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在改革开放、建设具有中国特色的社会主义新时期,在面临二十世纪八十年代中期以来,特别是冷战结束后巨变的国际新形势,邓小平为我国设计了全面的国际战略,精确地规定了包括我国外交工作的总目标在内的一系列外交工作的方针原则和政策策略,使中国的外交工作在严峻的形势下开辟出崭新的局面,结出了累累的硕果。邓小平外交思想及中国外交的实践是一个充满智慧的宝藏。  相似文献   

This article assesses China's response to the violence in Darfur. Whereas the People's Republic had already been taking a constructive stance towards international interventions in various intra-state conflicts, the mayhem in Darfur compelled China to take the lead in engaging Khartoum. Beijing's engagement evolved from a rather passive posture, to taking a clear position, and finally, to active persuasion and mediation. During these negotiations, Beijing departed from the interests of the local political elite and tried to meet its concerns, not by imposing measures, but by clarifying the different options and creating trust to find a feasible consensus. From the Chinese perspective this approach was highly successful as it increased its moral influence, reassured its partners in Africa and the West, safeguarded its oil empire in Sudan and upheld its prerequisite of sovereignty and state consent.  相似文献   

中美关系与中国外交哲学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结近几年的中美关系,应该说中国始终在引导中美关系朝向有利的方向发展。究其原因,正如江泽民同志所说,中美关系的发展符合中美两国的共同利益,对亚太和世界的和平与繁荣也至关重要。一 一个在国际体系中具有长期性政治抱负的大国,其外交政策需要某种哲学,即足够长远、足够宏观的大判断。如16世纪中叶英国确立的均势理念,18世纪末美国提倡的不结盟或孤立主义理念,它们分别为4个世纪的英国外交和一个世纪的美国外交提供了根本性的战略依据。这种从长远来看合理而有利的外交哲学,必须符合国际体系本身相对经久的结构特征和历史脉络…  相似文献   

China’s once-in-a-decade census will release information essential for making strategic policies China is updating its demographic information through its once-in-a-decade population census. The latest  相似文献   

China-Russia relationsOur relationship with Russia is one of the priorities of China's diplomacy.The two countries have enjoyed mutual support on issues that concern each other's core interests.We have the same or similar views on many major international and regional issues.And we coordinate and communicate closely.  相似文献   

Wrongly Awarded Peace Prize More than 100 countries and international organizations have expressed support for China’s stance on this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to convicted Chinese criminal Liu  相似文献   

China and Britain China and Britain should prevent damage to bilateral relations by addressing disputes appropriately while demonstrat-ing mutual respect, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan pose for a group photo with dignitaries from around the world who attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, in Beijing on February 5.  相似文献   

China Denounces U.S. Arms Sales China has urged the United States to respect its national interests by ceasing to sell weapons to Taiwan, said Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei. His remarks came during  相似文献   

正Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao spoke to Chinese and foreign media at a press conference on March 14, after conclusion of the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress, China's top legislature. Edited highlights follow:  相似文献   

正For any sovereign state,diplomacy is an important part of international relations,and one of the principal goals of diplomacy today is for a country to carry out its foreign policies,protect its core national interests,develop friendly and cooperative ties with other states,and to try to enhance its influence in the international community.Since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949,China has pursued independent foreign policies that are focused on peace and  相似文献   

正Though unfamiliar to most Westerners,the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are highly acclaimed diplomatic tenets in China and many other developing countries.The principles—mutual respect for sover-eignty and territorial integrity,mutual non-aggression,non-interference in each other’s internal affairs,equality and mutual benefit,and peaceful coexistence—were reaffirmed  相似文献   

<正>Whether or not to globalize has always been a debate throughout human history,particularly when populations face the increased risk of disease transmission.Recently,the Financial Times published an article on the big mistakes of the anti-globalizers.  相似文献   

Diplomatic Arts     
正The wife of Moroccan ambassador to China stages her first solo exhibition in Beijing I earned a Ph.D.in biology and clinical chemistry as my mother had wished me to,but deep down,I've always wanted to be an artist, said Nouria Alj Hakim,wife of Jaafar Alj Hakim,the Ambassador of Morocco to China,at her solo painting exhibition,which was held at the Beijing Imperial City Art Museum (BICAM) from June 1-3. Consequently,painting became my  相似文献   

China Opposes Obama’s Planned Meeting With the Dalai LamaChina reiterated its opposition to the planned meetings between senior U.S.  相似文献   

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