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正The political philosophy behind the world’s most remarkable success storyChina’s dramatic rise in recent decades has taken many Western observers by surprise.Those who forecast a pessimistic future for the country have turned out to be wrong.China is now the world’s larg-  相似文献   

正Recently,authorities in China issued a document that gives scientific researchers and university teachers the green light to moonlight and make extra money outside their regular work.The new policy also permits lecturers to teach in different colleges.Moonlighting,in actual fact,is not new among academics,whose elite often engage in business or other activities for financial gain outside regular posts.In this way,they can increase their earnings far above the salaries paid by  相似文献   

正‘I started participating in the Model United Nations(MUN) activities when I was in middle school. In high school, I competed in the Beijing MUN, the premier national MUN gathering in China organized by China Foreign Affairs University(CFAU). That sowed the seed of my dream to study at the university and take part in the organization of this event, Lu Zhiyuan told Beijing Review. Today, he is a senior student at his dream college and serves as president of the CFAU Model United Nations Association. In doing so, he has realized that teenage dream.  相似文献   

大学毕业生为何就业难   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学毕业生就业难现象和中国的改革与发展紧密联系大学生就业难是当前的一个热门话题,与社会其他群体就业难的声音交织在一起,引起了社会的广泛关注。大学毕业生就业难这一社会现象的出现和凸显是和中国的改革与发展紧密联系在一起的。改革开放以前,在劳动制度上我国实行的是“  相似文献   

男女平等,法律能为你做什么?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据《2002:大学毕业生求职备忘录》一文披露:今年5月8日,济南一所高校的5名女应届大学生,因就业难醉倒在街头不省人事。这种奇闻令人十分震惊!如果说女大学生就业难是一个老问题,那么,随着1998年扩招效应的发展,加上中国城市体制改革、政府体制改革及国企改革和农村城市化速度的加剧,未来相当长的时间里,女大学生就业难将更加突出。面对这一现象,我们只说几千年的男尊女卑封建传统是远远不够的。在一个男女平等已经写进宪法、有着“五四”反封建传统并已经建立市场经济体制的国家,女大学生就业难的主要根源在于市场经…  相似文献   

现代通俗文学有一条系统的发展线索,它是中国传统文学在现代中国的延续。现代通俗文学表现的是不同于新文学的中国传统的道德文化。在现代文学中,现代通俗文学展示着特有的“现代性”。因此,真正意义上的中国现代文学史应该具有能够容纳新文学与通俗文学的史观、史识、史实。  相似文献   

2003年2月14日《文汇报》以《全国普通高中新课程试行方案定稿———高中“学分制”呼之欲出》为题,对明年将在全国各个试点高中进行“学分制”改革的情况做了介绍,高中学分制改革开始引起社会的关注。2月26日该报又以《高中生开读大学课程·进才中学与三所大学签订合作协议》为题,报道了上海市进才中学将大学课程引进校园,尝试构建大学与高中的课程通道,使大学学分向高中延伸的改革措施。由此而在社会上引起了强烈反响。于是,高中学分制改革问题,吸引了社会众多的眼光,是肯定?是犹豫?还是持反对意见?笔者对此作了追踪调查,仁者说仁,智者说…  相似文献   

All Aboard     
<正>Every expat who lives in China’s main-land might need to go to Hong Kong sooner or later. Those with money tend to take the easier option of a flight, but as I had spent most of my money,  相似文献   

All Aboard     
正With the notable exception of the UK, European nations have agreed to a unified response to the debt crisis The EU Summit ended on December 9 in Brussels with two surprises:EU leaders agreed on establishing a new fiscal compact based on inter-governmental treaties to cure the ongoing debt crisis, and British Prime Minister David Cameron decided to keep the United Kingdom out of that compact.  相似文献   

All Inclusive     
正The Belt and Road Initiative has room for everyone The Win-Win of the Belt and Road Initiative was the theme of the 2018 Belt and Road International Forum held in Beijing in late June.The event focused on cross-border business operations,people-to-people exchanges and the promotion of common development under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.Major players  相似文献   

All Set     
Chinese President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,talks with athletes and coaches at a winter sports training base in Beijing,on January 4.On that day,he conducted a tour of inspection regarding preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.In addition to the winter sports training base,he also visited the National Speed Skating Oval,Main Media Center.Athletes'Village,and the Games-time Operations Command Center.  相似文献   

Benefiting All     
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress(NPC),China's top legislature,voted to adopt a social insurance law on October 28 that prevents the improper use of social security funds,after reading it four times and receiving feedback on the draft from the general public.  相似文献   

All Aboard     
<正>Chinese-built light railway offers Addis Ababa commuters a more convenient,affordable transport option A 13-month annual calendar,the world’s best coffee and a plethora of subterranean rock-carved churches,these are just some of the things that make Ethiopia unique.Now the country,located  相似文献   

Milking It     
How franchisers like Dairy Queen and KFC are sweetening their way into the hearts of China's consumers. MINNESOTA Governor Timothy Pawlenty was reminded of the lush meadows and dairy farms of home on a recent visit to downtown Beijing. The jowly governor of one of America's farming centers was taking down time from his China trade mission on a dusky November Sunday afternoon at the Oriental Plaza Dairy Queen, a stone's throw from Tian'anmen Square. Dairy Queen. which is headquartered in Minneapolis, capital of the governor's home state of Minnesota, had just announced a string of deals across China and the governor was toasting his subjects' success with, what else, a milkshake.  相似文献   

China's e-shoppers embrace the convenience and integrate online shopping into their everyday lives Lin Yong, a 30-year-old information technology engineer in Beijing,  相似文献   

鸟巢、水立方、玻壳式大剧院、貌似扭曲的CCTV新楼。北京新世纪。年代的这四大名建筑,不久将完整的展现于世人眼前。这既是中华民族走向复兴的象征,也是世界建筑史的又一个里程碑。鸟巢意味全球候鸟的归宿;水立方代表四大洋的水天一色;大剧院如回映水中的白塔;CCTV新楼更被国际上评为新世纪世界重大科技创新之一。  相似文献   

伍鸿亮 《湖湘论坛》2006,19(2):81-82
建设一支高素质的干部队伍,是提高党的执政能力的迫切需要。面对新世纪新任务,要建设一支善于治国理政的高素质干部队伍,就要坚持选拔任用干部的新标准,制定考核评价干部的新体系,完善培养造就优秀年轻干部的新举措。  相似文献   

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