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BACKGROUND: It is well established that staff attitudes to personality disordered patients are commonly negative, characterised by pessimism and rejection. A recent study in forensic psychiatric hospitals has described the psychological and social factors underlying positive attitudes, and suggested that staff with more positive attitudes perform better and are less stressed. AIM: To assess whether it is possible to predict which staff will adjust positively to working with personality disordered people. More specifically to confirm links between attitude to personality disorder and: job performance; perception of managers; personal well-being; burnout; and interaction rates with inmates. METHODS: The opening of a new Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder unit within a UK prison allowed a longitudinal study of prison officers to be performed, in which a number of measures, including the Attitude to Personality Disorder Questionnaire (APDQ), were collected at three fixed points (at baseline, eight and sixteen months after the opening of the unit). RESULTS: Attitude to Personality Disorder varied over the course of the study, and changes in attitude were linked to events experienced by individual officers. More positive attitude to personality disorder was associated with improved general health and job performance, decreased burnout, and favourable perception of managers. CONCLUSIONS: Attitude to Personality Disorder has important outcomes, and is responsive to the psychosocial environment. Its measurement is not useful for staff selection, because of low stability over lengthy time periods. The APDQ has been demonstrated to be valid measure of attitude to PD, and potentially useful for outcome studies, or benchmarking between units.  相似文献   

The latest government policies for personality disordered offenders emphasise the importance of a formulation-based approach to rehabilitation and pathway planning. However, research into forensic case formulation is limited. This paper examines the impact of consultation and formulation, on probation staff working with personality disordered offenders. Staff rated their knowledge, confidence, motivation, and understanding (of offenders), and satisfaction with management plans at three stages: pre-consultation, post-consultation and after receiving a written formulation. The analyses revealed that ratings on all variables examined increased after attending a consultation meeting, with no additional increase in scores following receipt of the formulation letter. The findings provide evidence that consultation has a range of benefits for probation staff, and offer support for the current model of joint-agency working. Further research is needed to clarify the benefits of providing written formulations after consultations, and to explore what features of a formulation are most useful to probation staff.  相似文献   

论人格障碍与犯罪--马加爵案件心理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马加爵故意杀人案件发生后,在全国上下引起极大的轰动和关注.这个案件所反映出来的犯罪手段的残忍、犯罪起因的琐碎以及犯罪后果的严重,使人们在唏嘘不已的同时,不禁思索:正当青春年华的马加爵为什么会以如此残忍的手段去杀害同样正处青春年华的他的同学?是一时冲动?是变态犯罪?他们之间究竟发生了什么?我们对青少年的教育和关心到底出了什么问题?如何去避免类似的悲剧重演?对这些问题的正确回答关系到整个社会的安宁和发展,关系到青少年的健康成长,关系到我们国家的未来.本文试从犯罪心理学的角度对这一案件进行心理分析,就上述几个问题谈一些自己粗浅的看法,以抛砖引玉,并期待有更多的人来研究这些问题,为防止类似犯罪案件的发生提供理论基础.  相似文献   

In crime prevention, local cooperation and networks have recently become central organizing principles and concepts, especially in Nordic countries such as Sweden. This article explores cooperation in Swedish crime prevention by examining a local example, the regional network Regbrå. Regbrå aims to increase knowledge about crime prevention through cooperation and to support local crime prevention efforts by the municipalities in Östergötland County. Regbrå has promoted many universal (primary), selective (secondary), and indicated (tertiary) crime prevention mechanisms. The Regbrå case also merits attention because of its strong links with a local university and higher education. Some shortcomings and problems also emerge in the analysis, such as the possibility that cooperation becomes an end to itself, detached from verified crime reduction effects. The analysis draws on a study of the Regbrå network, including interviews with qualitative experts (N = 10) and a survey sent to involved municipalities (N = 13).  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of completing collaborative case formulations (CFs) on the professional relationship between Offender Managers (OMs) and high risk offenders with personality disorder (PD). It was hypothesised that collaborative CFs would result in significantly improved professional relationships, offender engagement and OM confidence. Seventy-seven OMs were randomised into control and formulation groups and randomly allocated a high risk offender with PD. OMs in the formulation group attended advanced formulation training and constructed collaborative CFs. No collaborative CFs were constructed by the control group. All participants subsequently completed a measure of relationship quality. OMs also completed a perceived benefits rating scale evaluating perceived offender engagement and OM confidence. OMs in the formulation group reported significantly higher overall relationship quality, a stronger working alliance and greater confidence. Offenders in the formulation group reported significantly higher degrees of trust in their OMs. Results indicate that completing CFs collaboratively with high risk offenders with PD may have a small, beneficial impact on the quality of OM/Offender relationships and increase OM confidence.  相似文献   

What constitutes a "mental disorder" for purposes of the insanity defense? Does mental disorder denote any diagnosable condition listed in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Is a mental disorder a disturbance wherein the functional criteria of the appropriate insanity law appear to be met? Or does insanity law define mental disorder apart from functional criteria of insanity? The answer to the last question is that some insanity laws attempt to define or qualify mental disorder, but many do not. Unclarities in the law leave room for unnecessary disagreements between expert witnesses even before the functional criteria for insanity are to be addressed. The potential for confusion is compounded when the defendant's disturbance is ambiguous, amphibious, or both. Schizotypal personality disorder is offered as an example of such a disturbance, and inferences are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction of the construct “Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder” (DSPD) by the UK Home Office and Department of Health has provoked strong debate and opposition. Its aims and that of proposed subsequent legislation was to enhance public protection by identifying and detaining a minority of persons with severe personality disorder who pose a high risk of serious sexual/violent offending. The most serious criticism was the ethical implication of allowing indefinite detention of people without criminal convictions. More recently, policy emphasis has shifted towards treatment. 1396 male prisoners serving sentences of 2+ years for sexual/violent offenses were prospectively interviewed (personality disorders, psychopathy, and risk) at a mean follow-up of 2 years. The prevalence of DSPD was 15%. Significantly more re-offended. Five DSPD offenders would need treatment to prevent one violent act. Based on an estimate of attributable risk, successful treatment of DSPD could reduce violent re-convictions among DSPD offenders by 71% and violent/sexual re-offenses in the prison population by 27%. DSPD criteria correctly identify high risk prisoners but primarily through risk-related demographic features. DSPD does not accurately identify serious sexual/violent re-offenders. The DSPD programme may reduce major violent re-offending if treatment interventions prove effective.  相似文献   

