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人体基因财产权研究——“人格性财产权”的证成与施用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照经典权利理论中人/物、人格权/财产权的二元界分逻辑,人体基因作为整全的人身的组成部分,处于人格权的保护之下,被禁止用于谋利性交易。然而,随着基因科技的发展及基因的产业化应用,人/物的界限被内移到了人自身,人体基因也日益外化而具有独立的经济价值。当基因科技的施为力量已在某种程度上消弭了经典权利理论所依仗的人/物二元界分的基础时,试图非此即彼地以人格权或财产权来界定人体基因的法律属性,都不会实现关于基因利益的公平分配和确保人格不被减等的结果。问题的出路,似乎在于在人格权和财产权的混同处,提出一个新的人格性财产权的范畴界定人体基因的法律属性,并综合运用人格权和财产权的保护机制来保障基因资源提供者的利益。  相似文献   

仲崇玉 《现代法学》2013,35(2):56-65
作为一个法律理论,法人有机体说认为,合作型团体是个有机体,具有团体意志,其人格是真实的社会存在。团体人格的产生、变更和消灭都由先验的集体意志所决定,而非由国家从外部来操纵。团体的法律人格应以事实人格为基础和归宿,法人设立应采准则制,以限制国家自由裁量权。从政治旨趣上来说,有机体说意在否弃全能国家观念,肯定社会中间团体的独立性和自治能力,强调团体的合法性来自于其自身而非国家。  相似文献   

学术界对和谐社会基础问题的研究很多,但大多都集中在对经济基础、政治基础和文化基础的研究上,缺少对人格基础的研究。社会的内在和谐是构建和谐社会的基础,要保持社会内在和谐就必须以社会人格为基础。根据我国现阶段的基本国情,和谐社会需要的人格基础是:奉公守法意识、坦诚宽容品格、进取创新精神、人文精神和科学精神。  相似文献   

何立慧 《河北法学》2008,26(3):105-109
以商法人有限责任之有效性讨论替代传统"法人人格否认"或"揭开公司面纱"的讨论,把有限责任的有效性变换成为"法人设立的实质条件与法人享有有限责任权利之间的关系"和"法人以有限责任为基础,以破产程序永久解除自身债务负担的条件"的问题,从而对传统"法人人格否认理论"或"揭开公司面纱理论"所讨论的问题,进行全新角度、更为系统、更逻辑化的解释。  相似文献   

对于相邻关系所适用的主体,《物权法》试图以"不动产权利人"来涵盖不动产所有权人和使用权人,但由于"使用权人"本身范围不易界定,尤其是租赁权人并不为传统物权理论接受,这样就造成了相邻关系规范立法体例上的困境。对此问题,本文以"物权二元结构"理论为基础做了初步探索。  相似文献   

人格权的发展依赖于对人格概念正确理解。在我国民法理论中,人格与主体、权利能力等概念存在混用现象。本文试图探究具体概念本质及它们之间的区别,从而提升概念之确定性。笔者主张人格为自然人和团体成为民法主体之要件,为主体之前提;主体是最为核心之概念。在近代民法理论中,主体是高度抽象的自由意志;权利能力被用来描述主体作为权利义务载体之资格有无和范围宽窄;人格权之人格与作为主体资格之人格不同,前者是客体,后者是主体要件;人格权是主体以自身为客体的权利,具有支配性,人格权的产生以抽象主体理论为基础。  相似文献   

国际刑事司法协助及中国的实践王铮建立国际司法协助制度,在中国是一个新课题,在立法、司法及理论研究方面尚处于起步阶段。本文试图以我国司法实践为基础,遵循国际法原则和规范,对健全中国国际刑事司法协助制度的问题作一些评析和初步探索。(一)刑事司法协助的范围...  相似文献   

自然人基因的法律属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹丽荣 《河北法学》2008,26(7):23-27
生命科技的飞速发展挑战着法律,基因的法律问题显现在人们面前,明确基因的法律地位是研究基因相关法律问题的基本前提。在法律地位上,自然人的基因是自然人的一种物质表现形式所体现的人格利益,同生命权、健康权、身体权的客体——生命、健康和身体一样,应当作为人格权的客体之一,受人格权保护,称之为"基因人格权"。当基因一旦与人体分离后,是一种真实的物质存在,具有了财产权的特性,将与身体分离的基因界定为财产权的客体,此时对基因的人格利益转化为财产利益,以财产利益进行保护。自然人的基因兼具人格权与财产权的双重属性。  相似文献   

