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我国农业和农村经济能否保持持续稳步发展,对整个国民经济和社会发展有着极其重要的影响。尤其是在加入WTO以后,如何在激烈的竞争中善抓机遇,扬长避短,趋利避害,顺利实现我国农业的市场化、国际化、现代化,是我们面临的重要而紧迫的任务。当前必须把握住农业农村经济发展中存在的三个突出问题,着力调整四个结构,努力实现五个提高。  相似文献   

Debating explanations of electoral behavior, American scholars have focused on three main theories: The identification model relying on underlying loyalty of voters towards specific parties; the political agreement or proximity model assuming a rational calculation of parties' ideological positions or stand on salient political issues as the yardstick for choice of party; and the investment model relying on voters' ability to calculate which government alternative will bring most utility for the individual voter. Examining these theories with the use of Norwegian data from the elections of 1965, 1969 and 1977, we find that the identification model is far the most powerful in predicting individual voting behavior. This model also has an edge in explaining support for the individual parties and the total distribution of voters. However, at the major postwar government election in 1965, the investment model certainly is of importance, and at the election in 1977 the significance of the proximity model has increased.  相似文献   

This paper examines Bernard Crick's ideas on the nature of politics and explores their implications for a scientific approach to governance like that advocated recently by public management writers. It is argued here that such an approach generally downplays the inherently political character of governance because it ignores the conflicts of values and the uncertainty that are an inherent part of the way in which we have come to govern ourselves.  相似文献   

As a preliminary investigation and an intellectual reflection of the state of the field of Chinese domestic political study conducted in the Chinese language in mainland China, this paper deals with a threefold task. It first assesses the state of the field of the study of Chinese politics in mainland China, and argues that this scholarship is underdeveloped in comparison with the study of home-country politics in some other countries. It then clarifies the often blurring boundaries in contemporary China between the political science study of Chinese politics on one hand and other categories of political writings on the other, and maintains that the political penetration from the Party-state has been the major factor that hinders the intellectual development of the study of Chinese politics as a branch of political science. The paper, thirdly, suggests the so-called “open-minded independence of scholarship” with the emphases on academic autonomy and institutionalized professionalism as what the most needed for developing the study of Chinese politics in the Sinophonic world.  相似文献   

An important ingredient in democratic politics is the experience of disagreement through social communication and political discussion. If people fail to encounter contrary viewpoints, their own views are never challenged, they are never forced to reconsider initially held opinions, and they are effectively excluded from democratic deliberation. This article examines patterns of political agreement and disagreement within the communication networks of citizens in Germany, Japan, and the United States. Several questions are addressed. Are there cross‐national differences in patterns of agreement and disagreement among citizens? To what extent are these patterns subject to individual attitudes, to the structure of communication networks, and to levels of aggregate support for particular preferences and opinions? Finally, what are the implications of disagreement for civic capacity and political engagement? Empirical analyses are based on cooperative election surveys conducted in each country during the early 1990s.  相似文献   

The theoretical premise of this study is that individual retrospective evaluations of the national economy, which have a clear impact on voting behavior in national elections, are influenced not only by the national economy but also by the state and local economic context. This hypothesis is tested by analyzing the effect that the unemployment rate in the individual's state and community has on the individual's retrospective evaluation of the national unemployment situation in 1992, using data from the 1992 American National Election Study survey, supplemented with data on the unemployment rate during the third quarter of 1992 for the respondent's community and state. The findings show that the state unemployment rate has a clear effect on retrospective evaluations of national economic conditions. This effect occurs apart from any effect on fear of unemployment, which is unaffected by the state unemployment rate. The community unemployment rate has little or no effect on retrospective economic evaluations, except for a small impact on personal unemployment experience. The contextual effect that we observe therefore is primarily sociotropic, not personal pocketbook, in nature. We suggest that the contextual patterning of information, perhaps especially through media reporting of economic conditions, is responsible for producing this effect.  相似文献   

讲学习、讲政治、讲正气 ,是实现全党与党中央保持高度一致的基本途径 ;全党与党中央保持高度一致 ,则是讲学习、讲政治、讲正气所要达到的基本目的之一。讲学习、讲政治、讲正气 ,三者虽各有侧重 ,但作为新形势下党的建设的重要组成部分 ,它们又是一个不可分割的有机整体。三者不仅在内容上相互交叉 ;在关系上相互依存 ,而且在根本作用上 ,更显示出一种“三位一体”的高度统一 ,即从不同侧重点着手 ,加强主观世界的改造 ,推动全体党员尤其是党的领导干部素质的全面提高。一、讲学习 ,提高“与党中央保持高度一致”的主体素质能否做到与党中…  相似文献   

In the beginning of 2007, the Committee on Public Sector Responsibilities (CPSR) presented its final report on the future organization of the intermediate level of government in Sweden. The CPSR, which consisted of representatives from all parties in parliament, recommended replacing the existing structure of 20 county councils with six to nine regional municipalities. The committee's proposal is paradoxical in light of the resistance to regions that exists within the country's two largest parties: the Social Democrats and the Moderates. The purpose of this article is to describe and explain the CPSR's unanimous proposal to establish regional municipalities despite this resistance. How was it possible to achieve a unanimous proposal? In order to explain this paradox, I use the ‘multi‐level party’ theoretical approach. The empirical study, consisting of a qualitative case study of the actions of the Moderates and the Social Democrats on territorial policy, supports this theoretical construct. It is evident from the empirical record that groups within the parties had different views about territorial policy. Within the CPSR, the advocates for regions took control, which made a unanimous proposal possible. The research findings improve our understanding of party organization in a polity characterized by multilevel governance. When the central level delegates more power and responsibility to subnational levels, the balance of power within parties changes. New regional and local elites arise, which makes it possible for a single party to communicate different messages on territorial policy depending on which group is in charge within a particular arena.  相似文献   