Physiological and psychological characteristics show considerable similarity between children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH) and adults with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Prospective studies of ADDH children, with or without conduct disorder (CD), show a high outcome of ASPD. Recently, other forms of treatment have been added to the traditional psychopharmacological agents used for ADDH. If medication and new treatment modalities are administered for a period of three years, a recent controlled study indicates that the mean number of arrests for felony offenses and the mean number of institutionalizations are reduced at a p less than 0.0001 level (1.32 versus 0.19 and 0.49 versus 0.00, respectively).  相似文献   

The present study empirically investigates whether personality disorders and psychopathic traits in criminal suspects are reasons for diminished criminal responsibility or enforced treatment in high security hospitals. Recently, the tenability of the claim that individuals with personality disorders and psychopathy can be held fully responsible for crimes has been questioned on theoretical bases. According to some interpretations, these disorders are due to cognitive, biological and developmental deficits that diminish the individual's accountability.The current article presents two studies among suspects of serious crimes under forensic evaluation in a Dutch forensic psychiatric observation clinic. The first study examined how experts weigh personality disorders in their conclusions as far as the degree of criminal responsibility and the need for enforced forensic psychiatric treatment are concerned (n = 843). The second study investigated associations between PCL-R scores and experts' responsibility and treatment advisements (n = 108).The results suggest that in Dutch forensic practice, the presence of a personality disorder decreased responsibility and led to an advice for enforced forensic treatment. Experts also take characteristics of psychopathy concerning impulsivity and (ir)responsibility into consideration when judging criminal accountability. Furthermore, they deem affective deficiencies sufficiently important to indicate suspects' threat to society or dangerousness and warrant a need for forensic treatment.  相似文献   

Although female forensic patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are generally considered taxing in clinical practice, little is known about their specific characteristics or offences. In this study, 156 female forensic psychiatric patients diagnosed with BPD were compared to 113 diagnosed otherwise. Information on demographic and psychiatric characteristics, victimization, index offences, and incidents during treatment was gathered from patient files. Risk factors for recidivism were assessed using the PCL-R and historical items of the HCR-20, including items from the new Female Additional Manual (FAM). Compared to non-BPD women, BPD women were more likely to have been abused as children and to have a history of outpatient treatment. While less likely to be convicted for (attempted) homicide, a higher percentage of BPD women was convicted for arson. Comorbid substance abuse was more frequent in the BPD group and incidents towards others and themselves were more violent in nature. The PCL-R and the H-scale of the HCR-20/FAM indicated several risk factors especially important for BPD women, such as poor behavioural control, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. The results support the clinical impression that women diagnosed with BPD are a subgroup within the female forensic psychiatric population, with specific focus points for treatment and management.  相似文献   

投机倒把罪属于经济犯罪,而经济犯罪与一个国家的经济体制存在密切的关联性。从1949年到1979年,我国没有制定《刑法》,但在有关政策和规范性文件中,却对投机倒把罪做了规定,成为当时严格的计划经济体制下,惩治破坏计划经济体制的投机倒把行为的主要根据。我国1979年《刑法》规定了投机倒把罪,但对投机倒把行为没有具体规定,主要是通过司法解释进行规定,因而投机倒把罪具有口袋罪的特征。随着从计划经济体制到市场经济体制的发展,投机倒把罪的内涵发生了重大变化。尤其是1997年《刑法》废除了投机倒把罪,代之以非法经营罪。非法经营罪仍然保留了口袋罪的特征,利用《刑法》第225条第4款关于其他非法经营行为的兜底规定,我国立法机关和司法机关不断扩张非法经营罪的范围。从投机倒把罪到非法经营罪的罪名演变,可以视为是我国《刑法》70年历史变迁的一个缩影。  相似文献   

Crime victims are a critical component of the criminal justice system. Their evaluations of the police have been studied through victimization and public attitude surveys mainly in the US and the UK. This study, which utilizes data from a large scale community survey conducted in Israel in 2008, finds that victims’ attitudes towards the police are significantly more negative than those of non-victims regarding police treatment, performance, and trust in the police. This study is the first to compare the views of victims and non-victims in Israel, while focusing on a wider array of attitudes than previously examined.  相似文献   

Matricide is an infrequent form of homicide. This paper is to present a case of matricide with typical characteristics of the act but interesting particularities as well. The perpetrator was a 43-year-old man, respected member of his community, with over compliant characteristics, eagerness in serving people and caring his parents, good social adaptation before and after the crime. He abandoned his family and work in order to better serve his old, disabled but over demanding mother who frequently insulted and humiliated him. Suddenly he came to a state of "mental confusion" and strangled her. After the crime, the perpetrator manifested the symptoms of a bipolar disorder and also received the diagnosis of dependant personality disorder. Years later, he presented again a crisis of escalating aggressive urge for which he was hospitalized. Many people and associations of his hometown actively demanded the minimal possible punishment for him. The case is discussed especially concerning: a) hypotheses about the aetiopathogeny of the act, b) the constant support provided to the perpetrator by his family and social environment.  相似文献   

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