建立法人人格否认制度的新探索○子梨南振兴、郭登科在《法学研究》今年第2期发表的《论法人人格否认制度》一文对法人人格否认制度进行了探讨,该文提出:建立法人人格否认制度的基本法理是:法律赋予法人以独立人格,建立了以法人为中心的出资者和债权人两大群体之间平...  相似文献   

王振 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):45-51
未成年人犯罪是不同于成年人犯罪的一类特殊的社会现象,刑事法对该现象的研究应该有不同于成人刑法的特殊视角。基于完整的少年司法制度短期内无法登堂入室的现实情况,应该充分重视通过司法解释的管道来达到理想与现实的有效沟通。所以,未成年人犯罪的刑法司法解释应该以现代少年刑事政策为灵魂,以保守实质解释论为基本立场,适时借鉴人格刑法学的相关理论来展开探索。  相似文献   



Research has consistently revealed that measures of psychopathy and psychopathic personality traits represent some of the most consistent predictors of violent criminal involvement. As a result, there has been a considerable amount of interest in trying to identify the various etiological factors related to psychopathy. The current study builds on this existing body of literature by examining the genetic foundations to psychopathic personality traits.


An adoption-based research design is used to estimate genetic effects on psychopathic personality traits. Adoptees are drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.


Analyses revealed that having a biological criminal father was related to psychopathic personality traits for male adoptees, but not for female adoptees. For males, having a criminal biological father increased the odds of scoring in the extreme of the psychopathic personality trait scale by a factor ranging between 4.3 and 8.5. However, there was no association between having a biological criminal mother and psychopathic personality traits for adoptees.


Psychopathic personality traits are transmitted from father-to-offspring due to genetic reasons.  相似文献   

单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase,MAO)是调控儿茶酚胺和5-羟色胺等单胺类氧化脱氨的一类重要酶,广泛分布于包括神经系统在内的人体各种组织中,具有多种生物学功能。MAO有两种类型,MAO-A和MAO-B。MAO基因具有遗传多态性,其中部分多态性位点与某些精神疾病如严重抑郁障碍、酒精中毒、反社会情感障碍及精神分裂症等有一定的相关性。MAO基因遗传多态性的研究,可能为法医学个人识别与亲权鉴定提供新的遗传标记,并为司法精神病鉴定提供参考性遗传学指标。  相似文献   

Violent behavior appears to result from a complex web of interacting genetic as well as environmental factors. Psychopathy is a strong predictor for relapse in violent acts. The current review shed light on rapidly expanding knowledge in brain imaging related to violent behavior and psychopathy. A literature search was performed in PubMed, Cochrane and PsycInfo combining the key words: mentally disordered offender/aggression/violence/ crime/forensic psychiatry/brain imaging neuroimaging/fMRI/MRI/PET/SPECT/lack of empathy/psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. The reviewed material, which consisted of 48 articles, indicates a rather strong consensus on the connection between dysfunctional parts of the frontal and temporal lobes and violent antisocial behavior and psychopathy. In future studies, it would be useful to focus on the limbic system and to investigate which parts of the frontal lobes and cerebral networks that are of interest in the psychopathic personality. Moreover, the reviewed material highlights some of the methodological difficulties in this area of research such as selection bias in the recruitment of patients, inadequate matching of control subjects, and sometimes incongruous results. In the future we hope that brain imaging can be used to map biological deviations in different offenders in order to try to learn more about the different mechanisms behind violent behaviors.  相似文献   

