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Wealth and Western influence are among the factors behind an emerging group of pleasure-seeking Chinese youths. STEREOTYPICALLY, a Chinese youngster studies long hours, obeys his parents and is righteousness personified. Kids that shoot pool, chainsmoke cigarettes and listen to expletive-loaded rap music are meanwhile  相似文献   

AS more young people born in the 1980s begin to marry, the formerly widespread belief in duozi - duofu (more children - more happiness) diminishes. To today's urban youth, establishing a career is a far more pressing priority than having children. "I don't have time," is 27-year-old Jing Du's answer to her husband's repeated suggestion that they have a child. She is not alone. Many married couples prefer to wait  相似文献   

The Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture,known in ancient times as Hezhou,is located on the upper reaches of the Yellow River in south-central Gansu Province in western China.  相似文献   

她说自己就是现实版的韵梅,想的就是家,她的孩子,她的丈夫。  相似文献   

莫娜 《半月谈》2005,(7):56-56
家长偷看孩子的日记显然是不妥的。关心孩子、怕孩子走上邪路。这虽然没有错.但通过日记窥探孩子心灵的行为方式却不可取。这也显示了一些家长在子女教育问题上的无力感。要了解孩子,最好的办法就是成为孩子的朋友.在交流与沟通中。不经意间为孩子解疑释惑.保驾护航。只要孩子走在正路上。大事不糊涂.家长也就没有必要在偷看日记这种事情上动心思了。而日记作为孩子小小的个人“领地”.对孩子宣泄情绪、审视自我、观察生活都至为重要.家长应该充分尊重孩子的隐私。  相似文献   

TECHNICALLY, they should be called friends of backpackers, but pronounced in Chinese, the name of this popular group of outdoor enthusiasts means "friends of donkeys."No one knows the exact origins of the backpacker phenomenon, yet tens of thousands of people have joined in this eco-centric activity. Escaping concrete and steel-heavy city vistas, these adventurers  相似文献   

乔夫 《今日广西》2014,(10):49-49
刚看了一篇关于孩子帮父母讨要血汗钱的报道,心里不禁深深一触,泪水在眼圈里打转。有时候不禁在想,是这个社会变了还是我们的人格被社会扭曲了。  相似文献   

MERICAN psychologist Julian R. Taplin rst moved to China in 1998 at the age of 61. Having been diagnosed with chronic leukemia two years earlier,he  相似文献   

THROUGHOUT the ancient world, eunuchs were a small stratum of society, most notably in China, Rome, Egypt, Greece, and Persia. Castration was a requirement of men seeking to work as imperial aides or entertainers. In most of these places, the practice diminished as the slave society declined. In China, it lasted from the  相似文献   

1.如果你已婚,要与配偶有更多互动关系,甚至要多于与孩子的互动。孩子最严重的不安全感来自感觉到:父母的婚姻其实不稳固,不长久。  相似文献   

孙其昂  倪秋思 《传承》2012,(23):85-85
青年精神生活出现的异化现象,归根结底是现代性这一宏大背景的影响所致。青年需要理想,青年精神生活本质上是理想主义的,这与人类永恒地追求理想生活和理想社会是一致的。  相似文献   

SHEN Ning is regarded as the most representative documentary writer among overseas Chinese literary circles. His latest book, A Family's Moral Standards over a Hundred Generations is leaping off bookshelves in China today, boosting his already large fan  相似文献   

老午 《民主与法制》2010,(16):58-60
12年前,他在煤矿打工时,一岁多的儿子被抢走。为了找到孩子。他寻遍大半个中国。花光了40多万钱财,即便骨折了也要拄着双拐前行,为此他一贫如洗,靠救济生存……  相似文献   

27岁的陈晓明是江苏盐城一个富裕家庭的独生子。2005年,他参加江苏团省委“西部计划”来到古老、神秘的月亮山,开始了支教生活。在月亮山区,他不仅学会了一口流利的苗语,还与一位苗族姑娘深深相爱。他放弃都市繁华的物质生活选择留在月亮山,只因为那里的孩子需要他。  相似文献   

终身教育是指教育贯穿于人的生命发展的各个阶段 ,渗透于社会生活的各个方面。家庭教育是终身教育的重要领域和重要环节。它拓宽了家庭教育的范围 ,提高了家庭教育的层次 ,是一个值得人们认真研究的重要课题  相似文献   

XIAO RONG 《人权》2007,6(4):11-12
When Du Yumeng was born in December 2005,she was probably not aware that she had been classified into a different category from other babies—a category which includes people toting wheelbarrows of fresh fruit,selling steamed buns from a corner booth or ped- dling phone cards.They all share one thing in common—a rural"hukou",or house- hold registration. Set up in 1958 in order to control mass urbanisation,China's hukou system effec-  相似文献   

夜色是美好的。 在低回着乐曲的客厅里,我们相视而坐,默默地回味着。桌上,只有花瓶中绽放的38朵红玫瑰,静听我们的心语在低诉。今天。是你的生日。  相似文献   

这里说的回家,是回父母家,也就是歌里唱的“常 回家看看”的家。家中有父母,应该是儿女的福气。 特别是人过中年,回家就愈发使你挂记,甚至成了 结,把你牢牢拴住。因此不管多忙,也要回家看看,在 我,这已成了周末雷打不动的事。我觉得,回家不仅是 老人需要你,同时你会发现,其实自己也需要老人关 爱。虽说你已华发满头,可在父母跟前,他们一句嘘寒 问暖,一句叮嘱,都会使你感到做儿子的幸福。  相似文献   

JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their home is resplendent in Chinese furnishings and ornaments. Jean-Hugues Depigny is vice president of Airbus China customer services in Beijing. Airbus and China have been in cooperation since 1985, when China Eastern Airlines, formerly the CAAC East Regional Administration, became its first client in China. Since then, Airbus and the China aviation manu-  相似文献   

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