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柬埔寨,东南亚最具投资开发的热土,云南人熟悉而又陌生的国度。熟悉是因为云南的古代史和近代史都有它的一笔;陌生是因为它在上个世纪末因战乱一度封闭,虽然近在咫尺,但人们却知之甚少。最近,一个记者的亲身游历,或许可为我们揭开它神秘面纱的一角。  相似文献   

克明 《当代广西》2004,(16):30-30
柬埔寨位于中南半岛,东部和东南部同越南接壤,东北部与老挝相邻,西北部与泰国交界。西南濒临暹罗湾,海岸线长460公里。全国面积18.1万多平方公里。  相似文献   

张国超 《理论月刊》2020,(1):110-118
建筑遗产认养是指为破解建筑遗产保护的资金困境,允许和鼓励社会力量运用市场化的方式,以认领、认租、认购、公私合作(PPP)等多种方式参与建筑遗产保护利用的行为。意大利建筑遗产认养制度的经验主要集中在完备的法律体系、明确的权利与义务、强力的执法体系、多样的资本投入方式和良好的公众文化遗产保护意识等五个方面。借鉴意大利的经验,我国可以从加快建筑遗产认养立法建设、明确认养人的权利与义务、加大执法体系建设、多渠道的筹集保护资金、提高公众文化遗产保护意识这五个方面予以改进。  相似文献   

<正>北京是我们伟大祖国的首都,也是建城与建都历史都十分悠久的文化古城;是非物质文化遗产资源蕴藏极为丰富的地区之一,又是非物质文化遗产保护工作的智力资源最为集中  相似文献   

薄茹 《北京观察》2007,(10):48-52
无论是庄重古朴的智化寺京音乐,还是寓娱乐健身于一体的抖空竹、天桥中幡,或是精雕细刻、巧夺天工的象牙雕刻,几年前都还是深藏于北京古老寺庙或民间陋巷的鲜为人知的艺术与技艺。2006年6月10日,中国第一个文化遗产日前夕,这些古老技艺  相似文献   

<正>作为一代建筑大师,梁思成先生对人类文化的贡献可以列举很多,但其中有两件事就足以使梁先生载入史册:一是反法西斯战争出现重大转折的1944年,美军对日本本土实施了大规模轰炸。梁思成接到一项特殊任务——编制一份沦陷区的文物建筑表,并在军用地图上标注出位置。在梁思成标记的地图中,特别标出了日本古都京都和奈良,属于保护范围之列。这份地图后来呈交盟军司令部,梁思  相似文献   

瑞士是一个资源不足、美景有余的国度。有人说瑞士风景如画,也有人说画如瑞士风景,无论怎样说,恐怕都不过分。然而置身于瑞士,使我感受深切的不仅仅是这个位于欧洲中部的内陆国美轮美奂的高峡平湖、古堡钟楼、牛群木屋,还有当地政府和人民对历史文化遗产的执著钟情与守护。  相似文献   

《长城保护条例》已经2006年9月20日国务院第150次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2006年12月1日起施行。  相似文献   

IN terms of area, Huaihua is the biggest city in southwest Hunan Province. Here, Han Chinese live harmoniously with 31 ethnic groups, including the Dong, Miao, Yao and Tujia. According to historical records, the history of Huaihua dates back 300,000 years to the Paleolithic age. Slab-Paved Street and Hibiscus Tower Hibiscus Tower is at the confluence of the Yuanjiang and Wushui rivers in Qiancheng Town. This was where the famous Tang-dynasty (618-907) poet, Wang Changling, held banqu…  相似文献   

At the invitation of Abdallah Miguil, minister of the inte-rior of Djibouti, RaphiouToukourou, chairman of the Eco-nomic and Social Council ofBenin, and the Nigerien ForeignAffairs Committee, a CPAFFCdelegation led by its secretary-general Wei Dong paid a good-will visit to the above three coun-tries from June 28-July 9, 2001,and visited Ghana on the way.  相似文献   

正Answering Questions in the'Feeling Beijing'Online Contest at newsplusradio.cn Organized by Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism DevelopmentChina Radio International Take One More Step to Know about the World Make Beijing Your Destination  相似文献   

Goodwill Trip     
A visit by a Taiwanese opposition party heavyweight shows warming relations across the Straits  相似文献   

WE introduced Yao medicine practitioner Qin Xunyun in the January issue. This month we give an account of our visit to Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, home of the Yao people who formulated Yao medicine. The five Yao sub-groups-the Chashan, Pan, Hualan, Shanzi and Ao-all live in Jinxiu. After visiting the county five times noted sociologist Fei Xiaotong says, "Jinxiu is the center for research into the Yao ethnic group."  相似文献   

早在上个世纪60年代上大学时,就知道波兰华沙的城市绿地之多在世界上名列前茅。后来,又听说远在二战期间,波兰的规划师在奥斯维辛集中营囚禁时,就满怀爱国激情策划华沙的战后重建,真是令人感动。说到捷克,“布拉格之春”音乐节、温泉小城卡罗维发利那世界级的电影节,都是吸引世  相似文献   

As the world's biggest developing country and also the second-largest economy, China is working hard to eradicate poverty. In September 2020, I had the chance to visit Yunnan Province in southwest China with fellow Africans at the invitation of Beijing Review. During this trip, I was able to witness to what extent this province, and in particular the counties of Malipo and Jinping, can be an example for other countries to follow in the fight against poverty.  相似文献   

正Philippine president visits Beijing to mend relations with China Manila extended an olive branch to fix the discord with Beijing,as Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte chose China as the destination of his first international trip  相似文献   

A Fruitful Trip     
President Xi Jinping's state visit to Italy, Monaco and France from March 21 to 26 started with Italy and the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Italian Government on cooperating on the Belt and Road Initiative. It was the first visit by a Chinese head of state to Italy in a decade while Italy became the first Group of Seven country to join the initiative, creating new space in the global efforts to advanee the venture.  相似文献   

Chinese automaker Foton sets up its European manufacturing headquarters in Russia with hopes of selling cars overseas  相似文献   

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