,有着重要的作用,它不仅具有普通扫描电镜的各类功能,还可以调整样品室内的气压和湿度,并且可在环境条件下对二次电子成像,因此,ESEM能够直接观察非导电导热样品表面的超微结构。这些特点使得ESEM在法庭科学中有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The capability of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic imaging to provide detailed images of unprocessed latent fingerprints while also preserving important trace evidence is demonstrated. Unprocessed fingerprints were developed on various porous and nonporous substrates. Data-processing methods used to extract the latent fingerprint ridge pattern from the background material included basic infrared spectroscopic band intensities, addition and subtraction of band intensity measurements, principal components analysis (PCA) and calculation of second derivative band intensities, as well as combinations of these various techniques. Additionally, trace evidence within the fingerprints was recovered and identified.  相似文献   

This case study illustrates the use of the date function on an automatic wristwatch to help identify a Vietnam War helicopter crash site. The location of a crash incident can sometimes be uncertain because of inadequate or inaccurate wartime records and the passage of time. Artifacts recovered from a prospective crash scene are regularly used to correlate the loss incident. In this case study, a recovered automatic watch displayed a date 2 days later than the reported loss incident. Although the date conflicts with the aircraft crash incident report, it is observed that a fully wound automatic watch continues to work for c. 2 days after movement of the watch ceases. Thus, the watch's date in fact correlates with the aircraft crash incident report. It is noted that automatic watches may also be used to date scenes of crime.  相似文献   

Physical matching methods are a family of well‐known methods that are utilized in order to determine whether two pieces of a tearable/breakable material used to be one object. When performing physical match of polymers, it is sometimes difficult to reach an unambiguous conclusion. This is due to various reasons. One is when the tear/fracture resides in an inaccessible or hidden‐from‐view region of the piece. Another is when the shape of the tear/fracture at the object's tear/fracture line is insufficient for deducing a complete match. Third is deficiency of material along this line. These are examples of processes where the line is affected so drastically, so that a match renders impossible. Specifically, when addressing elastic materials, the tear/fracture line may even be squashed. This may also be a reason for difficulty in performing a physical match. In this paper, a method is proposed where a match is alternatively achieved by means of photographic comparison of marks on the surface topography of the pieces‐in‐question. Comparisons of pairs of torn pieces of silicon rubber were made. The procedure involved photography of the surface topography the pieces. Then, the photographs were horizontally mirror‐flipped. Lastly, a comparison was made between two photographs: a photograph of one piece and a mirror‐flipped photograph of the opposite piece. The results show that after comparing the pieces to one another, only one unique pair turned out to be positively matched. Using the proposed method, not only the comparison is done by a more informative method (comparing to physical match), it is also more convenient, faster, less expensive, and technically simpler.  相似文献   

In forensics, bloodstains on dark fabrics might be invisible for the naked eye. Although several visualization, presumptive, and confirmatory blood tests have been developed, all have one or more disadvantages, especially on DNA analysis. We report here the use of a visualization assay that can visually detect blood drops up to 1/20 dilution. In this assay, the fabric is placed between two wet filter papers and covered by glass surfaces on both sides. Pressure is applied on the glass surfaces in which bloodstains transfer onto the filter papers through capillary forces. Detected stains can be tested with other more sensitive presumptive blood tests performed on the filter paper. Even more, DNA analysis can be performed on the transferred bloodstains. The presented visualization assay is easy to perform, extremely cheap, requires little hands on time, and does not affect bloodstain pattern analysis.  相似文献   

本文通过对2006年以来CTS法庭科学领域纤维测试项目结果的分析,总结了国内外纤维物证检验的技术方法,并对纤维物证检验的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

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