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来源命题(the sources thesis)指的是法律的存在及内容完全是一个社会事实问题,拉兹用来自权威的论据(即法律必然主张合法性权威)来论证这一命题。同时拉兹也以权威论据批判德沃金的融贯命题和Coleman的道德安置命题(moral incorporation thesis),并最终表明,来源命题是唯一与权威论相符合的理论主张。  相似文献   

曾莉 《法律科学》2009,27(2):22-29
在法官造法意义上的“自由裁量论”争论中,德沃金认为司法过程实际是法官们在法律规定的幅度内依法行使自由裁量践行裁判,反对法官造法意义上的“自由裁量论”。所有的法律实证主义者都同意法官造法意义上的“自由裁量论”,基于对法律效力的渊源类判准和内容类判准的不同理论主张,包容性实证主义法学与排他性实证主义法学在此种“自由裁量论”适用空间上也存在着极大差异,渊源类判准及内容类判准适用后法官的“自由裁量权”的不同适用空间也是包容性与排他性实证主义法学的理论分野所在。  相似文献   

There is a gap between, on the one hand, the tragic character of human action and, on the other hand, our moral and legal conceptions of responsibility that focus on individual agency and absolute guilt. Drawing on Kierkegaard’s understanding of tragic action and engaging with contemporary discourse on moral luck, poetic justice, and relational responsibility, this paper argues for a reform of our legal practices based on a less ‘harsh’ (Kierkegaard) conception of moral and legal responsibility and directed more at empathic understanding based on the emotional and imaginative appreciation of personal narratives. This may help our societies and communities to better cope with unacceptable deeds by individuals who are neither criminals nor patients, to make room for praise as well as blame and punishment, and to set up practices and institutions that do not rely on a conception of responsibility that is hard to bear for all of us.  相似文献   

The military commissions at Guantánamo Bay have properlybeen the subject of much legal scrutiny and criticism. Theiruse of military officers as triers of fact, however, meritsfurther consideration. Salim Hamdan may have benefited fromhaving military officers decide his case. His panel was composedof highly educated military professionals who have dedicatedtheir lives in service of the law. Despite their enmity towardsthe accused, these officers were actually in a better positionto be sympathetic and understanding to the Hamdan defence thana civilian jury. The unique aspects of military service andcombat experience will also make them excellent partners withprofessional jurists in future humanitarian law tribunals.  相似文献   

尹疏雨 《河北法学》2012,(5):144-148
分析实证法学的研究无法摆脱或超越分析实证法学理论"标签"的限制。在这样的研究局势下,研究成果将永远无法自我扬弃。通过讨论纯粹法理论,揭示其所包含的不可避免的政治因素,从而启示后来的研究者:如果以此种不同以往的进路进行研究,分析实证法领域将展现出一种超越"标签"之外的多面向的研究新境界。  相似文献   

The relationship between Legal Realism and Legal Positivism has been a recurrent source of debate. The question has been further complicated by the related difficulty of assessing the internal relationship between the two main original strands of Legal Realism: American and Scandinavian. This paper suggests considering American and Scandinavian Realism as instantiations of forward‐looking and backward‐looking rule skepticism respectively. This distinction brings into sharp relief not only the fundamentally different relationship between each of these two Realist schools and Legal Positivism but also their equally different potentials as starting points for naturalizing jurisprudence.  相似文献   

Abstract A remarkable feature of the Union's legal order is the absence of a genuine hierarchy of legal acts—a pre‐established ranking of different types of legal acts in accordance with the democratic legitimacy of their respective authors and adoption procedures, which is used as a means to resolve conflicts among these different types of legal acts. There is however a clear suggestion of such hierarchy in the sequence in which the newly created legal instruments are listed in Article I‐33(1) and in the organisation of the subsequent Articles I‐34 to I‐37 of the European Constitution. In this contribution, the (lost) logic behind the Union's current set of legal instruments is analysed, followed by an examination of the reform of the system of legal instruments carried out in the European Constitution. Lastly, an attempt is made to answer the question as to whether this reform amounts to the establishment of a genuine hierarchy of legal acts in the Union.  相似文献   

今年6月19日,国务院法制办公室主任曹康泰在北京市法学会和北京市法学会经济法学研究会联合举办的《市场主体法制论坛》上,作了主题报告。该报告就我国社会主义市场经济法制建设的主要成就和基本经验,当前存在的主要问题,进一步加强法制建设的主要目标和原则,以及法制建设的重点作了深刻的阐述。与会者听后很受启发,反响很大。现本刊将报告刊载如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

