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They thought this out very well, having in mind the television broadcast of the Constitutional Court session on TV Channel One. Ukraine has not seen anything like this before. The general public, as a rule, has been able to see only the final portion: a judge in his robes pronouncing a verdict—a decision that is not subject to appeal. Today everyone who wants to can become familiar with the work in the constitutional kitchen. Total access, as they say. Well, almost total, since the confidentiality of the meeting room is still preserved.  相似文献   

以《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》为代表的古代家庭小说注重人物性格塑造,好以深细的笔法叙写普通人的日常生活,力图通过主人公的传记生活来展现家庭的命运史.为了达到这些目的,该类型小说借鉴历史纪传体形式,巧妙灵活地运用合传、单传和类传等形式;传体诸形式之间的特定配置,建构了整个人物的组合系统,从而为深入细密地刻画人物性格创造了条件.小说所叙述的家庭历史走势也正是通过人物的纪传形式获得深入的显现.同时,家庭小说还充分吸收了编年形式进入纪传,并在"五体合一"的意义上灵活地运用了纪传形式,这就使家庭生活的审美幻象获得更高的逼真性.史学的纪传形式通过小说艺术的创造性转换,最终成为体现小说的历史意识和人物塑形意识相统一的重要形式因素.这对家庭小说类型的形成具有重要意义.  相似文献   

君子刘 《中国司法》2004,(11):78-80
这是一个权利的时代,这也是一个权利受到挑战甚至挑衅的时代,因而我们置身的必然是一个维权的时代,“维权”已经成为这个时代令人振奋、鼓舞而又让人神伤、辛酸的主题词和关键词。可以说,在每一个老百姓维权的故事背后,都隐藏着一段让人感慨甚至辛酸的经历。“维权”彰显了法治  相似文献   

A NATO air strike killed 24 Pakistani Army members who were patrolling the Afghanistan border with Pakistan, and, although the US use of drones in Pakistan have been controversial, this latest incident enraged and inflamed public and political opinion in Pakistan as thousands of people protested across Pakistani cities as well as media channels using solemn music to portray the soldiers as martyrs massacred in the interests of the US. The incident has arguably fuelled anti-US/UK sentiments which do not make it easier for the Pakistani police service, already struggling with strategic, resource and geographic challenges, to counter the threat from terrorist groups. In the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, such incidents will only add to the antipathy and propaganda used by those organisations to play upon disaffected Pakistani’s and use such moments as a recruitment tool both in the UK and in Pakistan. In light of this, it is important to explore and examine the repercussions upon law enforcement agencies such as the Pakistani police and the methods which they have to employ in combating and dealing with terror threats, since those operations will have a direct impact in Britain. In an age of terror, the Pakistani police force must adopt a more focused community policing model that will help tackle such developing terrorist ideologies .  相似文献   

Stewart and I have lived through the legal adversary system and we know what havoc it could have wrought on our family…. We were nuts. We were crazy. We were your average psychotic divorcing parents…. What you do not see is we get well. We bailed out of the adversary court system because we could see it was no help to us. We were the lucky ones…. There are thousands like us who could use your help before the war gets started.
—Parent at the 1978 Midwinter Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Abstract: The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) emerged in the official discourse of the EU in 2000. This article explains how, while CSR may have been initially an idea about the scope of the responsibility of companies towards their environment, it has now become a process in which the representatives of the business community have come to occupy the main role, and whose purpose is to promote learning among business organisations, rather than to identify the components of a regulatory framework for CSR. The central question now, therefore, is whether the so‐called ‘business case’ for CSR is strong enough, so that we may hope that the forces of market will suffice to encourage companies to behave responsibly, over and above their obligation to comply with their legal obligations. The article shows, however, that this case rests on certain presuppositions about markets and the business environment, which cannot be simply assumed, but should be affirmatively created by a regulatory framework for CSR. Following the introduction, it proceeds in four stages. First, it examines the development of CSR in the EU. Second, it offers a critical examination of the so‐called ‘business case’ for CSR, taking into account the growing diversity within the enlarged EU. It then discusses, as an alternative, what a regulatory framework for CSR could resemble, highlighting a number of initiatives which have been taken in this regard by the EU. The article finally concludes that, since the failure of the European Multi‐Stakeholder Forum on CSR in 2004, the debate has made a turn in the wrong direction, both because of the mistaken view that the establishment of a regulatory framework for CSR would threaten the competitiveness of European companies, and because of the naive (and contradictory) view that reliance on market mechanisms will suffice to ensure that corporations will seek to minimise the negative social and environmental impacts of their activities, even in circumstances where they are not legally obliged to do so.  相似文献   

程革  朱小贞 《中国司法》2008,(12):109-111
拖欠打工者的工资,严重影响了社会的和谐与稳定,而群体性欠薪事件危害性则更大。群体性欠薪事件普遍具有矛盾对抗激烈、组织程度强、涉及主体面广、处置难度大、影响广泛等特点,处理过程和结果很容易引起社会各界的广泛关注。对群体性欠薪事件能否做到快速、有效、合法解决,已经成为体现政府行政效能水平、考量政府执政能力的重要内容。近年,在区委、区政府的领导和各职能部门相互协作下,较为成功地化解了多起因欠薪引发的群体性事件,切实有效地维护人民群众的切身利益。  相似文献   

As states and local governments struggle to meet the demands of increasing workloads with decreasing revenues, a strategy is emerging that brings new energy and resources to the juvenile justice system. This strategy, Community Justice, empowers the community to prevent and resolve problems once thought to be the exclusive responsibility of the justice system. Juvenile courts operating within this new approach are discovering that community residents are willing to become actively involved when allowed to participate in defining the goals, objectives, and their roles in furthering community safety. This article describes this new approach, provides examples of promising practices, and articulates the crucial role of the court in promoting community justice strategies.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Fiona Haines, Corporate Regulation: Beyond 'Punish Or Persuade'  相似文献   

文章作者归属(authorshipattribution)问题是从古至今引人注目的研究领域之一。在IT不断发展的现代社会,用文书处理软件制作的文书作者鉴定、制作时间鉴定也成为司法鉴定研究领域的新课题。目前,在欧美、日本等国,文体计量分析已运用于刑事侦查和司法证据鉴定中的文书作者认定或推定,以及文书制作时间推定中。我国运用统计学方法对文体进行计量分析的研究报导较少,运用于司法鉴定领域还是空白。本文就利用统计学对文体计量分析在文书作者推定中的运用作了介绍及初步论述,供大家参考。  相似文献   

个人言语风格识别应用于案件侦查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人言语风格具有差异性、稳定性、反映性,在案件言语材料中能反映出制作人社会属性和个人属性。实践中,检材言语材料和样本言语材料达到一定条件后,侦查技术人员可通过个人言语风格识别,确定侦查破案的范围及方向,最终确定作案人。  相似文献   

行政程序法体例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究行政程序法体例并达成共识,将有力地推动我国行政程序法的制定。在借鉴西方国家行政程序立法的典型体例,以及总结我国行政程序立法理论研究成果的基础上,本文结合湖南省行政程序地方立法实践,对我国行政程序法体例进行建构,以期对国家制定统一的行政程序法有所裨益。  相似文献   

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