The rate of violent crimes among girls and women appears to be increasing. One in every five female prisoners has been reported to have antisocial personality disorder. However, it has been quite unclear whether the impulsive, aggressive behaviour among women is affected by the same biological mechanisms as among men. Psychiatric sleep research has attempted to identify diagnostically sensitive and specific sleep patterns associated with particular disorders. Most psychiatric disorders are typically characterized by a severe sleep disturbance associated with decreased amounts of slow wave sleep (SWS), the physiologically significant, refreshing part of sleep. Among men with antisocial behaviour with severe aggression, on the contrary, increased SWS has been reported, reflecting either specific brain pathology or a delay in the normal development of human sleep patterns. In our preliminary study among medication-free, detoxified female homicidal offenders with antisocial personality disorder, the same profound abnormality in sleep architecture was found. From the perspective of sleep research, the biological correlates of severe impulsive aggression seem to share similar features in both sexes.  相似文献   

犯罪现场中人体生物性物质来源鉴定在重现犯罪过程方面发挥了重要作用,寻找特异性遗传标记鉴定人体不同生物性物质来源是近年来法医学工作者研究的重点和难点。本文就目前研究较多的用于人体生物性物质来源鉴定的遗传标记进行综述,包括DNA甲基化、mRNA、microRNA、微生物菌群、蛋白质等。通过比较不同种类遗传标记鉴定人体生物性物质来源的原理和方法,发现人体不同生物性物质来源的鉴定都有其最适合的遗传标记种类,并且可以采用单一遗传标记或联合多种遗传标记进行检验。尽管目前各法医学实验室无统一的标准和方法鉴定人体生物性物质来源,但研究开发一系列成熟可靠的方法区分人体不同生物性物质,进而发挥其法庭证据作用,将是未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

A large body of research has revealed that aggressive personality traits and violent criminal behaviors are influenced by genetic factors. Surprisingly, however, no research has been devoted to investigating the potential genetic origins to adolescent victimization. In the current study, the authors address this gap in the literature by using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine whether different variants of the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) are related to victimization, net of the effects of environmental measures. The results of the multivariate models revealed a significant gene X environment interaction in the creation of victimization for White males. Specifically, DRD2 interacted with delinquent peers to predict victimization. The authors discuss the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

In this article, the author attempts to demonstrate a relationship between neurobiological dysfunctions and/or genetically determined deviant behavior and personality traits as well as moral abnormalities. Data from neuroscience show that a number of neurological dysfunctions are linked to cognitive and emotional disturbances. Cognitive and emotional abnormalities, in turn, are frequently related to moral dysfunctions. Moreover, neurological disorders can produce dramatic psychological and social problems, personality changes, and behavioral problems in patients. Those mental, emotional, and psychosocial problems and related moral dysfunctions are frequently linked to violence and/or criminal behavior. Genetic research found evidence of inheritability of antisocial traits, which interfere with moral development and activities. This information has consequences for any assessment and disposition within the legal system. More research on the interrelationship between neuro(bio)logical, genetic, emotional, and mental aspects of moral dysfunctions is needed for the development of adequate treatment, prevention, and intervention programs.  相似文献   

Disruptive behavior includes psychopathological and behavioral constructs like aggression, impulsivity, violence, antisociality and psychopathy and is often closely related with diagnostic categories like conduct disorder (CD), attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASP). There is now clear evidence that neurobiological and environmental factors contribute to these phenotypes. A mounting body of evidence also suggests interactive effects of genetic and environmental risks.In this selective review we give an overview over epidemiological aspects of the relation between ADHD and antisocial behavior, including violent aggression and psychopathy. Moreover, we summarize recent findings from molecular genetic studies and particularly discuss pleiotropic effects of a functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5HTTLPR) and childhood adversity on ADHD and violent behavior. The reported gene–environment interactions are not only informative for understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of disruptive behavior, but also throw some light on the relation between ADHD and violent behavior from a genetic perspective. The impact of genetic research on forensic psychiatry and future directions of neurobiological research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first experience gained in Russia in expert identification practice with complex utilization of technologies of molecular genetic individualization of biological objects for solving identification tasks requiring the maximum complete armory of mutually supplementing means. This is particularly important for forensic expert personality identification in cases with many deaths, when indirect identification has to be resorted to, consisting in the use of biological samples from relatives of the victims as the identifying objects. Methodological approaches and concepts of expert studies, used for identification of the remains of people who died in terroristic acts committed in Moscow in September, 1999, are discussed. The results of this study and methodological experience notably extend the potentialities of expert evaluation as regards forensic medical identification of victims of overall disasters, terroristic acts, and war conflicts.  相似文献   

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