在风险社会中,科技发展也促进了犯罪形势的变化,刑法理论在某些方面已经作了一定改变。基于刑事一体化的考虑,刑事司法程序也应作出相应变化。“9·11”事件对传统刑事司法程序理念冲击很大,刑事程序中科技证据的运用和刑事公益诉讼的完善,应引起一定的关注。  相似文献   

培育典型、示范引导是高校党建工作的重要手段之一。建设高校党建示范点,对于高校深入贯彻落实科学发展观、建设和谐领导班子和推进高校又好又快发展有着重要的意义。阐述了党建示范点的内涵,及对高校党建示范点建设工作中机制建设、载体建设、功能定位等方面进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

Advanced metering infrastructure provides the first building block in smart grids by empowering customers and utilities with real‐time information regarding energy use. It is a key element in the U.S. government's push for electric grid modernization. Using a panel dataset for 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia over the years 2007–2012, we evaluate the impacts of a polycentric governance system and socioeconomic contexts on states' performance in smart metering deployment. We find that the advanced metering technological change in the United States has been exclusively created by the interdependencies and interactions between different layers of government. High‐tech industry is the only socioeconomic factor that has a negative impact on smart meter deployment, whereas other factors, such as pressures from energy consumers and environmental groups, and electric grid conditions, have negligible impacts.  相似文献   

当前行政执法状况的调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来 ,尽管行政执法状况在总体上有着完善和改观 ,但是 ,在整个执法的过程中 ,仍存在许多不相容忽视的问题 ,因此 ,必须采取有效的措施 ,端正行政执法的指导思想 ,完善行政法律法规 ,理顺执法关系 ,建立健全执法监督机制 ,提高执法人员素质 ,为社会主义市场经济建设营造一个良好的行政执法环境  相似文献   

In this paper, I identify and analyze the interaction between two processes - mobilization and bargaining - by which democratic challengers can transform political institutions, bringing together insights from the literatures on social movements, which tends to analyze movement emergence, and democratization, which tends to analyze the design of democratic institutions. I compare the impact of social movements in the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, cases that offer a valuable opportunity to extend the literature on contentious politics beyond its origins in the study of Western parliamentary democracies. The analysis directs attention to an under examined arena of political contestation, agenda setting, or the process by which the demands of social movements are translated into issues for governments. The paper argues that the traditional dichotomy between institutional and non-institutionalized contention has obscured the ways that democratic challengers not only pressure states from the outside but transform them through new forms of political participation. Finally, it considers alternative explanations and suggests new directions for comparative research across different settings and times.  相似文献   

The argument of the paper is that political science would benefit from clarification of the concept ‘crisis’. and that this clarification should be related to neighbouring concepts such as ‘stability’ and ‘breakdown’. It is suggested that the stability of a political regime is demonstrated by its ability to avoid transformation as well as breakdown at times of crisis when the continuity of the regime's identifying characteristics is threatened.  相似文献   

"两个转换"是高校思想政治课教学的基本矛盾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋剑  邓坤金 《学理论》2009,(2):78-80
“教材体系”与“教学体系”、“教学体系”与“学生能力——素质体系”之间的矛盾是高校思想政治理论课教学的基本矛盾。要解决这一基本矛盾,提高高校思想政治课教师的教学能力与教学效果,就需要创新教学体系,实现从“教材体系”向“教学体系”的转换以及从“教学体系”向“学生能力——素质体系”的转换,即实现“两个转换”。  相似文献   

Readers are invited to a rendezvous with the meaning of the heart and emotions in public administration. Despite the growing interest in recent years in emotional intelligence within the managerial literature, too little has been written about emotional intelligence within the public sector. This is surprising in light of New Public Management voices that stress flexibility, responsiveness, and a focus on the needs and demands of citizens. The functionality of the heart in a mind‐oriented bureaucracy is analyzed, and a model is suggested for exploring the relationship between emotional intelligence, organizational politics, and employees' performance in public agencies. This model is empirically tested in two Israeli municipalities. The results support a moderating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between organizational politics and emotional commitment, as well as between organizational politics and employees' absenteeism. Other direct mediating effects of political perceptions and skills are noted. Implications for theory development, future empirical studies, as well as practical recommendations are suggested.  相似文献   

This article proposes a critical approach to European citizenship through the analysis of the legal dispositives which define the external borders of Europe in the context of EU enlargement. It examines the deterritorialization of the EU's external and internal borders through an analysis of the immigration laws of Poland, Romania and Bulgaria which have all been recently modified in order to meet the requirements of the Schengen aquis. By comparing these legislative changes with the legal mechanisms of colonial systems, the article suggests that the material process of the constitutionalization of EU citizenship highlights a post-colonial condition of the European polity.  相似文献   

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