On March 26, 1951, three years before the historic Brown decision, in Gonzales v. Sheeley ( 1951 ) , Judge Dave Ling of the United States District Court of Arizona ruled that the segregation of Mexican American students in a separate "Mexican School" was unconstitutional. In this article, we trace the legal arguments in Gonzales through two prior cases, Mendez v. Westminster (1946 ) and Delgado v. Bastrop (1948 ). We analyze how racialism, the social science critique of racism and legalism, shaped the arguments in the three cases. Our analysis suggests that Gonzales was a departure from Mendez and Delgado because it was the first case in which a court made an unqualified argument against segregation. The trajectory of the legal arguments across the three cases highlights how new cultural ideas about race were slowly incorporated into civil rights case law, a process that was also shaped by the institutional norms and practices of the legal system.  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,深入贯彻党的十六大和十六届六中全会精神,深入贯彻全国“两会”精神,深入贯彻党中央、国务院批转的“五五”普法规划和全国人大常委会决议,总结第六次全国法制宣传教育工作会议以来的工作,研究部署法制宣传教育工作,进一步提高认识,强化措施,加大工作力度,全面推进“五五”普法规划贯彻落实,为构建社会主义和谐社会作出新的贡献。去年以来,各地各部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院批转的“五五”普法规划和全国人大常委会决议,贯彻落实第六次全国法制…  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理,是党中央在新的历史时期为巩固党的执政地位、确保国家的长治久安和人民的安居乐业而作出的重大战略部署。如何发挥法制宣传在社会建设中的基础性、先导性作用,服务和保障社会管理创新,是当前必须研究和探索的重大理论与实践课题。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院历来高度重视法制宣传教育工作,改革开放以来,已批准实施了四个五年普法规划。今年2月中旬,中央政治局常委会议和国务院常务会议,专门听取了“四五”普法工作汇报,审议并原则同意中宣部、司法部提交的“五五”普法规划。3月中旬,中共中央、国务院批转了《中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》(以下简称“五五”普法规划)。4月底,十届全国人大常委会第21次会议通过了《关于加强法制宣传教育的决议》(以下简称决议)。为贯彻落实中共中央、国务院批转的“五五”普法规划和全国人大常委会决议,经中…  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):1050-1071

In this paper, we examine use-of-force incidents as neighborhood processes to understand how rates and levels of use-of-force vary across New York City. We suggest that there are two distinct outcomes of force by the police: number of use-of-force incidents and level of force. Applying theories of racial threat, social disorganization, and Klinger’s ecological theory of policing, we conceptualize use-of-force as a neighborhood phenomenon rather than individual events. Our results suggest that rates and levels of force operate in some distinct ways. In particular, while we find that use-of-force is concentrated in Black neighborhoods, and is also more severe in Black neighborhoods, neighborhoods with higher racial and ethnic heterogeneity have decreasing force incidents, but with increasing severity. This may reflect different types of policing, with high rates of low-level police harassment occurring in primarily poorer, Black neighborhoods, and more isolated but severe incidents occurring in middle-income and wealthier mixed neighborhoods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the subject of content and access agreements with a detailed analysis of the legal issues that arise from linking and framing. The law is examined from a UK perspective with a detailed study of significant developments in the USA. The main focus of the discussion is on copyright and contract, but the subject of trespass is also considered to cover those situations where contract and copyright remedies may not be available. The copyright analysis reveals uncertainty in the extent of the protection offered and this has had the effect of encouraging the use of contractual licences. Detailed consideration is given to the use and enforceability of such contractual licences and to the actual and potential problems of their increasing use. The paper shows that there are advantages and disadvantages associated with both copyright and contract and certain conceptual difficulties in the use of trespass are discussed. Nevertheless the factors identified and the expected continuation of existing trends show that the use of licences and formal agreements relating to linking and access will increase, especially where commercial actors have perceived strong interests to protect.  相似文献   

1992年荷兰新民法典概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概说 (一)历史 1838年<荷兰民法典>大体是在改编和扩充的基础上对<法国民法典>的翻译.这部法典服役了大约100年后已显出过时的迹象.一个政府委员会被任命对其进行修补,但进展相当缓慢,这激怒了当时最著名的学者之一--莱顿大学民法学教授梅杰斯(EduardM.Meijers).  相似文献   

提示(2001)沪高知终字第4号不正当竞争案解决了以下问题:第一,将他人商标注册为域名使用产生的纠纷属于法院受理民事诉讼的范围;第二,法院在审理将他人商标注册为域名使用的案件中,可以根据当事人的请求,就系争商标是否构成驰名商标作出认定;第三,将他人商标注册为域名使用构成不正当竞争的判定标准。案情原告:(美国)普罗克特和甘布尔公司(以下简称宝洁公司)。被告:上海晨铉智能科技发展有限公司(以下简称晨铉公司)。1976年5月,(瑞士)普罗克特和甘布尔公司在中国注册“SAFEGUARD”商标,核定使用商品为…  相似文献   

社会抚养费制度作为计划生育政策推行和保障的一项重要措施,其法律性质为何依然争议不断。通过分析近年来有关社会抚养费的司法判决可以发现,实践中仍然有不少行政部门和司法部门将征收社会抚养费作为一种行政处罚对待。从社会抚养费的规范依据和理论基础来看,将社会抚养费当成一种行政处罚均难以成立。社会抚养费应当属于超生对社会所造成负担的一种经济补偿。对社会抚养费征收的对象、标准、程序和对权利限制的制度都有待重新评估。  相似文献   

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